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Thailand and "slavery"


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There is nothing like reading an in depth report and analysis----and that article was nothing like reading an in depth report and analysis.

But it may make the UK tabloids-on a slow week.

Well there is of course.

Like for instance, not reading a report, or reading a report and not comprehending its contents and then condemning what you did not read or did not understand.

Had you read the CNN report, you would have found the links to the sources.

Here, let me help you out.


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The explicit definition used in the report was "the possession and pcontrol of a person in such a way as to significantly deprive that person of his or her individual liberty, with the intent of exploiting that person through their use, management, profit, transfer or disposal. Usually this exercise will be achieved through means such as violence or threats of violence, deception and/or coercion."

As much as I abhor "slavery".....the reality is under their definition every marriage in the world would be included also....

Ha ha you are funny :)

You were joking weren't you?

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The explicit definition used in the report was "the possession and pcontrol of a person in such a way as to significantly deprive that person of his or her individual liberty, with the intent of exploiting that person through their use, management, profit, transfer or disposal. Usually this exercise will be achieved through means such as violence or threats of violence, deception and/or coercion."

As much as I abhor "slavery".....the reality is under their definition every marriage in the world would be included also....

Ha ha you are funny :)

You were joking weren't you?

I can't find how they define slavery in the article as you mention. It's not his attempt at humour, he is referring to the article correct? Please tell me thats what your saying, cause it is a silly comparrison. Edited by krisb
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If its on CNN do not believe it. CNN has not earned the nickname of the Communist News Network for no reason.

Rather an odd comment, read the links in the news reports. The CNN report is based upon analysis by an Australian organisation funded by an Australian self made multi billionaire who has made his fortune in the mining/resources industry. He set up the organisation after his daughter visited Nepal and was shocked by the conditions for some of the Nepalese people;

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500 000 Equals 1 in 140 people, you think its possible? The reports was not based on scientific research and deviates from UN figures. It's an NGO trying to grab headlines and extra donors. Yes there is slavery but the extend maybe a little over done.

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The explicit definition used in the report was "the possession and pcontrol of a person in such a way as to significantly deprive that person of his or her individual liberty, with the intent of exploiting that person through their use, management, profit, transfer or disposal. Usually this exercise will be achieved through means such as violence or threats of violence, deception and/or coercion."

As much as I abhor "slavery".....the reality is under their definition every marriage in the world would be included also....

Ha ha you are funny smile.png

You were joking weren't you?

I can't find how they define slavery in the article as you mention. It's not his attempt at humour, he is referring to the article correct? Please tell me thats what your saying, cause it is a silly comparrison.

Guess you didn't read the article then......its the 13th paragraph down....

And if I need to explain to you about marriage, (and I am happily married), deception, and control.....well.....your on your own

And .....yes ......I was making a joke.

Edited by bocceball1
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Shameful. Setting aside the well reported slavery on the fishing vessels, I dread to think how many people are being held in sexual slavery. That seems to be the last bastion of slavery in Western countries too. Trafficking is still rife.

I hesitated to hit the I like as many in the sex industry are not being used as slaves. All though there is certainly a lot who are.

I attended a lecture once by a member of the British or American Embassy. I thinkj it was British. He belongs to a group that works very hard to free people from the slavery conditions.

He related the difficulty was that some times they were happy with the situation as it was better than any thing they could get where they came from.

He mentioned taking down one Madam and freeing the girls some of them were repatriated to Burma. In a later raid on another Madam they found the same girl working there. She chose it. Yet many are the people who would condemn the madam as a slave master.

It is not always a clear cut thing like the fishing boats.

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The explicit definition used in the report was "the possession and pcontrol of a person in such a way as to significantly deprive that person of his or her individual liberty, with the intent of exploiting that person through their use, management, profit, transfer or disposal. Usually this exercise will be achieved through means such as violence or threats of violence, deception and/or coercion."

As much as I abhor "slavery".....the reality is under their definition every marriage in the world would be included also....

Ha ha you are funny smile.png

You were joking weren't you?

I can't find how they define slavery in the article as you mention. It's not his attempt at humour, he is referring to the article correct? Please tell me thats what your saying, cause it is a silly comparrison.

Guess you didn't read the article then......its the 13th paragraph down....

And if I need to explain to you about marriage, (and I am happily married), deception, and control.....well.....your on your own

I guess I am a happy slave. Funny thing about it is my wife is to.64.gif

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500 000 Equals 1 in 140 people, you think its possible? The reports was not based on scientific research and deviates from UN figures. It's an NGO trying to grab headlines and extra donors. Yes there is slavery but the extend maybe a little over done.

Seems like you haven't read the report's Thai content; a quick summary follows:

Thailand has approximately 3.1 million migrant workers, some of which are vulnerable to exploitation. Victims of modern slavery, from both within and outside Thailand have been identified in various industries, including the sex industry, and fishing, construction and agricultural industries, low-end garment production, domestic work and street begging

The report states the majority who have been identified for slavery conditions (e.g. debt bondage) originate from Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR and Vietnam. In addition some Thai ethnic minorities who are currently denied citizenship

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The explicit definition used in the report was "the possession and control of a person in such a way as to significantly deprive that person of his or her individual liberty, with the intent of exploiting that person through their use, management, profit, transfer or disposal. Usually this exercise will be achieved through means such as violence or threats of violence, deception and/or coercion."

As much as I abhor "slavery".....the reality is under their definition every marriage in the world would be included also....

Ha Ha maybe your marriage!

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Many of the rural village/farmers live very similar to the old coal mining towns of the US 100 years ago. It was a company town. It was not called salvery, but in reality about the only thing left out was the actual bill of sale and the overseer with the perchant for whipping and a few other physical punshiments.Individual Debt can be just as oppresive as what many people define as salvery. Its not black and white but shades of grey in many cases.

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If its on CNN do not believe it. CNN has not earned the nickname of the Communist News Network for no reason.

Let us not condemn the messenger for the message.

Is Slavery confined to, or excluded from " communist " countries, or " communist " adherants ?

In recent years, there have been cases of enslavement in many "enlightened" countries: USA, UK, Belgium ....

Sadly, the practise is unconfined.

Edited by attento
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The explicit definition used in the report was "the possession and pcontrol of a person in such a way as to significantly deprive that person of his or her individual liberty, with the intent of exploiting that person through their use, management, profit, transfer or disposal. Usually this exercise will be achieved through means such as violence or threats of violence, deception and/or coercion."

As much as I abhor "slavery".....the reality is under their definition every marriage in the world would be included also....

Ha ha you are funny :)

You were joking weren't you?

Some cultures subscribe to many tenants of the definition as it relates to marriage. Feel free to Google, "marriage, middle east, slavery, torture". While I don't believe all I read, it is of interest and may explain a possible relationship?

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If its on CNN do not believe it. CNN has not earned the nickname of the Communist News Network for no reason.

Let us not condemn the messenger for the message.

Is Slavery confined to, or excluded from " communist " countries, or " communist " adherants ?

In recent years, there have been cases of enslavement in many "enlightened" countries: USA, UK, Belgium ....

Sadly, the practise is unconfined.

Exactly my thoughts.

CNN is a news source and nothing more. We are all free to access other sources and arrive at a personal conclusion. If we allow ourselves to be told what to or what not to believe, we give up a basic and precious right. Oddly enough, I've never heard of that nickname for CNN. I'll put that in the far, far recesses of my gray matter.

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hmm its probably good for the economy, from recent news it seems rice and sugar sales are going down the drain, maybe some healthy slavery will do the trick

I mean it works ok for the us yeah, pay those tax dollars even if you ain'[t livng there any more

Edited by ajarnpot
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If its on CNN do not believe it. CNN has not earned the nickname of the Communist News Network for no reason.

Rather an odd comment, read the links in the news reports. The CNN report is based upon analysis by an Australian organisation funded by an Australian self made multi billionaire who has made his fortune in the mining/resources industry. He set up the organisation after his daughter visited Nepal and was shocked by the conditions for some of the Nepalese people;

He's just upset with Obama.

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Shameful. Setting aside the well reported slavery on the fishing vessels, I dread to think how many people are being held in sexual slavery. That seems to be the last bastion of slavery in Western countries too. Trafficking is still rife.

Forty years ago, there were villages of 'slave' women near the borders. Women who had been given by their families in exchange for money (a dowery) and each owed an honor debt. If the debt was paid at the village, the debt fell to the new 'owner', who often 'resold' the women elsewhere. Many village men 'bought' wives from such villages.

Likewise, 'Short-Time' Bars were extremely common - dozens were downtown in every major city and every village had a 'Short-Time' house. Debtors were usually the women working in such places.

In the last decade, I have seen one 'short-time' place, on a trip to Pattaya, near Big C, where a number of teen girls invited me up to a room.

Therin lies sexual slavery - ancient customs.

IMHO - A 'freelancer' is independent and not suffering from sexual slavery, only from bigotry.

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500 000 Equals 1 in 140 people, you think its possible? The reports was not based on scientific research and deviates from UN figures. It's an NGO trying to grab headlines and extra donors. Yes there is slavery but the extend maybe a little over done.

Slavery or "forced labour" and human trafficking are very widespread in the Thai fishing industry. Mainly it concerns illegal/undocumented migrant workers from Myanmar etc, who have little or no recourse from the Thai authorities. This is not an issue beat up by the press or NGOs, if anything it is understated. The conditions are truly appalling.

Reports of fishing vessels returning with a large section of the crew missing or dead in the freezer aren't that unusual, especially on the larger distant water boats.

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500 000 Equals 1 in 140 people, you think its possible? The reports was not based on scientific research and deviates from UN figures. It's an NGO trying to grab headlines and extra donors. Yes there is slavery but the extend maybe a little over done.

Slavery or "forced labour" and human trafficking are very widespread in the Thai fishing industry. Mainly it concerns illegal/undocumented migrant workers from Myanmar etc, who have little or no recourse from the Thai authorities. This is not an issue beat up by the press or NGOs, if anything it is understated. The conditions are truly appalling.

Reports of fishing vessels returning with a large section of the crew missing or dead in the freezer aren't that unusual, especially on the larger distant water boats.

No denying there is slavery in Thailand and in every other country. If you however look at the report you will see it is based on estimates. Secondly the index for Thailand was based on a population of 67 mil which excludes the 3,1 mil migrant workers. By excluding these workers the index are skewed compared to countries where there are no migrant workers but have internal slavery.

On a recent trip to the Maldives we encountered first hand "slavery". At the lodge we stayed more than 50% of the employees was migrant workers. We made friends with one guy from Sri Lanka. He gets paid +- $8 per day and had to sign a 2 year contract. According to his contract the employer will pay for his flight to the Maldives and back again after the 2 year contract is completed. His wife became ill and he had to return to look after the children, but the lodge refused to help with a ticket and with his pay its impossible to save enough to pay for a ticket and keep his family alive. Slavery is everywhere we just need to look below the surface. By the way I took on the lodge on Booking.com by rating them low and giving the above info.

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