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A Bloody Bad Night!


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My friend had been drinking much more than I had and just stayed at the bar. Perhaps next time I'm in LOS I'll drop by the bar, but I don't expect to get anything back.

I figure I had 6 bottles of Heinie that evening ... I didn't stay concious much longer after arriving at Karaoke. I awoke, not with a hangover, but feeling the effects of a drug. I felt wobbly, off balance and felt a chemical buzz.

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am glad you came out of it OK !!

am amazed you would return to Thailand after that kind of bad luck! <but hel_l I guess it could happen to people that live here too! ... so I shouldn't be amazed!>

much less embarassing to have been drugged than been way too drunk and bonked on the head!

Did the hospital do a tox screen too?

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You said: "I get a call from my buddy to join him at a small "Oz" pub on Soi 4. There are plenty of drinks and a couple of cute girls there..... a really mellow atmosphere. One of the girls suggests my friend and I go with her and her friend for some karaoke. Sounds grand!"

So why did you not got back to your friends girl and find out about the other one? Seems like you could have found out something from her. Strange story, and getting harder to believe it all. No cut dude but it does seem you could find out more.

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for sex ...perhaps, I just hope the broads would be considerate to throw on a condom

as for sex , ............. well i doubt if there would be any of that with a slobbering comatose male in limp mode.

these drugs are usually given by men to women when the goal is rape.

when the women give them to men , robbery is the only goal.

women dont need to drug men to get laid. :o

For a man to be raped the offender would most likely be another man...

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