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What do your Thai neighbors really think about you?

Darren McKenzie

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Bottom Line - They don't like you but don't feel picked on !

Thais think they're superior to every other race on the planet and that includes Germans and Israelis who take some beating.
Forget Buddha - Zenophobia is their religion and they think acting stupid is clever until found out and then they giggle like schoolchildren caught in the act or they "lose face" at shoot you.
Don't be fooled by their "smiles" that is their way of saying "I'm smarter than you'll ever live to be, stupid farang"
When you have been here for some time you learn to play the game their way, you will act stupid to prove them right and "smile" back and that includes the playing their visa game
All Embassies have conspired to make money out of the visa racket and the foreign embassies are in on it.
The British Embassy charge GBP50 for an Income Letter (which doesn't have to be translated into Thai) and another GBP50 for confirming that a British Marriage Certificate is genuine (which does have to be translated for a further GBP16).
Thai Immigration have cottoned onto to the money being made for the forged documents being produced down Khaosan Road
Embassies are NOT there to help you - this you will find out if you ever get into trouble - they are there to help themselves.
Together with Thai Immigration embassies and consulates they are tax collectors, job creators and profit centres
The hurdles they erect, often at a moments notice as you've just cleared the last one, are simply to prove that you are the trained monkey and they are the RingMasters. So learn to jump the fences and "smile" at the same time.
Superiority, job creation and status is the name of the game for as long as they can keep you waiting, producing this that and the other totally unnecessary document, the bigger they become and the smaller you become !
Your humble gratitude, your "Kop Khun Krup Mak Mak" as you genuflect and bow out the door when they finally issue your visa is their ultimate triumph and proves, to them at least, that they are superior to you in every way.
Just another stupid farang to be ripped off in the LOS (Land of Scams)

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Bottom Line - They don't like you but don't feel picked on !

Thais think they're superior to every other race on the planet and that includes Germans and Israelis who take some beating.

Forget Buddha - Zenophobia is their religion and they think acting stupid is clever until found out and then they giggle like schoolchildren caught in the act or they "lose face" at shoot you.

Don't be fooled by their "smiles" that is their way of saying "I'm smarter than you'll ever live to be, stupid farang"

When you have been here for some time you learn to play the game their way, you will act stupid to prove them right and "smile" back and that includes the playing their visa game

All Embassies have conspired to make money out of the visa racket and the foreign embassies are in on it.

The British Embassy charge GBP50 for an Income Letter (which doesn't have to be translated into Thai) and another GBP50 for confirming that a British Marriage Certificate is genuine (which does have to be translated for a further GBP16).

Thai Immigration have cottoned onto to the money being made for the forged documents being produced down Khaosan Road

Embassies are NOT there to help you - this you will find out if you ever get into trouble - they are there to help themselves.

Together with Thai Immigration embassies and consulates they are tax collectors, job creators and profit centres

The hurdles they erect, often at a moments notice as you've just cleared the last one, are simply to prove that you are the trained monkey and they are the RingMasters. So learn to jump the fences and "smile" at the same time.

Superiority, job creation and status is the name of the game for as long as they can keep you waiting, producing this that and the other totally unnecessary document, the bigger they become and the smaller you become !

Your humble gratitude, your "Kop Khun Krup Mak Mak" as you genuflect and bow out the door when they finally issue your visa is their ultimate triumph and proves, to them at least, that they are superior to you in every way.

Just another stupid farang to be ripped off in the LOS (Land of Scams)

Well, thanks for that, I intend NEVER to live next door to an Embassy!

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I have read some of the crass responses to your article, let me try to explain my point of view please.

I live in a rather remote area in Northwest Thailand where there are few foreigners also living here. I have tried so hard to fit in with their culture and can speak and understand a fair bit of the language. I do however experience an amount of hostility from the small minded neighbours, which extends to jealousy towards my wife. She is very hard working and started a small weaving business to supplement my pension and she's doing really well. Some of the women neighbours resent this and have admonished her on several ocassions, leaving her feeling very down. She had a difficult childhood, being orphaned at five years old, but has helped her foster parents and neighbours long before I arrived on the scene. I can't understand this as we have had many of them, their husbands, brothers and sons working on our property and paid them well. All forgotten now because of narrow minded thoughts on " falangs. "

They have no idea how hard I worked to save for what is after all an average private pension, even in this country and I resent their narrow minded behaviour. Fortunately she has other friends who are not so petty, some of which help us immensely as I'm not very mobile now due to ill health.

For those of you that have responded that you don't care what others think of you, that's very sad, selfish and bad mannered. By the way I'm English and am still a firm believer in the saying " manners maketh man and cost nothing. " Think on those of you with your heads in the clouds, one day you may need some help.

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I don't know what my neighbours think of me. I do not care. I know that I do not think of them.

On the surface it is all smiles (baring teeth) and 'Hello'. I know the value of this friendliness. It suits me and them.

Actually they have a reason to dislike me intently. In a General meeting of condo owners 6 years ago I said something about them (collectively) sitting there like Bandar Log, made the sign of the three proverbial monkeys and walked out.

Maybe they didn't read Kipling. Maybe my sign was not convincing. Maybe their English isn't good. Maybe they are 'all-forgiving' or 'non-confrontational' Thais. Maybe they think I'm a crazy old Farang. Maybe I am. I don't know.

My wife says I'm short tempered and rude. I think I try to get to the point the quickest way.

Point is: I am still here, still not caring of anybody's feelings and have no quarrel with my nature. I'm not proud of myself, just being myself. Integrity and consistency does count.

The smiles and 'Hello' keep coming.

I accept that some people need approval of the others. I don't. wai2.gif

Aw go on, tell us how you really feel biggrin.png

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Picture the scene .................

Morning has broken. A cool breeze is coming in off the Andaman. Sunlight filters through your Venetian blinds. The scent of jasmin perfumes your kitchen and living room.

You go out into the front garden to enjoy a cup of freshly-ground coffee. The man next door smiles as he sets off for work; the lady across the street says hello as she prepares to take her daughter to school.

It's the start of another day here in paradise. What could be better?

Suburban bliss?

What many of you don't realize is that hiding beneath this facade of suburban bliss is a dark and little known secret.

The truth is this: your Thai neighbors don't like you. They want you to go.

The three reasons why your Thai neighbors want you out

I shan't go into detail. But I do wonder if any of you really understand the extent to which your Thai neighbors dislike you.

What are the 3 main reasons

Maybe they don't like people that come and take take take from their country

They might respect people that don't sit around and do nothing al day and look down at their thai neighbours

Maybe if they did some work in the community then they might earn some respect

It's all about if u want respect then I have to earn it

It is not just about money

Some Thais shall go out their way to help you with out the reward of money of they respect you and like u

If not then they are not bothered

That is not to say that by giving them a donation would show your respect back for their help such as expensive fish food or something to show your gratitude as no one likes a cheap Charlie

Saying that no one likes a fool either

Or if I r rich and u have loads of friends anyway then who cares of they like you or not

They don't bother u and u dont make trouble for them then everyone is happy

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