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Red-shirts, Thai govt put differences behind


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Rallies planned in different parts of nation to counter anti-amnesty move

It would seem the reds have already been holding meetings around the country to drum up support for their anti-anti amnesty bill group'

The attached photo which was posted on facebook is of a meeting held in Nan yesterday.

I leave it up to each of you to gage its success.


isn't that in the north?

Usual red area?

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Rallies planned in different parts of nation to counter anti-amnesty move

It would seem the reds have already been holding meetings around the country to drum up support for their anti-anti amnesty bill group'

The attached photo which was posted on facebook is of a meeting held in Nan yesterday.

I leave it up to each of you to gage its success.


Gotta pay the reds to show up!

No money, no honey!!!

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The Country is divided.

The government creates a bill that they say will reunite country, though the contents of the bill will create more anger and divide.

People protest over the bill that the government created that they said will reunite the country, though the contents of the bill will create more anger and divide.

Other people will come and protest against the people who are protesting over the bill that the government created that they said will reunite the country, though the contents of the bill will create more anger and divide.

And they call this a bill that will reunite and bring unity?

A huge oxymoron from the morons, I would expect nothing less from the government of corrupt criminals. What gets me is when The Nutter keeps saying he is 'trying to preserve democracy' when the PT government have proven themselves repeatedly to be anything but democratic.

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Rallies planned in different parts of nation to counter anti-amnesty move

It would seem the reds have already been holding meetings around the country to drum up support for their anti-anti amnesty bill group'

The attached photo which was posted on facebook is of a meeting held in Nan yesterday.

I leave it up to each of you to gage its success.


"And I shouted to the redshirt next to me.......... come over here!"

Edited by bigbamboo
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This is the first time I have written in this forum. I usually frequent it as a reader and observer, but I am now feeling that it is time to sign up and have my say, because i see things on the tipping point and this could get very ugly.

This current government are ridiculous in that every maneuver they take is seen through almost immediately. Not just by political commentators, but all observers with even the slightest smattering of an education.

Everyone can see that they are now going to attack from the streets by instigating the situation on the ground and seeding the streets with pro-amnesty red-shirts in an attempt to inflame a confrontation so they feel they have the right to initiate a 'crackdown'.

They are playing a very dangerous game. They are splitting the reds straight down the middle and sending them to war, while all the time they are bleating that they admire 'peaceful protests'.

There is no clearer message in my mind. This government is no way backing down from this amnesty bill. Green Group coordinator Suriyasai Katasila was absolutely correct, and this is what has been in my mind the moment the PT party said they were backing off a few days ago... They were buying time to gather themselves and go on the offensive, but not themselves, no, it's not their style. This is a classic Thaksin maneuver where he/they are reverting back to March 2010 and sending in the sacrificial lambs to someone's possible slaughter. While all the time they sit in their ivory towers and watch with a self satisfying smirk on their faces.

If ever Thailand needed the army to step in and dispose of this band of criminals, then it is now. Someone ought to dispatch an assassin to get rid of Thaksin or the next office put out an international arrest warrant via Interpol and have him brought back to justice.

What this government is doing is a last ditch effort to force this on everyone just so one man can come back absolved of all wrong-doing. They sense that their end is close, so lets add some volatile ingredients and stir the pot. Let's go out with Bangkok in civil upheaval. They know these sort of things have started civil wars in other countries.

Well I certainly feel you have pretty well said the truth. But you must remember this is Thailand and Thai Visa.

Certain truths are not allowed and can get you in trouble. I agree with you on the two acts that would definatly save Thailand but I would not put them in those words.

If there was to be a new government it would certainly be a different kind of government The PTPredshirt have pushed the envelope on corruption to far and the people are now taking a deeper interest in what the government is doing.

A new government would be forced to watch what they do much more closely. If their minister of finance was to come out and say it is OK to lie about the finances if it makes people feel good he/she would be looking for a new job ten minutes later. Not being supported by the Prime Minister.

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Rallies planned in different parts of nation to counter anti-amnesty move

It would seem the reds have already been holding meetings around the country to drum up support for their anti-anti amnesty bill group'

The attached photo which was posted on facebook is of a meeting held in Nan yesterday.

I leave it up to each of you to gage its success.


Looks like a good turn out , all things considered. There will always be people stupid enough to believe Yingluck and her Caddies BS. Funny though, that they are ever decreasing numbers.

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This is the first time I have written in this forum. I usually frequent it as a reader and observer, but I am now feeling that it is time to sign up and have my say, because i see things on the tipping point and this could get very ugly.

This current government are ridiculous in that every maneuver they take is seen through almost immediately. Not just by political commentators, but all observers with even the slightest smattering of an education.

Everyone can see that they are now going to attack from the streets by instigating the situation on the ground and seeding the streets with pro-amnesty red-shirts in an attempt to inflame a confrontation so they feel they have the right to initiate a 'crackdown'.

They are playing a very dangerous game. They are splitting the reds straight down the middle and sending them to war, while all the time they are bleating that they admire 'peaceful protests'.

There is no clearer message in my mind. This government is no way backing down from this amnesty bill. Green Group coordinator Suriyasai Katasila was absolutely correct, and this is what has been in my mind the moment the PT party said they were backing off a few days ago... They were buying time to gather themselves and go on the offensive, but not themselves, no, it's not their style. This is a classic Thaksin maneuver where he/they are reverting back to March 2010 and sending in the sacrificial lambs to someone's possible slaughter. While all the time they sit in their ivory towers and watch with a self satisfying smirk on their faces.

If ever Thailand needed the army to step in and dispose of this band of criminals, then it is now. Someone ought to dispatch an assassin to get rid of Thaksin or the next office put out an international arrest warrant via Interpol and have him brought back to justice.

What this government is doing is a last ditch effort to force this on everyone just so one man can come back absolved of all wrong-doing. They sense that their end is close, so lets add some volatile ingredients and stir the pot. Let's go out with Bangkok in civil upheaval. They know these sort of things have started civil wars in other countries.

Listen to yourself: "If ever Thailand needed the army to step in" "ought to dispatch an assassin". Hmm.........very peaceful and grown up. In order to do what may I ask? Oh.... I geddit! To stop a democratically elected government carrying out policies that are unpopular with the minority parties, same as the rest of democracies worldwide. Back to your bar stool buddies of the Tea Party and you can carry on obsessing yourselves with one man.

Obsessing over one man? Isn't that what this Government are currently doing over the needs of the people and the country?

It's PT who are obsessing over one man. Once this country moves on from this "one man", then this country can go back to normality. He is the root of the problem.

How anyone can stick up for a bill that will whitewash 25,000 cases of corruption, is beyond words.

Ran out of I likes so I am bunching them.

Hawkman well said.

A sound reply to a Thaksin lover.

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This regime was democratically elected through vote buying and does not have a majority of Thailand's population voting for them. .

Do you believe the current government does not have a democratic electoral mandate and that it owes its position to vote buying.If your answer is yes then we can simply write you off as a serious participant in the discussion.If your answer is no (and I'm assuming it is since you are presumably not a complete dope) then you need to exprtess yourself more clearly.

Incidentally few democratically elected leaders have a majority of the population (eligible adults) voting for them - certainly not Obama,Abe, Cameron, Merkel etc

Don't know about most of them but Obama did receive the majority of the votes. You are thinking of Bush in 2,000.

Have no clue to who Abe is and I believe Cameron and Merkel were elected on the parliamentary system the same one as used in Thailand.

Yes I myself believe it owes it's position to vote buying. It would still be the Government but it would not have as many seats as it does.

Your attempt at skipping facts with using semantics You are absolutely right when you say "democratic electoral mandate".

What you fail to mention was that there was only about 500 people doing the election of the Prime Minister. They did not have a "democratic electoral mandate" from the majority of the voters. What we have at the level of the voters is 48% of the voters telling 52% of the voters what to do 100% of the time. You of course realize it would have been a much bigger difference if the Yellow Shirts had voted. In fact it might have been a different government All though I think Yingluck would still be Prime Minister but definatly with a much weaker position.

The result of ignoring the 52% is starting to take a big bite out of their ass today.

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Therefore you are wrong again that the election result cannot be accepted.Of course vote buying is wrong - that is a different question.But the legitimacy of the current government is not in doubt.

The legitimacy of this government is much in doubt as we have statements from themselves on it:

- Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts

- she's my clone

- skyping-in giving orders

- I'm the golf caddy

- lots of MPs dropping by for ...

- various interview indicating who is in charge.

And that's just from those involved in this government wink.png

I would have to add Thaksin calling in by phone to the cabinet meetings.whistling.gif

But we all have different ideas on what is right and wrong. I agree with your ideas of what is right and wrong just adding to them. Others I definatly do not agree with there ideas of right and wrong.wai2.gif

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Rallies planned in different parts of nation to counter anti-amnesty move

It would seem the reds have already been holding meetings around the country to drum up support for their anti-anti amnesty bill group'

The attached photo which was posted on facebook is of a meeting held in Nan yesterday.

I leave it up to each of you to gage its success.


isn't that in the north?

Usual red area?

Not sure any more what is a red area. Have they not lost two of the last three elections in what was considered red shirt country. The one they won was here in Chiang Mai and it was the elder sister of Yingluck who won it.

Not that it was a national seat but they sure fought a good battle to win the Bangkok governor's job lost that to.




Edited by hellodolly
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Not sure any more what is a red area. Have they not lost two of the last three elections in what was considered red shirt country. The one they won was here in Chiang Mai and it was the elder sister of Yingluck who won it.

Not that it was a national seat but they sure fought a good battle to win the Bangkok governor's job lost that to.

Yes Hellodolly but what is even more telling is that the Dem candidate won the Don muang by-election by a swing of over 12% away from PT and big sister won her safe red heartland seat by a reduced majority, she got even less votes than her driver got in the general election.

Also to be factored in is the 17% who did not vote in the last general election.

How many of them have now been motivated to get out and vote next time round?

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