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I found an ipad2 in Pattaya - trying to locate the owner.


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It must be about 1 year ago that my gf and I went to Krabi bike week. After it finished about 1am I rode to AO Nang with some friends and we sat at a bar where 2 drunken Aussies were sitting. They were both very loud so I knew where they came from, but never really took any more notice of them.

Around 2 am we went to get something to eat and on the way back to my bike my gf spotted a bag leaning against a tree outside a pharmacy. We looked inside and there was an ipad in it. I walked into the pharmacy to see if anyone there had lost it or knew who owned it. I stood there for a couple of minutes and I am sure that everyone had seen me there but I didn't want to be rude and interrupt thinking that if it belonged to anyone there, they would have said something.

I thought I would take it back to the hotel and see if I could find out when I looked on the ipad if I could find the owner. We looked at the emails on it and saw an email from the owner’s mother. I connected it to the internet to reply to their mother to say we had found it, but alas, it got locked and a message appeared on the screen saying something like, to the ladyboy that has stolen my ipad, we know who you are and where you are and and we would go to jail for stealing it and to take it to the police station.

As it was around 3.30 am now and we were tired so decided to take it to the police station in the morning. We went to sleep and then around 4.30 am there was a phone call from reception of the hotel saying the police were there and they knew we had this guy’s ipad and to bring it down.

We got dressed, went downstairs with their ipad and it was the drunk Australian guys from the bar being very aggressive calling us thieves and all sorts of other names and saying we would be locked up. My gf and I explained to the police what had happened but the police went along with the guys saying they would lock my gf up as the Aussies were saying they wanted to press charges.

I tried explaining that they should be thanking us as if we didn't pick it up they wouldn't have ever got it back, but they just kept calling us names, They wouldn't listen to reason and said that they had a 2 taxi's follow us to the hotel which had cost them 3000 baht and if we paid that, we would be lucky and she wouldn't be locked up. They said they had checked the hotels security camera and seen us walking into the hotel with my gf carrying the bag.

The taxi story was a lie, as there was no one following us and no one on the road behind us.

I rang a friend of mine that was a tourist police in Phuket and told him what had happened. He advised for me to pay the money as the ipad was in our possession, and they could hold her till the court time.

So instead of being thanked for finding it, it cost me 3000baht, lots of headaches, and no sleep till around 7.00am.

I think next time if I find something I will just leave it there.

Edited by aussiebrian
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Dang. Sad story there. Good for others to read though. If I find something like that, I'll take it to the police immediately or leave it with the receptionist!

OP: How about putting up a few signs on telephone posts saying iPad found???? You're doing a very good deed. I believe in karma. It will come back to you.

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It must be about 1 year ago that my gf and I went to Krabi bike week. After it finished about 1am I rode to AO Nang with some friends and we sat at a bar where 2 drunken Aussies were sitting. They were both very loud so I knew where they came from, but never really took any more notice of them.

Around 2 am we went to get something to eat and on the way back to my bike my gf spotted a bag leaning against a tree outside a pharmacy. We looked inside and there was an ipad in it. I walked into the pharmacy to see if anyone there had lost it or knew who owned it. I stood there for a couple of minutes and I am sure that everyone had seen me there but I didn't want to be rude and interrupt thinking that if it belonged to anyone there, they would have said something.

I thought I would take it back to the hotel and see if I could find out when I looked on the ipad if I could find the owner. We looked at the emails on it and saw an email from the owners mother. I connected it to the internet to reply to their mother to say we had found it, but alas, it got locked and a message appeared on the screen saying something like, to the ladyboy that has stolen my ipad, we know who you are and where you are and and we would go to jail for stealing it and to take it to the police station.

As it was around 3.30 am now and we were tired so decided to take it to the police station in the morning. We went to sleep and then around 4.30 am there was a phone call from reception of the hotel saying the police were there and they knew we had this guys ipad and to bring it down.

We got dressed, went downstairs with their ipad and it was the drunk Australian guys from the bar being very aggressive calling us thieves and all sorts of other names and saying we would be locked up. My gf and I explained to the police what had happened but the police went along with the guys saying they would lock my gf up as the Aussies were saying they wanted to press charges.

I tried explaining that they should be thanking us as if we didn't pick it up they wouldn't have ever got it back, but they just kept calling us names, They wouldn't listen to reason and said that they had a 2 taxi's follow us to the hotel which had cost them 3000 baht and if we paid that, we would be lucky and she wouldn't be locked up. They said they had checked the hotels security camera and seen us walking into the hotel with my gf carrying the bag.

The taxi story was a lie, as there was no one following us and no one on the road behind us.

I rang a friend of mine that was a tourist police in Phuket and told him what had happened. He advised for me to pay the money as the ipad was in our possession, and they could hold her till the court time.

So instead of being thanked for finding it, it cost me 3000baht, lots of headaches, and no sleep till around 7.00am.

I think next time if I find something I will just leave it there.

You have excellent English for a ladyboy


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