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Where Would You Really Like To Be?

the gent

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Following on from a disaffected poster who wishes to return from whence he came, it occurs to me that there may be more folk who would like to quit the LoS if they could but cannot for whatever reason.

Assuming the windfall was yours, where would you like to be and why ?

Thailand is hardly a cultural mecca, its climate is challenging and its people are exasperating to the point where most, given the chance, would gladly be rid.

Would you choose to remain in differing circumstances or would you decamp. The world is your lobster so choose.......

Or does the LoS meet your needs?

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Well, considering that I am working in Greece for the specific purpose of getting the funds required until I can retire in LOS, if I had 250,000 in ANY OF:

1. Dollars

2. Euros,

3. or Pounds

I would be on my way to LOS as soon as possible.

Does that answer the question?


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Well, considering that I am working in Greece for the specific purpose of getting the funds required until I can retire in LOS, if I had 250,000 in ANY OF:

1. Dollars

2. Euros,

3. or Pounds

I would be on my way to LOS as soon as possible.

Does that answer the question?


Yes, but why?

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Following on from a disaffected poster who wishes to return from whence he came, it occurs to me that there may be more folk who would like to quit the LoS if they could but cannot for whatever reason.

Assuming the windfall was yours, where would you like to be and why ?

Thailand is hardly a cultural mecca, its climate is challenging and its people are exasperating to the point where most, given the chance, would gladly be rid.

Would you choose to remain in differing circumstances or would you decamp. The world is your lobster so choose.......

Or does the LoS meet your needs?

Easy peasy guv'r - in my room in my house in the village with a pile of books and unlimited wine cellar and an open phone to the three women who are my friends!. I'd throw me Mum's cat a kipper now and then, (partial to a kipper now and then is the cat), and get a lawyer to write letters to my ex-(Thai) wife saying, 'You gave it your best shot - tough titty fish face-should have listened to sense instead of idiots'

I have the money now and whilst I love Thailand greatly - I also like where I live.

And the cat likes a bit of kipper now and then :o

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Well, considering that I am working in Greece for the specific purpose of getting the funds required until I can retire in LOS, if I had 250,000 in ANY OF:

1. Dollars

2. Euros,

3. or Pounds

I would be on my way to LOS as soon as possible.

Does that answer the question?


Yes, but why?

Let's see.

Greek women-swarthy,mustaches,babushkas.

Thai women-feminine,smooth,sarongs.

Beats me!

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If I woke up in the morning and found out I was down to

my last 250k pounds, I would be devastated ! :D

Lots of people living here have lots more than that,

and they intent to continue on living here. :o


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Might move from Chiangmai proper to between Chiangmai and Mae Rim. I could afford to hire a driver to take the kids to school!



1. Not all Greek women are ugly. Some nice looking young girls here with good bodies and low cut jeans with nice flat bellies. But I'm too old to do more than look (sad story).

2. Why Thailand? Well, the people I love and care for are there.

3. "If I was down to my last 250 thousand------". Contributions to my retirement fund greatfully accepted here.

4. As my friend Tony said when asked, "Why in h*ll are you going there? After all everyone's got to be somewhere."


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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While I do not have 250k (except in baht), I have more than enough retirement income to live anywhere in the world including the island of Maui where I lived for fifteen years before moving permanently to Thailand.

Why? The people mostly; and because I am totally in love with my Thai wife who loves her country and is quite happy to stay right here.

There are frustrations to be experienced in every country that exists and Thailand is no different. One poster above thinks Greece sucks but I found living on the island of Crete for a while to be absolutely delightful. I have lived in and traveled through more countries than I wish to take the time to count and Thailand is my home of choice for the remainder of my days.

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Bangkok in an expensive condo with a gym and a swimming pool very close to Nana! :o

A boy in a candy store mentality, but predictable :D

Personally I'd purchase a few hundred rai in the upper reaches of the Mae Sa valley, and build a comfortable house there. Some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.

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He,he - that one really had me laughing out loud! :D:D Good one!

If I woke up in the morning and found out I was down to

my last 250k pounds, I would be devastated ! :D

Lots of people living here have lots more than that,

and they intent to continue on living here. :o


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The Dude would move to Cuba if money was no object. There is a comradery with the people found in Cuba that exists no where else in the world. It's not about the chicks why I would make that decision but rather it's about a genuine friendship with the population. A lot of cash would be needed to make this move however

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I would stay in Thailand full time. I could quit working here today and run home. After all the only reason I'm staying here is to save money and build my business in the LOS. The day I find that the business will support our obligations and I won't have to touch my savings, I'm on my way...

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Following on from a disaffected poster who wishes to return from whence he came, it occurs to me that there may be more folk who would like to quit the LoS if they could but cannot for whatever reason.

Assuming the windfall was yours, where would you like to be and why ?

Thailand is hardly a cultural mecca, its climate is challenging and its people are exasperating to the point where most, given the chance, would gladly be rid.

Would you choose to remain in differing circumstances or would you decamp. The world is your lobster so choose.......

Or does the LoS meet your needs?

Where MOST would gladly be rid? ... what most is that? Maybe the English teachers w/o proper credentials making nothing (like the guy from that thread).

The amount you named was low ... but honestly all I would do dofferent would be to add a small house down near Krabi to the assets and put a car in it's garage too!

That being said ... I'd just as happily live almost anywhere but Isaan in the LOS .... and be content

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I'd be right here mate in LOS, why would I have moved here if I don't really wanna live here? :o

This is a theme that seems to be played out over and over in threads on this board.

Why is it that so many people assume that every foreigner in Thailand is here because we have chosen it over every other place on earth as the place we want to be. In my experience, most people live where they do because of their obligations, not their desires. Sometimes they are family-related obligations, sometimes they are work-related obligations, sometimes they are something else entirely; but nevertheless, they are obligations of some kind. Good God, do you think all those folks are living in Cleveland and Manchester because they think they're the greatest places on earth?

Is it because the people who can't get it through their heads that everyone isn't here because they love it are a little divorced from reality? Uh....maybe. Is it because this place attracts so many sex-tourist foreigners who are on the lamb from the real world and just assume everyone else must be here for the same reason? Uh...probably.

The OP asked about desires. My answer to his question would be that, instead of living in a very limited third world city like Bangkok, I would prefer to live in a real city with sophisticated people and a genuine cultural life. Nana Plaza is good for a laugh every now and then, but a little theater, some music, even a few decent book stores would be very welcome.

New York, London, maybe Paris. The amount of money the OP set as his standard wouldn't do that, of course, but in the abstract, that's still my answer. Alas, however, I have obligations here. So that's not going to happen for a few years. Darn.

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That being said ... I'd just as happily live almost anywhere but Isaan in the LOS .... and be content

Why would you be content living almost anywhere except Isaan ?

What's wrong with Isaan?

Too hot. No used bookstores. Very little International cuisine.

Should I go on? :o

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New York, London, maybe Paris.

I've lived in London and when I used to go running up to Blackheath and down through Greenwich Park I thought it was a good place, when I used to go to sit in St Pauls Cathedral and listen to the choir practise whilst stoned, I thought it was great. Then I would go back to reality and it was just another City with all the City problems.

I moved down to the coast and thought it was great, after a few years I thought it wasn't so great.

I actually feel sorry for you OAH, cos you are obviously very unhappy but are unable to do anything about it.

I have noticed that the happier Farangs in Thailand tend to be the ones with Money in the bank, they can leave when they want to, and stay if they choose to, not stay because they can't afford to leave.

I have also noticed some Farangs that just can't face going back to the Social Security lines in their own countries and struggle on in Thailand doing whatever they can to survive, working for very little money as a Teacher for example in a Hot dirty city like Bangkok.

I guess we all get a little stuck wherever we are, and no matter where you live, fault will be found after time, just go to the Local forums and read the Island threads, there is a lot of whining about living in Phuket or Samui, yet ask a guy living in Wandsworth, London if he would like to do an exchange with some Thai guy who has a house in Phuket, see what the reaction would be.

Old Asia Hand, I hope you're able to leave one day. Although I think wherever you go you will be able to find fault if you look for it.

Edited by Maigo6
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Why is it that so many people assume that every foreigner in Thailand is here because we have chosen it over every other place on earth as the place we want to be. In my experience, most people live where they do because of their obligations, not their desires.

Why is it that so many people assume that every foreigner in Thailand is here because they can't afford to live anyplace else? There are people here from every walk of life and every station. I know a few people like myself that could live anywhere, but choose to be here. I have a home in the states, I have an apartment in Romania, an apartment in Dubai, a home in the Isaan in Thailand and my little metal box here in Iraq. I'm not rich by anyman's standards, but I could retire to anyone of those places. I choose Thailand. I've lived in Hungary, Macedonia and in a few different states in the US. I choose Thailand. That old cliche is truer than people think. "Home is where your Heart is". No truer words were ever spoken. As soon as my business provides enough moneythat I can meet our few obligations and buy two plane tickets to the states each year, I'm out of here and full time in Thailand. I just want to make sure that we can stay there and not have to touch my savings or rely soley on my retirement when that day comes.

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