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Maxnet's speedtest


Speakeasy test:

Last Result:

Download Speed: 214 kbps (26.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 97 kbps (12.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Tested at 19:28 at Lake Mabprachan Resort...

Internet connection is Maxnet@life 256/128, unfortunately the fastest my router can connect reliable, due to the distance from the phone exchange!

Still better then iPstart/stop :o

Please note that we have wifi access throughout the resort, free of charge for our customers!

Mabprachan's wireless access

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my test results with ToT gold (1024) at 7:44PM East Pattaya



which means you can download at 13.31 KB/sec. from our servers.

28.8 kbps dial-up

33.6 kbps dial-up

53.3 kbps dial-up

56 kbps ISDN

106.5 kbps YOU

128 kbps ISDN

384 kbps DSL

768 kbps DSL

1000 kbps DSL

1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

http://www.speakeasy.net is slower than 106.50kbps :D

This is a joke, I pay for 1024kbps and get 106. Maybe better change to a cheaper slower package. 256kbps would be enought :o

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I've had it with maxnet, after many emails and phone calls it seems the best they can do is <50k when it is supposed to be 512k, I know 512k is out of the question but less than 50k is just taking the pi55, this is broadband at dialup speed.......why bother ? and for those thaat think 800baht is cheap - well it isn't, it is very expencive campared to EU and NN when you relate it to performance and service

Anyone looking for broadband I would advise you to stay away from Maxnet, they simply cannot provide it, if there is something wrong with their server and they are trying to fix it then is is still useless as it has been like this for more than 3 weeks now

Lucky my condo building are installing wifi at 300baht/month it has got to be better than maxnet

sorry TT&T but you've lost the plot and I would guess many customers., My phone line goes too, no need for it . probably save some 1000baht per month.

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in one hour i was on my way to cancel my account, i told maxnet they had until today to get me what i am paying for, >300kps

today i did an international bandwidth test and got 382kps

nothing has changed regarding ip address etc but the route has changed.

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FYI, from the UK on a 1Meg line:

Your current bandwidth reading is:


which means you can download at 104.28 KB/sec. from our servers.

28.8 kbps dial-up

33.6 kbps dial-up

53.3 kbps dial-up

56 kbps ISDN

128 kbps ISDN

384 kbps DSL

768 kbps DSL

834.2 kbps YOU

1000 kbps DSL

1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

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in one hour i was on my way to cancel my account, i told maxnet they had until today to get me what i am paying for, >300kps

today i did an international bandwidth test and got 382kps

nothing has changed regarding ip address etc but the route has changed.


tot "goldcyber 1024/512" down from 1 july am, through 03 july noon. as of this posting, things are still hit and miss.

were ttt services were down as well?


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tot 1024/512.

central pattaya

links for tests on http://www.adslthailand.com/

Thai Local:

56 kbps ISDN

128 kbps ISDN

384 kbps DSL

768 kbps DSL

916.8 kbps YOU

1000 kbps DSL

1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

thats the best Local result ive seen. probably because fewer users online after the 2 day crash.

Internet NYC:

Last Result:

Download Speed: 585 kbps (73.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 578 kbps (72.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

anyone taken the ttt promotion for upgrade to 1024/512?


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Hi to all frequent sufers ;-)

I think the idea for this speed test in Pattaya is very good, hope it will continue and more people will participate so we can find out the differences between the several providers...

I am just now thinking about to change from Loxinfo TTT-DSL 256/128 at 1600 THB/month which will give me a speed result of 200 kbs upload, to Maxnet-at-home 1024/512 for only 1000THB/mth.

But i am a bit sceptic, it just seems to be too good to be true ;-)

Four times the speed for little more than half the price?

Where is the hook?

Many people seems to have (or had?) problems with Maxnet, are they solved now and would YOU still use/recommend Maxnet, or did you find any other provider who offers more bits for the money?

Can anybody explain me the main differences between maxnet-at-home 10024/512 and maxnet-at-life for 4000 THB? Is the -life service really that much better?

If so, would you recommend a 256-128 -at-life for 1.450 THB over a 1024/512 at-home for 1000 THB?

Is Maxnet-at-home really only useable for ONE PC?

I got a router and sometimes i also would use a second PC...

For M-at-home again, they mention something about:

Limited bandwith for Bittorrent and VoIP

I am using P2P downloads and Skype-VoIP, so please can someone explain these limitations a bit more specific? I couldnt get any clear info about this in their office...

Is Max-at-home and -at-life a shared connection, and how many shares?

Please everybody who post a speed result specify the provider and the service you use more detailed, and if possible include the monthly fee so its more convinient to compare...

As of now for most of the Maxnet speeds i dont know are they comming from the cheap -at-home service or the expensive one of -at-Life?

And for the last, if anybody can recommend another provider instead of Maxnet which is usable for TTT-Phone-line please dont hestitate to give us some details about his offer, thanks!


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Hi Ralfhans,

I guess you'd better stick with what you have!

In short, pretty much all ISP's charge the same price for what you get! The cheaper your package, the more shared your line will be. An acceptable share ratio for your average user is about 10 to 1, which is what your Loxinfo (and Maxnet4life) would be right now.

The share ratio on Maxnet4home is around 30:1, meaning real slowdowns during peak hours etc, plus, they will reduce or stop P2P altogether when the load is getting to high...

You might get lucky with your speed though, depending on your location and how many subscribers around you, but it seems to be confirmed that P2P is now completely blocked on Max4home, VOIP is still working...

You can use any package for as many PC's you like, they wouldn't know how many you hook up...

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Hi Ralfhans,

I guess you'd better stick with what you have!

In short, pretty much all ISP's charge the same price for what you get! The cheaper your package, the more shared your line will be. An acceptable share ratio for your average user is about 10 to 1, which is what your Loxinfo (and Maxnet4life) would be right now.

The share ratio on Maxnet4home is around 30:1, meaning real slowdowns during peak hours etc, plus, they will reduce or stop P2P altogether when the load is getting to high...

You might get lucky with your speed though, depending on your location and how many subscribers around you, but it seems to be confirmed that P2P is now completely blocked on Max4home, VOIP is still working...

You can use any package for as many PC's you like, they wouldn't know how many you hook up...

Thanks a lot for clearly explaining whats going on...!

You mentioned that Loxinfo-Advanced should be a shared line with 10 connections...

Is there any way to check out how many user are actually on my line at any given time?

I wonder a bit cause i never see any speedmeter difference, its always 200 kb/s net i get!

Would like to see some Live-TV channels over the Internet, but 200 kb/s is a bit slow for this...

So do you think a 512 line from Loxinfo would be much better than the far cheaper 512-Life line from Maxnet-Life?

Another question to everybody:

I know somebody in Naklua aera who got a shared Network-line inside his building, as far as he knows the owner of the house only pays about 900 THB/month for this line and my friend only a fragment of this, but still he got double the speed as what i get! (Speedmeter ~400 kbit)

The owner is not in Thailand at the moment so we dont know exact subscription details, all we know is that the service should be called HINET but i couldnt find any info about this... The line seems to from CAT !?

I tried whois for his IP and got following info:

inetnum: -

netname: CAT-ISPCoreNetwork

country: TH

descr: CAT TELECOM Data Comm. Dept, Intrenet Office

descr: ***send spam abuse to [email protected]***

admin-c: sa51-ap

tech-c: tk38-ap


changed: [email protected] 20041009


source: APNIC

address: Data Comm. Dept.(Internet)

address: CAT Telecom Public Company Ltd,

Does anybody know which ADSL provider and which service is behind this, and how to get it in Pattaya?

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If the people at your ISP know what they are doing, you should hardly see your speeds go down with a 10:1 ratio... They say you share with 10 people, but this is only an average, since they will distribute heavy loads to less used nodes to keep speeds as stable as possible.

This needs a decent understanding of how to set-up their network routers etc, so you are probably better off with Loxinfo, one of the oldest/more experienced ISP's in Thailand.

What we see with Maxnet, is people getting full speeds while others are getting very poor speeds (on the same package) indicating a poor management of their bandwidth...

Even on the more expensive maxnet@life package (which I use) speeds can drop to around 60% of rated speeds, but not too often... When I was on the Maxnet@home package speeds during peak times often dropped to below dial-up level!!!

So, if you want the speed reliable, better stick with Loxinfo...

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Dailup speed cslox 1222 unlimited. If you can get on and have plenty of time to wait .......

27.7 kbps YOU

28.8 kbps dial-up

33.6 kbps dial-up

53.3 kbps dial-up

56 kbps ISDN

128 kbps ISDN

384 kbps DSL

768 kbps DSL

1000 kbps DSL

1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

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Jasmine 256/128 Ji-net - (shared with 5 users). Eastern Pattaya.

est Time: 2006-07-08 17:24:12

Your current bandwidth reading is:


which means you can download at 25.59 KB/sec. from our servers.

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TTT Maxnet. Mabprachan

512/256 (On a max ten user line)

Your current bandwidth reading is:


which means you can download at 50.84 KB/sec. from our servers.

28.8 kbps dial-up

33.6 kbps dial-up

53.3 kbps dial-up

56 kbps ISDN

128 kbps ISDN

384 kbps DSL

406.7 kbps YOU

768 kbps DSL

1000 kbps DSL

1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

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  • 2 weeks later...
26.94 Mbps??? :o


The test screws up now and then. On 14 June I had the following results:

203.40 Mbps

which means you can download at 25.43 MB/sec. from our servers.

28.8 kbps dial-up

33.6 kbps dial-up

53.3 kbps dial-up

56 kbps ISDN

128 kbps ISDN

384 kbps DSL

768 kbps DSL

1000 kbps DSL

1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

208281.6 kbps YOU

This result was about a minute after I had run a previous test that told me everything was 0.00 kbps.

Too bad, as I figured at 203.4 Mbps, I could just about download the whole internet over night ! (203.4 megabytes per second works out to about 17,574 gigabytes, or 17.5 terabytes in a day. The biggest hard drives I've seen advertised are around 400 gbs. I would need 44 of those to handle one day's worth of data !).

Still, a week's worth of downloading at those speeds probably wouldn't be enough to cover just the pornography on the net, let alone the rest of the content.

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I've been using maxnet4home for a few months now and it works fine so far; 400/200 on a 512/256 line. Ordered the 1024/512 update to be activated end of the month (tried to get them to do it instantly but hey, no can do). Anyone has the 1024/512 from maxnet4home already? Any good?

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I've been using maxnet4home for a few months now and it works fine so far; 400/200 on a 512/256 line. Ordered the 1024/512 update to be activated end of the month (tried to get them to do it instantly but hey, no can do). Anyone has the 1024/512 from maxnet4home already? Any good?

The Maxnet4home 512/256 works fine apart from in the evenings when it starts to crawl along. I went to TT&T to enquire about the 1024/512 and they said I couldn't get the "Up Speed" promotion (first three months at 512 price?) as I hadn't had the 512/256 for long enough (6 months). I think that's what they said. I'll go back again and hope to see the only lady there who actually speaks understandable English and get the story again.

But I'm more interested in p2p. This Maxnet 512 blocks it. I want to know if the 1024 still blocks it. I asked the lady who could speak English about it and she just gave me a copy of the "Terms and Conditions". And, of course, nothing there about p2p.

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I've been using maxnet4home for a few months now and it works fine so far; 400/200 on a 512/256 line. Ordered the 1024/512 update to be activated end of the month (tried to get them to do it instantly but hey, no can do). Anyone has the 1024/512 from maxnet4home already? Any good?

I have been using the 1024/512 Maxnet4home for a week in test mode as TTT were not certain if I could get an acceptable link out here at Natheekarn Park View, Mabprachan. Up to now I have been struggling with the Csloxinfo IpStar 512/256 service as that was all that was available until a couple of weeks ago.

The maxnet speeds average per the maxnet speed test download of 250kbps in the morning but difficult to get a connection in the evening. This is at a cost of 1000 + tax baht per month. The speed stays the same for the Thaivisa test and is usually over 200kbps.

The IpStar service gives me now 272.80kbps to the UK download but only 12.40 upload. This morning the Maxnet gave me 257.68 download and 362.72 upload.

So compared to IpStar here the Maxnet service is roughly the same in speed but a quarter of the cost per month ( 1000 baht verses 4000 baht )

I will be cancelling my IpStar at the end of the 1 year contract and possibly changing to the Maxnet4 life service.

Hope this helps.

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I'm using Loxinfo 512/256 - North Pattaya 20:30

Results from 1st test:

Your current bandwidth reading is:


which means you can download at 37.75 KB/sec. from our servers.

28.8 kbps dial-up

33.6 kbps dial-up

53.3 kbps dial-up

56 kbps ISDN

128 kbps ISDN

302 kbps YOU

384 kbps DSL

768 kbps DSL

1000 kbps DSL

1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

New York test:

Down 375 kbps Up 198 kbps

Not very good!

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I'm using Loxinfo 512/256 - North Pattaya 20:30

Results from 1st test:

Your current bandwidth reading is:


which means you can download at 37.75 KB/sec. from our servers.

28.8 kbps dial-up

33.6 kbps dial-up

53.3 kbps dial-up

56 kbps ISDN

128 kbps ISDN

302 kbps YOU

384 kbps DSL

768 kbps DSL

1000 kbps DSL

1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

New York test:

Down 375 kbps Up 198 kbps

Not very good!

Hi Eybee!

I am also using Loxinfo service (256/128) and would like to compare something with you...

Found out that i can only use P2P downloads at night and all day round on weekends,

every weekday morning about 8 am Loxinfo seems to cut all P2P connections and wont let them reconnect.

I made a statistic log to confirm this happens every day, only on weekends they dont cut it...

Other downloads like podcast and single regular downloads seem to be not affected...

Can you confirm that this happens also with your 512/256 line?

If not i may upgrade to your faster service...

Thanks in advance for short reply...


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I've been using maxnet4home for a few months now and it works fine so far; 400/200 on a 512/256 line. Ordered the 1024/512 update to be activated end of the month (tried to get them to do it instantly but hey, no can do). Anyone has the 1024/512 from maxnet4home already? Any good?

The Maxnet4home 512/256 works fine apart from in the evenings when it starts to crawl along. I went to TT&T to enquire about the 1024/512 and they said I couldn't get the "Up Speed" promotion (first three months at 512 price?) as I hadn't had the 512/256 for long enough (6 months). I think that's what they said. I'll go back again and hope to see the only lady there who actually speaks understandable English and get the story again.

But I'm more interested in p2p. This Maxnet 512 blocks it. I want to know if the 1024 still blocks it. I asked the lady who could speak English about it and she just gave me a copy of the "Terms and Conditions". And, of course, nothing there about p2p.

Actually recently I'm beginningto see much declining speed on my Maxnet 512 line. I wonder if that has anything to do with the new 1024 lines...

Speed tested today mid-afternoon: 83.50kbps (10.44 KB/sec) That is a lot less than I used to see :o

I use Maxnet4home with both DC++ and Skype and are not blocked. What p2p do you do? Local (Thailand) DC++ is very good btw, generally close to full speed (assuming upload slot allows it).

I wasn't eglible for the "free upgrade" promotion but heck, what is 200 baht more per month for a doubling of speed :D

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Got my ToT bill the other day. No surprise. Looked at the brochures enclosed. Was surprised.

Under the TOT - Questions & Answer page (the english part at the bottom), they announce the promotion of Hi-Speed Internet with.........

wait for it.......

the Jew Jew Package !!!!!!

according to the brochure, "Jew Jew" means" small in Thai ? (I thought nit noi was little and lek was small ?)

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Got my ToT bill the other day. No surprise. Looked at the brochures enclosed. Was surprised.

Under the TOT - Questions & Answer page (the english part at the bottom), they announce the promotion of Hi-Speed Internet with.........

wait for it.......

the Jew Jew Package !!!!!!

according to the brochure, "Jew Jew" means" small in Thai ? (I thought nit noi was little and lek was small ?)

Hmm, I thought it was Thai slang for a little prick.

Perhaps Donz can put us straight...? :o

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I have tot adsl 512/1024 in na Jomtien

Previously i had fairly good upload bandwith (around 500 to 800 kb/s)

I just checked now and....

Your current bandwidth reading is: :o:D


which means you can download at 8.6 KB/sec. from our servers.

28.8 kbps dial-up

33.6 kbps dial-up

53.3 kbps dial-up

56 kbps ISDN

68.8 kbps YOU

128 kbps ISDN

384 kbps DSL

768 kbps DSL

1000 kbps DSL

1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

This morning it was the double :D

Good point is they didn't send any invoice since I am connected (february...) :D

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This morning it was the double :o

Good point is they didn't send any invoice since I am connected (february...) :D

Two things.

One is the weather today is probably effecting your service. It seems a lot of people experience degraded service when ever it rains.

The other thing is, don't get too excited about not getting a bill. I had the same thing (connected in February, no bills until the big one arrived at the end of May (almost 4,000 baht bill !).

When it shows up, it will be a dozy (didn't have any interest or late charges though) ! :D

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