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Vitamins, healthy supplements for young children?


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I'm curious if anyone gives their kids any health supplements at all? If so what do you give them, why, and was it recommended or something you did on your own accord?

The way I see it is these types of things are taken if your lacking a vitamin or mineral in your diet. Then how do you know what your lacking in? It's 1 thing for an adult, but children being how do you say it, perhaps not as strong as adults, is it safe for them to take anything regularly?

I read a post here once about giving cod liver oil to kids is good and they do so daily. Hmm...sounds like an old style treatment, maybe like fish oil capsules more common these days perhaps?

Our daughters only 9 months old. Too young in your opinion for any supplements? I mean she is nice and healthy, and if there's anything I could do extra for her health I would.

Basically, I have no real idea about these things, so what's your thoughts parents out there?

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Google food piramid ,In the west kids learn about this in grade school no need to stuff youre kids full of expensive vitamins because pharma companys say so.

Nothing like a good healthy diet and healthy food can be found in Thailand no matter what the farang where can i find a 50 baht meal crew say on forums like this one.

Edited by Kudel
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Kudel I totally agree a good healthy diet is foremost. I also agree these vitamin companies make us feel sick and stupid if we don't use their products. Your opinion is valid and welcomed. Thanks!

Sent from my LG-E612 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Google food piramid ,In the west kids learn about this in grade school no need to stuff youre kids full of expensive vitamins because pharma companys say so.

Nothing like a good healthy diet and healthy food can be found in Thailand no matter what the farang where can i find a 50 baht meal crew say on forums like this one.

You have obviously never read the reports on the Pharma companies their drugs have killed up to 600,000 people in the USA alone.

On Vitamins a few of them a a yes for many people to take, a top one that a lot of doctors prescribe them selves and for their family is Vitamin B3, read up on it, another is Vitamin K2 this is needed because you need at least 20mins in the sun a day to cover 45% of your body it is needed for 1thing to help produce a certain protein in your body to help protect your skin from skin cancer as your body does not produce it. Another is CO Q10 for general well being.

But for this guys question one main vitamin you should give children is Vitamin C. It is a main protector for a lot of fevers and fight against inflammations etc. I buy a lot of vitamins on the Internet as they are so expensive at the shops. www.puratins pride.com

I am 72 and touch wood have never suffered any real problems and been taking Vitamin C, E for more than 30 yrs and over the last 10yrs also Vit D3, K2 and CO Q10 never suffered prostrate blood flow and have sex no problem without having to take anything. 23 yrs ago had a triple bypass never had angina since sugar levels between 5.6 and 6.1 blood press 140 over 85. Do your selves a favour guys.

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Sorry guys I stated Vitamin B3 it is wrong sorry it should have been D3. They have not helped my memory though. Except when some one owes me money, Ha Ha.

Oh, not just Vitamin D it must be D3. Hope this was help and of interest guys.

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One observation with Asian or Luk Krueng children living in a cold climate is the sunlight deficiency.

I've seen a few kids with skin problems because of this being couped up inside all day.

Get them out in the fresh air even if there is no sun or take vit D


This is less prominent in Luk Kruengs and children living in warmer climateswink.png


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Growing up in the US, I was always wow'd by the 6' asian kid in class with the 4'5" parents. Diet deficiencies can have an impact on growing bodies, you're not going to grow up big and strong on a diet of rice and fish alone. A balanced and varied diet is your friend.

I think most supplements will be a waste of money, the body just eliminates what it can't immediately use or store. Unless you have a real deficiency the extra you're taking is just gonna literally go down the toilet. On the other hand, if you have an issue, doing research and taking corrective supplements can aleve a lot of body distress. It's just unwise to do it blindly.

Simple blood tests can tell you your current levels.

My biggest suggestions: Keep the kids away from processed sugars.

// Disclosure: I take D3, Magnesium and eat Probiotic capsules as if they were candy

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Best suppliment worldwide is Moringa Leaf Powder, look it up and you'll be amazed. I buy mine at the Herb Shop in Phuket town on Farang road, and make up the capsules myself and save alot of money that way. You'll feel the energy results within a week or two, all natural.

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Professional medical doctors do not, in the main, recommend supplements for their adult patients, so why would a parent give them to their children, it doesn't make much sence. My endocrinologist, when pushed on this point said, "there's no medical proof that supplements work, that's why they are called supplements rather than medicine - and if you want to take supplements, you don't need my advice".

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Google food piramid ,In the west kids learn about this in grade school no need to stuff youre kids full of expensive vitamins because pharma companys say so.

Nothing like a good healthy diet and healthy food can be found in Thailand no matter what the farang where can i find a 50 baht meal crew say on forums like this one.

You have obviously never read the reports on the Pharma companies their drugs have killed up to 600,000 people in the USA alone.

On Vitamins a few of them a a yes for many people to take, a top one that a lot of doctors prescribe them selves and for their family is Vitamin B3, read up on it, another is Vitamin K2 this is needed because you need at least 20mins in the sun a day to cover 45% of your body it is needed for 1thing to help produce a certain protein in your body to help protect your skin from skin cancer as your body does not produce it. Another is CO Q10 for general well being.

But for this guys question one main vitamin you should give children is Vitamin C. It is a main protector for a lot of fevers and fight against inflammations etc. I buy a lot of vitamins on the Internet as they are so expensive at the shops. www.puratins pride.com

I am 72 and touch wood have never suffered any real problems and been taking Vitamin C, E for more than 30 yrs and over the last 10yrs also Vit D3, K2 and CO Q10 never suffered prostrate blood flow and have sex no problem without having to take anything. 23 yrs ago had a triple bypass never had angina since sugar levels between 5.6 and 6.1 blood press 140 over 85. Do your selves a favour guys.

you need to read my post again fella,because i think you suffer from dementia .How the hell can you compare youre intake of vitamins and drugs to that of a young child read your post again you silly old sod.<deleted> Edited by Kudel
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Best suppliment worldwide is Moringa Leaf Powder, look it up and you'll be amazed. I buy mine at the Herb Shop in Phuket town on Farang road, and make up the capsules myself and save alot of money that way. You'll feel the energy results within a week or two, all natural.

Might look into that myself in a few yearswink.png

As for the children.... i wish i could bottle what their on.


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One observation with Asian or Luk Krueng children living in a cold climate is the sunlight deficiency.


I've seen a few kids with skin problems because of this being couped up inside all day.


Get them out in the fresh air even if there is no sun or take vit D




This is less prominent in Luk Kruengs and children living in warmer climatesPosted Image




Sunlight is very important. Doctors are saying lack of vitamin d which you can only get from the sun or a vitamin tablet, is bad not to have. Aspergers syndrome, weight gain are linked to vitamin d deficiency, but it probably affects much more than we realize.
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Fresh home made food, enough vegetables and fruit. Not many if any fruit juices or sodas. Keep the salt low. Food supplements for the young are only needed when a unbalanced diet are followed.

The most important thing you can do is make sure that there skin is exposed to the sun for a short time every day!!!

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medical doctors, get 2 to 4 hours in their 7 year education about nutrician...

doctors and ER are good for acute problems as broken bones, necks, heads, surgeries

but do not ask them to help a chronic sick patient...

in the US, doctors can only prescribe, for cancer threatment : radiation, surgery or chemo ... if they dare suggest an alternative way, they might as well lose their licence....

so doctors do not prescribe supplements : a) they are ignorant about it cool.png it is bad for business as they love repeat customers c) they like to give you for your symphom, but do nothing about the cause (cashing... $$$$$$$$$$$$)

Edited by belg
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20 minutes of sunlight every day is sufficient! If that is not possible, Vitamin D3 is advisable. As children grow up, a low maintenance dose of Beta Glucan can be recommended, as it raises their immune levels to avoid all the colds and coughs that abound around them. Same goes for adults, but maybe a slightly higher dose. Inexpensive, effective, and certainly not what Big Pharma want you to learn anything about !

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Everyday a teaspoon of Seven Seas Ocean Gold Cod Liver Oil and a teaspoon of Seven Seas Multi-Vitamin Syrup. Not expensive, 95 Baht for a two 120ml bottle pack.

My 10 year old has been on this for the past six weeks. Definitely a big change, although this is down to improved diet and now stressless living conditions too. Had been living in quite rough conditions, something I was not aware of until I came back here.

Was withdrawn, very shy, low energy, failing at school and had bad acne. Now much brighter and socially active, acne gone, energy levels way up, much more focused and interested in learning.

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20 minutes of sunlight every day is sufficient! If that is not possible, Vitamin D3 is advisable. As children grow up, a low maintenance dose of Beta Glucan can be recommended, as it raises their immune levels to avoid all the colds and coughs that abound around them. Same goes for adults, but maybe a slightly higher dose. Inexpensive, effective, and certainly not what Big Pharma want you to learn anything about !

Think it's the lactose in milk. My daughter is allergic to it. She gets a rash on her face. I've heard more people are allergic than not to lactose but don't realise they are.
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20 minutes of sunlight every day is sufficient! If that is not possible, Vitamin D3 is advisable. As children grow up, a low maintenance dose of Beta Glucan can be recommended, as it raises their immune levels to avoid all the colds and coughs that abound around them. Same goes for adults, but maybe a slightly higher dose. Inexpensive, effective, and certainly not what Big Pharma want you to learn anything about !

Think it's the lactose in milk. My daughter is allergic to it. She gets a rash on her face. I've heard more people are allergic than not to lactose but don't realise they are.

As for supplements I believe most if not all should come from a proper diet, it's also a gift to encourage them to try everything. Took me years to like sprouts and now I love them.

Most supplements are better when we're sick zinc for colds, D in the winter etc. IMO

The B family is complex and a good source is Vegemite/marmite love it or hate it plus the folic acid as a bonus.

KrisB where is the rash on your daughters face around the mouth ? has she been diagnosed with a milk allergy or lactose intolerant ? in her case there may be the need to get some food high in calcium watercress, broccoli, okra (yuck) tofu, almonds, sardines to mention a few into her diet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Best suppliment worldwide is Moringa Leaf Powder, look it up and you'll be amazed. I buy mine at the Herb Shop in Phuket town on Farang road, and make up the capsules myself and save alot of money that way. You'll feel the energy results within a week or two, all natural.

Can you pm me the name of this place? Also do they sell empty capsules?

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  • 4 months later...

I was told by 2 pediatricians that a healthy balanced diet, plenty of exercise & as long as no obvious medical issues, then if you wanted to spend your money on child suppliments then go ahead, if not they really don't need them. I opted to save the money & have one very healthy & robust 7yo :D

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Cod liver oil......My Mom gave it to me 50 years ago when I was a child, and I give it to my 3 year

old daughter now. It is lemon flavored and does not taste too bad. I tell her it is good medicine for

her, and I take my dose first. She then happily drinks her dose as well. She is almost 4 years old,

and has never been to the hospital for anything except vaccinations. So either cod liver oil works,

or she is a lucky child.... :-)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The healthiest time in the UK was during WW2, little food, rationed for many years. It's true. In fact over dosing on vits can cause problems.

But ! Enough food to ensure a balanced diet.

Enough food to enable people to do heavy jobs in coal mines and munition factories !

This modern "Quack" reliance on pill swallowing is total nonsense and confers no benefit.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The healthiest time in the UK was during WW2, little food, rationed for many years. It's true. In fact over dosing on vits can cause problems.

But ! Enough food to ensure a balanced diet.

Enough food to enable people to do heavy jobs in coal mines and munition factories !

This modern "Quack" reliance on pill swallowing is total nonsense and confers no benefit.

Must admit I take a supplement because I only want to eat once a day. Folk/kids who eat 3 times a day need nothing. Forget it, in fact one can create problems with tooooooooooo much of something. I read recently about Prostrate Cancer related to over dose of (I think it was) Selenium..

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