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Chase: no money allowed to transfer out of USA starting Nov. 17th

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yeah . look at the quality of the sources - first rate and totally unpartisan media outlets like Alex Jones and Ron Paul

Hasn't been picked up by one reputable news source. Somehow I think if it was real, we might have seen a bit of a sell-off in the markets and a massive uptick in the gold price, especially as those reports are a day or so old.

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yeah . look at the quality of the sources - first rate and totally unpartisan media outlets like Alex Jones and Ron Paul

Hasn't been picked up by one reputable news source. Somehow I think if it was real, we might have seen a bit of a sell-off in the markets and a massive uptick in the gold price, especially as those reports are a day or so old.

If Ron Paul is saying so I'll close my American account. If it's just AJ or Natural News, I'll wait.

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yeah . look at the quality of the sources - first rate and totally unpartisan media outlets like Alex Jones and Ron Paul

Hasn't been picked up by one reputable news source. Somehow I think if it was real, we might have seen a bit of a sell-off in the markets and a massive uptick in the gold price, especially as those reports are a day or so old.

If Ron Paul is saying so I'll close my American account. If it's just AJ or Natural News, I'll wait.

My apologies. It wasnpt Ron Paul. It was another nutjob goldbug website (hence the AU) called dailypaul.com

The other esteemed websites carrying it are freerepublic.com, libertynews.com, lunaticoutpost.com and - bizarrely, or not as the case may be - it has been picked up by an Iranian propaganda website.

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BBC, CNN & others probably aren't going to report this, because it's not a particularly important bit of news.

Chase has limited cash deposits & withdrawals and ended foreign wire transfers for a couple of types of business accounts. They are doing this to force small business customers to upgrade to more expensive business accounts that DO allow foreign wire transfers. This is typical of US banks, which are almost all degrading the level of service that they offer, while raising their fees.

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I'm going to regret getting into this with you, but please tell us what reputable news source you trust?


On business issues, CNBC and Bloomberg.

The Economist.

You are not seriously giving this story any credence, are you? Don' t you think they would have picked up on it and reported it, or are they being controlled by the illuminati?

Since JP Morgan Chase owns 1.9B USD worth of stock in Comcast, which owns CNBC, I understand why the money honeys and other idiots at CNBC shout down anyone who comes on and gets too close to the truth about the banksters and why not a single Wall Streeter has even been indicted for a plethora of financial crimes surrounding the 2008 collapse and mortgage shenanigans. Now I understand why they always shouted down anyone who came on and said gold would reach the high three figures or, gasp, $1,000. What I don't understand is why you think a station that has been so consistently wrong is reputable. Oh well, it takes all kinds. lol

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BBC, CNN & others probably aren't going to report this, because it's not a particularly important bit of news.

Chase has limited cash deposits & withdrawals and ended foreign wire transfers for a couple of types of business accounts. They are doing this to force small business customers to upgrade to more expensive business accounts that DO allow foreign wire transfers. This is typical of US banks, which are almost all degrading the level of service that they offer, while raising their fees.

It's pretty damn important if you're a small business that does business internationally. And it won't stop there. It's just the first step.

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I'm going to regret getting into this with you, but please tell us what reputable news source you trust?


WSJ - News Corp, which is controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Need I say more?

FT - Pearson PLC. Largest shareholders are UBS AG and Suntrust, both banks. And JP Morgan Chase owns a piece, too. I'm getting deja vu. So you trust that a news outlet that is owned by banks will tell you the unvarnished truth about banks. You are far more trusting than I.

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Confirmed: Chase bank drops the hammer on capital controls; no money allowed to transfer out of USA starting Nov. 17th

(NaturalNews) I admit that when I saw today’s breaking news on InfoWars.com about Chase Bank limiting cash withdrawals and banning international wire transfers, I was skeptical. Many readers didn’t believe it, either. So just to check it out, I called my own accounting team to ask if we had received a similar letter from Chase, announcing that no international wire transfers would be allowed after Nov. 17th.

Sure enough, we were sent the same letter! I’ve posted a JPG image of the letter below so you can read it for yourself.

Or Click here to see the hi-res scan of this letter. This is the letter that we received directly from Chase. This is not secondhand information.

The letter clearly states that beginning November 17:

• All international wire transfers will be disallowed.

• All cash activity, including cash withdrawals and deposits, will be halted at “$50,000 per statement cycle.” How are businesses who deal with a lot of cash (such as restaurants) supposed to function under such restrictions?

More here - Infowars.com

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I'm going to regret getting into this with you, but please tell us what reputable news source you trust?


WSJ - News Corp, which is controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Need I say more?

FT - Pearson PLC. Largest shareholders are UBS AG and Suntrust, both banks. And JP Morgan Chase owns a piece, too. I'm getting deja vu. So you trust that a news outlet that is owned by banks will tell you the unvarnished truth about banks. You are far more trusting than I.

The WSJ is excellent and has improved immensely since News Corp took it over. Lots of articles from senior economists as well. Probably a little too intellectual for the Mad Max gold bug following fraternity.

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I'm going to regret getting into this with you, but please tell us what reputable news source you trust?


WSJ - News Corp, which is controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Need I say more?

FT - Pearson PLC. Largest shareholders are UBS AG and Suntrust, both banks. And JP Morgan Chase owns a piece, too. I'm getting deja vu. So you trust that a news outlet that is owned by banks will tell you the unvarnished truth about banks. You are far more trusting than I.

You're right. None of those publications - particularly the Financial Times - covered stories like the UBS rogue trader issue. It was well hidden wasn't it, and nobody knew about it.

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how about this ?

Yes midas. That well known repository of truth and enlightenment . . an anonymous youtube clip but a chap with a Scouse accent using the phrase 'piss off in the report'. World class reporting and completely verified.

Good lord. Really?

a Mickey Mouse accent would be more credible than the “ newsspeak “they deliver in the mainstream media these days bah.gif

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Oh Lordy . . we have a New World Order type amongst us.

It doesn't matter what news outlet we provide you, because you will have some sort of conspiracy connected reason why it's not to be believed. Presumably the BBC is not to be trusted because of some kind of British ruling class thing being connected to jewish bankers . . am I right?

And yet you choose to believe libertynews.com, Alec Jones and the Iranian state media.

You couldn't make it up.

I have never said I believe Liberty news.com. Why. Because I've never heard of it, Laurel. You're really living up to your avatar. I have not presented any conspiracies. I've simply pointed out that I don't believe Rupurt Murdoch and large banks, who control what's disseminated on the outlets you like. If you do, I pity you. Neither do I believe Alec (sic) Jones because he mixes a lot of hyperbole and hogwash in with some truth and it's hard to tell what's what. It's no wonder you swallow everything on CNBC, etc with your inability to comprehend a simple post.

And let me remind you, I started this thread looking for answers. I don't have time to teach people who have a teach me if you can attitude. So this is goodbye. Gotta go find the iggy button. I suggest others do the same.

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Or you could just contact Chase directly to find out from the horses mouth.

The letter from Chase.


Yes but nothing like real verification when one contacts them directly oneself. Given technology these days can't imagine its that difficult to make a letter say pretty much anything.

Unless of course you received this letter yourself Tywais?

Also I notice this letter says Business Select customers, I see no implication it applies to retail customers?

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Oh Lordy . . we have a New World Order type amongst us.

It doesn't matter what news outlet we provide you, because you will have some sort of conspiracy connected reason why it's not to be believed. Presumably the BBC is not to be trusted because of some kind of British ruling class thing being connected to jewish bankers . . am I right?

And yet you choose to believe libertynews.com, Alec Jones and the Iranian state media.

You couldn't make it up.

I have never said I believe Liberty news.com. Why. Because I've never heard of it, Laurel. You're really living up to your avatar. I have not presented any conspiracies. I've simply pointed out that I don't believe Rupurt Murdoch and large banks, who control what's disseminated on the outlets you like. If you do, I pity you. Neither do I believe Alec (sic) Jones because he mixes a lot of hyperbole and hogwash in with some truth and it's hard to tell what's what. It's no wonder you swallow everything on CNBC, etc with your inability to comprehend a simple post.

And let me remind you, I started this thread looking for answers. I don't have time to teach people who have a teach me if you can attitude. So this is goodbye. Gotta go find the iggy button. I suggest others do the same.

Excellent. Don't forget to take your tinfoil hat with you on the way out.

They're all out to get you . .

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I'm going to regret getting into this with you, but please tell us what reputable news source you trust?


WSJ - News Corp, which is controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Need I say more?

FT - Pearson PLC. Largest shareholders are UBS AG and Suntrust, both banks. And JP Morgan Chase owns a piece, too. I'm getting deja vu. So you trust that a news outlet that is owned by banks will tell you the unvarnished truth about banks. You are far more trusting than I.

You're right. None of those publications - particularly the Financial Times - covered stories like the UBS rogue trader issue. It was well hidden wasn't it, and nobody knew about it.

Not true. Clearly you and/or the the nonsense websites you refer to, don't read the FT.

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I'm going to regret getting into this with you, but please tell us what reputable news source you trust?


WSJ - News Corp, which is controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Need I say more?

FT - Pearson PLC. Largest shareholders are UBS AG and Suntrust, both banks. And JP Morgan Chase owns a piece, too. I'm getting deja vu. So you trust that a news outlet that is owned by banks will tell you the unvarnished truth about banks. You are far more trusting than I.

The WSJ is excellent and has improved immensely since News Corp took it over. Lots of articles from senior economists as well. Probably a little too intellectual for the Mad Max gold bug following fraternity

You are saying that Murdoch is a trustworthy source. hahahahahahahahahahaha Wow, Okey, I'm afraid this is goodbye. Ignored.

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Not true. Clearly you and/or the the nonsense websites you refer to, don't read the FT.

Whooooosh . . .

I was being ironic.

My point was that the FT - owned in part by UBS but only in the sense that fund managers own shares - published that and other stories in incredible depth, thus belying the OP's nonsensical proposition.

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