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Annoying 7-Eleven doorbell only in Thailand?

Dag Ekeberg

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For those of you who have NO problem with it or don't even notice it then it makes me wonder what type of home environment you come from.

Probably one where our parents taught us basic civility and good manners so as to not walk into a business that is not our own and unplug the doorbell.

Well I do as I see fit. I live with standards and principles and if I see an opportunity where I can make an improvement to a "system" in place then I will. I won't stand aside, point, watch as most do waiting for someone like me to come along and actually DO SOMETHING! As little as unplugging a bell or running into a burning building or applying Heimlich or CPR to a person in need. But you go ahead and do as your parents have taught and defy evolving and watch as everything evolves around you.[/quote)

your reply has absolutely nothing to do with the point i made but i kind of guessed it wouldn't. Of course if your idea of evolution is walking around a 7-11 going " DING DONG " then i guess i'm happy being down with the neanderthals. You posts give one.the impression that youre just another of the social inadequetes with a bucketload of issues who wash up on thailands shores with depressing regularity. Have a nice evening.

Evolved <deleted>. Give me strength....

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Would you rather they had no 7/11s like Cambodia and Laod? That sound never even raised an eyebrow and if someone did a survey on most unlikely threads on thaivisa this very thread might come in #1

Thats rather extreme to make such proposal of NO 7-11 to the elimination of a dingdong doorbell. Thats like eliminating all automobiles because of some useless/senseless modification that has NOTHING to do with the benefit that the automobile provides and serves billions of people around the globe as does 7-11's... the dingdong does not EXCEPT those located on very rural roads or in towns where there may be a few customers every hour and 1 employee. Someone needs to write to 7-11 corporation to find out what the policy is which makes this doorbell a requirement in stores and the function it serves. In the USA its SOUTHLAND CORPORATION but here in Thailand I have no clue. However, I will contact a friend of mine right this moment who was a manager of a 7-11 for over a decade and see if he can offer some inside knowledge even though this nuisance hasn't been in any 7-11's Ive been in in the USA.

I suggest you should join Dag on that island I mentioned earlier because IMHO your are way more in need of

urgent help than Dag. You are on the edge man. w00t.gif

Suggestions are like stop signs, just that, a suggestion... Regardless, I dont enjoy dingdongs in my life, perhaps you do. And I leave you with this.................Ding Dong

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Would you rather they had no 7/11s like Cambodia and Laod? That sound never even raised an eyebrow and if someone did a survey on most unlikely threads on thaivisa this very thread might come in #1

Thats rather extreme to make such proposal of NO 7-11 to the elimination of a dingdong doorbell. Thats like eliminating all automobiles because of some useless/senseless modification that has NOTHING to do with the benefit that the automobile provides and serves billions of people around the globe as does 7-11's... the dingdong does not EXCEPT those located on very rural roads or in towns where there may be a few customers every hour and 1 employee. Someone needs to write to 7-11 corporation to find out what the policy is which makes this doorbell a requirement in stores and the function it serves. In the USA its SOUTHLAND CORPORATION but here in Thailand I have no clue. However, I will contact a friend of mine right this moment who was a manager of a 7-11 for over a decade and see if he can offer some inside knowledge even though this nuisance hasn't been in any 7-11's Ive been in in the USA.

If you want to contact somebody, try Charoen Pokphand. They own nearly half of the 7-Eleven stores in Thailand outright and are the licensee for the rest (via subsidiary CP ALL).
An interesting company that has become Thailand’s largest by focusing on animal feed (and also TV feed—they own True Corp...)
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YeaBig dude U an Deg " "  should meet up for beers,  outside a 7   & to compare notes and plan strategy,  the rest of us seem to be content with the fact that  our local convenient is finally full stock of chang  Posted Image  And Cuz a u guys,  from now on the bell will not say  DING DONG it will say TING TONG.


Seems very important to some people to point out how unimportant this topic is… Makes me think hearing loss is rampant here. Perhaps it's a natural selection. People with perfect hearing come to Thailand, then decide to settle elsewhere...

This topic is the definition of unimportant lol

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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YeaBig dude U an Deg " " should meet up for beers, outside a 7 & to compare notes and plan strategy, the rest of us seem to be content with the fact that our local convenient is finally full stock of chang rolleyes.gif And Cuz a u guys, from now on the bell will not say DING DONG it will say TING TONG.

Seems very important to some people to point out how unimportant this topic is… Makes me think hearing loss is rampant here. Perhaps it's a natural selection. People with perfect hearing come to Thailand, then decide to settle elsewhere...

This topic is the definition of unimportant lol

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Alright here we go... I believe that the importance of any one thing or topic is determined by that of the poster. Granted, whats important to one person is not necessarily that of another. However, having said that, I find it quite funny that those who find this posting or topic of least importance in this whole forum are the very same people following and continuing to make posts. Which only shows that you yourselves might be the ones needing a hobby or something better to do with your spare time than to follow such unimportant posts. So how bout dem apples?!!!

HOWEVER, I did the follow up as I had stated earlier and contacted a friend of mine who was a manager of a 7-11 in the USA to see if he had an answer to the inner-mindset of 7-11 Corporations and franchises as a whole to possibly shed light on this issue and he had stated the following to me...(not verbatim) The doorbell apparently serves many behind the scenes functions for the store... It counts people coming in/out (I rebutted this as sometimes many people will walk in/out while the door is opened once so the count would not be accurate) and he had responded and said I was correct but for example if the doorbell counted 500 people yet there were no sales then that would support that there may be a case of employee theft going on as the numbers would be way off from the typical averages...so I found that plausible. He also stated that the doorbell apparently serves as a constant reminder for the employees to keep busy and working as he himself has left 7-11 many years ago yet admitted to still hearing the bell in his head today. Again, I was very skeptical of this reason as it seems way too strategically involved that human behavior, daily work functions, progress can all be measured, recorded and maximized with corresponding supporting statistical data all stemming from a "ding dong". I guess I would relate this to the same research and statistical data that supermarkets and shopping malls do when they select the music that you hear playing throughout the store while you are shopping that would somehow have an affect on human behavior and emotions for the mere purpose of maximizing profits by the sales from a customer who is relaxed and at ease listening to certain music while shopping. The data needed for this example being the average age of the shopper during any specific time frame during what specific days which would then be compiled in a rather complex algorithm from data that was provided when people unsuspectingly filled out that "Shoppers Advantage" or "Club Card" "Discount Card" of sorts. Amazing... Anyhow, I guess the ding dong remains...Moving forward...

I am YeaBiGgiEs and I have spoken on this day, at this time!

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YeaBig dude U an Deg " " should meet up for beers, outside a 7 & to compare notes and plan strategy, the rest of us seem to be content with the fact that our local convenient is finally full stock of chang rolleyes.gif And Cuz a u guys, from now on the bell will not say DING DONG it will say TING TONG.

Seems very important to some people to point out how unimportant this topic is… Makes me think hearing loss is rampant here. Perhaps it's a natural selection. People with perfect hearing come to Thailand, then decide to settle elsewhere...

This topic is the definition of unimportant lol

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Alright here we go... I believe that the importance of any one thing or topic is determined by that of the poster. Granted, whats important to one person is not necessarily that of another. However, having said that, I find it quite funny that those who find this posting or topic of least importance in this whole forum are the very same people following and continuing to make posts. Which only shows that you yourselves might be the ones needing a hobby or something better to do with your spare time than to follow such unimportant posts. So how bout dem apples?!!!

HOWEVER, I did the follow up as I had stated earlier and contacted a friend of mine who was a manager of a 7-11 in the USA to see if he had an answer to the inner-mindset of 7-11 Corporations and franchises as a whole to possibly shed light on this issue and he had stated the following to me...(not verbatim) The doorbell apparently serves many behind the scenes functions for the store... It counts people coming in/out (I rebutted this as sometimes many people will walk in/out while the door is opened once so the count would not be accurate) and he had responded and said I was correct but for example if the doorbell counted 500 people yet there were no sales then that would support that there may be a case of employee theft going on as the numbers would be way off from the typical averages...so I found that plausible. He also stated that the doorbell apparently serves as a constant reminder for the employees to keep busy and working as he himself has left 7-11 many years ago yet admitted to still hearing the bell in his head today. Again, I was very skeptical of this reason as it seems way too strategically involved that human behavior, daily work functions, progress can all be measured, recorded and maximized with corresponding supporting statistical data all stemming from a "ding dong". I guess I would relate this to the same research and statistical data that supermarkets and shopping malls do when they select the music that you hear playing throughout the store while you are shopping that would somehow have an affect on human behavior and emotions for the mere purpose of maximizing profits by the sales from a customer who is relaxed and at ease listening to certain music while shopping. The data needed for this example being the average age of the shopper during any specific time frame during what specific days which would then be compiled in a rather complex algorithm from data that was provided when people unsuspectingly filled out that "Shoppers Advantage" or "Club Card" "Discount Card" of sorts. Amazing... Anyhow, I guess the ding dong remains...Moving forward...

I am YeaBiGgiEs and I have spoken on this day, at this time!

I have come to the sad conclusion that it is highly possible both you and Dag are way beyond any

possible earthly help, forget the island try Mars. facepalm.gifthumbsup.gif

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So, is it only in Thailand? And if so, why? There are always plenty of kids in green shirts milling about the counter, no way theyre going to miss a new customer.


I suspect the next post will be a praise of the new bahtbus air horns. The more noise the better.

Could be useful for the blind/partially sighted letting them know the door has opened, assuming it is an automatic door.

I heard more people in Thailand shop at 7-11 rather than Family Mart because 7-11 has automatic doors and Family Mart does not. One less thing to cause confusion in a hectic day.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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