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Kitty....have you been eating the meatballs or noodle soups in the area ?

No never

I just had a chat with my next door neighbor.

Remember the one who was supposed to come out last time to listen ?

He said that evening he was in his bath and his phone does not work well, which sounds like 2 made up excuses to me, one would have been enough and sounding more real.

Anyhow, he said he's been hearing it and paying attention to it more, and he admitted too that it does sound like pain (as opposed to loneliness).

I asked him if he thought it was one same dog or different ones, he said he thought it was the same one, probably a sick dog.

I told him pain that it last exactly 30 to 45 second every each time and it happens every single day except on Loy Kratong is very strange indeed. He could not explain that.

He asked me the strangest thing : Was the noise was disturbing my sleep? I obviously said "no" as I don't go to bed at 7pm. It fell like he was trying to make a point, that there was no issue, and I should stop looking into it. He was basically sending the hint that this issue / animal welfare was not an issue important enough to face dodgy business. I repeated the Loy Kratong break, the exact same duration and told him there must be someone hurting dogs here. So he felt obliged to show interest. Because I'm nearer to the noise than him, he asked me where I thought it came from.I pointed the area. He said he would go and have a look around the area (which sounded like an empty promise again). I immediately relieved him from his fake promise and told him it's 3 houses in row along the canal all with big walls and you cannot see anything. So he say he would not go then (as if I had believed one second we would have gone) and took that opportunity to tell me because it's located outside our mooban we cannot report it to the mooban authorities (as if they would have done anything) and there is nothing we can do ... So that ended the conversation.

The bad news is; Despite his friendliness, he's like any Thai person trying to avoid getting involved in anything that could potentially be doggy, even if it mean tuning a blind eye or rather here deaf ear to pain cries.

The good news is : He's the 3rd person (after my friend and I) to say it's a dog in pain.

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Kitty....have you been eating the meatballs or noodle soups in the area ?

No never

I just had a chat with my next door neighbor.

Remember the one who was supposed to come out last time to listen ?

He said that evening he was in his bath and his phone does not work well, which sounds like 2 made up excuses to me, one would have been enough and sounding more real.

Anyhow, he said he's been hearing it and paying attention to it more, and he admitted too that it does sound like pain (as opposed to loneliness).

I asked him if he thought it was one same dog or different ones, he said he thought it was the same one, probably a sick dog.

I told him pain that it last exactly 30 to 45 second every each time and it happens every single day except on Loy Kratong is very strange indeed. He could not explain that.

He asked me the strangest thing : Was the noise was disturbing my sleep? I obviously said "no" as I don't go to bed at 7pm. It fell like he was trying to make a point, that there was no issue, and I should stop looking into it. He was basically sending the hint that this issue / animal welfare was not an issue important enough to face dodgy business. I repeated the Loy Kratong break, the exact same duration and told him there must be someone hurting dogs here. So he felt obliged to show interest. Because I'm nearer to the noise than him, he asked me where I thought it came from.I pointed the area. He said he would go and have a look around the area (which sounded like an empty promise again). I immediately relieved him from his fake promise and told him it's 3 houses in row along the canal all with big walls and you cannot see anything. So he say he would not go then (as if I had believed one second we would have gone) and took that opportunity to tell me because it's located outside our mooban we cannot report it to the mooban authorities (as if they would have done anything) and there is nothing we can do ... So that ended the conversation.

The bad news is; Despite his friendliness, he's like any Thai person trying to avoid getting involved in anything that could potentially be doggy, even if it mean tuning a blind eye or rather here deaf ear to pain cries.

The good news is : He's the 3rd person (after my friend and I) to say it's a dog in pain sound.

Do you think it might be illegal porn?



Kitty....have you been eating the meatballs or noodle soups in the area ?


No never


I just had a chat with my next door neighbor.

Remember the one who was supposed to come out last time to listen ?

He said that evening he was in his bath and his phone does not work well, which sounds like 2 made up excuses to me, one would have been enough and sounding more real.


Anyhow, he said he's been hearing it and paying attention to it  more, and he admitted too that it does sound like pain (as opposed to loneliness).

I asked him if  he thought it was one same dog or different ones, he said he thought it was the same one, probably a sick dog.

I told him pain that it last exactly 30 to 45 second every each time and it happens every single day except on Loy Kratong is very strange indeed.  He could not explain that.

He asked me the strangest thing : Was the noise was disturbing my sleep? I obviously said "no" as I don't go to bed at 7pm. It fell like he was trying to make a point, that there was no issue, and I should stop looking into it. He was basically sending the hint that this issue / animal welfare was not an issue important enough to face dodgy business. I repeated the Loy Kratong break, the exact same duration and told him there must be someone hurting dogs here. So he felt obliged to show interest. Because I'm nearer to the noise than him, he asked me where I thought it came from.I pointed the area. He said he would go and have a look around the area (which sounded like an empty promise again). I immediately relieved him from his fake promise and told him it's 3 houses in row along the canal all with big walls and you cannot see anything. So he say he would not go then (as if I had believed one second we would have gone) and  took that opportunity to tell me because it's located outside our mooban we cannot report it to the mooban authorities (as if they would have done anything) and there is nothing we can do ... So that ended the conversation.


The bad news is; Despite his friendliness, he's like any Thai person trying to avoid getting involved in anything that could potentially be doggy, even if it mean tuning a blind eye or rather here deaf ear to pain cries.


The good news is : He's the 3rd person (after my friend and I) to say it's a dog in pain sound.




Do you think it might be illegal porn?

Doggy style?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


No never

I just had a chat with my next door neighbor.

Remember the one who was supposed to come out last time to listen ?

He said that evening he was in his bath and his phone does not work well, which sounds like 2 made up excuses to me, one would have been enough and sounding more real.

Anyhow, he said he's been hearing it and paying attention to it more, and he admitted too that it does sound like pain (as opposed to loneliness).

I asked him if he thought it was one same dog or different ones, he said he thought it was the same one, probably a sick dog.

I told him pain that it last exactly 30 to 45 second every each time and it happens every single day except on Loy Kratong is very strange indeed. He could not explain that.

He asked me the strangest thing : Was the noise was disturbing my sleep? I obviously said "no" as I don't go to bed at 7pm. It fell like he was trying to make a point, that there was no issue, and I should stop looking into it. He was basically sending the hint that this issue / animal welfare was not an issue important enough to face dodgy business. I repeated the Loy Kratong break, the exact same duration and told him there must be someone hurting dogs here. So he felt obliged to show interest. Because I'm nearer to the noise than him, he asked me where I thought it came from.I pointed the area. He said he would go and have a look around the area (which sounded like an empty promise again). I immediately relieved him from his fake promise and told him it's 3 houses in row along the canal all with big walls and you cannot see anything. So he say he would not go then (as if I had believed one second we would have gone) and took that opportunity to tell me because it's located outside our mooban we cannot report it to the mooban authorities (as if they would have done anything) and there is nothing we can do ... So that ended the conversation.

The bad news is; Despite his friendliness, he's like any Thai person trying to avoid getting involved in anything that could potentially be doggy, even if it mean tuning a blind eye or rather here deaf ear to pain cries.

The good news is : He's the 3rd person (after my friend and I) to say it's a dog in pain sound.

Do you think it might be illegal porn?

Doggy style?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You nailed it...or perhaps thats what they are doing, doggy s&m


Ok sorry to trouble you people with my ranting about animals in pain.

I am obviously wasting my time here.

Best wishes

It's not you that's wasting time.. This forum has a useful, if well hidden, ignore feature.. You might want to add the same person that I just did.


Ok sorry to trouble you people with my ranting about animals in pain.

I am obviously wasting my time here.

Best wishes

sorry mate to come in so late but dont give up.

i posted regarding the beating one dog has by me and it was only me that made it known to this person what i thought of it.

the last time it went on [the same time every evening] all within minutes was when the dog was given its food i dont know why. but i was banned by the wife not to get involved but as she wasnt at home that evening i shouted at the top of my voice so that the owner heard me,

since then it has stopped.

there is also another household by me that has a few dogs and every time before feeding they seem to go mental as if there's one big fight between them all.

so lets hope there is a perfectly good explanation as to whats going on.

but be careful in what you say and do.


Even Inspector Clouseau would suggest you simply record the event when / as you hear it,

Most all smart phones and other will record audio, even video pointed in the general direction will also capture sound, you can then play it back for any interested parties.

Even posting it on this forum as a mp3 or .wav file may be of greater assistance to you than six pages of hand wringing and speculation.

As many have already suggested, don't put yourself in harms way.

Good luck.


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As said previously to record outside noises you need this (see picture), which I obviously don't have

2 guys agree it's dog in pain. None of them want to act on it. Why would the forum be any different?

I am not going to invest in recoding equipment to have a moron telling me it's his wife having an orgasm.

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Do you have any farang friends you work with who could come over and help you out?

I have 2 farang friends yes, they are both married to Thai wives and I quote one of them said "I don't own my own time", and that goes for both of them.

When they want to visit me they have to ask their wife, like 2 weeks in advance, she usually says 'yes' to keep face but when the time comes he has to cancel at the last minute because something "came up".

Anyway they would not be able to come on that time. One has to help his wife and get up at 4 am each morning so cannot be here (40 km away from his house) at evenings, the other one is not allowed out when his wife is back from work which is evenings and weekends.


Sorry, but i still can't get it round my small brain.

Why, after all these months of listening to the noise (which is stressing you) don't you just go there and bang on their door and ask them what is going on? From what i read and have been told, Thai neighbours have no shame in walking into other peoples houses, so why not you.

It seems that this has taken over your life, noting times etc. just go and ask them. Or get in touch again with the police and animal organisations. I would not have put up with that for one week let alone a year.


Sorry, but i still can't get it round my small brain.

Why, after all these months of listening to the noise (which is stressing you) don't you just go there and bang on their door and ask them what is going on? From what i read and have been told, Thai neighbours have no shame in walking into other peoples houses, so why not you.

It seems that this has taken over your life, noting times etc. just go and ask them. Or get in touch again with the police and animal organisations. I would not have put up with that for one week let alone a year.

OK, I thought it was obvious but OK, I will tell you why:

1/ I still don't know where it exactly come from, as in which house, I had suspected my opposite neighbor but then ruled him out. As shown on the map previously attached, it take a long detour to reach a noise that lasts less than 45 seconds.

2/ If it's animal slaughtering in inhumane manner for money, there are 2 very sensitive issues: Crime and Money

a/ it's a crime to harm animals even here and people even in THL have been in prison for this. So it very unlikely they would open their door let me in or answer any question, and more importantly I would immediately put myself in great DANGER because:

b/ As previously mentioned by the forum, people involved in this type of trade are the worst scums are putting lots of animals in great pain for a few dollars, they have very little respect for life of others in general, not just animals. They would not hesitate to resort to threat violence or any form of intimidation to keep their business going and obviously avoid prison/fine etc. As my dad and people from the forum said, if I do anything I would have to move out. Even if I send an association telling them not to reveal my identity, I have no guaranty the perpetrator won't find out it's me who ratted on them and they will surely retaliate.

So there is NOTHING I can do except trying to collect evidences to prepare for denunciation before moving out. And that's what I am doing.


thats nice to know but will they keep what you tell them to theirselves.

I won't count on that.

That's why I need to be sure it's really a matter of dogs slaughtering soon (my contract ends end of jan)

If I am right and I report it, I will have to leave the district, if I'm wrong I can stay in the mooban

It would be a shame I waited over a year to get a place in this Mooban and on so many other levels it was perfect.


For those who are interested, the hours have changed recently and so has the origin of the sound.

Today for example 12.30 midday which was a first

Yesterday evening no 7.03 pm but 9.45 pm, although I was there at 7.03 ... have I been noticed ?

I have been in the back alley about 10 times now but each time nothing happened

And also it happens not so often now, just twice a day instead of 4 or 5 previously.

Could it be related to the fact there are no dogs left in sight on the main road ?

It used to sound like behind my opposite neighbor and now it's behind my right hand side next door neighbor. That, I have no explanation for.


As said previously to record outside noises you need this (see picture), which I obviously don't have

2 guys agree it's dog in pain. None of them want to act on it. Why would the forum be any different?

I am not going to invest in recoding equipment to have a moron telling me it's his wife having an orgasm.

Well it would not be my wife would it...well I hope not.


As said previously to record outside noises you need this (see picture), which I obviously don't have

2 guys agree it's dog in pain. None of them want to act on it. Why would the forum be any different?

I am not going to invest in recoding equipment to have a moron telling me it's his wife having an orgasm.

Well it would not be my wife would it...well I hope not.

No one cares.


Yesterday and for the second consecutive Sunday, only one time around noon and nothing in the evening.

What I thought could be a Loy Kratong/ Bank holiday exception, could actually be a Sunday pattern.

At least writing here gives me a track of previous event I can go back to.

So if it's like last week tonight, Monday night should be a busy night with 3 times around 7pm, so I plan to be waiting in the back alley.


As said previously to record outside noises you need this (see picture), which I obviously don't have

2 guys agree it's dog in pain. None of them want to act on it. Why would the forum be any different?

I am not going to invest in recoding equipment to have a moron telling me it's his wife having an orgasm.

Well it would not be my wife would it...well I hope not.

No one cares.

Anything else you would like to express on behalf of the world ?


Yesterday and for the second consecutive Sunday, only one time around noon and nothing in the evening.

What I thought could be a Loy Kratong/ Bank holiday exception, could actually be a Sunday pattern.

At least writing here gives me a track of previous event I can go back to.

So if it's like last week tonight, Monday night should be a busy night with 3 times around 7pm, so I plan to be waiting in the back alley.

Have you been propositioned yet hanging out in this back alleyway ?


It happened again at 9.06 but the voice has changed

what used to be flat same pitch on top of lungs screams: (breath in) waaaaaaah breath in) waaaaaaah (breath in)waaaaaaah

is now articulated modulated yaps with 4 or 5 different types of harmonics but repeated exactly the same way :

(breath in) waah waah waah waah (breath in) waah waah waah waah (breath in) waah waah waah waah

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