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Internet Connections


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I am planning on heading to Thailand in July . Have some work to do while there via internet. I need to buy a laptop. Do you recommend getting one there? Do you recommend connectiong via

mobile phone network (sim + internet) or with wifi spots? Actually, I dont really know what wifi spots are, just saw some people mentioning them.

Any other words of wisdom regarding connections there would be great! Thanks!

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You are not being very specific about what type of work you need to do here. You should be aware that Thai law states that you need a work permit in order to perform work in Thailand.

If you are going to stay put you should consider getting an apartment with broadband internet (ADSL or cable modem, possibly wireless connection within the building to a server connected to cable modem or ADSL).

WiFi spots are still fairly scarce if you look at Thailand as a whole, and you cannot rely on them being available once you leave the cities. You may be able to take your laptop into Internet Cafes and connect to the internet that way. I used to do so successfully in the past, so unless their policies have changed a lot in 4 years...

Internet through GPRS (the mobile phone network) such as you suggest is only a last resort, the speeds are often worse than dialup.

Cnsider getting a computer where you come from instead, one with a world wide guarantee. There are service centers for the major brands in Bangkok who can help you. Laptops are generally not that much cheaper here, in some cases actually more expensive.

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