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Police target the farang again


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 I want to know what "pi pi" means???


"just yelled Pi Pi at me"

The same as calling someone a muppet

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Go! Go!

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I never said I was not in the wrong, I said that I was targeted and others just openly broke the law in front of the cop and he did nothing.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

He was too busy nabbing the first one he saw lol, 400 baht fine??/ u will take care to read signs next timw,how can u miss them they are huge.

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The same thing happened to me in Pattaya, I followed a Thai on a bike turning left.. the cop tried to stop him but the Thai seeing me behind him sped off and the cop gripped me instead.

Had to go to the police station. He wanted to keep the bike as security but I couldn't be arsed walking. So I talked him into accepting my phone as security on the understanding that he doesn't ring his girlfriend!! He laughed and agreed.

500 baht fine, a laugh and a joke with the policeman, a lesson learned for me (to actually read the signs) and no harm done.

I see many Thais getting fined at police check points, and the fine represents a much bigger percentage of their disposable income.

If you break the law and get fined.. suck it up buttercup!

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Sorry but you have not been targeted at all

Go and spend a few hours at the Bridge just before Tesco or stand outside the Condochain to see how many Thais are getting pulled over there on a daily basis

As others have said you broke the law and got a ticket, whilst he was dealing with you other offenders went past, he cannot deal with them at the same time as he is dealing with you

You were unlucky this time, maybe you will be lucky next time, I go past that corner on a daily basis and see Farangs do the same as what you did and not get pulled, that's the way it goes

Edited by darrendsd
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As far as I can see the op has posted what happened to him! it's annoying when you get stopped and other people seem to get away with it! it doesn't matter if other people did get away with it, if you did wrong then you deserved to be fined, I am sure the next person will find himself or herself in exactly the same situation, do the crime pay the fine!! I don't believe there is discrimination here against us, as tourists or ex pats we should know better and do the right thing, do the right thing and stay fine free!!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Give the man 100baht to go away.

Its what everyone else in the country does.

Even me.

But farangs have to pay more, double pricing.

Therein lies an answer!

You got pulled over because number one, you broke the law. Number 2 you are white and whiteys have more cash than Thai's. Number 3 he knew he would get more cash and you would pay up.

If you had not broken the law which you admit to, there was no need for him to pull you over and fine you. Your fault entirely, stop bitching. All your doing is beatdeadhorse.gif best thing you can do is go and get on the burp.gif

Edited by OZEMADE
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Easy to feel discriminated against, but an offence is an offence, no matter of how many others do it. I was in a remotish area of India at a local airport, where my hand luggage was weighed, whilst locals were waved straight through with enormous bags, TV sets and all sorts. I observed for an hour and not a single other person was pulled over. I was the only European flying on that flight !

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  • 6 years later...

Happens a lot in Pattaya as well, sign says turn left at waiting light, which everybody does, sometimes there's a cop lurking around the corner waiting to pounce on the confused foreigner who has to pay up of course,  but Hey Ho, Pattaya cops have their own set of laws. 

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15 minutes ago, trigpoint said:

Happens a lot in Pattaya as well, sign says turn left at waiting light, which everybody does, sometimes there's a cop lurking around the corner waiting to pounce on the confused foreigner who has to pay up of course,  but Hey Ho, Pattaya cops have their own set of laws. 

7 year old thread...

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