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Police Detain Sondhi


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Actually, I have a fairly well developed sense of humour. However, in matters relating to Thaksin and what's goin' on here these days.....it appears to be a little lacking!

However, you could try looking here!




That is very typical of people trying to overthrow a democracy - attack the democratically-elected leader's appearance and avoid the real issue of how he won the election in a landslide, with or without opposition.

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Actually, I have a fairly well developed sense of humour. However, in matters relating to Thaksin and what's goin' on here these days.....it appears to be a little lacking!

However, you could try looking here!




That is very typical of people trying to overthrow a democracy - attack the democratically-elected leader's appearance and avoid the real issue of how he won the election in a landslide, with or without opposition.

Here we go again.....back to the old chestnut........"democracy"......the thing is - under Thaksin - Thailand wasn't and isn't a proper, functioning democracy - that's why the Peoples Alliance For Democracy came about and the opposition parties chose wisely not to contest it.

The system - including the Election Commission - the courts - the media - and other branches of the executive who are meant to remain impartial and act as a checks and balances sysyem - was in the pocket, more or less of Thaksin and TRT.

Anyway, Thaible, why defend Thaksin when you know very well he has spoken like a street boy in the past and has used aggressive and inflamatory and insulting language to belittle and insult his opponents.

I think you're still smarting from the shock that your "illustrious" leader will soon be no longer PM.

Anyway, you can't dispute the fact that he does, indeed, have a square face - I guess - once a square face always a square face!

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Actually, I have a fairly well developed sense of humour. However, in matters relating to Thaksin and what's goin' on here these days.....it appears to be a little lacking!

However, you could try looking here!




That is very typical of people trying to overthrow a democracy - attack the democratically-elected leader's appearance and avoid the real issue of how he won the election in a landslide, with or without opposition.

Here we go again.....back to the old chestnut........"democracy"......the thing is - under Thaksin - Thailand wasn't and isn't a proper, functioning democracy - that's why the Peoples Alliance For Democracy came about and the opposition parties chose wisely not to contest it.

The system - including the Election Commission - the courts - the media - and other branches of the executive who are meant to remain impartial and act as a checks and balances sysyem - was in the pocket, more or less of Thaksin and TRT.

Anyway, Thaible, why defend Thaksin when you know very well he has spoken like a street boy in the past and has used aggressive and inflamatory and insulting language to belittle and insult his opponents.

I think you're still smarting from the shock that your "illustrious" leader will soon be no longer PM.

Anyway, you can't dispute the fact that he does, indeed, have a square face - I guess - once a square face always a square face!

Hear hear!!!

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Apparently the core allegations against Thaksin come from the interview published in Kom Chad Luek.

Bangkok Post gave a little explanation of the issue, but has been quiet since. Sondhi was talking about Egat privatisation and who should take responsibility for the failure. Thaksin, of course, refused to admit any guilt and accept any punishment. Sondhi sarcastically added that if it's not Thaksin, then it must be the King (as a person who signed the original decree).

Irony and sarcasm are dangerous things - you can get sued for the literal, not intended meaning.

I'm not sure if this post complies with all the board rules, but that what I learned from published news.

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Apparently the core allegations against Thaksin come from the interview published in Kom Chad Luek.

Bangkok Post gave a little explanation of the issue, but has been quiet since. Sondhi was talking about Egat privatisation and who should take responsibility for the failure. Thaksin, of course, refused to admit any guilt and accept any punishment. Sondhi sarcastically added that if it's not Thaksin, then it must be the King (as a person who signed the original decree).

Irony and sarcasm are dangerous things - you can get sued for the literal, not intended meaning.

I'm not sure if this post complies with all the board rules, but that what I learned from published news.

Plus - thanks for the info.

I certainly wasn't aware of what Sondhi was 'allegedly' (talking as an old hack here) accused of having said.

Having said that, any intelligent person would realise that no slight, whatsoever, against His Majesty The King was meant.

This was sarcasm, in short, directed straight at Thaksin.

Why all the fuss?

Looks like the 'ruling elite" are desperate to get something on Sondhi and the other PAD leaders.

They are thinking like immature juveniles. :o:D


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Apparently the core allegations against Thaksin come from the interview published in Kom Chad Luek.

Bangkok Post gave a little explanation of the issue, but has been quiet since. Sondhi was talking about Egat privatisation and who should take responsibility for the failure. Thaksin, of course, refused to admit any guilt and accept any punishment. Sondhi sarcastically added that if it's not Thaksin, then it must be the King (as a person who signed the original decree).

Irony and sarcasm are dangerous things - you can get sued for the literal, not intended meaning.

I'm not sure if this post complies with all the board rules, but that what I learned from published news.

Plus - thanks for the info.

I certainly wasn't aware of what Sondhi was 'allegedly' (talking as an old hack here) accused of having said.

Having said that, any intelligent person would realise that no slight, whatsoever, against His Majesty The King was meant.

This was sarcasm, in short, directed straight at Thaksin.

Why all the fuss?

Looks like the 'ruling elite" are desperate to get something on Sondhi and the other PAD leaders.

They are thinking like immature juveniles. :o:D




Well said bulmerke,

There isn,t anyone who isn,t directing their views directly at the ruling party and the Thai citizens all know this.

The following article taken from The Nation sums up the attitude of people supposedly looking after the interest of the people and the constitution.


Judges give EC 3 days to explain

Constitution Court to rule on claims commission broke charter; it's likely, spokesman says

The Constitution Court yesterday agreed to rule on the legitimacy of the April 2 election in response to complaints filed by the Ombudsman.

The Election Commission (EC), meanwhile, expressed confidence that it would be able to defend itself against accusations that it has violated the charter.

The court will also rule today on the case filed by the EC against the Central Administrative Court's suspension of the third round of voting in 14 constituencies in nine provin-ces.

And it will hand down its decision on the Central Administrative Court's ruling against the exclusive use of rubber stamps in polling stations.

Constitution Court secretary-general Paiboon Warahapaitoon announced the court's decision to review the legality of the April 2 election.

"As a matter of law, it's likely that the Election Commission violated the Constitution," the Constitution Court spokesman Paiboon Waraha-paitoon told reporters, according to Agence France-Presse.

The 15 sitting judges gave the EC three days to respond to claims that the polls were improperly organised, Paiboon said.

Election commissioner Prinya Nakchudtree said yesterday that the EC had started drafting its defence against the accusations filed by the Ombudsman at the Constitution Court. The court yesterday ordered the EC to submit its report within three days.

Part quote...........................................................................


If by chance you have not read it please go to the following for the full article:-




Also in the Breaking news section to compliment the above:-

if Administrative Court nullifies election

Six Thai Rak Thai Party newly-elected MPs Monday threatened to gather signatures of other Thai Rak Thai MPs to seek a ruling from the Constitution Court if the Administrative Court nullifies the April 2 election.

The MPs held a meeting and announced that the Administrative Court did not have the power against the EC as the EC had the authority to organise elections.

The six MPs include Sophon Phetsawang, Phaichit Sriworakhan, Supachai Phosu, and Chamnong Phothisaro.

But the six did not mention a case seeking to nullify the election, which is under deliberation by the Constitution Court itself.

Sophon said his group was not trying to pressure the Administrative Court but the MPs had their right to express their stand.

Quote ended...........................................................................


Along with acting like juveniles they are acting like the arrogant, selfish, spoiled brats they are and for me sums up the situation entirely and what the now defunct Ruling elite represent.

The ruling elite are what,s wrong full stop, and any honest person knows this.

When will all the farce end and accountability begin. enough bull****, let,s get on with the obvious solution as posted by many in the different threads and in the press.

marshbags :D:D:D

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Its all about power. TRT see their total grip on a one party state being threatened by the judges. While the both the ex-parliamentary opposition and PAD both say they will accept the courts outcome, and hve accepted that their request for an appointed PM will not be met, TRT are trying to both influence that outcome and refuse to accept it. The election has been described as undemocratic but TRT still want it validated. The strange thing is they would probably still in another contested election!

I thought the compromise was no appointed PM = one defeat for opposition: undemocratic election overturned = one defeat for TRT: Everyone moves ahead. I wonder if the sticking point is if the election is overturned then the elecion commision would ethically be forced to resign. This would mean the extremely partisan group would be gone and may be replaced by a neutral body.

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PAD core leaders charged by THE POLICE Bangkok Post

Five leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy report to Crime Suppression Division police yesterday to hear charges, including posing a threat to democracy. From left: Chamlong Srimuang, Somkiat Pongpaiboon, Sondhi Limthongkul, Somsak Kosaisuk, Pibhop Dhongchai. — APICHART JINAKULRally still planned at Lumpini park today


The five core leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy yesterday reported to police, vowing to fight five charges against them and go ahead with today's rally, which is being switched from Sanam Luang to Lumpini park.

The accusations include a charge of threatening democracy filed by police.

The four other charges are illegal assembly, unlawfully staging demonstrations, obstructing traffic and the illegal use of loudspeakers.

They were initially filed by political activist Chalard Vorachat and others, but it turned out yesterday that the police had also pressed the four other charges.

The PAD leaders threatened to sue Mr Chalard and police for neglecting to proceed with lese majeste and about 10 other cases against caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Sondhi Limthongkul, Pibhop Dhongchai, Somsak Kosaisuk, Somkiat Pongpaiboon and Maj-Gen Chamlong Srimuang showed up at Crime Suppression Division headquarters in the morning to acknowledge and deny the charges, saying they would testify only in court.

Before meeting the police inquiry team, led by assistant national police chief Pol Lt-Gen Chaiyant Maklamthong, Mr Sondhi begged about 100 supporters waiting outside the CSD headquarters to remain calm.

The five were questioned separately then charged, fingerprinted and photographed.

They were freed after about two-and-a-half hours.

At a news conference, their lawyer Suwat Apaipak denied that the PAD leaders had threatened democracy, saying Article 44 of the constitution allows people to hold peaceful rallies.

He was surprised police had pressed four other charges against them, even naming deputy metropolitan police chief Pol Maj-Gen Chatchawal Suksomjit and others besides Mr Chalard as the complainants.

Mr Chalard and the others would be counter-sued because they were the ones who had filed the charges, he said.

Maj-Gen Chamlong alleged police were behind the move to seek legal action against him and the four other PAD leaders.

Mr Pibhop said the PAD leaders had staged peaceful rallies under Article 44 and earlier refused to surrender as Mr Chalard was not the damaged party.

Mr Somkiat said they would file negligence charges against police on May 8, citing no progress in lese majeste cases and 10 other cases against Mr Thaksin.

Mr Sondhi also pledged to continue with today's rally as scheduled.

Mr Sondhi said last week that today's rally would show support for the Supreme, Supreme Administrative and Constitution courts in their bid to try to bring an end to the political impasse.

Pol Maj-Gen Chatchawal said the PAD leaders would be questioned again and then arraigned on Monday. They faced jail terms of up to seven years if found guilty.

The police case was almost complete, with evidence in the form of speeches and documents. They would next week start work on libel charges brought by Mr Thaksin against some of the PAD leaders.


Hey get this. The police have charged Sondhi and the four other PAD leaders with illegal assembly, unlawfully staging demonstrations, obstructing traffic, the illegal use of loudspeakers and threatening democracy.

Up until yesterday, they had assumed - incorrectly - that political activist Chalard Vorachat was alone in filing these charges and were surprised police had pressed four other charges against them, even naming deputy metropolitan police chief Pol Maj-Gen Chatchawal Suksomjit and others besides Mr Chalard as the complainants.

So, in effect, peaceful and civil protest is outlawed in this country after all.

So much for all that bullshit that was glibly bandied around during the protests by Thaksin, the police and all that the protesters had a perfect right to assembly and it was, indeed, part of the democratic process.

And now the core leaders find themselves at the Crime Suppression Police headquarters being fingerprinted, charged and photographed.

The true face of Thailand's "supposed" democracy shows it's real face.

The police should be ashamed of themselves for filing these totally unjust charges.

Edited by bulmercke
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The police case was almost complete, with evidence in the form of speeches and documents. They would next week start work on libel charges brought by Mr Thaksin against some of the PAD leaders.

is this an interpretation issue or do the police really do the investigation in libel cases ?

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if i'm not mistaken did the taxi drivers have a rally in support of toxin, and wasn't toxin behind that particular rally.

who runs the country the police :D or are they following orders from toxin and co :o

me thinks if the police get this sort of power and these allegations are preoved and sentences carried out, thailand would have bigger problems than any one thought.

it's getting a joke and how can the country keep credability when acting like this :D

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A poster did mention something about the Philipines.

Is Thailand, the self elected 'supreme leader' of South East Asia, about to enter similar things that have been happening in the Philipines? Have the Thai police been 'paid off' (God forbid I should suggest such a thing) by TRT reps?

Looks like the 'hang 'em high' guys are suddenly silent. Obviously, the 'TRUE' version of democracy is too much for them.

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Here we go again.....back to the old chestnut........"democracy"......the thing is - under Thaksin - Thailand wasn't and isn't a proper, functioning democracy - that's why the Peoples Alliance For Democracy came about and the opposition parties chose wisely not to contest it.

The system - including the Election Commission - the courts - the media - and other branches of the executive who are meant to remain impartial and act as a checks and balances sysyem - was in the pocket, more or less of Thaksin and TRT.

Anyway, Thaible, why defend Thaksin when you know very well he has spoken like a street boy in the past and has used aggressive and inflamatory and insulting language to belittle and insult his opponents.

I think you're still smarting from the shock that your "illustrious" leader will soon be no longer PM.

Anyway, you can't dispute the fact that he does, indeed, have a square face - I guess - once a square face always a square face!

But what is democracy? Doesn't a lynch mob meet what constitutes a democracy. Goverment should be democratically elected, but rule by the law of the land (constitution) The force of law should be the governance not the force of mob rule in the streets.

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I would be surprised if anything much came of the charges against Sondhi other than a stern warning. If so, it may well simply be a strategic move pre-empting swift action if he again tries to manipulate politics through civil disorder. Emotions are running hotter than ever now and any further large scale protests/blockades could easily get out of hand and result in violence.

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one good step to avoid any return to rallies and demonstrations is if the PM simply agrees to stand by his word...

granted, it's a lot to ask for ... for someone to actually do what they they say they will do... but hope springs eternal:

‘Rallies will resume’ if Thaksin welshes on word

By David Ogan 7 May 2006 14:59

The People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) will resume its street demonstrations if caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra tries to sneak back into power, warned core PAD leader Sondhi Limthongkul during an interview with CNN yesterday.

Speaking to CNN correspondent Andrew Brown in Hong Kong, Sondhi said if the April 2 election is invalidated, as is widely anticipated, a new and transparent Election Commission (EC) must be installed.

Sondhi cited His Majesty the King’s speech last week, which questioned the brevity of the period between Thaksin’s dissolution of the House of Representatives and the general election date set by the EC.

“Most people expect the Constitutional Court to nullify the April 2 general election next week based on the King’s speech,” Sondhi said. “However, if a new election is called, who will oversee it? If it is the same Election Commission who helped the Thai Rak Thai [TRT] party win the [previous] election, then nullification will not be the answer.” “If the election is nullified but the same EC commissioners remain and Thaksin still commands the bureaucracies and [is allowed] to bully opposition [parties] then we will come out,” Sondhi said.

Earlier this week, key TRT members suggested that Thaksin’s pledge not to head the next government would be invalid if the courts nullified the election result.

In reference to HM the King’s historic television address last week, Sondhi said: “[The King] said several things that the government still has [not told] the public.” Sondhi said the time between dissolving the House on February 24 and the election on April 2 may have been unconstitutional.

“The Constitution stipulates clearly that when the government’s term ends, a new election should take place in 45 days, but 60 days if Parliament is dissolved,” Sondhi said.

“The government abruptly called a snap election within 37 days…so the King questioned the legality of this.” Meanwhile, a constitutional expert warned of a potential crisis if the EC disqualifies several senators-elect for appearing on stage at anti-Thaksin PAD rallies. The EC earlier this week hinted that the senators’ actions may have constituted campaigning, which is prohibited.

“If the EC gives out yellow or red cards to senators-elect who appeared on PAD stages, which is their constitutional right, but will not touch other [senators-elect who committed more serious offenses such as vote-buying] it means the EC has a problem in managing the Senate election in a fair and honest manner,” said Kanin Boonsuwan, a former member of the now defunct Constitutional Drafting Assembly.

“As a result, another political crisis similar to the one surrounding the April 2 general election may occur.”

- TD

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Let's assume for one second, that the old square faced 'fly tox' totally goes back on his word (which I think he will), then we can all look forward to plenty of mass demonstartions. It's beginning to sound a bit like the Philipines.

Of course, the 'hang 'em high' supporters will be now be in their element but will also be in a quandery. Toxin, the man who loves to totally control 'free speech' & media outlets (Wow!!! How democratic of him), will try to 'criminalise' the demonstartions, which he ultimately caused by not being true to his word. The 'hang 'em high' folks will love this. But what they don't realise is that this man will ultimately take away any form of freedom that they previously enjoyed. Whats that? He's good for the economy? So is war if you ask that killer, George W Bush, but what good are all your material possessions if you don't have any real freedom?

I hope this suggested scenario never happens but.....TIT.

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More Sondhi saber rattling and chest beating over imagined hypotheticals.

A rebel without a cause scared of loosing the limelight. Thaksin has shown the dignity to stay quiet and let the courts get on with the business of setting the country back on track. Pity Sondhi cant show the same degree of restraint. Making threats over some imagined future possibility is not really in the countries best interest right now.

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Yes, Thaksin has been quiet... and it's interesting how his TRT Party has filled the void... with reports that they won't abide by the court's decision... that he SHOULD run for PM if the election is voided... etc. (from the "Supreme Court thread").

Party fragmentation... Party in-fighting... these might all be indicators that Thaksin is going to try to back-door his promise.

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Yes, Thaksin has been quiet... and it's interesting how his TRT Party has filled the void... with reports that they won't abide by the court's decision... that he SHOULD run for PM if the election is voided... etc. (from the "Supreme Court thread").

Party fragmentation... Party in-fighting... these might all be indicators that Thaksin is going to try to back-door his promise.

Good comeback, John :o

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Thaksin has shown the dignity to stay quiet and let the courts get on with the business of setting the country back on track.

eh ? its the courts job to get hte country back on track ? what's mr 't' , the retired CEO , supposed to be doing - gladhanding and photo-oping across the planet on holiday. Now his personal and crony enrichment gambit of selling of thailands electrical assets has been forstalled , which forecloses the idea of having zillions of baht to scatter around on 'mega' projects and is installing the counrty on the edge of bankruptcy again . what are mr 'bigs' solutions to the looming energy crisis , droughts , and contuing unrest in the south of Thailand . has he achieved anything since he promised to solve traffic problems in Bangkok in 6 months ? only quintuple his personal fortune!

he is a sham , and the sooner this is realised the better.

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When I return to Thailand in July/August, I will be happy to support the 'antidote' to the 'toxin' that has poisoned Thailand.

Good ridance to that money hungry, tyranical, square faced & undemocratic control freak.

Maybe I'm stupid? Maybe if I value material possession over freedom, I will support Mr Thaksin? I THINK NOT!!! My life is much more than a bank balance. Thailand is a place that teaches you that western ways are not always right. If Toxin resumes control, we might as well 'kiss goodbye' to the wonderful Thailand that we knew & 'welcome' the stifling western ways.

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Yes, Thaksin has been quiet... and it's interesting how his TRT Party has filled the void... with reports that they won't abide by the court's decision... that he SHOULD run for PM if the election is voided... etc. (from the "Supreme Court thread").

Party fragmentation... Party in-fighting... these might all be indicators that Thaksin is going to try to back-door his promise.

Agreed. Theres a couple of TRT radicals who should go back and have a listen to the Kings speech again too. They are not doing their party or the people of Thailand any favours by threatening to sue the courts if the election is nullified. All these threats and counter threats are designed to influence the courts decision making. Disgracefull behaviour at a time when the country needs to resolve this mess. Somewhere down the line someone is going to get tough with these potential wreckers of democracy like Sondhi.

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Yes, Thaksin has been quiet... and it's interesting how his TRT Party has filled the void... with reports that they won't abide by the court's decision... that he SHOULD run for PM if the election is voided... etc. (from the "Supreme Court thread").

Party fragmentation... Party in-fighting... these might all be indicators that Thaksin is going to try to back-door his promise.

Agreed. Theres a couple of a whole herd of TRT radicals who should go back and have a listen to the Kings speech again too. They are not doing their party or the people of Thailand any favours by threatening to sue the courts if the election is nullified. All these threats and counter threats are designed to influence the courts decision making. Disgracefull behaviour at a time when the country needs to resolve this mess. Somewhere down the line someone is going to get tough with these potential wreckers of democracy like Sondhi TRT Party MP-elect Sophon Phetsawang. BECAUSE. Afterall, Agreed. They are not doing their party or the people of Thailand any favours by threatening to sue the courts if the election is nullified. All these threats and counter threats are designed to influence the courts decision making. Disgracefull behaviour at a time when the country needs to resolve this mess.

*** courteoulsy corrected to reflect increased accuracy *** :o

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Yes, Thaksin has been quiet... and it's interesting how his TRT Party has filled the void... with reports that they won't abide by the court's decision... that he SHOULD run for PM if the election is voided... etc. (from the "Supreme Court thread").

Party fragmentation... Party in-fighting... these might all be indicators that Thaksin is going to try to back-door his promise.

Agreed. Theres a couple of TRT radicals who should go back and have a listen to the Kings speech again too. They are not doing their party or the people of Thailand any favours by threatening to sue the courts if the election is nullified. All these threats and counter threats are designed to influence the courts decision making. Disgracefull behaviour at a time when the country needs to resolve this mess. Somewhere down the line someone is going to get tough with these potential wreckers of democracy like Sondhi.

Well I THOUGHT you were getting better Ando ..... what did Sondhi do that was not Democratic? (now remember ... Sondhi's NOT an elected official and in fact cannot stand for election for the next 5? years?

A Private citizen protesting abuse (real or imagined) .. though no-one is imagining this) and asking the Head of State for Redress ... (inappropriately or not) is actually UPHOLDING Democratic Ideals rather than wrecking it .....

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All the time this clown Sondhi is not actually fighting for democracy.

He has a personal vendetta against Taksin.

His real intention is to take revenge on Taksin and he has no plans

on the future of Thailand. He is responsible for introducing anarchy

into Thailand. He is a ' wacko '. I personally think that this clown

should join the Royal London Circus.

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All the time this clown Sondhi is not actually fighting for democracy.

He has a personal vendetta against Taksin.

His real intention is to take revenge on Taksin and he has no plans

on the future of Thailand. He is responsible for introducing anarchy

into Thailand. He is a ' wacko '. I personally think that this clown

should join the Royal London Circus.

The Royal London Circus informed Sondhi that the position had been filled by a much more experienced clown by the name of Thaksin, who interviewed very well during his latest trip to the UK.

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When I return to Thailand in July/August, I will be happy to support the 'antidote' to the 'toxin' that has poisoned Thailand.

Good ridance to that money hungry, tyranical, square faced & undemocratic control freak.

Maybe I'm stupid? Maybe if I value material possession over freedom, I will support Mr Thaksin? I THINK NOT!!! My life is much more than a bank balance. Thailand is a place that teaches you that western ways are not always right. If Toxin resumes control, we might as well 'kiss goodbye' to the wonderful Thailand that we knew & 'welcome' the stifling western ways.

Which *wonderful* Thailand?!

The land in which daughters of impoverished farmers from villages of social ethical and moral collapse enter prostitution en masse in an eastern way of materialism?

The land with somewhere around 1 million HIV infected out of a population of a bit more than 60 million?

The land with one of the highest murder rates in the world?

The land that in typical eastern materialism allowed the mighty and powerful to enrich themselves beyond believe so that Thailand together with China has the highest gap between rich and poor in Asia?

Thaksin is nothing but a product of his society and a logical consequence of decades of mismanaging the country. And, if you are Thai, and born poor, there never was much *wonderful* about life here. And, no, there is nothing remotely *wonderful* about being poor.

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The land that in typical eastern materialism allowed the mighty and powerful to enrich themselves beyond believe so that Thailand together with China has the highest gap between rich and poor in Asia?

Don't forget the Philippines.

I don't understand why Asians, esp the middle classes among them, are so crassly materialistic. Do they think that it's just a by-product of "modernization" and that everyone in the West does it like them too? Having spent most of my life in the West, the level of materialism and decadence I see around here is sick. What's more - how can all these people you see in Sukhumvit-Ratchaprasong-Siam afford it? I know Thailand has a number of ridiculously rich people, but surely not that many?

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You are getting off-topic.

With all her faults and blemishes Thailand still is a wonderful country in many people's view, including my own.

Well, it is not off topic as many here believe that Thaksin is the root of Thailand's present problems, and appearantly the view of the poster i replied to.

If you have some sort of romantic notion of Thailand being the "Land of Smile" - a indeed clever manipulation of reality - than this explains a lot regarding your slanted view on the present crises.

Thailand is a country with many dire problems, and Thaksin is but one of them. He is part of the problem, consequence of those problems - and not root.

These probems were there before Thaksin, and will be after Thaksin.

We still may be able to lead a wonderful life here, as we have enough money to do that, and because we are not part of the crippling social hirarchy, but that has no relation whatsoever with Thailand's state of affairs.

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"Police detain Sondhi, BREAKING NEWS" - not Thaksin, not "finding the root of Thai problems", not the "Land of Smiles", not "materialism and Thai society".

I'm not a moderator, though, post whatever you like on any of the above topics and anything else if you feel so.

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