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Monkey, Naughty Monkey Mind


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I have a problem with a racing mind. It really gets bad some days where I spin myself into a total tizz and can't do my work or whatever. I used to do a little meditation years ago but now feel like I don't have time/not the right place/too hot etc - so forget that!

How do you TVers relax the brain? (The ones of you who have one I mean). Any ideas?

Drink is good of course - but not good in the morning :o

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i dont think that drinking helps me at all seonai. in fact, if i drink, i kid maak maak. its the worst thing for me.

i think that exercise helps. go for a nice long walk on the beach. take a walk during the early hours of the morning, or on dusk. both are lovely times of the day.

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For me, I had to rework my whole outlook on life. I used to get so wrapped up and stressed that I didn't think I could get anything done. We had about 56 missions a day, which involved 10's of thousands of pounds of mail each day. Convoys being put together, convoys on the roads in route and convoys under attack. While at the same time dealing with client issues, personnel issues, mechanical issues and a ton of other things. I had to work 20 hours a day because I was the only management that we had for a few months. I felt like I was pulling my hair out.

I took a day or two and took a step back. I realized that at the end of each day all I had to do was be able to tell myself that I did my best. If I could do that honestly, the world would be alright for me. No one can or should ever expect more than that out of anybody, especially myself. I stopped pulling my hair out and getting myself worked up and stressed out. All that did was hurt me and hurt my work. When I feel the stress building, or start feeling like I'm losing track. I get up and walk outside and talk to someone, about anything... or just go sit quietly somewhere and think about anything or nothing just not work. I refuse to take work home with me, and I refuse to get worked up. It really helped me a lot.

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If I wake up in one of "those" moods - 90 minutes hard exercise down the gym, listening to some righteously loud rock on the mp3, followed by sauna. But it's easier to do in the UK than when I was in LoS.

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i have clinical anxiety (racing thoughts, can't calm down)... and i tried several psychiatric drugs to no avail. most of them made things worse (big drug pushers those psychiatrists!).

the only two things that work for me are yoga (and the fact that you force yourself to slow down and breathe) and smoking pot (despite side effects of social incompetence). i swear by both of them.

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I'm with Seonai here........... I work from home aaaand my work involves the world - from my computer! I get up in the morning. I switch my computer on! My home is in a forest on an island in Thailand but.......... I'm instantly connected to the stresses of the world.

I work day, and night. Sometimes, I take a break and head for the beach or sauna, take a massage........... but always, my mind is going on and on and on!

How to shut it down? How to be normal and just be me?

How can I shut up monkey mind when I'm body-surfing the brilliant waves we have right now???? :o

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i agree with jdinasia re the meditation. if you were able to do it once, you can do it again. its the learning bit thats the hard part.

you may have to take yourself off to a temple for a week or so and drop everything else from your life in order to look after yourself.

remember that work is just a job. its not your whole life. its just part of the many things that make up you, the person. what doesnt get done today will still be there tomorrow.

sometimes the things place so much importance on arent that important to other people.

make up a list of priorities at the start of the day. stick to the list and cross things off one by one until its done, or as close to done as it can possibly be. the things that dont get done today will still be there tomorrow.

take time out during the day to turn off the computer and get out into the fresh air. visit a place you have never been before, be it a restaurant, beach etc.

just a few suggestions off the top of my head. (come to think of it, i think i should take some of my own advice and get out of here right now)

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Ha! Nice one Donna!!!!! Good advice everyone. I went to stand on the beach late evening yesterday and felt the cool sand on my feet. First Step !!!

KHall - know what you mean. I can be driving the bike, showering, serving customer etc but the monkey mind is rattling on about my son's education, the lady in the shop next door, tomorrow's writing.......... :o

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I have a problem with a racing mind. It really gets bad some days where I spin myself into a total tizz and can't do my work or whatever. I used to do a little meditation years ago but now feel like I don't have time/not the right place/too hot etc - so forget that!

How do you TVers relax the brain? (The ones of you who have one I mean). Any ideas?

As previously mentioned, 'meditation' is, in my experience, the answer. Most, if not all meditation techniques incorporate specific breathing. I myself have been practicing Tai Chi & Chi Quong for many years and it appears to heal the inner wounds. Not everyone can sit silently for a long time, hence there are many different roads of meditation. Tai Chi is considered a 'moving meditation that doesn't take long to learn the basic form although finding a teacher may be difficult in Thailand depending on where you live. I doubt if one can learn the basic form from a book. A video could help but a good teacher in the beginning is necessary to help you avoid developing any bad habits.

Chi Quong (Chi Kung) is more simplified and easier to learn than Tai Chi. Just a few movements that have been proven over thousands of years to enhance health, both mental & physical. If you're on Samui, Koh Phangan or Suan Luang (Rama 9) you should be able to find a skilled practitioner or teacher. Or, look around the internet. If you happen to travel to Penang you will find many excellent teachers there and quite reasonably priced. .....as mentioned....sitting for long periods is stagnation; similar to water flowing or stagnating. ....first off, just try some basic deep-breathing exercises first thing in the morning, preferably outside, bare feet on grass or dirt. If you can't find any info that satisfies you then feel free to pm me and I will try and point you in the right direction........most of all....."Remember to Breathe"

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