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Thai bus conductor 'accidentally shot' by students


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It is a welcoming thought that here in thailand shootings are not as prevalent as in the USA , probably arising from the vast number of guns in circulation in the USA

Many of us are saddened by the continued killings on busses and minibusses by the drivers who are out of control, maybe a few more USA guns on the busses might make the drivers think a little

It would be much nicer to hear minibus bus driver shot by American who saved all the passengers from almost certain death

Let me try and get this straight from the jumble of random words you have thrown together above.

Am I right in saying that your solution to the number of crashes by buses reported in the news lately is to have random bands of armed Americans travelling the buses of Thailand dispensing justice for traffic offences out of the barrel of a gun?

Are you an American? Because they certainly bring them up them weird where you come from................

Next stage is to machine gun all trains leaving Bang Sue Junction in case they have a derailment.....

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Ask any not so bright school kid ( 90% ) what they want.

No.1 A gun

No.2 A motor bike

What a great education system Thailand has.

Alas what can we expect when we look at politicians and some of the so called elite of this country

Ask any not-so-bright TV poster to post and they come up with nonsense like this.

Found you again nit picking at a poster who is near to the truth, so you are one of the not so bright not so brights eh.

You had a stranger than normal answer to one of my posts, and I asked you to post your own views as most of us do--but cannot seem to find any relating to the said topics.

give us a chance to see what thoughts you come up with.

Very pointed and oh so accurate ginjag.

I'm sure we won't see much in the way of discussion, thoughts etc. as MMarlow only seems intent on being destructive not supplying anything remotely constructive.

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It is a welcoming thought that here in thailand shootings are not as prevalent as in the USA , probably arising from the vast number of guns in circulation in the USA

Many of us are saddened by the continued killings on busses and minibusses by the drivers who are out of control, maybe a few more USA guns on the busses might make the drivers think a little

It would be much nicer to hear minibus bus driver shot by American who saved all the passengers from almost certain death

You are at ten times the danger of being murdered by a gun in Thailand than you are in the USA. Better get to the USA if you need safety.

Thailand has the 3rd worst gun murder rate in the world.

Since you're clear off topic, would you also like to talk about highway deaths per capita in Thailand?


Gun murders per 100,000 people:


Edited by NeverSure
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It is a welcoming thought that here in thailand shootings are not as prevalent as in the USA , probably arising from the vast number of guns in circulation in the USA

Many of us are saddened by the continued killings on busses and minibusses by the drivers who are out of control, maybe a few more USA guns on the busses might make the drivers think a little

It would be much nicer to hear minibus bus driver shot by American who saved all the passengers from almost certain death

Let me try and get this straight from the jumble of random words you have thrown together above.

Am I right in saying that your solution to the number of crashes by buses reported in the news lately is to have random bands of armed Americans travelling the buses of Thailand dispensing justice for traffic offences out of the barrel of a gun?

Are you an American? Because they certainly bring them up them weird where you come from................

"Are you an American? Because they certainly bring them up them weird where you come from................"

It's easy to be a tough guy from behind an internet keyboard. Right?

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It is a welcoming thought that here in thailand shootings are not as prevalent as in the USA , probably arising from the vast number of guns in circulation in the USA

Many of us are saddened by the continued killings on busses and minibusses by the drivers who are out of control, maybe a few more USA guns on the busses might make the drivers think a little

It would be much nicer to hear minibus bus driver shot by American who saved all the passengers from almost certain death

Let me try and get this straight from the jumble of random words you have thrown together above.

Am I right in saying that your solution to the number of crashes by buses reported in the news lately is to have random bands of armed Americans travelling the buses of Thailand dispensing justice for traffic offences out of the barrel of a gun?

Are you an American? Because they certainly bring them up them weird where you come from................

"Are you an American? Because they certainly bring them up them weird where you come from................"

It's easy to be a tough guy from behind an internet keyboard. Right?

My, we're touchy, aren't we. You need to chill, all that aggression is not good for you

I assumed he was an american not because of his stupid post, well, not just that ( smile.png ), but by the fact that he said

"it would be much nicer to hear minibus bus driver shot by American who saved all the passengers from almost certain death"

Most people would default subconciously to their own religion nationality when writing a post. Meanwhile, I'm quite ready to admit there are some weird people brought up where I come from, are you?

Oh and in case you were offering to demonstrate your toughness on me away from the keyboard, I respectfully decline. How's about them fancy words? 33_541_381_081.0712050001382758934.gif

Edited by fab4
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It is a welcoming thought that here in thailand shootings are not as prevalent as in the USA , probably arising from the vast number of guns in circulation in the USA

Many of us are saddened by the continued killings on busses and minibusses by the drivers who are out of control, maybe a few more USA guns on the busses might make the drivers think a little

It would be much nicer to hear minibus bus driver shot by American who saved all the passengers from almost certain death

You are at ten times the danger of being murdered by a gun in Thailand than you are in the USA. Better get to the USA if you need safety.

Thailand has the 3rd worst gun murder rate in the world.

Since you're clear off topic, would you also like to talk about highway deaths per capita in Thailand?


Gun murders per 100,000 people:


Hmmm. Not only does the 33.0016 per 100K number seem implausible, but it conflicts with the Wiki's List of Countries by Intentional Homicide Rate of 2012 by the UNODC:

"The UNODC made a study in 2012 that includes most countries of the world. The following lists show only the most recent data. Rates are calculated per 100,000 inhabitants. Intentional homicide in this case is defined as unlawful death purposefully inflicted on a person by another person."

The pertinent entries from their 2012 homicide rate chart for Thailand indicating 3307 total homicides for a rate of 4.8 per 100K inhabitants (* about the same as the USA at 4.7):


By logic, the intentional homicide rate by guns cannot exceed the total homicide rate by all means, can it? Or am I missing something?

The NationMaster.com Firearm Homicide Rate (NeverSure's Link/image - Thailand entry) must have had a decimal point slipped or something. Also, it references the Wiki's Gun Violence page, which does not seem to have data for the chart depicted or even a link for it (unless I missed it).

* = And no. This was not intended to be about the USA. It's simply that Thailand's chart entry was adjacent to it. That having been stated, it is interesting to see how comparable the intentional homicide rates (according to UNODC) are, no?

I'd be willing to bet that the unintentional homicide rate for Thailand is very high ...

Edited by MaxYakov
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Just imagine the mileage this story would get if this same thing happened in down and out Pattaya or Phuket. cool.png

This OP is actually about Thailand. It gets no mileage unless someone goes off topic and makes it about the US.

Which happens every time.

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It is a welcoming thought that here in thailand shootings are not as prevalent as in the USA , probably arising from the vast number of guns in circulation in the USA

Many of us are saddened by the continued killings on busses and minibusses by the drivers who are out of control, maybe a few more USA guns on the busses might make the drivers think a little

It would be much nicer to hear minibus bus driver shot by American who saved all the passengers from almost certain death

You are at ten times the danger of being murdered by a gun in Thailand than you are in the USA. Better get to the USA if you need safety.

Thailand has the 3rd worst gun murder rate in the world.

Since you're clear off topic, would you also like to talk about highway deaths per capita in Thailand?


Gun murders per 100,000 people:


Hmmm. Not only does the 33.0016 per 100K number seem implausible, but it conflicts with the Wiki's List of Countries by Intentional Homicide Rate of 2012 by the [acronym='United Nations Office on Drug and Crime']UNODC[/acronym]:

"The UNODC made a study in 2012 that includes most countries of the world. The following lists show only the most recent data. Rates are calculated per 100,000 inhabitants. Intentional homicide in this case is defined as unlawful death purposefully inflicted on a person by another person."

The pertinent entries from their 2012 homicide rate chart for Thailand indicating 3307 total homicides for a rate of 4.8 per 100K inhabitants (about the same as the USA at 4.7):


By logic, the intentional homicide rate by guns cannot exceed the total homicide rate by all means, can it? Or am I missing something?

The NationMaster.com Firearm Homicide Rate (NeverSure's Link/image - Thailand entry) must have had a decimal point slipped or something. Also, it references the Wiki's Gun Violence page, which does not seem to have data for the chart depicted or even a link for it (unless I missed it).


The only reason I get involved is because the topic of a shooting in Thailand goes off topic about the US.

Different countries report and define things differently. The UN is always biased against the US, as are many posters here.

In the US homicide is the killing of a homo sapein; even a suicide is homicide. Murder is unlawful killing of another. There are twice as many suicides by gun in the US as there are murders by gun. All are homicides.

"Figures don't lie, but liars figure." Thailand is extremely dangerous including an ongoing war with extremists in the South.

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It is a welcoming thought that here in thailand shootings are not as prevalent as in the USA , probably arising from the vast number of guns in circulation in the USA

Many of us are saddened by the continued killings on busses and minibusses by the drivers who are out of control, maybe a few more USA guns on the busses might make the drivers think a little

It would be much nicer to hear minibus bus driver shot by American who saved all the passengers from almost certain death

You are at ten times the danger of being murdered by a gun in Thailand than you are in the USA. Better get to the USA if you need safety.

Thailand has the 3rd worst gun murder rate in the world.

Since you're clear off topic, would you also like to talk about highway deaths per capita in Thailand?


Gun murders per 100,000 people:


Hmmm. Not only does the 33.0016 per 100K number seem implausible, but it conflicts with the Wiki's List of Countries by Intentional Homicide Rate of 2012 by the [acronym='United Nations Office on Drug and Crime']UNODC[/acronym]:

"The UNODC made a study in 2012 that includes most countries of the world. The following lists show only the most recent data. Rates are calculated per 100,000 inhabitants. Intentional homicide in this case is defined as unlawful death purposefully inflicted on a person by another person."

The pertinent entries from their 2012 homicide rate chart for Thailand indicating 3307 total homicides for a rate of 4.8 per 100K inhabitants (about the same as the USA at 4.7):


By logic, the intentional homicide rate by guns cannot exceed the total homicide rate by all means, can it? Or am I missing something?

The NationMaster.com Firearm Homicide Rate (NeverSure's Link/image - Thailand entry) must have had a decimal point slipped or something. Also, it references the Wiki's Gun Violence page, which does not seem to have data for the chart depicted or even a link for it (unless I missed it).


The only reason I get involved is because the topic of a shooting in Thailand goes off topic about the US.

Different countries report and define things differently. The UN is always biased against the US, as are many posters here.

In the US homicide is the killing of a homo sapein; even a suicide is homicide. Murder is unlawful killing of another. There are twice as many suicides by gun in the US as there are murders by gun. All are homicides.

"Figures don't lie, but liars figure." Thailand is extremely dangerous including an ongoing war with extremists in the South.

The focus of any and all versions of my post was Thailand. Comparison with the USA was ONLY because its chart entry was adjacent to Thailand's. Go back and read it again - for comprehension this time, please:

My Post Disputing the NationMaster.com entry of 33.0016 / 100K Thailand Gun Homicides

P.S.: Your references to suicide in the US, bias of the UN and extremists in the Sourth are off-topic ... aren't they?

Edited by MaxYakov
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So far today:

1 student holds up a 7/11 for fun.

1 student accidentally shoots bus conductor.

The headlines seem to make excuses for the perpetrators. Moreover, how do the police know it was a accident?

Who is to say it was for fun re 7-11, stupid to say the least.

OK I want some fun, so I get ready after midnight mask-big knife, assuming motor cycle, and head for a 7-11 to scare an assistant to hell, rob the place. FOR FUN No NO No---for gain to buy alcohol drugs another mobile.

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So far today:

1 student holds up a 7/11 for fun.

1 student accidentally shoots bus conductor.

The headlines seem to make excuses for the perpetrators. Moreover, how do the police know it was a accident?

Who is to say it was for fun re 7-11, stupid to say the least.

OK I want some fun, so I get ready after midnight mask-big knife, assuming motor cycle, and head for a 7-11 to scare an assistant to hell, rob the place. FOR FUN No NO No---for gain to buy alcohol drugs another mobile.

Accident, why because he was a bad shot, if he had shot into the heart it then would be deemed as a murder.

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Well then,

If it was just an accident......

Or they were probably just doing it as a "dare". It was socially unacceptable to slap the bus driver on the head with a flip-flop, so they decided they would just shoot him in the leg instead. Much safer, if not quite as funny......

Hazeing rituals are such an important part of the educational experience, don't you think? Go techs!

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It is a welcoming thought that here in thailand shootings are not as prevalent as in the USA , probably arising from the vast number of guns in circulation in the USA

Many of us are saddened by the continued killings on busses and minibusses by the drivers who are out of control, maybe a few more USA guns on the busses might make the drivers think a little

It would be much nicer to hear minibus bus driver shot by American who saved all the passengers from almost certain death

Time for a ...........wake up call !!! You are far more likely to be shot here rather than the USA.

But feel free to continue your life of delusion......cheesy.gif


Showing latest available data.

Rank Countries opacity.gifAmount down.gif # 1 sf.gif South Africa: 31,918

# 2 co.gif Colombia: 21,898

# 3 th.gif Thailand: 20,032

# 4 us.gif United States: 9,369

# 5 rp.gif Philippines: 7,708

# 6 mx.gif Mexico: 2,606

I always get a laugh out of the battling technical college students. Must be hard to fit in studying, with

all the gang fights they are getting into. Their middle class shop keeper parents must be so proud of

them !!

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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It is a welcoming thought that here in thailand shootings are not as prevalent as in the USA , probably arising from the vast number of guns in circulation in the USA

Many of us are saddened by the continued killings on busses and minibusses by the drivers who are out of control, maybe a few more USA guns on the busses might make the drivers think a little

It would be much nicer to hear minibus bus driver shot by American who saved all the passengers from almost certain death

Time for a ...........wake up call !!! You are far more likely to be shot here rather than the USA.

But feel free to continue your life of delusion......cheesy.gif


Showing latest available data.

Rank Countries opacity.gifAmount down.gif # 1 sf.gif South Africa: 31,918

# 2 co.gif Colombia: 21,898

# 3 th.gif Thailand: 20,032

# 4 us.gif United States: 9,369

# 5 rp.gif Philippines: 7,708

# 6 mx.gif Mexico: 2,606

I always get a laugh out of the battling technical college students. Must be hard to fit in studying, with

all the gang fights they are getting into. Their middle class shop keeper parents must be so proud of

them !!

I found statistics (UN Report) that conflicted with the NationMaster chart (by roughtly an order of magnitude) and posted it HERE

I went looking for more sources and found this Forbes article: Death by Firearms Around the World

That shows deaths per 100,000 for the 10 highest countries (war zones excluded):

1) 50.36 El Salvador

2) 47.50 Jamaica

3) 46.70 Honduras

4) 38.52 Guatemala

5) 37.16 Swaziland

6) 28.11 Colombia

7) 19.01 Brazil

8) 12.92 Panama

9) 11.14 Mexico

10) 9.46 Philippines

I think in Thailand one is far more likely to die in a motor vehicle accident than by a firearm. In any event, I'm more concerned about the intentional homicide rate than I am about the means. A throat slit with a broken beer bottle can be very effective.

Does anyone think that's delusional?

PS: Those in South Thailand who believe the NationMaster numbers include the gun violence there, maybe should move further north.

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