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UK national - electoral poll, jury service etc


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Hi, I am a female UK national. I have been living in Thailand since 2008, and have visited the UK about once/2yrs for a month each time. I was wondering, do I need to do anything about my name on electoral polls? What happens if the local council send a letter? I vaguely remember this happening a few years back, but my father replied for me (mentioned something about being prosecutable by law if not??!). Any mail currently goes to my parent's address. For example, what would happen if I get a letter calling me for jury service? Would I be obliged to reply to that?

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If you are on the electoral role you MUST sign the form sent to you or you are liable for a fine upto 1000 (get your dad to do it)

Thats if its your property or you are responsible for it, if living with parents then the form is completed for the household and upto your Dad who he puts on it for council tax/electoral purposes etc.

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If you're in Thailand you would not receive the letter unless they mailed it to your Thai address. So no problem.

yeah, but that's my point. My parents are taking care of my mail in UK, but sometimes they go abroad too, and something could go amiss. I just don't want to miss something that I need to reply to/declare to, and get in trouble for this

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If you are on the electoral role you MUST sign the form sent to you or you are liable for a fine upto 1000 (get your dad to do it)

Thats if its your property or you are responsible for it, if living with parents then the form is completed for the household and upto your Dad who he puts on it for council tax/electoral purposes etc.

Oh right, thanks CharlieH. How often do they send this form? I don't even know if I'm on the electoral role.

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If you are on the electoral role you MUST sign the form sent to you or you are liable for a fine upto 1000 (get your dad to do it)

Thats if its your property or you are responsible for it, if living with parents then the form is completed for the household and upto your Dad who he puts on it for council tax/electoral purposes etc.

Oh right, thanks CharlieH. How often do they send this form? I don't even know if I'm on the electoral role.

Form comes out once a year usually, if a jury thingy should ever arrive just tell you Dad to write saying you are overseas and give contact email uf they want proof, that should close that without issue.

Just for peace of mind as councils do vary, your council should have a website with this info on it, if not a contact email you can ask for specific advice will be listed.

Edited by CharlieH
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