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Household toilet problems... I have been WRONG for years


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If you want blocked drains, putting dunny paper down the bog will do it for you. Use the bum gun, pat dry with the paper and then as said above, put it in the bin.

Or hang it out to dry for future use. thumbsup.gif

The plumbing in Thailand is not designed to carry anything but water and faeces.

Totally agree bum Gun every time. I do like the idea of hanging the paper out to dry but believe this should only be carried out

if a range of colours are available.

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There are farangs who don't use the bum gun yet. But once you do you'll never go back. If someone dropped shit on your table would you wipe it off without using any water to clean it up? If there's a gun, and there almost always is in Thailand, use it.

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I watched the video and the guy says the most common cause of toilets backing up is toilet paper.

I got a new house and a new septic system. If ya all want to use toilet paper ya all can go outside and poop with my dog.

Inside the house no one is using toilet paper. Yes I inform them.

Note to file: don't go to the toilet paper testers house for a cold beer or anything that his wife make with a black cake spatula.

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I have been WRONG for years


Has no one told you in your duration of living in Thailand?

The whole paper issue has been covered in so many threads here, travel books, and hotel bathroom warning notices.

No wonder the guy left your excreta for you to clean up.

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Bum gun and dry with paper which then goes in the bin !!

I say bum gun and a bit of dexterity and no paper required.

Dry bum off with towel, preferably the wife's..

You can also use her toothbrush to get that extra scruby scruby clean effect.

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If you want blocked drains, putting dunny paper down the bog will do it for you. Use the bum gun, pat dry with the paper and then as said above, put it in the bin.

Or hang it out to dry for future use. thumbsup.gif

The plumbing in Thailand is not designed to carry anything but water and faeces.

I have houses in Kathu and Mukdahan, I do NOT use toilet tissue, but still the toilets block up, I believe the problem lies in that instead of using 4" piping many Thai builders only use 2" piping. A decent "dump" or using tissue easily blocks the pipes.

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Hmmm, strange that I have no probs with toilet tissue after 7 years at my place. I have a poo tank and gray water outlet, smile.png

Not everyone who smokes dies of lung cancer and not everyone who drinks becomes an alcoholic. smile.png Not strange. What is strange is that you think 60 million Thais are wrong and two Farangs on Thai Visa are right.

Well, 317 million Yanks, 22 million Aussies, 64 million Poms, do I need to go on, use tissue, and few have any problems, so I really do not understand your point.

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There are farangs who don't use the bum gun yet. But once you do you'll never go back. If someone dropped shit on your table would you wipe it off without using any water to clean it up? If there's a gun, and there almost always is in Thailand, use it.

Maybe you should try a few shopping centers, many do not have the "bum" gun.

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In 6 yrs of living here...use bum gun..then dry with toilet paper and flush it down the toilet. I have lived in one house for 4 yrs another for one and have never had a plugged up toilet yet. I refuse to have crap stained paper smelling up my toilet. Wife does the same.

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I have a secret to share with everyone. After living in asia for 30 years (most of it consecutive), I have long ago forgotten how to use toilet paper. Not that there is any particular skill or cunning involved in that. Very seldom have I manage to clean all traces of glooey off my delicate butt when utilized tissure. I always felt that the smell still clung to me, and I would carry that thought with me all day long. So now, if I cannot find a spray gun, I usually end up sitting in the hand sink and utilizing the faucet flow to get a nice shiny butt. Handsoap and towel are nearby. I was caught only once, sitting in the sink. So, restaurant/bar owners....please install a spray gun next to the toilet....for crikeys sake!

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I just love the botty gun so much,I had to have one installed in the Uk,even tho i'm not there much.The only trouble there is you have to pull your pants up pretty quick to warm the rim up otherwise ringpiece icicles will start to form.

Anyway congratulations Kiwi on such a well worded posting,you've certainly earned a like from me.Now if you don't mind i'd like to get back to eating my cowpat gai.

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Most toilet flushing problems here are caused by bad or missing air vents.

She is so right. Exactly right. All toilets in Thailand need an air vent. Many people don't use "bum guns".

I fully agree. A properly vented toilet will rarely get blocked, it should also not have any major smell issues. The vent (or stink pipe) should ensure a good strong flush (with no after burps from the water bubbling back), and it should also stop smells coming back into the house from the septic tank. (Smells coming back into properties from stinky drains are a big problem in many places in Thailand).

Thomas Crapper http://www.theplumber.com/images/sirthomascrapperpicture.jpg who marketed the siphonic flush toilet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Crapper to great effect, would turn in his grave if he saw how the lavatory was being ‘plumbed in’ in the land of smiles.

It’s clear from this thread there is a great deal of interest in this topic. There is a marvellous little book called ‘Flushed With Pride’ http://www.jldr.com/crapper.htm that's worth reading if you want to take your interest further. I have enjoyed passing many solitary moments dipping into the pages of ‘Flushed With Pride’ before then putting it down to marvel at Crapper’s ingenuity in action.
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I have a secret to share with everyone. After living in asia for 30 years (most of it consecutive), I have long ago forgotten how to use toilet paper. Not that there is any particular skill or cunning involved in that. Very seldom have I manage to clean all traces of glooey off my delicate butt when utilized tissure. I always felt that the smell still clung to me, and I would carry that thought with me all day long. So now, if I cannot find a spray gun, I usually end up sitting in the hand sink and utilizing the faucet flow to get a nice shiny butt. Handsoap and towel are nearby. I was caught only once, sitting in the sink. So, restaurant/bar owners....please install a spray gun next to the toilet....for crikeys sake!

How do you dry off?

Just pull on wet underwear, wipe with the bath towel?

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I have a secret to share with everyone. After living in asia for 30 years (most of it consecutive), I have long ago forgotten how to use toilet paper. Not that there is any particular skill or cunning involved in that. Very seldom have I manage to clean all traces of glooey off my delicate butt when utilized tissure. I always felt that the smell still clung to me, and I would carry that thought with me all day long. So now, if I cannot find a spray gun, I usually end up sitting in the hand sink and utilizing the faucet flow to get a nice shiny butt. Handsoap and towel are nearby. I was caught only once, sitting in the sink. So, restaurant/bar owners....please install a spray gun next to the toilet....for crikeys sake!

I think I've seen you walking around the shopping mall. Many times I've been behind you when you travel up the escalator.

You're the one with the big wet patch on the seat of your trousers aren't you. smile.png

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I have a secret to share with everyone. After living in asia for 30 years (most of it consecutive), I have long ago forgotten how to use toilet paper. Not that there is any particular skill or cunning involved in that. Very seldom have I manage to clean all traces of glooey off my delicate butt when utilized tissure. I always felt that the smell still clung to me, and I would carry that thought with me all day long. So now, if I cannot find a spray gun, I usually end up sitting in the hand sink and utilizing the faucet flow to get a nice shiny butt. Handsoap and towel are nearby. I was caught only once, sitting in the sink. So, restaurant/bar owners....please install a spray gun next to the toilet....for crikeys sake!

I think I've seen you walking around the shopping mall. Many times I've been behind you when you travel up the escalator.

You're the one with the big wet patch on the seat of your trousers aren't you. smile.png

Some us do notice that stuff, not intentionally, BUT, it is a good laugh eh......laugh.png

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Most toilet flushing problems here are caused by bad or missing air vents.

She is so right. Exactly right. All toilets in Thailand need an air vent. Many people don't use "bum guns".

I fully agree. A properly vented toilet will rarely get blocked, it should also not have any major smell issues. The vent (or stink pipe) should ensure a good strong flush (with no after burps from the water bubbling back), and it should also stop smells coming back into the house from the septic tank. (Smells coming back into properties from stinky drains are a big problem in many places in Thailand).

Thomas Crapper http://www.theplumber.com/images/sirthomascrapperpicture.jpg who marketed the siphonic flush toilet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Crapper to great effect, would turn in his grave if he saw how the lavatory was being ‘plumbed in’ in the land of smiles.

It’s clear from this thread there is a great deal of interest in this topic. There is a marvellous little book called ‘Flushed With Pride’ http://www.jldr.com/crapper.htm that's worth reading if you want to take your interest further. I have enjoyed passing many solitary moments dipping into the pages of ‘Flushed With Pride’ before then putting it down to marvel at Crapper’s ingenuity in action.

Are the pages perforated?

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I have a secret to share with everyone. After living in asia for 30 years (most of it consecutive), I have long ago forgotten how to use toilet paper. Not that there is any particular skill or cunning involved in that. Very seldom have I manage to clean all traces of glooey off my delicate butt when utilized tissure. I always felt that the smell still clung to me, and I would carry that thought with me all day long. So now, if I cannot find a spray gun, I usually end up sitting in the hand sink and utilizing the faucet flow to get a nice shiny butt. Handsoap and towel are nearby. I was caught only once, sitting in the sink. So, restaurant/bar owners....please install a spray gun next to the toilet....for crikeys sake!

How do you dry off?

Just pull on wet underwear, wipe with the bath towel?

Usually, there is an hot air hand dried I smoosh my butt up against, and then finish off with the towel. Its a contest on how quickly you can jump up on the sink rinse, kneel down and reach behine your back to press the dryer button. Then its just a pat dry with the towel. I got it down to 45 seconds. Sometimes I can't lock the door and then its kind of embarassing...but the looks are so shocking, and I usually get an "excuse me....ummm...sorry.... Walking back into the bar with dignity is a bit tougher.

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  • 2 weeks later...


After numerous repairs and plunges and snakes etc etc the result is a toilet that works sometimes and then stops.

There is no venting and the toilet pipes join at some point, thus all the burping sounds.

I am of course arguing with the landlord that he never rented the property on the basis of NO TOILET tissue to be flushed, if he had I would have expected lower rent or chosen another property.

It looks like its 2 inch pipes that are coarsely coated in cement or something anyway so all tissue will catch.

5 repairs so far, one of them didn't last 12 hrs it filled with water over nite and it stayed there, thus the level of workmanship is highly questionable in any case. Couldn't even fix the sink blockage.

This is not a troll btw as some smart @rse tried to indicate above.

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