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Husband kills wife for being addicted to Thai soap opera


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Psychopath Husband Kills Wife For Being Addicted To A Soap Opera

Another shocking example of trial by media. In Thailand, as in most civilised countries, alleged criminals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The presumption of innocence is enshrined in both the Constitution in the Criminal Procedure Code.

Either the editor is unaware of this fact (in which case he should not be in charge of a newspaper) or the Bangkok Post is deliberately flouting the law (in which case it should be prosecuted for contempt of court).

If the accused is indeed guilty of this horrendous crime, the Bangkok Post has handed him an opportunity to avoid conviction and punishment by claiming that this biased publicity has negated any chance of a fair trial.

The general assumption by Forum posters of the man's guilt is almost as striikng as the banality and callousness of some of the comments on this case.

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Psychopath Husband Kills Wife For Being Addicted To A Soap Opera

Another shocking example of trial by media. In Thailand, as in most civilised countries, alleged criminals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The presumption of innocence is enshrined in both the Constitution in the Criminal Procedure Code.

Either the editor is unaware of this fact (in which case he should not be in charge of a newspaper) or the Bangkok Post is deliberately flouting the law (in which case it should be prosecuted for contempt of court).

If the accused is indeed guilty of this horrendous crime, the Bangkok Post has handed him an opportunity to avoid conviction and punishment by claiming that this biased publicity has negated any chance of a fair trial.

The general assumption by Forum posters of the man's guilt is almost as striikng as the banality and callousness of some of the comments on this case.

Oh dear....rolleyes.gif another one on a moral crusade, Mary whitehouse would be proud of you

The primary failing I see in your diatribe is assuming Thailand is a civliised country, but seeing as you are on a moral crusade, may I humbly suggest you forward your remarks to Thailands finest, they have no problem with the concept of your presumed gulit and you have to prove your innocence..

Further as regards the BP handing someone an apportunity to avoid conviction, your assuming the guilty party can even read English properly, and is a regular reader...


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Okay, I'll step in it too. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think Dr. Robert's avatar is from Monty Python sketch about bureau of complaints vs bureau of arguments. "We're having an argument", No we aren't, "Yes we are" etc. It is not about our true savior and lord, whichever one you happen to believe in based on brain washing and culture.

Now..... yes, we could all hold our hats and say "it's a terrible shame", which it is. But if you have been here long enough, it is sort of a "what else is new?" attitude that sets in. We can laugh or cry. I prefer a laugh, defensive reaction though that may be. What else can you do? Improve education? Implore Thais to learn anger management? We know how well that has gone over.....

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A sad story indeed.

But to read all your comments is amusing me.

Krataiboy, Dr Roberts, 5555555.

Anyway, I'd like to contribute my two cents too.

Didn't watch TV in my home country for the last 14 years before I came to Thailand.

Here in Thailand TV is omnipresent and for sure the last thing I'd like to have in my house.

That's the reason why my first Thai g/f left me. She said, she wants to enjoy her life.

Go ahead, I told her, if watching TV, sitting down for hours, starring at a screen is enjoying life,

then enjoy it without me.

My new g/f was told in the beginning, TV or me. She chose me. 55

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you think it's pompous drivel to provide some decency and a modicum of moral fibre to ameliorate insensitive commentary ? Ad hominem abuse in response is very revealing of you and your capacity for reasoned argument. You provide support for the indefensible, glibly pass off the levity underpinning the senseless loss of life of a defenceless woman in these posts and my critique of that's pompous huh? You might like to reflect on what you are saying in the cold light of sobriety, if you have the capacity to, and hope no one notices such limited scope and range of your thinking.

I wholeheartedly agree!! not with you but with "lastbastion" you do write pompous drivel

You are right, the posts are written in an irritatingly pompous manner but it's certainly not drivel. At least, unlike a lot of ThaiVisa posters that do spout drivel (and I'm not referring to you), he can put a sentence together that makes sense.

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you think it's pompous drivel to provide some decency and a modicum of moral fibre to ameliorate insensitive commentary ? Ad hominem abuse in response is very revealing of you and your capacity for reasoned argument. You provide support for the indefensible, glibly pass off the levity underpinning the senseless loss of life of a defenceless woman in these posts and my critique of that's pompous huh? You might like to reflect on what you are saying in the cold light of sobriety, if you have the capacity to, and hope no one notices such limited scope and range of your thinking.

I wholeheartedly agree!! not with you but with "lastbastion" you do write pompous drivel

You are right, the posts are written in an irritatingly pompous manner but it's certainly not drivel. At least, unlike a lot of ThaiVisa posters that do spout drivel (and I'm not referring to you), he can put a sentence together that makes sense.

indeed, however this is not the place to practice prose for your doctoral thesis.

i know plenty of ten dollar words, however i dont feel the need to use them all in each and every post i write.

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I don't think it was the Soap Opera. Thai men just like beating their wives...

I gave my wife's niece a 1000 baht when I first met her. The next day I saw her with a black eye. My wife told me that her niece spent all the money on baby formula, her husband got mad and punched her in the face because he wanted some of the money to buy beer.

This is pretty much on song. One reason farang men are popular with the ladies is not just because of money. Next to Thai men, most farangs, even the bad ones are relatively nice. Patsies.

This is an unfortunately bad post to extemporise on these mores. . . because these deaths are not uncommon.

This is a tough country.

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Okay, I'll step in it too. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think Dr. Robert's avatar is from Monty Python sketch about bureau of complaints vs bureau of arguments. "We're having an argument", No we aren't, "Yes we are" etc. It is not about our true savior and lord,

Ok will correct you...the reference didnt relate to this Python sketch, but to the classic movie Python were involved in called the Life of Brian....you know the one...."He is not the messiah...he's a very naughty boy"

and if you are aware of this movie, you will be aware of the moral outrage/calls of blasphamy etc etc for not treating a highly emotive subject with sympathy, but as another poster point out Jesus Christ wasnt even mentioned in the movie per se and any direct reference was treated with sympathetically and the theme had nothing to do with JC...the movie was full of black/gallows humour

I suppose I should stop saying "black humour" as well...as guess I will be accused of racist remarks by some of the more morally outraged members

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just as well as those who write perfect English.

Thanks for the compliment, no one has ever said I write perfect English before....biggrin.png

I am not even an "English" teacher, maybe a new career path for me perhaps..rolleyes.gif

Personally I prefer someone making black humour type comments over someone who posts mock sympathy and mock outrage in their posts wouldnt you agree..?

Mawkishness, they call it. There's a lot of it around here.

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It's almost like...the plot of a Thai soap opera.

Almost, but not quite. In the plot of a Thai soap opera just before the crazy husband is about to land the fatal blow to wife watching soap, a handsome stud kicks the door down and saves the wife, also flogs pick-handles out of crazy husband.

You are right, the posts are written in an irritatingly pompous manner but it's certainly not drivel. At least, unlike a lot of ThaiVisa posters that do spout drivel (and I'm not referring to you), he can put a sentence together that makes sense.

Makes sense my arse ! Half the bloody words he used in his posts are not even in the dictionary, I spent half and hour trying to look them up.

I think he just made them up in an attempt to make innocent TV members look stupid.

And remember this Dr Condescending, it is not guns that kill people, it is Thai soap operas that kill people. thumbsup.gif

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I have every sympathy with the bloke, murdering her was a bit much though, why not just smash up the TV? oh it's on youtube as well, my mrs watches lakorn on the the tv then switches to the laptop in the small hours.

my gf exactly the same. I walked out 2 months ago over her head completely buried in youtube. I haven't been back since. I guess that makes her my ex.

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you think it's pompous drivel to provide some decency and a modicum of moral fibre to ameliorate insensitive commentary ? ...

No no, nothing pompous here. Thank you for your moral guidance and posting instructions.

phhhht...he he he, you gotta laugh

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Soap operas actually cause a lot of disharmony and marriage unhappiness/divorces throughout the world....the very nature is ususally based on mistrust and betrayel...some get addicted to the thought process and mix real life with the fantasy of the soaps......

RIP Mrs,

and all along I have been under the misapprehension that all Thai soaps were real life.

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What I really don't understand nor comprehend is why so many people here are getting irate at what other people think or write? Firstly, what other people think is none of your business until made public here. So when somebody writes down their particular thoughts whether it's about the irony of the lady dying in a soap opera kind of way because of a soap opera or intended light heartedness which fails in your own opinion..... So what? I thought the idea was to comment on the OP not on other's opinions etc? Read what you want to read, write what you want to write and jog on!

Would you say the same, if she was one of your relatives?

Well the same can be said of all the millions of people that died today, yesterday and tomorrow. "how would you feel if it was one of your relatives'...probably crap, - but, well, it wasn't. Now could one of the real relatives please speak up and let us know if any of the comments are offending you.

Psychopath Husband Kills Wife For Being Addicted To A Soap Opera

Another shocking example of trial by media. In Thailand, as in most civilised countries, alleged criminals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The presumption of innocence is enshrined in both the Constitution in the Criminal Procedure Code.

Either the editor is unaware of this fact (in which case he should not be in charge of a newspaper) or the Bangkok Post is deliberately flouting the law (in which case it should be prosecuted for contempt of court).

If the accused is indeed guilty of this horrendous crime, the Bangkok Post has handed him an opportunity to avoid conviction and punishment by claiming that this biased publicity has negated any chance of a fair trial.

The general assumption by Forum posters of the man's guilt is almost as striikng as the banality and callousness of some of the comments on this case.

All well and good but when someone confesses to the crime adding all of the circumstances and rationale for the murder, the 'Guilty until proved innocent' kind of thing sort of goes out the window doesn't it, even in the UK. I assume with your comments concerning the Bangkok post denying him a fair trial would be because all the Thai jury would read an English Newspaper in their own country or ...Doh! There are no jury's so you think a panel of judges in Thailand would read an english speaking newspaper and allow that to bias their opinion? rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

I can't remember when I was in the UK ever bothering to pick up Chinese, Russian or Thai newspapers down at the newsagents to see what was happening in the world.

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I should have done that with my ex in Australia. Probably would have got off as "Justifiable Homicide" and it would have been cheaper than divorcing the large lump of lard, that she turned into once the ring was on the finger.

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What I really don't understand nor comprehend is why so many people here are getting irate at what other people think or write? Firstly, what other people think is none of your business until made public here. So when somebody writes down their particular thoughts whether it's about the irony of the lady dying in a soap opera kind of way because of a soap opera or intended light heartedness which fails in your own opinion..... So what? I thought the idea was to comment on the OP not on other's opinions etc? Read what you want to read, write what you want to write and jog on!

Would you say the same, if she was one of your relatives?

Well the same can be said of all the millions of people that died today, yesterday and tomorrow. "how would you feel if it was one of your relatives'...probably crap, - but, well, it wasn't. Now could one of the real relatives please speak up and let us know if any of the comments are offending you.

Psychopath Husband Kills Wife For Being Addicted To A Soap Opera

Another shocking example of trial by media. In Thailand, as in most civilised countries, alleged criminals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The presumption of innocence is enshrined in both the Constitution in the Criminal Procedure Code.

Either the editor is unaware of this fact (in which case he should not be in charge of a newspaper) or the Bangkok Post is deliberately flouting the law (in which case it should be prosecuted for contempt of court).

If the accused is indeed guilty of this horrendous crime, the Bangkok Post has handed him an opportunity to avoid conviction and punishment by claiming that this biased publicity has negated any chance of a fair trial.

The general assumption by Forum posters of the man's guilt is almost as striikng as the banality and callousness of some of the comments on this case.

All well and good but when someone confesses to the crime adding all of the circumstances and rationale for the murder, the 'Guilty until proved innocent' kind of thing sort of goes out the window doesn't it, even in the UK. I assume with your comments concerning the Bangkok post denying him a fair trial would be because all the Thai jury would read an English Newspaper in their own country or ...Doh! There are no jury's so you think a panel of judges in Thailand would read an english speaking newspaper and allow that to bias their opinion? rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

I can't remember when I was in the UK ever bothering to pick up Chinese, Russian or Thai newspapers down at the newsagents to see what was happening in the world.

It is totally senseless to discuss this any further!

When I call a poster an idiot, because he makes an idiotic remark- I get a suspension for 5 days!

When a bunch of mor...people with no taste...make a stupid jokes about a killed person...well...life goes on!

Yeah- you would feel crap, if it was one of your relatives.

And you would be offended!

And rightfully so!

But hey...since it doesn't concern you personally: who gives a sh1t!?

If some foreigner dies in Thailand, we are all so oooooooooooh about it!

"Please be respectful...his relatives may read this!"

Last example: the plane crash in Laos!

But since this is a Thai- incident, we can just god and hack and slash and be "funny" as much as we want, right!?

As I said: senseless!

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  • 4 months later...
The overall experience here seems to be that there is a large majority of women among those who look on these soap operas. It is strange because the women there are described as helpless and weak geese. Is that a Thai women's ideal? Just try to see and listen to an episode and notice how the women beeping and screaming and cat fighting. I have never seen such a thing in reality.

I say nothing about the general quality of the films. Nothing about acting and nothing about directing. Nothing about the effects. I just think a lot.bah.gif

"Keep thai people uneducated, poor and happy and you will also retain the power over them." It's not me who said it originally, but it is of course a truth in this statement. Soap operas keep at least part of the people happy and nobody more educated. On the contrary - they are stupidifying!

(Blame Google Translate for poor English in this post!)

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