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signing rental contract - help needed

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on thursday i have to sign a rental contract for a 12month lease.

I only stay in contact with the real estate agent who helped me to find this condo.

When i see the condo the first time, there was only a representative of the owner available, it is

his secretary. My estate agent told me the owner is a thai business men who is very busy, so

i will deal only with his representative.

So now i receive the rental contract by email from my agent. On thursday we will meet for signing the contract. The representative of the owner, my

real estate agent and me. What is the best way to handle the payment of the first rental for one month and the two month

deposit. I suggested to my agent i pay rent first month in cash when we see on thursday, and the two month deposit i will pay

by bank transfer from my bank to the bank of the owner. But my agent suggest i bring all in cash, as i can´t move in before the owner

receive the deposit.

So i don´t know and i am not sure what is the common way to handle these things. Can someone please give me some advice what is the best way.

Thank you very much in advance.



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Well if the agent said cash... I suggest cash.

Just make sure you get a signed copy of contract. Proof of ID of signature and power of attorney form filled out with owners ID.

Cash is God here, even when I bought my new pick up from the Mitsubishi dealer ship they said they would prefer cash, When i said I don't like carrying large amounts of cash they sent two guys to the bank with me and took responsibility for the cash

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I run my thai agency to the same standards and procedures to my London agency and from an agents point of view we don't like to give possession of a property until we have cleared funds. In the UK we normally use bankers drafts or accept bank transfers, as long as the funds have cleared, and it's more convenient. Over here my tenants normally transfer me the full first month's rent plus deposit to my Client account a few days before move in. Although my stuff starts around 8000 a month it goes up to 300,000 and there is no way I will accept 900,000 in cash and just wander down to the bank.

Since few agents here operate ring fenced " Client Accounts" I would, as a tenant, be happy to bring the full move in funds on the day, as long as I had a full company receipt, business card of agent and sight of their ID. If the landlord has not already signed the contract I would probably want some evidence that he owns the property and has agreed to rent it to you. In this circumstance I would normally get written authority from an absentee landlord to sign the contract on his behalf together with proof of ownership and ID, then I would just sign the tenancy agreement in his stead.

As always if anyone wants the advice of an experienced agent, please PM me.



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  • 3 weeks later...

And do a final inspection of the condo, take your camera with you and take pictures, in their presence. If you can snap one with them on it even better.

Windows, door, toilet, sinks, tap, mirrors, lamps, tv, sofa, beds, closets, wardrobes, airconditioning etc.

It will be nice to have when you need your deposit back, you might not need it, but being prepared is always good.

This is VERY sound advice... I just lost my entire deposit due to things that I felt were minor when I moved in.... take photos of any and ALL defects you can find no matter how minor.


Edited by Crossy
fixed the quote
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