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Saving Thailand from political apocalypse


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In particular, Western countries should come clean and urge the Yingluck government to stop pretending that her government is democratic. They should also be frank in commenting on the political situation in Thailand, as they have done with other countries, if they genuinely care about real democratic development, not just form or style as some do.

So far, the West has been muted over the controversy, even though it is a strong case of human-rights violation. The European Union and the US - the great promoters of democracy - are probably stunned by the audacity of Thaksin and his Pheu Thai Party. After all, they have backed the Yingluck government since her party won the election. They have even credited her for bringing political stability, which remains superficial. It would be hard to make a U-turn.

The European Union [..] the great promoters of democracy.

Great piece aside from this.

Lisbon Treaty? Had the UK population been given the chance to vote it would have lost 20:80% or close to it.

If the UK population was allowed a vote on anything to do with EU issues, it would lose 20/80% That is why the UK public never gets invited to a referendum..... ever!

The UK has referendums but like all other countries the governments do not have to abide by them, waste of money.

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Thailand is OK if Farang don't interfere.

The Thais and fix their own problem,

Issues started to arise since the Portuguese, then French, English, and worst of all American start to mess with Siamese politics.

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bigbamboo post # 32

That's a bit unfair to compare Thailand to a pariah state like North Korea.

North Korea believes in a single ruling party, no independent checks and balances, internet censorship and social media controls, a toothless press, spending money on grandiose projects yet ignores basic services for it's people, has a bias distribution of wealth and whilst maintaining it is a democratic society all it's leaders come from the same family!

Now how is that anything like Thailand?

Parallel world along with the same nightmare dream team mentality in its despotic leadership base on nepotism and corruption.

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The last coup was military. The current coup is political.

Same game, different rules, different excuses...but the same game.

"In particular, Western countries should come clean and urge the Yingluck government to stop pretending that her government is democratic". Well, Western Democracies aren't exactly models for democracy either, nor known for 'coming clean' about anything, nor known for supporting the minority party during a current government unless a whole lot of money was at stake..

Same game, different rules, different excuses...but the same game.

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