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Danger of Visa Runs

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There's a thread in the phuket forum at the moment about the dangers of visa runs and how someone died when the bus crashed in wet conditions at 150km per hour and hit a tree. Are all the visa runs companies bandit race drivers just trying to get there and back as quick as possible. I was going to book one for my first visa run but after reading that thread I am thinking about paying the extra and booking a flight with airasia to KL.

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Just read about a bad car crash in England,none of my mates have phoned me to say they dont want to drive on motorways again.

A train crashed in France a while ago,are the trains empty now.How many planes have crashed in the last 20 years,will you ever fly again ????

The problem here is us long timers know how the majority of these van drivers drive, AND the weekly carnage using them. Big difference to stuff in farangland. I personally would never set foot in one, to many visual experiences. sad.png

All plane crashes are not all in farangland??/

Is 10 years of 90 day visa runs, old timing????

never had a bad experience,not to say a driver will never crash,due to a mistake,bad weather,other party bad driving,but one cant tar with the same brush.

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Just read about a bad car crash in England,none of my mates have phoned me to say they dont want to drive on motorways again.

A train crashed in France a while ago,are the trains empty now.How many planes have crashed in the last 20 years,will you ever fly again ????

The problem here is us long timers know how the majority of these van drivers drive, AND the weekly carnage using them. Big difference to stuff in farangland. I personally would never set foot in one, to many visual experiences. sad.png

All plane crashes are not all in farangland??/

Is 10 years of 90 day visa runs, old timing????

never had a bad experience,not to say a driver will never crash,due to a mistake,bad weather,other party bad driving,but one cant tar with the same brush.

Think you miss the point, but thats OK, you carry on. smile.png

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Just read about a bad car crash in England,none of my mates have phoned me to say they dont want to drive on motorways again.

A train crashed in France a while ago,are the trains empty now.How many planes have crashed in the last 20 years,will you ever fly again ????

The problem here is us long timers know how the majority of these van drivers drive, AND the weekly carnage using them. Big difference to stuff in farangland. I personally would never set foot in one, to many visual experiences. sad.png

All plane crashes are not all in farangland??/

Is 10 years of 90 day visa runs, old timing????

never had a bad experience,not to say a driver will never crash,due to a mistake,bad weather,other party bad driving,but one cant tar with the same brush.

Think you miss the point, but thats OK, you carry on. smile.png

I think u miss the point.

The reply was addressed to the op,who was concerned about his first visa run,because he heard there has been one crash,resulting in one death.My post was to re-assure him that planes crash,and no doubt thats not stopped him from traveling by air.Cars and mini buses crash,but i bet he came from airport to his destination by car or bus,thats my point

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Of course other stuff crashes in farangland or anywhere, BUT the big difference is the guys in control of whatever machine are highly trained to do the job as they have passengers lives in their hands ...yes/no ?

From the regularity of van crashes in LOS that is clearly not the case. whistling.gif

Crashes happen everwhere in the world and for the OP, CHILL OUT,THE CHANCES OF DYING ON A VISA RUN IS MINISCULE

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Of course other stuff crashes in farangland or anywhere, BUT the big difference is the guys in control of whatever machine are highly trained to do the job as they have passengers lives in their hands ...yes/no ?

From the regularity of van crashes in LOS that is clearly not the case. whistling.gif

Crashes happen everwhere in the world and for the OP, CHILL OUT,THE CHANCES OF DYING ON A VISA RUN IS MINISCULE

Tell that to the many that have lost their lives due to an untrained macho driver. Visa run or not.

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Of course other stuff crashes in farangland or anywhere, BUT the big difference is the guys in control of whatever machine are highly trained to do the job as they have passengers lives in their hands ...yes/no ?

From the regularity of van crashes in LOS that is clearly not the case. whistling.gif

Crashes happen everwhere in the world and for the OP, CHILL OUT,THE CHANCES OF DYING ON A VISA RUN IS MINISCULE

Tell that to the many that have lost their lives due to an untrained macho driver. Visa run or not.

No difference the world over.I have many many friends who have done visa runs,and minibus runs to all over Thailand,and not one has been killed,lost 2 mates in uk though,to crazy driving errors

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Just read about a bad car crash in England,none of my mates have phoned me to say they dont want to drive on motorways again.

A train crashed in France a while ago,are the trains empty now.How many planes have crashed in the last 20 years,will you ever fly again ????

I dont see how you can compare the roads in england and thailand. Like comparing chalk and cheese. The train in france crashed because the idiot driver was going to the speed he should of. How many times does that happen in the europe. You can increase you chances of not being in a plane crash by flying with decent airlines.

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It is dangerous, don't let the idiot poster fool you. I was on one where our driver attempted to pass a car in torrential rain on a blind curve, and when confronted by an oncoming car could not get back in the lane, so we flew over a ditch between 2 trees and ended up in the middle of a farmer's field. We were travelling at well over 100 kh and visibility was almost zero. I know sometimes you need to travel in the minivans but if you are smart, you will try to limit the number of times you put yourself at risk. When I travel on a bus in the USA I sleep like a baby. In Thailand on a minibus, I feel like screaming like a baby.

I had a similar situation whilst driving my truck. The van driver tried to force ME off the road to save his ride and passengers from oncoming traffic on a BEND. w00t.gif

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Just read about a bad car crash in England,none of my mates have phoned me to say they dont want to drive on motorways again.

A train crashed in France a while ago,are the trains empty now.How many planes have crashed in the last 20 years,will you ever fly again ????


Hardly comparable to the issue at hand with van drivers in Thailand who do seem to always be pressed for time.

I'm finished with them at any price.

I prefer to arrive safely and not early.

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I would look for a company that goes with big coaches if any.

Putting your life in the hands of one of those Minivan idiots is indeed another addon to the already high risk on Thailands roads.

Death risk about 20 times as high as in civilised countries (in relation to the number of vehicles),

Just seen your other topic and you made up your mind and fly.

"Death risk about 20 times as high as in civilised countries ..."

Wow, the drama queen quotient suddenly skyrocketed.

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Just read about a bad car crash in England,none of my mates have phoned me to say they dont want to drive on motorways again.

A train crashed in France a while ago,are the trains empty now.How many planes have crashed in the last 20 years,will you ever fly again ????

The problem here is us long timers know how the majority of these van drivers drive, AND the weekly carnage using them. Big difference to stuff in farangland. I personally would never set foot in one, to many visual experiences. sad.png

All plane crashes are not all in farangland??/

Is 10 years of 90 day visa runs, old timing????

never had a bad experience,not to say a driver will never crash,due to a mistake,bad weather,other party bad driving,but one cant tar with the same brush.

Road stats here tell a different story to the rosey glasses you have on

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I've been around Thailand for quite a long time and in my opinion, the mini bus drivers (as a group) are the worst drivers that I have ever seen anywhere in the world.

Closely followed by the drivers of big buses. I would rather roast my testicles on an open fire than get in a bus, of any description here.

The third worst group are Honda City drivers...... any nationality!!!!

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Responses which simply make random comparisons to" Farangland" are both erroneous and banal.

Statistics clearly show that that there are a far higher incidence of accidents in Thailand due to a myriad of factors and minivan accidents are not at all uncommon.

12 to 14 people inside a poorly protected tin box traveling in excess of 100 kph on these roads does not auger well for safety. I have made many such trips without serious incident however there were on several occasions either a minor incident or a rather close shave. Coach and minivan transportation in Thailand is far from a safe way to travel but there again neither is crossing the road.

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Just read about a bad car crash in England,none of my mates have phoned me to say they dont want to drive on motorways again.

A train crashed in France a while ago,are the trains empty now.How many planes have crashed in the last 20 years,will you ever fly again ????

Yes i certainly agree with you to a point.I'm also a great believer in refusing to participate in something because of what if.

Granted,an accident can happen to anyone,however in the UK and France accidents are rare, largely because of all the safety mechanisms in place,coupled with the large fines meted out for breaching them.

This is certainly not the case in Thailand.You only have to look at this forum,to see the daily carnage involving

cars,bikes,buses,minivans,trains derailing and of late a plane blowing a tyre and a boat sinking,all of which cost innocent precious lives,so to this end,i believe the OP has a valid point to be cautious and wary.

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Plane crash, car accidents, homicides, cancer...etc..etc. These are just circumstances that leads to our DEATH, of which, is a certainty. When it's time to go, we gotta go! Just be sure to have insurance while you are alive and kicking. Not for your benefit but for those you left behind. Live and let live!

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Most of the land visa runs are with minivans, which they overload to get more money, so luggage space too little and, as a Westerner I am taller and more uncomfortable than local people in such vehicles. They may also drive badly and mess you around, even changing van on the way sometimes - which includes unexpected waits. Yes - all geared to getting there and back in minimum turnaround time and maximum profit.

It can be more reliable to take ordinary bus or train, even cheaper - so you don't have to take flying as the only option to 'cowboy' style organised minivan runs.

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Plane crash, car accidents, homicides, cancer...etc..etc. These are just circumstances that leads to our DEATH, of which, is a certainty. When it's time to go, we gotta go! Just be sure to have insurance while you are alive and kicking. Not for your benefit but for those you left behind. Live and let live!

Caution: dullard at work. Yes, the minivans are dangerous in Thailand. Busses significantly less so, but not riskless. If there's a choice, I'd definitely choose the bus.

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On a per capita basis New Zealand has half the road deaths anually as Thailand,

Thailand has give or take 65million people

NZ has give or take 4.5million people

Thailand is twice the size of NZ

Alcohol(lets just say drugs) and speed are the biggest factors in NZ

Our roads are sometimes better sometimes a whole lot worse

Our driving license system is to be honest not that great, albeit probably a little more demanding than the Thai system

But if I were to look at the figures with unjaundiced eyes....and looking at all the figures and then corresponding factors...(and I have listed a couple that seem always be overlooked...sheer numbers of people on the road in not a large country)

Actually I don't think we can say we are any better or anyworse than Thai drivers...

In fact Auckland in New Zealand has just been rated one of the most congested cities by TomTom (in car gps maps etc) and I am amazed when in this congestion how we don't have more carnage the same way people here are not amazed by the fact there is not more carnage...

I have been in and out of Thailand for the last 12 years and have seen in person no more no less than what I have seen here in Nz in terms of accidents...in fact it probably hits home in nZ more as being some small a country we nominally count on 2 degrees of separation so a bad accident seems to always affect someone we know...

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