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Police Detain Sondhi


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They are now talking about him being eligible to re run as P.M. and head of the TRT just like before.

interesting information... your sources are???


At the risk of going off topic, when was he ever ineligible? He left voluntarily - under pressure, of course - and he can come back voluntarily. Did the PAD write a law that he could not?




Since when have i ever used PAD to voice my opinions, who are justified again in my opinion of requesting transparency ect. ect. according to the peoples constitution.

Kamoy Thaksin and his cronies have minipulated the laws and constitution for monetary gain and position, PAD have never been in any position to bend and minipulate the laws / constitution as the ruling party and are NOT taking actions for monetary gains ect. ect.

Kamoy Thaksin has NEVER been eligible due to lying about his " allegedly " charitable actions of transfering most of his ill gotten gains to his staff and took office via help from from his cronies and bribes initially.

As for being not eligible this time round you do not need others or myself to continually repeat what has been observed many, many times as to why he should not be fit to govern, in the past, now, or in the future.

If you need reminding of the reasons open your eyes, look around and then go read some of what has been observed over his time in office.

He will by the way be be investigated on all counts remember.

Should he be found to be an " honest " citizen making continual " honest " mistakes along with his family and cronies in an "honest " and transparent way then pigs will fly and you,ll be witnessing the 8th wonder of the world.

By the way had he " allegedly " done the honourable thing and stood down until all charges against him where investigated, leaving the party governing in an honest and independant way according to the Thai constitution, and not arrogantly call an election, then you would, and he would, have been able to gain creditability from it.

Should you also need to recap on my views you are invited to scroll all the past posts on the various threads for my opinions as my time on T.Visa is limited and i have a life to get on with.

If you want to play tennis on differences of opinion then find another person with the same mindset and nothing better to do.

marshbags :o:D:D

P.S. on a lighter note..................... If the pigs fly will the bacon / ham go up.

Edited by marshbags
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I’m rather surprised by your lack of awareness of these quite-often practices here.

John, even you, should be able to see that Sondhi and the others have been using this for their own gains, and then again maybe you just can't see anything anymore. They have been snubbing their noses at the police with the cavalier attitude of "Come and get me" hoping to cause a disturbance or confrontation. The police, to their credit, waited till a lull in the action and did just that.

You’re showing a distinct lack of familiarity with how things are done over here.

John, how things are done and how things should be done are two different things. The police did what they should have done, sorry that it was done on their time-frame and not yours or the PAD's. No offense, bu don't move your head too much, because it still rattles.

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Gunning down suspected drug dealers,

Intimidating the Press,

Prime Ministers making billions, tax free.

Mishandeling the south.

Mob demonstrations.

Fraudulent elections where the winner steps down, sort of.

Opposition, thrown in jail on questionable charges.

Things could get bad.

Could Thailand end up like the Philippines soon?

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I’m rather surprised by your lack of awareness of these quite-often practices here.

John, even you, should be able to see that Sondhi and the others have been using this for their own gains, and then again maybe you just can't see anything anymore. They have been snubbing their noses at the police with the cavalier attitude of "Come and get me" hoping to cause a disturbance or confrontation. The police, to their credit, waited till a lull in the action and did just that.

Not sure what any of that has to do with the statement I wrote which was to simply point out that there was nothing unusual about his not turning himself in at the earliest possible moment. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary about his "cavalier" act. It's pretty much a standard practice among big wigs here. I would have thought your organization would have been familiar and accustomed to it. Sorry, clearly I over-estimated your knowledge.

You’re showing a distinct lack of familiarity with how things are done over here.

John, how things are done and how things should be done are two different things. The police did what they should have done, sorry that it was done on their time-frame and not yours or the PAD's. No offense, bu don't move your head too much, because it still rattles.

Certainly, how things are done and how they ought to be done is a common-place occurence in Thailand. Much of the content of this entire forum is based on that premise. Perhaps if you feel that strongly about this particular aspect of big wigs snubbing their noses at supoenas or people being granted bail so easily, then possibly the Association For Foreigners Outside Thailand should take it on as one of their tasks. Good luck on your endeavors.

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He will by the way be be investigated on all counts remember.

Hasn't he been investigated in the past?

Was anything one might call justice handed out then?

Why should you expect any different now?

It is important to bear in mind who will be doing the investigating.

As things stand now, it would be more accurate to label any investigation a whitewash;

A thing better left until such a day as this current crop of cronies has left the building.

Dude, do you really think he just walked away?

Hasn't he on numerous occasions mentioned Lee Kwan Yew as his role model?

He has all the power he needs, and none of the annoying glare of the press hounding him at every step, and documenting his every misstep.

He's the happiest he's been in years.

By the way had he " allegedly " done the honourable thing and stood down until all charges against him where investigated, leaving the party governing in an honest and independant way according to the Thai constitution, and not arrogantly call an election, then you would, and he would, have been able to gain creditability from it.

As for credibility, he has amply demonstrated that, vis-a-vis the current state of democracy in Thailand, he has as much of that as he needs as well.

Makes me wanna holler

And throw up both my hands

But whatcha gonna do?


Edited by joe beets
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Sondhi released on bail after spending five hours in custody

After almost five hours in police custody, anti-Thaksin crusader and key People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) leader Sondhi Limthongkul was released on bail last night to the cheers of a crowd of several hundred supporters.

“I do not want us to feel angry or hate the police. As civil servants, they have to follow orders…I believe the CSD police have tried their best to do their job. Most police officers are good persons. Only a few top officers serve Thaksin. Today’s incident shows how awful the Thaksin regime is,” Sondhi told supporters who had gathered at the Crime Suppression Division (CSD) headquarters in the Lat Phrao area shortly after he was released late last evening on a 300,000-baht bail.

The maverick media mogul had earlier in the afternoon surrendered to CSD police following a court-approved arrest warrant issued after Sondhi had defied two police summons to answer charges of l?se-majest? arising from his public comments last month.

Almost five hours went by before police received a permission document signed by the National Police Chief Pol Gen Kowit Wattana to let Sondhi out on bail.

The release came after Sondhi’s supporters gathered at the CSD Office, yelling angrily at the police, while many more were reportedly on their way to join their numbers if no clear decision was forthcoming soon.

To spirited chants of “Thaksin…Get out,” Sondhi told the crowd that he will continue his anti-Thaksin actions. He said that he trusted only the court’s judgement and fairness and has therefore been ready to comply only with the court’s orders while not following the police’s summonses.

He said he did not mind his delayed release because the document authorizing it had a long way to travel from the National Police Bureau.

Sondhi added that he had intended not to bail himself out at first but changed his mind later to prevent causing further political conflict and warned that there will be another arrest of the core leaders of PAD next Monday.

Sondhi insisted that the next anti-Thaksin gathering on May 2 will take place as scheduled.

Earlier in the afternoon, the CSD police received an arrest warrant for Sondhi issued by the Criminal Court, which they had requested Tuesday. Police said the warrant was necessary because Sondhi had not complied with their summonses.

Sondhi and his legal team, meanwhile, rushed to present themselves to the police at the CSD office.

Sondhi’s lawyer Suwat Apaipakdi said yesterday that the investigation, led by CSD Commander Pol Maj-Gen Winai Thongsong lasted only a short time because he already submitted documentary evidence in advance.

He said that Sondhi co-operated with the investigators but denied wrongdoing concerning every allegation against him. “We were ready to present the 300,000 baht cash for Sondhi’s bail. But, the investigators said that none but the National Police Chief Pol. Gen. Kowit Wattana had the authority to decide on the bail because Sondhi’s case is exceptional. It concerns national security and the monarchy.”

Meanwhile, Pol Maj-Gen Winai said that Sondhi may be asked to report to the police on Wednesday if necessary.

Source: ThaiDay - 28 April 2006

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Not sure what any of that has to do with the statement I wrote which was to simply point out that there was nothing unusual about his not turning himself in at the earliest possible moment. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary about his "cavalier" act. [/color=#FF0000]

You forgot to mention undermining democracy by trying to get the Monarchy unnecessarily involved. But then, we all know that you would rather stage personal attacks at any of us that do not share your misguided beliefs. You defiantly have learned something on that account from your PAD heroes. If all else fails attack someone or something they believe in to deflect attention from yourself and your actions. What else could be expected with tutelage like that.

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He will by the way be be investigated on all counts remember.

Hasn't he been investigated in the past?

Was anything one might call justice handed out then?

Why should you expect any different now?

It is important to bear in mind who will be doing the investigating.

As things stand now, it would be more accurate to label any investigation a whitewash;

A thing better left until such a day as this current crop of cronies has left the building.

Dude, do you really think he just walked away?

Hasn't he on numerous occasions mentioned Lee Kwan Yew as his role model?

He has all the power he needs, and none of the annoying glare of the press hounding him at every step, and documenting his every misstep.

He's the happiest he's been in years.

By the way had he " allegedly " done the honourable thing and stood down until all charges against him where investigated, leaving the party governing in an honest and independant way according to the Thai constitution, and not arrogantly call an election, then you would, and he would, have been able to gain creditability from it.

As for credibility, he has amply demonstrated that, vis-a-vis the current state of democracy in Thailand, he has as much of that as he needs as well.

Makes me wanna holler

And throw up both my hands

But whatcha gonna do?




Please jb, scroll through the previous posts / threads then you will not be making statements on ground already covered and see all your observations have been highlighted by many including myself.

No offence and just my humble opinion while offering assistance and saving you time and having misunderstandings on my views and what i humbly consider right and wrong.

You are miles off target, i,m sorry to say.

At the same time i wouldn,t want you to harm yourself throwing your hands about and hollering.

Stay cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool,

By the way the names marshbags, who is this guy named dude you mention ? :o

There are no ranches where i come from............................................................................

By all means i welcome your opinions wether the agree with mine / others or not, this is what debate is all about.

marshbags :D:D:D

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Not sure what any of that has to do with the statement I wrote which was to simply point out that there was nothing unusual about his not turning himself in at the earliest possible moment. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary about his "cavalier" act. [/color=#FF0000]

You forgot to mention undermining democracy by trying to get the Monarchy unnecessarily involved. But then, we all know that you would rather stage personal attacks at any of us that do not share your misguided beliefs. You defiantly have learned something on that account from your PAD heroes. If all else fails attack someone or something they believe in to deflect attention from yourself and your actions. What else could be expected with tutelage like that.

where are my marshmallows? ... they could be cooked nicely on that flame :o

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Not sure what any of that has to do with the statement I wrote which was to simply point out that there was nothing unusual about his not turning himself in at the earliest possible moment. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary about his "cavalier" act. [/color=#FF0000]

You forgot to mention undermining democracy by trying to get the Monarchy unnecessarily involved. But then, we all know that you would rather stage personal attacks at any of us that do not share your misguided beliefs. You defiantly have learned something on that account from your PAD heroes. If all else fails attack someone or something they believe in to deflect attention from yourself and your actions. What else could be expected with tutelage like that.

now you're just rambling, lukamar...

are you able to handle and discuss one topic at a time?

My post is in response to the thread title and your comments... yours has nothing to do with my comments nor the thread.

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I love these flammable topics. It especially tickles me when people CHOOSE to offend themselves at remarks made by others.

In the meantime, Australia (soon to be renamed Amstralia or Ausmerica thanks to Dictator Bush's 'deputy sheriff' aka John Howard) has recently introduced Sedition laws, which are very similar to the lese majeste laws spoken about in this topic.

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I love these flammable topics. It especially tickles me when people CHOOSE to offend themselves at remarks made by others.

In the meantime, Australia (soon to be renamed Amstralia or Ausmerica thanks to Dictator Bush's 'deputy sheriff' aka John Howard) has recently introduced Sedition laws, which are very similar to the lese majeste laws spoken about in this topic.

Elky - HAve cup of black coffee and get some fresh air.

Are you saying the lese majeste laws themselves are wrong, or the detaining of Sonti over the charge that he violated that law?

As far as I understand your post, you attempt to denigrate Prime Minister(?) Howard and then, by association, denigrate the lese majeste law. I wasn't around when the law was written, but I thought it had to do with the Thais' reverence for the King and Royal family. I don't think it is analogous to anything going on in America or Australia.

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They are now talking about him being eligible to re run as P.M. and head of the TRT just like before.

interesting information... your sources are???


At the risk of going off topic, when was he ever ineligible? He left voluntarily - under pressure, of course - and he can come back voluntarily. Did the PAD write a law that he could not?




Since when have i ever used PAD to voice my opinions, who are justified again in my opinion of requesting transparency ect. ect. according to the peoples constitution.

Kamoy Thaksin and his cronies have minipulated the laws and constitution for monetary gain and position, PAD have never been in any position to bend and minipulate the laws / constitution as the ruling party and are NOT taking actions for monetary gains ect. ect.

Kamoy Thaksin has NEVER been eligible due to lying about his " allegedly " charitable actions of transfering most of his ill gotten gains to his staff and took office via help from from his cronies and bribes initially.

As for being not eligible this time round you do not need others or myself to continually repeat what has been observed many, many times as to why he should not be fit to govern, in the past, now, or in the future.

If you need reminding of the reasons open your eyes, look around and then go read some of what has been observed over his time in office.

He will by the way be be investigated on all counts remember.

Should he be found to be an " honest " citizen making continual " honest " mistakes along with his family and cronies in an "honest " and transparent way then pigs will fly and you,ll be witnessing the 8th wonder of the world.

By the way had he " allegedly " done the honourable thing and stood down until all charges against him where investigated, leaving the party governing in an honest and independant way according to the Thai constitution, and not arrogantly call an election, then you would, and he would, have been able to gain creditability from it.

Should you also need to recap on my views you are invited to scroll all the past posts on the various threads for my opinions as my time on T.Visa is limited and i have a life to get on with.

If you want to play tennis on differences of opinion then find another person with the same mindset and nothing better to do.

marshbags :o:D:D

P.S. on a lighter note..................... If the pigs fly will the bacon / ham go up.

OK. I know you did not invoke the name of PAD to voice your opinions and I know they don't make law. I was merely being sarcastic.

Technically, Thaksin is eligible to be appointed by TRT as prime minister, should they win any future elections. As far as I understand, at this time, it would require a court action or statement from the King to make him ineligible. Those are the checks and balances, due to the overwhelming TRT majority in the parliment, as I understand it. Parliment is of course, not in session yet.

I invoked the name of PAD because they sought to declare the PM ineligible without any mechanism to do so. In so doing, it is almost as if they declare "law" though there is not one.

I don't want to recap all the old arguments, nor discount all that you said about what Thaksin did or did not do. In my opinion, these grievences need to go through proper processes.

If pigs fly, I will start carrying an umbrella.

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PAD leaders surrender THE NATION

The five decision makers of the People's Alliance for Democracy Monday surrendered at the Crime Suppression Division to fight charges that they had attempted to topple democracy.

Chamlong Srimuang, Sondhi Limthongkul, Somsak Kosaisuk, Somkiart Pongpaibul and Pipop Thongchai turned up at the CSD head office at 8:30 am.

Some 150 police commandos were deployed to keep law and order when some 100 supporters of the PAD came to the CSD. Police do not allow the supporters to go inside the office of the CSD.

The police issued their second summons in a month for the five after a case was filed against them by Chalard Worachat for allegedly attempting to topple democracy. They failed to report on Friday.

".....they had attempted to topple democracy."


What hypocrisy! If anyone has attempted to undermine the democratic process and the rule of law and order in Thailand this last five years - the Dark Ages of Thailand's democratic evolution - then it surely has to be Thaksin and all those politically sympathetic and paid-off cronies he surrounds himself with.

The acceptance of this petition by the Crime Supppression division and the issuance of these summons in connection with the charge is a travesty of justice. The leaders of the PAD were simply charging Thaksin and the government with endemic corruption. They spoke the truth and brought to the peoples' attention what was really goin' on.

These are trumped-up, poitically motivated charges that have nothing whatsoever to do with democracy. It's pure and unadulturated spite and retribution.

If anyone should be in a court of law now it should be that thief and abuser of human rights and civil liberties.....TOXIN.....and his servile henchmen in TRT, the judiciary and the executive branch. :o:D

Edited by bulmercke
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lukamar wrote: "John, even you, should be able to see that Sondhi and the others have been using this for their own gains, and then again maybe you just can't see anything anymore. They have been snubbing their noses at the police with the cavalier attitude of "Come and get me" hoping to cause a disturbance or confrontation. The police, to their credit, waited till a lull in the action and did just that. "



Well, you're obviously entitled to your own views, even if they're seriously biased against the PAD.

Citing numerous incidences of cronyism and corruption against the government and Thaksin isn't snubbing your nose at the police.....it's a democratic right, but obviously you see it as otherwise!

Being able to bring out onto the streets over a hundred thousand supporters - who, without exception, maintained themselves in a lawful and civil and decent way - despite over-whelming numbers of police officers on some occasions - Election Commission head-quarters and Lumpini Park last year - obvious intimidation by the government through the police - is not snubbing your nose at the police - it's responsible and law abiding behaviour by the PAD and it's supporters.

During the campaign to oust Thaksin there were numerous ocassions when the PAD and it's supporters could have taken advantage of the situation and incited and caused a disturbance or confrontation, but they didn't.

I don't want to sound patronising, but please think before you post in future!

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Sondhi is a tool IMO and is every bit as bad as the people he opposes.I wonder what his agenda is.

chuchok - a tool of who?

If it wasn't for Sondhi, I doubt whether Thaksin would have stepped down or the PAD would, indeed, be in existence now.

It was Sondhi, basically acting alone, who got the whole movement off the ground and gave it impetus. It was his money, his expertise and his courage and temerity that got the ball rolling in the first place, behind which others subsequently joined!

Credit where credit's due!

IMHO I believe he genuinely wants to see more transparency in government, but, of course, I will concede that his initial actions, were, perhaps, more motivated by revenge than anything else. But things are different now and he appears just as committed as the other four members of the PAD to proper parliamentary reform.

Incidentally, he didn't vote at the last election, which automatically disqualified him from entering politics formally as an elected member of parliament if he so chose.

He had no agenda other than to unseat Thaksin and over-see proper change.

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He had no agenda other than to unseat Thaksin and over-see proper change.

Correct. The question is: was it personal-revenge or was it genuine interest of/for the Thai people and country?

Only Sondhi could answer that question.


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Sondhi is a tool IMO and is every bit as bad as the people he opposes.I wonder what his agenda is.

chuchok - a tool of who?

"tool' is a slang expression. :o Could also have called him a "John Thomas" or an "old fella" :D

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PAD leaders surrender THE NATION

The five decision makers of the People's Alliance for Democracy Monday surrendered at the Crime Suppression Division to fight charges that they had attempted to topple democracy.

Chamlong Srimuang, Sondhi Limthongkul, Somsak Kosaisuk, Somkiart Pongpaibul and Pipop Thongchai turned up at the CSD head office at 8:30 am.

Some 150 police commandos were deployed to keep law and order when some 100 supporters of the PAD came to the CSD. Police do not allow the supporters to go inside the office of the CSD.

The police issued their second summons in a month for the five after a case was filed against them by Chalard Worachat for allegedly attempting to topple democracy. They failed to report on Friday.

".....they had attempted to topple democracy."


What hypocrisy! If anyone has attempted to undermine the democratic process and the rule of law and order in Thailand this last five years - the Dark Ages of Thailand's democratic evolution - then it surely has to be Thaksin and all those politically sympathetic and paid-off cronies he surrounds himself with.

The acceptance of this petition by the Crime Supppression division and the issuance of these summons in connection with the charge is a travesty of justice. The leaders of the PAD were simply charging Thaksin and the government with endemic corruption. They spoke the truth and brought to the peoples' attention what was really goin' on.

These are trumped-up, poitically motivated charges that have nothing whatsoever to do with democracy. It's pure and unadulturated spite and retribution.

If anyone should be in a court of law now it should be that thief and abuser of human rights and civil liberties.....TOXIN.....and his servile henchmen in TRT, the judiciary and the executive branch. :o:D

Actually .. it may be a good thing to have the leaders of PAD asked to defend their actions ... i believe what they did was good for Thailand in hte long-run ... but since a few flamers don't ... this will give them the chance to explain it better :D

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Since when have i ever used PAD to voice my opinions, who are justified again in my opinion of requesting transparency ect. ect. according to the peoples constitution.

Kamoy Thaksin and his cronies have minipulated the laws and constitution for monetary gain and position, PAD have never been in any position to bend and minipulate the laws / constitution as the ruling party and are NOT taking actions for monetary gains ect. ect.

Kamoy Thaksin has NEVER been eligible due to lying about his " allegedly " charitable actions of transfering most of his ill gotten gains to his staff and took office via help from from his cronies and bribes initially.

As for being not eligible this time round you do not need others or myself to continually repeat what has been observed many, many times as to why he should not be fit to govern, in the past, now, or in the future.

If you need reminding of the reasons open your eyes, look around and then go read some of what has been observed over his time in office.

He will by the way be be investigated on all counts remember.

Should he be found to be an " honest " citizen making continual " honest " mistakes along with his family and cronies in an "honest " and transparent way then pigs will fly and you,ll be witnessing the 8th wonder of the world.

By the way had he " allegedly " done the honourable thing and stood down until all charges against him where investigated, leaving the party governing in an honest and independant way according to the Thai constitution, and not arrogantly call an election, then you would, and he would, have been able to gain creditability from it.

Should you also need to recap on my views you are invited to scroll all the past posts on the various threads for my opinions as my time on T.Visa is limited and i have a life to get on with.

If you want to play tennis on differences of opinion then find another person with the same mindset and nothing better to do.

marshbags :o:D:D

P.S. on a lighter note..................... If the pigs fly will the bacon / ham go up.




B.i.Isaan,s reply

OK. I know you did not invoke the name of PAD to voice your opinions and I know they don't make law. I was merely being sarcastic.

Technically, Thaksin is eligible to be appointed by TRT as prime minister, should they win any future elections. As far as I understand, at this time, it would require a court action or statement from the King to make him ineligible. Those are the checks and balances, due to the overwhelming TRT majority in the parliment, as I understand it. Parliment is of course, not in session yet.

I invoked the name of PAD because they sought to declare the PM ineligible without any mechanism to do so. In so doing, it is almost as if they declare "law" though there is not one.

I don't want to recap all the old arguments, nor discount all that you said about what Thaksin did or did not do. In my opinion, these grievences need to go through proper processes.

If pigs fly, I will start carrying an umbrella.




Thanks for your reply Brian in Isaan and not going down the road of the headless chickens who go beyond a little harmless sarcasm.

I see you have a sense of humour also, nice one.

It looks like we will be witnessing a re run of the election and hopefully for the Thai people a chance to get out of the bad old habits, break the mould and get democracy and fair justice for all, they deserve it.

If not, i,m afraid next time around things will get out of hand and they will loose all the positives that have taken place through peaceful means.

The fact that apart from minor incidents we have not seen the violence of all the previous demonstrations over the years is a very noticable step forward.

That in itself is a significant achievement by anyones take on the events.

One last observation, it seems that the powers that be are still instigating one sided justice in arresting members of the demonstrating parties.

Now they are over whats the point apart from trying to get everyones back up and by doing so using it to again justify there own actions.

When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.

marshbags :D:D:D

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I love these flammable topics. It especially tickles me when people CHOOSE to offend themselves at remarks made by others.

In the meantime, Australia (soon to be renamed Amstralia or Ausmerica thanks to Dictator Bush's 'deputy sheriff' aka John Howard) has recently introduced Sedition laws, which are very similar to the lese majeste laws spoken about in this topic.

Elky - HAve cup of black coffee and get some fresh air.

Are you saying the lese majeste laws themselves are wrong, or the detaining of Sonti over the charge that he violated that law?

As far as I understand your post, you attempt to denigrate Prime Minister(?) Howard and then, by association, denigrate the lese majeste law. I wasn't around when the law was written, but I thought it had to do with the Thais' reverence for the King and Royal family. I don't think it is analogous to anything going on in America or Australia.

I've had my coffee...thanks for reminding me. :o

What I'm saying is that any type of sedition law is just another step further away from democracy & another step closer to dictatorship.

Sondhi was charged on a law of sedition. I am opposed to this. If he was charged otherwise (like defamation), I would take a different stance.

My reference to other countries was comparative only.

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Sondhi is a tool IMO and is every bit as bad as the people he opposes.I wonder what his agenda is.

chuchok - a tool of who?

"tool' is a slang expression. :o Could also have called him a "John Thomas" or an "old fella" :D

A "tool" is usually defined as " a person manipulated by another for his or her own ends" - i.e. in this case we could be talking about the PAD using Sondhi's media resources and wealth to further their own political aims and agenda.

Perhaps, to some extent, this was the case and is still, but I honestly believe Sondhi is committed to proper change - just as hundreds of thousands of other Thais are now.

Let's not forget that this time last year, Sondhi was blasting away at Thaksin and government corruption on his talk show and talking to a much smaller audience before the recent events of the last six months engulfed him and everyone else involved in the Thai political scene!

Chuchok - if you meant to use "tool" in a derogatory sense then it wasn't clear from your posting and furthermore it would have been more applicable if you had used it to refer to Toxin!


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Sondhi is a tool IMO and is every bit as bad as the people he opposes.I wonder what his agenda is.

chuchok - a tool of who?

"tool' is a slang expression. :o Could also have called him a "John Thomas" or an "old fella" :D

A "tool" is usually defined as " a person manipulated by another for his or her own ends" -

Chuchok - if you meant to use "tool" in a derogatory sense then it wasn't clear from your posting and furthermore it would have been more applicable if you had used it to refer to Toxin!


Where I come from tool means a penis,prick,member, or dork etc.

I ment it as written.

I'm off now to look for your sense of humour.Any idea where I should start? :D

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If Sondhi spoke badly of the King then he deserves the maximum 15 year sentence.

Yes, I agree with you. It's very obvious from His Majesty's concern over recent developments that he loves his people and doesn't want to see bloodshed at any cost; it's a mutual relationship and I'm sure Sondhi is no exception. Sondhi loves the King.

How could it be that Sondhi would want to be disrespectful to the King and want to talk badly about him or say such things that would cause others to want to bring about charges of lese majeste?

I know of several Thai people who attended the recent rallies and I don't recall anyone mentioning anything disrespectful that he was "supposedly" meant to have said.

These are serious charges.

Why, as was mentioned in a very good letter in The Nation recently, are we not permitted to know exactly what was said? Why can't exact details of what he was supposed to have said be repeated in the media. Surely this is common sense. Then we could all make up our own minds as to whether the charges are valid or not.

IMHO, these charges are being used as a political tool to harass and intimidate the PAD and it's leaders. I doubt very much if there is anything to them that could be genuinely substantiated and held up in a proper court of law.

In future, this issue of lese majeste and dragging His Majesty into every political spat needs to be seriously addressed - which is basically what he said last week!

The much needed political reform needs to encompass this matter.

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Sondhi is a tool IMO and is every bit as bad as the people he opposes.I wonder what his agenda is.

chuchok - a tool of who?

"tool' is a slang expression. :o Could also have called him a "John Thomas" or an "old fella" :D

A "tool" is usually defined as " a person manipulated by another for his or her own ends" -

Chuchok - if you meant to use "tool" in a derogatory sense then it wasn't clear from your posting and furthermore it would have been more applicable if you had used it to refer to Toxin!


Where I come from tool means a penis,prick,member, or dork etc.

I ment it as written.

I'm off now to look for your sense of humour.Any idea where I should start? :D

Actually, I have a fairly well developed sense of humour. However, in matters relating to Thaksin and what's goin' on here these days.....it appears to be a little lacking!

However, you could try looking here!




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