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Need some help getting this SMS home alarm set up

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I have been struggling with the poorly written user's manual for several days now trying to set up this device. It is a home security alarm device which senses movement and triggers an alarm mode which takes photos and video, then sends SMS message and photo to the homeowner's cell phone notifying them of the intrusion. A great little device if I can understand how to use it. It saves the photo and video on a micro SD and uploads them to a website. You can even use a phone to call the device, turn it on and off, reboot, take a photo, etc.

I know enough to be dangerous about communications so I need some help. "GSM" I assume means the device uses the standard cell phone calling network. "MMS" has something to do with messaging but I don't know how it differs from sending SMSs, if at all. GPRS I think means communications between the device and a website server over the cell network. I gave up setting up the correct parameters for MMS and GPRS and just used SMS messaging to at least get this little thing to work. Today I finally succeeded in having it take a photo and a video once I managed to get it into alarm set mode. The photos and video were saved on its SD which I viewed by connecting to my pc's USB port. Quite slick.

Now to set up the MMS and GPRS stuff. I am using a normal True Move sim. The closest I've been able to determine how to set up GPRS is:


APN: internet

Username : true

Password: true

MCC: 520

MNC: 00

APN Type: internet

and for MMS:


APN: hmms

Username: true

Password: true

MMSC: http://mms.trueh.com:8002/

MNS Proxy:

MMS Port: 8080

MCC: 520

MNS: 00

APN Type: mms

Guess what? No surprise. Neither seems to be correct because the MMS and GPRS functions aren't connecting.

Any ideas what I may be doing wrong? Other than taking on this project in the first place?

(I was developing this on a Raspberry Pi until I found this one so cheap and decided to evaluate it. BTW, this is the package I had problems with Thai customs with I mentioned in a previous post. Shipped by DHL from HK.)



Maybe a stupid remark, but are you sure that Internet and MMS are enabled for that SIM card ?

Read here about what is MMS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multimedia_Messaging_Service

No MJCM, the only thing that is stupid is that I didn't do more Googling. True's website gave me a headache. I have no idea about sims used for different purposes. Hating phones and talking on them I have zero experience with different sim types or smart phones, etc. Come to think of it, I believe a wireless modem uses a different type of sim. I'm sure somebody will fill us in.

I shall absorb that wiki link, thanks. Lots of good stuff I want to understand there.


I know that an SMS cannot include a photo, it is text only, you need an MMS to do that.

And presumably you need to set up both the SIM in the alarm system and your mobile to get things to work.

Good luck.

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