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Criticised for watching ICJ Preah Vihear verdict, man hangs himself


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Criticised For Watching ICJ Verdict, Man Hangs Himself
By Khaosod Online

Police cordon around Royal Embassy of Cambodia in Bangkok, 11 November 2013

BANGKOK: -- A man has hanged himself to death in Sa Kaeo after he was criticised by his wife for watching the live broadcast of the verdict on the possession of Preah Vihear Temple, police said.

The verdict of the International Court of Justice was broadcast live on major Thai state-owned television channels. The ruling reaffirmed the previous ICJ verdict handed down in 1962 that the border temple of Preah Vihear belongs to Cambodia, along with a small tip of promontory close to the temple′s entrance.

Although the district of Aranya Prathet, which sits near the Thai-Cambodia border, remains peaceful in the aftermath of the ruling, police were alerted of a man in Ang Sila village who killed himself after the verdict was read out.

Mr. Boonma Mongkolchakkawarn, 49, was found as in his 2 storey wooden house. Witnesses said Mr. Boonma was previously watching the verdict broadcast with other locals around the television set in the village center. However, witnesses said, Mr. Boonma′s wife showed up and scolded him for wasting his time on watching the broadcast instead of going to work.

According to witnesses, Mr. Boonma promptly rose up and walked back to his house. He was later found hanged to death there. Police believe Mr. Boonma was already stressed by loan problems he was facing when he was pushed over the edge when he was criticised by his wife, leading him to commit suicide.

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNNE5ERTNOemd6Tnc9PQ==

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-11-12

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It's another sad case that pinpoints what is wrong with this country.

It is very worrying when you think about the Thai people's attitude to suicide versus most other countries. Suicide here is rampant.

The reasoning behind this poor chap's actions was placed by the fact he had debt issues. With Thailand's very unstable economic bubble and the unbelievable figure of 77% household debt to GDP ratio (and growing), and the deficit being out of whack (and growing). I can see this becoming almost the norm here.

The Thais have some very gloomy days ahead.

Very gloomy.

Way to go Thaksin and your PTP puppets.

Edited by Thainy Tim
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Given the ballooning level of personal debt, I'm sure he won't be the last. When the rice scam collapses and its after-effects felt, I'm sure there will be many more in grim financial straits.

It's already collapsed. 3 years in a row. up to 390 Billion lost, and this harvest seeing farmers getting as little as 6,000 per tonne, with bank borrowing based on 15,000 a tonne. This is ALL the government's fault.

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Sounds more like he was nagged to death to me. To try any pin it on the government or ICJ seems to be just an attempt to politicise things - he could have just been watching Tom and Jerry.

In the real world, people don't commit suicide because their wife nags them.

In the real world, people DO commit suicide over debt problems.

As a matter of fact, did you know that in the UK suicide is considered by 50% of people who are struggling with debt? Also serious debt leads to depression and depression is the number one reason people kill themselves.


In the real world.

Edited by Thainy Tim
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It seems being criticized in front of your mates is a big big problem here. We had my Sister in laws wedding at our house and at the party the night before, my SIL's brother had set up a table with his mates having a whiskey binge. At midnight, as we were up at 5am for the wedding the next day, my wife told her brother and mates to stop drinking, go home and sleep. My brother in law was completely distraught that my wife had told him to stop drinking in front of his mates, he was full blown crying at the shame and humiliation of being spoken to like that by a woman in front of his mates. He was crying in the kitchen the following day, not made much better by me telling him to man-up <deleted>. Had it been me and my mates we probably would all have had a quick yamming session , gave her a kiss, retired for sleep and been thanking her the next day for preventing almighty hangovers. I feel sorry that this chap in the OP had so little in his life that he thought this a good reason to take his own life. I hope he is in a better place now, but sadly, I doubt it.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Sounds more like he was nagged to death to me. To try any pin it on the government or ICJ seems to be just an attempt to politicise things - he could have just been watching Tom and Jerry.

In the real world, people don't commit suicide because their wife nags them.

In the real world, people DO commit suicide over debt problems.

As a matter of fact, did you know that in the UK suicide is considered by 50% of people who are struggling with debt? Also serious debt leads to depression and depression is the number one reason people kill themselves.


In the real world.

as a matter of fact thank God for editing. In the real world depression can come from being nagged to death.

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Sounds more like he was nagged to death to me. To try any pin it on the government or ICJ seems to be just an attempt to politicise things - he could have just been watching Tom and Jerry.

In the real world, people don't commit suicide because their wife nags them.

In the real world, people DO commit suicide over debt problems.

As a matter of fact, did you know that in the UK suicide is considered by 50% of people who are struggling with debt? Also serious debt leads to depression and depression is the number one reason people kill themselves.


In the real world.

In the real world? Committing suicide over bl.... stinking money. The last thing I will get a depression over is the mud of this earth, money. It a choice one makes. Materialism, creating debts, showing off to the neighbors with (financed) holidays/goods. In the 'real' world.....

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Given the ballooning level of personal debt, I'm sure he won't be the last. When the rice scam collapses and its after-effects felt, I'm sure there will be many more in grim financial straits.


you are GREAT!!!

And maybe not entirely insane- I mean wrong - either.

I'm joking man-

TIT as ol' Bernie used to crow.

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Sounds more like he was nagged to death to me. To try any pin it on the government or ICJ seems to be just an attempt to politicise things - he could have just been watching Tom and Jerry.

In the real world, people don't commit suicide because their wife nags them.

In the real world, people DO commit suicide over debt problems.

As a matter of fact, did you know that in the UK suicide is considered by 50% of people who are struggling with debt? Also serious debt leads to depression and depression is the number one reason people kill themselves.


In the real world.

In the real world? Committing suicide over bl.... stinking money. The last thing I will get a depression over is the mud of this earth, money. It a choice one makes. Materialism, creating debts, showing off to the neighbors with (financed) holidays/goods. In the 'real' world.....

That is the real Thailand my friend. Obsession with keeping up appearances. Then when the penny drops (pardon the pun... not intended). The absolute shame of losing it all in front of everyone can be unbearable. Seen by Thais as a hell of a lot more shameful than being nagged at in front of your peers.

It is the pressure that builds over time which is bubbling underneath the surface that finally gets tipped over the edge by one silly momentary incident that drives most people to do the desperate deed. I ought to know, my best friend hung himself with his dressing gown cord from the top of his lounge door after a silly row with his girlfriend. But he was pretty depressed for quite a while, never having money and being unemployed for over 2 years during the 80s UK recession. Of course nobody blamed his girlfriend, we all knew he was desperately worried about his future. The row was just the trigger.

For people to laugh and joke and seemingly rather believe that he killed himself over being nagged is rather mocking the guy which I find quite distasteful, as well as shameful.

Edited by Thainy Tim
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I am sure the blind red faithful will be along shortly to demand Abhibsit and the democrats are charged with the murder of this person

How about that, A man hangs himself after being scolded by his wife, and you find a "the blind red faithful" connection... Try more like the blind yellow faithful.

Truly an underwhelming comment.

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I am sure the blind red faithful will be along shortly to demand Abhibsit and the democrats are charged with the murder of this person

Is Thailands useless aircraft carrier still here, or is it already on the way with troops and tanks to lay siege to The Hague?

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It seems being criticized in front of your mates is a big big problem here. We had my Sister in laws wedding at our house and at the party the night before, my SIL's brother had set up a table with his mates having a whiskey binge. At midnight, as we were up at 5am for the wedding the next day, my wife told her brother and mates to stop drinking, go home and sleep. My brother in law was completely distraught that my wife had told him to stop drinking in front of his mates, he was full blown crying at the shame and humiliation of being spoken to like that by a woman in front of his mates. He was crying in the kitchen the following day, not made much better by me telling him to man-up <deleted>. Had it been me and my mates we probably would all have had a quick yamming session , gave her a kiss, retired for sleep and been thanking her the next day for preventing almighty hangovers. I feel sorry that this chap in the OP had so little in his life that he thought this a good reason to take his own life. I hope he is in a better place now, but sadly, I doubt it.

Sounds like he's a bit special, hardly normal!

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I've been rich and I've been poor. I've had it all and lost it a couple of times. Never, ever, have I considered suicide as an solution to my problems. As miserable as it was to be destitute, even living in my car for a time in the dead of winter, I still had my most valuable possession......my life! At least if you're alive, you've got a chance to change things, you've got potential. Now, sitting here in LOS, with a beautiful wife and a comfortable life, I can look back on the bad times and be thankful I didn't decide to throw it all away in a moment of desperation.

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My view is that this situation where vast number of people are helplessly indebted has politically motivated roots (across the fractions, I assume): Instead of doing the hard work and letting the country prosper and get people educated, leading to people getting better paid work over time, the Thai system (their "leaders") chooses "to give them loan and credit cards" instead... The way loan applications are "prepared" ("making the bank statement"..., emphasis on "MAKE"...) by people, with full knowledge of the banks that almost all is "cooked", is just a means to keep people quiet. Trying to prevent them from making demands, shout and protest, as a means to "appease" and "distract" people from the lack of progress, hoping that as long as they can buy a car, an iPhone and some more essentials that "they will keep quiet"... Houses are financed 110% with these "tricks" and German premium brand cars given "for free" as "gifts" when buying a condo in BKK... Totally ridiculous... Such practices are prosecuted as serious crimes in other countries...

Sure it's individual's decision to take up those loans... but the system lays out the traps, and if "everyone seems to do it" it's hard to resist... and for some it may even be the only way to get through the day financially while hoping for a better tomorrow to maybe then be able to pay back the dept...

It's a home made death spiral and everyone knows it, sees it and still nothing changes... All "hoping for the best and closing eyes"... The moment the economy starts stuttering this house of cards is bound to collapse.

Poor chap, whatever his reasons were, erosion of self respect and the felt loss of dignity (through financial problems and his wife scolding him in public) were sure a big part of his desperate act... RIP...

Edited by TTom911
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One realistic fact of the matter is men are abused all over the world by their woman spouses and no-one really seems to recognize the extent of this although its right in the face of most average people - nags. Don't get me wrong - spouse men do it as well.

Once a person has been repeatedly verbally abused and brow beaten down by their spouse from the moment they awake to the time they go to sleep a person will finally snap under the pressure - RIP to that mans troubled soul.

I had a nag and got out of the relationship after years of nagging - best thing I ever did - I advise others definitely not to put up with any verbal abuser as well whether it’s a spouse, in-law, sibling or otherwise - tell them to get lost.

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Sounds more like he was nagged to death to me. To try any pin it on the government or ICJ seems to be just an attempt to politicise things - he could have just been watching Tom and Jerry.

My thoughts also. What a ridiculous article. If the guy was ok with his wife and ok with his money situation he wouldn't have done something so drastic. It's a mental health issue.
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Sounds more like he was nagged to death to me. To try any pin it on the government or ICJ seems to be just an attempt to politicise things - he could have just been watching Tom and Jerry.

In the real world, people don't commit suicide because their wife nags them.

In the real world, people DO commit suicide over debt problems.

As a matter of fact, did you know that in the UK suicide is considered by 50% of people who are struggling with debt? Also serious debt leads to depression and depression is the number one reason people kill themselves.


In the real world.

It is possible to also be depressed due to relationship problems (nagging) in the real world.

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It's another sad case that pinpoints what is wrong with this country.

It is very worrying when you think about the Thai people's attitude to suicide versus most other countries. Suicide here is rampant.

The reasoning behind this poor chap's actions was placed by the fact he had debt issues. With Thailand's very unstable economic bubble and the unbelievable figure of 77% household debt to GDP ratio (and growing), and the deficit being out of whack (and growing). I can see this becoming almost the norm here.

The Thais have some very gloomy days ahead.

Very gloomy.

Way to go Thaksin and your PTP puppets.

I don't know why you think 77% is horrendous, uk is at 99% having fallen from 126%.

It's called a mortgage.

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