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Noticed more widening on the road from Heroine Monument to Cherng-Telay , and more old trees being cut down- and for what? I've never seen traffic problems on the road, it seems if it's unsafe, it's because speed limits are not enforced.

Now the taxi vans will be able to reach super-sonic speeds going right through a residential neighborhood, enabling more profit. The "safer " a road is, the faster people will drive on it .

Those trees added a lot- now it just looks like like any other third world tourist trap on the descent. Makes me sick, the lack of regard the authorities have for quality of life over money money money. The worst example was a huge old Banyan near the by pass road, cut down for a bill board.

I recently came from a visit to Georgetown, Penang and all the lovely, centuries old trees really give the city such a beautiful park like atmosphere.

With thousands of new condos planned for the area, I can see there will shortly be no future economy in Phuket, other than bargain hunting tourists. What's worse is as a foreigner I have no right to protest this.



I see that the road improvements are just preparations for increased traffic in the future. There is more and more things happening up north. This is the planning which many are asking to happen in Phuket.

Better to do now, instead of when there is already a big traffic problem (Chalong circle, Central Festival..)

When they widened the road from the monument to Paklok, there was at least one large tree, which was moved to another location.

For the people driving like crazy, I fully agree.


That would be great, but unfortunately it doesn't happen in reasonable timespan. Therefore widening the road is second best option for the future.


@MacChine: In case you are not simply trolling, or what the heck.

I recommend for you to read the some of the older posts on this forum. You might find a post or two about the public transportation and tuk-tuks on this island.


@MacChine: In case you are not simply trolling, or what the heck.

I recommend for you to read the some of the older posts on this forum. You might find a post or two about the public transportation and tuk-tuks on this island.

Yeah I know about the problems, and IMO, these solutions are anything but.

You argue the roads need widening as there is too much traffic but do not address, why is there too much traffic? ( which I have not witnessed on this particular road)

It's about taxis driving faster.


Town planning never allowed for the rapid increase in the population and the road reserves are not wide enough

Traffic is a lot heavier everywhere in the world and its only going to get worse, its nothing to do with speeding drivers or sexpats


^ Trees are often forested for building supplies. In fact trees make a very sustainable building material, if managed properly.

But that's a good point and we could carry it further with who built those houses? Probably underpaid Burmese, and yes maybe the house I live in was built from unsustainable timber by virtual slaves. It does concern me, and I would have it differently, but I cannot change it at this point.

Cutting trees down that make an avenue far more livable, and putting local residents in danger to facilitate tourism-, wholly unsustainable tourism is something that could be changed, today if enough wanted it..

What are Thai expats protecting?


A large number of posts removed. A member is just side tracking this topic about road widening into a completely different topic. Any further posts not directly related to this topic will be removed.

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