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Urine very sweet


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I have not tasted it yet, but it smells very sweet, not discolored at all.

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

Started about 3 weeks ago or so, went away for few days and came back.

The guy at the urinal next to me must have had a good whiff as he was leaning over for a deeper breath, like smelling a flower.

Diet has not changed here in Thailand, nothing abnormal or strange anyway.

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"sweet smelling" can be caused by many things in your food and does not mean anything. Actually it is more like sweet fruit smell.

But if the urine is sweet tasting (no need to taste it, that is a bit old fashion like 100 years ago) than you have too much sugar in your blood.

So if you are really concerned:

a) it some boring farang food and drinks for 2 days and if your urine still seems to smell sweet:

b ) ask a doctor, to make all the tests on the urine. They are all test sticks and cost almost nothing.

I would say 99% sure there is nothing, but if there is the 1 % you should take care of it as fast as possible because too much sugar in your blood damage other things.

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"Catching a whiff of something sugary sweet after you pee might actually be a clue to something very serious going on in your body. A sugary smell might indicate the presence of blood sugar thats being excreted in the urine, says Farber. And a high concentration of blood sugar in the urine is one sign of diabetes. The kidney acts as a filter for all sorts of waste that flows through the body. But if your filter is damaged, things can leak out of it and end up being excreted in the urine. In the case of diabetes, excess blood sugar sneaks out through a leaky filter and shows up in the urine. If you are pregnant, changes in the kidney filtration system can result in the presence of sugar in the urine. Whether pregnant or not, if a doctor finds sugar in your urine, he or she should order further tests to determine if diabetes is a concern."

See a quack.

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Just been reading up on it.

Thanks for the PM's by the way from many.

I am going to give it a little taste later and see what I think. I hate doctors and will do almost anything to not go, so tasting, not drinking, but tasting a little pee won't kill me.

According to what I read, I do not have any of the symptoms for diabetes, nor do I have the lifestyle that seems to cause it.

However, I do intake a reasonable amount of honey and I thought that might cause something, but seems honey does not have that effect and is as thought, quite good for you.

I just realised another food group I have been eating a lot of lately and that is 'palm fruit' or 'dates'.

Anyone know if dates could cause the smell?

A few years ago my pooh turned green for months because of a drink I was taking regularly, a naturally made fruit which was delicious.

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"Catching a whiff of something sugary sweet after you pee might actually be a clue to something very serious going on in your body. A sugary smell might indicate the presence of blood sugar thats being excreted in the urine, says Farber. And a high concentration of blood sugar in the urine is one sign of diabetes. The kidney acts as a filter for all sorts of waste that flows through the body. But if your filter is damaged, things can leak out of it and end up being excreted in the urine. In the case of diabetes, excess blood sugar sneaks out through a leaky filter and shows up in the urine. If you are pregnant, changes in the kidney filtration system can result in the presence of sugar in the urine. Whether pregnant or not, if a doctor finds sugar in your urine, he or she should order further tests to determine if diabetes is a concern."

See a quack.

Right but a big misleading:

The body doesn't respond to insulin or no insulin is produced, so there is way too much sugar in the blood which damage many things. The kidney in this emergency tries to filter out the sugar (and get also damaged by doing so).

So the sweet urine is an emergency situation already. But sweet smell doesn't mean too much. Might mean something but don't panic....

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If you're not willing to see a Doctor now and tasting your urine is logical for you, I cannot add much to this thread, except get to a Pharmacy and test your blood sugar ASAP - report back the results if you need clarification.

Start to prepare yourself mentally a Doctor will be the only option.

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"However, I do intake a reasonable amount of honey and I thought that might cause something, but seems honey does not have that effect and is as thought, quite good for you."

There was a thread a little while ago about how most honey in Thailand was either fake sugar syrup, or at minimum made by sugar water fed bees. You may want to check the contents of your honey if you truly consume a lot if it.

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The dates could certainly do it; contains loads of sugar. In ancient times, a test for glucose in the urine was to urinate next to an ant nest, if the ants like it, there is glucose in it.

Just have a urine check at a clinic and a blood test if glucose is confirmed.

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Just been reading up on it.

Thanks for the PM's by the way from many.

I am going to give it a little taste later and see what I think. I hate doctors and will do almost anything to not go, so tasting, not drinking, but tasting a little pee won't kill me.

According to what I read, I do not have any of the symptoms for diabetes,

You don't actually need to have any of the symptoms to have diabetes in its early stages. You either need to see a Doctor or do some BG tests of your own. Have a look at bloodsugar101.com.

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Well I did the taste test last night and it was very sweet, in fact so sweet that I had to go back for 3rd's. Tasted quite nice actually, didn't swallow, so not weird, apparently its only weird if you swallow.

So laying off the dates for the foreseeable future and see if that changes it over this week and maybe see quack next week.

As for the honey mentioned above, yes I know that and we buy straight from the farm.

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Well I did the taste test last night and it was very sweet, in fact so sweet that I had to go back for 3rd's. Tasted quite nice actually, didn't swallow, so not weird, apparently its only weird if you swallow.

So laying off the dates for the foreseeable future and see if that changes it over this week and maybe see quack next week.

As for the honey mentioned above, yes I know that and we buy straight from the farm.

I'm not sure if this is a wind up or not but do seek medical attention, the first step which has been mentioned a few times is a simple blood sugar test you can do at home. It will help the "quack" determine the series of tests which need to be performed.

Think it through, don't stress, know what to expect, arrive early and don't be nervous he or she is there to help YOU.

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Understood and thanks for the advice both above.

But the quacks around here are pathetic, would not rely on them to diagnose anything properly. Shall wait until in Bangkok next week, or actually just remembered will be in large regional centre this wednesday, so will check then I think.

How long does it take for them to get results from blood test as it is some distance from where we live, a drive back just for results will be inconvenient much.

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Surely it cannot be diabetes....I am not a big fat bastard, I do not eat loads of rubbish, not even a lot of rubbish, very little in fact. No junk foods as in Maccas and such, I drink no beer, very little other alcohol, no cokes, pepsis and such, no sodas, we cut out sugar entirely a long time ago in cooking at home and ask in restaurants when we remember it to leave it out. We cut out all added salt a long time ago and ask for it to be left out in restaurants.

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A glucometer (small hand held bit of electronics) can give a reasonably accurate reading within 30 seconds. If the result is a cause for concern then more tests can be done which look at the glyclated haemoglobin-ie the amount of glucose in your plasma which gives a longer term reading of how long this has been a problem (or not). They may take a bit more blood and check a few more things if the reading is high and this will take longer.

Normal ranges on your glucometer will be between around 4-6% though this can vary according to when you last ate and what you ate and a host of factors. Its a pretty good predictor of what to do next and it doesnt hurt and the feedback is immediate. For an 80baht or so doctor fee its a bargain for peace of mind.

I am not a medical doctor, but I have extensive experience in this area.

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In ancient times, a test for glucose in the urine was to urinate next to an ant nest, if the ants like it, there is glucose in it.

That is quite possibly the most interesting thing I have heard for some time, and I shall test it out at some point today.

Seriously I will, but only when there is no one looking.

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A glucometer (small hand held bit of electronics) can give a reasonably accurate reading within 30 seconds. If the result is a cause for concern then more tests can be done which look at the glyclated haemoglobin-ie the amount of glucose in your plasma which gives a longer term reading of how long this has been a problem (or not). They may take a bit more blood and check a few more things if the reading is high and this will take longer.

Normal ranges on your glucometer will be between around 4-6% though this can vary according to when you last ate and what you ate and a host of factors. Its a pretty good predictor of what to do next and it doesnt hurt and the feedback is immediate. For an 80baht or so doctor fee its a bargain for peace of mind.

I am not a medical doctor, but I have extensive experience in this area.

Stay tuned, I'll have it checked on wednesday.

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In ancient times, a test for glucose in the urine was to urinate next to an ant nest, if the ants like it, there is glucose in it.

That is quite possibly the most interesting thing I have heard for some time, and I shall test it out at some point today.

Seriously I will, but only when there is no one looking.

Might do the same.

Always good to give the doctor as much advice as possible.

I shall find a nest shortly, plenty around here and I can also tell the doc about tasting it.

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THe test with the hand held meter gives an indication.

You will almost certainly be asked to do a fasting blood sugar test so if you want quick results you should ensure you do not have anything to eat or drink other than water for at least 12 hours before taking the blood.

If they do not suggest doing this test find another clinic.

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Curious to see what the outcome of the meter tests was, as I am on the 'cusp' of diabetes. But the dates!! Had some recently - fresh from the desert in Saudi - wonderful, but so much sugar ! If you want something sweet, stick to some slightly sweet fruit like red grapes or apples, or watermelon.

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Been reading up on dates too.

Extremely good for you and healthy, yes high in sugar, but a good unprocessed sugar.

I am wondering if so many of these, not that I believe I have eaten a lot, but maybe they are causing the sweet aroma and taste.

As said before, a great natural fruit juice I used to drink a lot of turned me pooh green for months. So could be same for urine I imagine, just not green.

I have only eaten a kilo of dates over one and a half weeks.

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In ancient times, a test for glucose in the urine was to urinate next to an ant nest, if the ants like it, there is glucose in it.

I tried it earlier, 2 nests, put a cupped leaf next to them to leave a drinking reservoir for them and 30 minutes later...nothing.

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