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Thai lower house passes political amnesty bill


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"It would mean any leader can kill whoever and after killing he can issue the amnesty bill, then it would be terrible."

Pretty well spells Thaksins policy out. Kill them all then pass a law saying it was OK. Should go a long way towards settling the unrest in the South. Visual of Thaksin and his ideas.

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Me thinks a coup is coming

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

nonsense their will be no coup unless he returns and I doubt hell come back. Next step is get the money he stole back. Im not even sure anymore Taksin has it in him to be a dictator and hopefully is just a robber baron. im not bothered if he and his clan bleed people dry since they deserve it and it will be his own supporters who will loos the most. Like taking candy from a baby. Evil as I believe he is you have to admit hes very clever. If he has it in him to do what he really wants and have total control and hes not stopped then watch out for real fireworks and the end of Thailand as we know it. Lets hope if that seems the case as it was back in 2006 the army step in again to save the country but this time put him, his clan and his red thugs down for good.

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Oh, now they are supposed to represent their constituents. That part of the link between candidate and electorate is conveniently dismissed when you try and justify the election of abhisit to PM. When the Friends of Newin disregarded the parties that their constituents favoured and crossed over to form a coalition with the opposition democrat party. I'll keep that in mind.

Who says that the MPs that voted for Abhisit as PM weren't representing their electorate?

In this case, Korkaew knows that his constituents are against the amnesty but is voting for it "because the majority of PTP are voting for it".

I can't believe it. fab4 must have received his education at the red shirt school for democracy. Only people that went to that school can believe that the PTP votes for what their constituents want.

Why even have a vote when you are ordered to vote one way and one way only. I bet he graduated with honors.

He obviously has no idea of what democracy really is. This is really ridicules a dictatorship where the dictator refuses to live in the country he prefers to rule from out side it. He won't even come close to it. Remember the canceled speech in Myanmar right next door to Mai Sai a stronghold of his red shirted goons. He was afraid of assassination there. I can only imagine his fear in Bangkok.

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Oh, now they are supposed to represent their constituents. That part of the link between candidate and electorate is conveniently dismissed when you try and justify the election of abhisit to PM. When the Friends of Newin disregarded the parties that their constituents favoured and crossed over to form a coalition with the opposition democrat party. I'll keep that in mind.

Who says that the MPs that voted for Abhisit as PM weren't representing their electorate?

In this case, Korkaew knows that his constituents are against the amnesty but is voting for it "because the majority of PTP are voting for it".

I can't believe it. fab4 must have received his education at the red shirt school for democracy. Only people that went to that school can believe that the PTP votes for what their constituents want.

Why even have a vote when you are ordered to vote one way and one way only. I bet he graduated with honors.

He obviously has no idea of what democracy really is. This is really ridicules a dictatorship where the dictator refuses to live in the country he prefers to rule from out side it. He won't even come close to it. Remember the canceled speech in Myanmar right next door to Mai Sai a stronghold of his red shirted goons. He was afraid of assassination there. I can only imagine his fear in Bangkok.

Great post.

I agree, all this upheaval all for one guy to return home, and yet surely he is educated enough to know that his life is at risk the moment he enters the kingdom, and should there be a coup in the future...... he will be the first to be detained, and Yingluck may well be joining him as a co-conspirator.

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"PM refuses to comment on the passage of the amnesty bill"

Well what could she possibility say? Thank you three times?

PM Yingluck promised to allocate Bt100mn each to 4 upper central provinces(Sing Buri,Lop Buri,Ang Thong,Chai Nat) to improve residents' lives /The Nation

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I shouldn't rise to Fab4 and his insane postings on here.

Everyone knows he sank within his second post, and has been floundering and clutching at straws ever since. He makes absolutely no sense and I now don't even skim his responses, I just scroll past each one.

Same here, and I doubt it is just you and I.

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The four Pheu Thai abstainers:

Nattawut Saikaur: principled gentleman who told his followers in 2010 "Go ahead, it's on me"

dr. weng: Principled doctor who apologizes for 'storming hospital' incident, to be pittied as his wife as president of UDD told all she wanted the 'guilty punished'.

Khattiya Kattipol: vows to lead her fathers party, but couldn't bring herself to vote against the bill which absolves her father's murderer(s)

Worachai Hema: can be excused, his bill was mostly accepted, abstained to protest the 'modification' by other party members.

Or as some seem to have it "Dems to blame"

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Whatever happens it is the lack of a moral compass from the poorest farmer to those in power. People vote because they are handed money or promised something in return. The fact that politicians of any party can put up a bill that grants a sort of blanket amnesty to groups of people regardless of their crimes kind of says it all. The people just mildly sit by watching this. Both sides are now free to go on about their business and battle to see who can steal the most from Thailand. It is all a joke and just goes to show that Thailand is really a third world nation. It may have the outward appearance of a modern nation of the 21st century but is really the fiefdom of those who have a vested interest in the status quo and where everyone knows his/her place. Thailand really is a pathetic little country. That being said I kind of feel like throwing the bums of both parties out here in the USA. Maybe not so different after all. Isn't it all about staying in power what ever country your in?

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Well, at least the 'real' PM has been brought up to date as to what her fellow party members had been up to, or did she just get a "it's done" SMS rolleyes.gif

PM refuses to comment on the passage of the amnesty bill

LOPBURI, 1 November 2013 (NNT) - Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yingluck Shinawatra paid homage to King Narai’s statue and the Phra Kan Shrine before chairing a mobile cabinet meeting in the province this morning.

Meeting the press, the Prime Minister refused to comment on the passage of the amnesty bill in its 2nd and 3rd readings in the House of Representatives.

Meanwhile, PM's secretary-general Suranand Vejjajiva said that the prime minister had been informed of the result of the House consideration by authorities concerned.


-- NNT 2013-11-01 footer_n.gif

I wonder what we'll hear about this tomorrow at the weekly 'the government good news show'. Will PM Yingluck be there or will she be represented as usual?

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@ Jayboy.

"You are very quick to condemn others but your post shows an astonishing ignorance of the divisions of opinion within PTP and the redshirt movement on the expanded amnesty.It's difficult to tell whether you are simply finding it hard to process information or just dense.There is rather more to this than "red shirt thugs" or "<deleted> PTP propaganda".Sadly the coarseness of this uneducated language betrays a lack of rational thought.in any event to make it easy for you and others of your type. I can assure you that this lastest amnesty proposal splits the progessive elements of Thai politics down the middle.Many see it as another example of THaksin overeaching himself and abandoning his followers (the red shirt thugs in your parlance).All in all a terrible mistake by PTP leaders handing Abhisit a moral advantage.The Democrats however could screw victory up by becoming too involved in fascist street theatre which I sense most Thais are tired of.But my main conclusion - what an idiot Thaksin is "

I will ignore your feeble attempts at personal insults and at pretending to be of a higher intellect. Keep on dreaming. Who are you to make any judgement about my intellect, when you don't know me. Its just the usual attack, insult and deflect rhetoric I expect form you and your type. Your supposed poetic reference to fascist street theatre betrays your usual Western polarization of political behavior. Didn't the communists ever take to the streets anywhere then? Don't here you calling PTP commies ?

Split down the middle - how many PTP MPs voted against the government ?

I really wish there was a progressive political movement in Thailand, but PTP is certainly not it. Keep on pretending to be an intellectual deep political thinker, posting defenses for a regime that's heading in the opposite direction of democracy, if it keeps you happy. Better still restart your medication.

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The Democrats consistently walk out of Parliamentary debates if they disagree with what is being mooted. They are not refused the right to speak they are deliberately abstaining from voting because they know that they will lose the vote

Thaksin is an unfortunate distraction in this attempt by Pheu Thai to draw a line under the unfortunate events of the past few years.

Yellow shirts have killed people, Red shirts have killed people, members of the political parties and the security forces have often been complicit in the deaths. But the only way forward in my view is a period of forgiveness and reconciliation such as we witnessed in South Africa following the end of apartheid

I have just watched one of the leaders of the Democratic party on YouTube ranting and raving and fermenting violence. He reminded me of Adolph Hitler addressing a Nuremberg Rally. So puffed up is he with his own importance he cannot comprehend that his warlike rhetoric and bile may well cost the lives of yet more, often innocent, citizens

In saying all this now is clearly not the right moment for Mr Thaksin to return to Thailand. Memories must be allowed to dim further.

What Thailand needs at this time is a benevolent dictator. Thais are like the Egyptians. They are not ready for democracy

You do realize that that with condemning this bill Abhisit and Suthep are jeopardizing their own freedom, because if they vote in favor they come of scott free while otherwise they risk a life sentence ?

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The Democrats consistently walk out of Parliamentary debates if they disagree with what is being mooted. They are not refused the right to speak they are deliberately abstaining from voting because they know that they will lose the vote

Thaksin is an unfortunate distraction in this attempt by Pheu Thai to draw a line under the unfortunate events of the past few years.

Yellow shirts have killed people, Red shirts have killed people, members of the political parties and the security forces have often been complicit in the deaths. But the only way forward in my view is a period of forgiveness and reconciliation such as we witnessed in South Africa following the end of apartheid

I have just watched one of the leaders of the Democratic party on YouTube ranting and raving and fermenting violence. He reminded me of Adolph Hitler addressing a Nuremberg Rally. So puffed up is he with his own importance he cannot comprehend that his warlike rhetoric and bile may well cost the lives of yet more, often innocent, citizens

In saying all this now is clearly not the right moment for Mr Thaksin to return to Thailand. Memories must be allowed to dim further.

What Thailand needs at this time is a benevolent dictator. Thais are like the Egyptians. They are not ready for democracy

Erm.... why do we need a period of forgiveness? That doesn't make things better because many are not willing to forgive and is why we have this uproar at the moment.... isn't it?

What we need is a period of non-corrupt, non-manipulative and fair justice for all. If any member of my family died, no matter from what side of the fence, I would not forgive, I would want justice.

All you are promoting is a lame and lazy cop out.

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The Democrats consistently walk out of Parliamentary debates if they disagree with what is being mooted.

I have walked out of Directors meetings when it became openly apparent that the die had already been cast before the meeting had even started.

I had better things to do, like looking after my customers, the rest of the board didn't notice or didn't care, until I left for good, only then did it start to hurt them where it hurts the most.

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The Thais on the web boards and facebook are up in arms over this blanket whitewash.

The biggest contributions are being made by red shirts.

My wife is flicking through them and showing me all the anti-Thaksin rants and smears that are now coming out from the red corner. They seem to be really turning against Thaksin now.

The sentiment seems to be spreading like wild fire across the red camp.

This is now proof positive that probably the entire population is against it. This is not going to go away or fizzle out, it is on the increase and when a whole population becomes angered, then there can really only be one outcome.

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The Thais on the web boards and facebook are up in arms over this blanket whitewash.

The biggest contributions are being made by red shirts.

My wife is flicking through them and showing me all the anti-Thaksin rants and smears that are now coming out from the red corner. They seem to be really turning against Thaksin now.

The sentiment seems to be spreading like wild fire across the red camp.

This is now proof positive that probably the entire population is against it. This is not going to go away or fizzle out, it is on the increase and when a whole population becomes angered, then there can really only be one outcome.

Don't believe those red shirts are turning against Thaksin ever. Their only issue is that if they want to whitewash Thaksin, which they want, is that they have to forgive Abhisit and Suthep.

Keep in mind that they are for the majority uneducated people and have no idea how a constitution works.

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you bloody ..., you modified theNation quote! British Barbarian rolleyes.gif

Sorry, it's that lil' bit of Viking blood in my veins ;)

(besides which, modifying the words of a post to change the meaning is a real no no in anyone's book, but leaving the part that is being replied to intact and snipping out the parts that you are not commenting on has always been Ok as far as I am aware, as long it is not selective editing to try and change the essence of the message, which I don't think I did)

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The Thais on the web boards and facebook are up in arms over this blanket whitewash.

The biggest contributions are being made by red shirts.

My wife is flicking through them and showing me all the anti-Thaksin rants and smears that are now coming out from the red corner. They seem to be really turning against Thaksin now.

The sentiment seems to be spreading like wild fire across the red camp.

This is now proof positive that probably the entire population is against it. This is not going to go away or fizzle out, it is on the increase and when a whole population becomes angered, then there can really only be one outcome.

Don't believe those red shirts are turning against Thaksin ever. Their only issue is that if they want to whitewash Thaksin, which they want, is that they have to forgive Abhisit and Suthep.

Keep in mind that they are for the majority uneducated people and have no idea how a constitution works.

Take a trip to Thaksin's facebook page.

One person posted

'Thaksin, I always loved you, but now I hate you'.

Another posted 'shit' in Thai and with a macro image of a turd made up from the word shit.

Basically the missus was hunting down anti Thaksin sentiment exclusively from red shirt sources. I am fully aware of why the reds are opposed to the bill. But they appear to have more hate for that bill that they have love for Thaksin.

Edited by klubex99
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The Thais on the web boards and facebook are up in arms over this blanket whitewash.

The biggest contributions are being made by red shirts.

My wife is flicking through them and showing me all the anti-Thaksin rants and smears that are now coming out from the red corner. They seem to be really turning against Thaksin now.

The sentiment seems to be spreading like wild fire across the red camp.

This is now proof positive that probably the entire population is against it. This is not going to go away or fizzle out, it is on the increase and when a whole population becomes angered, then there can really only be one outcome.

Don't believe those red shirts are turning against Thaksin ever. Their only issue is that if they want to whitewash Thaksin, which they want, is that they have to forgive Abhisit and Suthep.

Keep in mind that they are for the majority uneducated people and have no idea how a constitution works.

Take a trip to Thaksin's facebook page.

One person posted

'Thaksin, I always loved you, but now I hate you'.

Another posted 'shit' in Thai and with a macro image of a turd made up from the word shit.

Basically the missus was hunting down anti Thaksin sentiment exclusively from red shirt sources. I am fully aware of why the reds are opposed to the bill. But they appear to have more hate for that bill that they have love for Thaksin.

I don't want to say you're wrong, and i also don't want to go look on FB since I hate that social network even more than Thaksin, but can you give us some estimates about how many people posted comments like that on his page compared with the likes or positive comments he got after the bill was approved ?

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To be honest, all we can hope for now is that the Senate have the wit to stop this total farce before the country is thrown in to complete turmoil.

tell me who has the majority in the senate and I'll answer your question.

Edited by jbrain
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The Thais on the web boards and facebook are up in arms over this blanket whitewash.

The biggest contributions are being made by red shirts.

My wife is flicking through them and showing me all the anti-Thaksin rants and smears that are now coming out from the red corner. They seem to be really turning against Thaksin now.

The sentiment seems to be spreading like wild fire across the red camp.

This is now proof positive that probably the entire population is against it. This is not going to go away or fizzle out, it is on the increase and when a whole population becomes angered, then there can really only be one outcome.

Don't believe those red shirts are turning against Thaksin ever. Their only issue is that if they want to whitewash Thaksin, which they want, is that they have to forgive Abhisit and Suthep.

Keep in mind that they are for the majority uneducated people and have no idea how a constitution works.

Take a trip to Thaksin's facebook page.

One person posted

'Thaksin, I always loved you, but now I hate you'.

Another posted 'shit' in Thai and with a macro image of a turd made up from the word shit.

Basically the missus was hunting down anti Thaksin sentiment exclusively from red shirt sources. I am fully aware of why the reds are opposed to the bill. But they appear to have more hate for that bill that they have love for Thaksin.

I don't want to say you're wrong, and i also don't want to go look on FB since I hate that social network even more than Thaksin, but can you give us some estimates about how many people posted comments like that on his page compared with the likes or positive comments he got after the bill was approved ?

Not really. I don't read Thai and the missus is in bed now.

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"Thaksin's sister -- had ordered all its lawmakers to support the amnesty bill, which would cover crimes related to political unrest since 2004"

Ordered? what other choice did they have? someone's getting very impatient to go home!

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Sorry for this------COME ON ARMY. Biggest reason, Dems refused to speak--That means dictatorship Full stop.

Batten down the hatches people ... we are on the brink ...!!

I'll bear that in mind.

I think we need a few more marches by more self selected "groups" like the hospital staff and all for them to parade past abhisit and Suthep at a brisk goose step

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