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Bringing trophy animal heads to Thailand.


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Has any one or does anyone know how I can bring in my trophy deer heads from New Zealand to Thailand?

Of course they are fully treated leather and hair, plastic and hard foam.

I have tried to get a freight company to bring them in but Thai freight end says I need to contact department of livestock development and possibly get an import license.

Seems to me the Thai freight end thought these heads were real and fresh.

I have brought in two, one meter long frozen fish with the tails sticking out into suvahnabumi on the plane and was given a wierd look when I said I had something to declare.

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Ha yea, but the weird look was because they wondered why the hell I would bother to declare the fish, they thought I had something else...would you believe it, I love this place, I'd be arrested in NZ for trying that.lol.

They don't want you to declare anything. I usually bring in a few kilos of pipe tobacco and I stopped declaring it because they seem annoyed that I bother them. They would just say close the bag and go.

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