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Yingluck's pleas are mere wordplay to her opponents


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Yingluck will probably spend the day shopping today anyhow, as that's far more important and more in her skill set. Chewing gum and walking would probably be a brain overload for this current Caddied PM

Abhisit style sexism? Disgusting.

It is this present government that is disgusting... sickening and vile... I pity the poor ignorant peoples who took the 30 pieces of silver... God help Thailand.

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I fear in 179 days they will go for broke again and ram through the amnesty regardless of public sentiment because once they have done it it is done. Then there will be a legal black hole whilst people protest and try to undo it. Meanwhile the fugitive will return and pull the strings from near instead of far. BAD BAD times ahead when this happens.....Our only hopes are that the government is removed before they can do this !!!! Or else that the one man in charge who can will shoot it down.

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Yingluck will probably spend the day shopping today anyhow, as that's far more important and more in her skill set. Chewing gum and walking would probably be a brain overload for this current Caddied PM

Abhisit style sexism? Disgusting.

It is this present government that is disgusting... sickening and vile... I pity the poor ignorant peoples who took the 30 pieces of silver... God help Thailand.

Well calling an elected leader "stupid bitch" and the people that elected her "poor ignorant" will not make things better. That's the kind of attitude that made things the way they are now. The poor ignorant people are obviously tired to be looked down upon and want to be acknowledged. The rich educated minority will have to deal with it in some other ways than contempt and military force use. Was there vote buying? Of course and on both sides. There is vote buying everywhere. But I believe many of the reds sincerely want a change. Are Thaksin and his cronies the solution ? I don't think so but what other choice do they have right now?

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I'm not advocating anything. You seem to be the one who wants to overthrow an elected government. You say they are corrupt? Of course they are. Who isn't in this country? The Dems are not corrupt? The Upper and Middle class Bangkokians got what they wanted and should go home. It's good they protested, it was very healthy. The Lower class in the provinces won't get what they want because none of those who killed their friends and family members won't ever be troubled but they made their voice heard, sort of. But if the yellows jump on the occasion to oust the government again I don't see how this would benefit the country.

Your answer appears to be to trust them not to pass this law, and allow them to continue their corruption excesses until their term expires. And should the country head towards bankruptcy, allow them to borrow another few trillion baht. While democratically correct, it fails a few other measures like financial and ethical sense.

I don't want to overthrow an elected government, but I certainly understand those who are not happy with a corrupt elected government and wish to overthrow it. I would be much happier to see an independent police force who would investigate conflict of issue cases, and with the power to arrest MPs who vote corruptly in their own interest or that of the corrupt criminal paying them.

Would be great but there is no such independent police force. So overthrow the government it is, right? Does that make ethical sense? Who decides what is ethical?

Edited by noksidam
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Yingluck will probably spend the day shopping today anyhow, as that's far more important and more in her skill set. Chewing gum and walking would probably be a brain overload for this current Caddied PM

Abhisit style sexism? Disgusting.

It is this present government that is disgusting... sickening and vile... I pity the poor ignorant peoples who took the 30 pieces of silver... God help Thailand.

Well calling an elected leader "stupid bitch" and the people that elected her "poor ignorant" will not make things better. That's the kind of attitude that made things the way they are now. The poor ignorant people are obviously tired to be looked down upon and want to be acknowledged. The rich educated minority will have to deal with it in some other ways than contempt and military force use. Was there vote buying? Of course and on both sides. There is vote buying everywhere. But I believe many of the reds sincerely want a change. Are Thaksin and his cronies the solution ? I don't think so but what other choice do they have right now?

I appreciate your sentiments and comments, except, do you think that the tens of thousands of people demonstrating against this government at Democracy Monument are all hi-so BMW drivers with big houses? I think you will find 80% to 90%, or more, of them are ordinary Thais who have seen through the mist of corruption that surrounds Thaksin's government.

I understand the grievances of the poor of Isaan as well as the rest of the country. What I don't understand is their blind allegiance to one Thaksin Shinawatra when it is blatantly obvious he is using them now as he always has.

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There is no democracy if people sell their votes and easy believing in politicans. Politic is a business like insurance or investment, they sell promises and mostly they lie. But that Isaan people think, that a Billionaire would really help them is sad. They used by these gangsters to get the power, and now a few of them see that. Democracy need honest politician, and there is a lack, all over the world. The normal people are mostly honest, but they are living in a shark tank and pray to the god of money. The rich have to learn, that it is dangerous if they not share. You can beat a dog some times, but one time to much, he will bite you.wai2.gif

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Yingluck will probably spend the day shopping today anyhow, as that's far more important and more in her skill set. Chewing gum and walking would probably be a brain overload for this current Caddied PM

Abhisit style sexism? Disgusting.

What's disgusting is your obvious lack of intelligence in understanding the definition of sexism.

Back of the the class for you Blackbird. whistling.gif

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Not voting for Thaksin and his cronies would be a nice first step. Following look for some good, reliable people in their own midst. Support lesser evil rather than big evil. Keep on pressuring political parties through protests, NGOs. Get rid of local corruption by local leaders. Etc., etc., etc.

Well calling an elected leader "stupid bitch" and the people that elected her "poor ignorant" will not make things better. That's the kind of attitude that made things the way they are now. The poor ignorant people are obviously tired to be looked down upon and want to be acknowledged. The rich educated minority will have to deal with it in some other ways than contempt and military force use. Was there vote buying? Of course and on both sides. There is vote buying everywhere. But I believe many of the reds sincerely want a change. Are Thaksin and his cronies the solution ? I don't think so but what other choice do they have right now?

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Yingluck will probably spend the day shopping today anyhow, as that's far more important and more in her skill set. Chewing gum and walking would probably be a brain overload for this current Caddied PM

Abhisit style sexism? Disgusting.

What's disgusting is your obvious lack of intelligence in understanding the definition of sexism.

Back of the the class for you Blackbird. whistling.gif

  1. sex·ism sekˌsizəm/ noun 1. prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. synonyms: sexual discrimination, chauvinism, gender prejudice, gender bias

    If my lack of intelligence is disgusting you please give me your definition of sexism. Maybe you meant to say that your dislike of Yingluck has nothing to do with her sex. If this is the case I am sorry for my remark. But say it and don't insult me.

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To be fair in this topic if you want to accuse someone of expressing 'sexism' there is no need to specify 'Abhisit style sexism'.

Mind you, with Thaksin against her stepping down and being somewhat condescending as golf caddy you would be excused if you write 'Thaksin style sexism' wink.png

Yingluck will probably spend the day shopping today anyhow, as that's far more important and more in her skill set. Chewing gum and walking would probably be a brain overload for this current Caddied PM

Abhisit style sexism? Disgusting.

What's disgusting is your obvious lack of intelligence in understanding the definition of sexism.

Back of the the class for you Blackbird. whistling.gif

  1. sex·ism sekˌsizəm/ noun 1. prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. synonyms: sexual discrimination, chauvinism, gender prejudice, gender bias

    If my lack of intelligence is disgusting you please give me your definition of sexism. Maybe you meant to say that your dislike of Yingluck has nothing to do with her sex. If this is the case I am sorry for my remark. But say it and don't insult me.

Edited by rubl
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So what would the democratic thing to do be? It can't be a military backed unelected party taking control again, right?

The democratic thing to do would be to put an end once and for all to the talk of amnesty drop all their trumped up charges against the opposition admit their mistakes and run the country with it's best interests the only goal.

If that is to hard on them and I suspect it is resign and call for a new election.

I see no problem here with doing the democratic thing. Just a lack of willingness on the Government to do the democratic thing.wai2.gif

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Yingluck will probably spend the day shopping today anyhow, as that's far more important and more in her skill set. Chewing gum and walking would probably be a brain overload for this current Caddied PM

Abhisit style sexism? Disgusting.

Where is the sexism in mrtoad's post ? His comments are not gender biased.

You have introduced sexism in.

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So what would the democratic thing to do be? It can't be a military backed unelected party taking control again, right?

The democratic thing to do would be to put an end once and for all to the talk of amnesty drop all their trumped up charges against the opposition admit their mistakes and run the country with it's best interests the only goal.

If that is to hard on them and I suspect it is resign and call for a new election.

I see no problem here with doing the democratic thing. Just a lack of willingness on the Government to do the democratic thing.wai2.gif

You are right - but sadly, there's little chance of this government actually doing anything democratic - just talk talk lie lie.

The crook wants to keep hold of power, at any costs, as it's the only way he can manipulate his whitewash and triumphant return to glory. Imagine the pantomime should this happen !

PTP have a record of lies, deceit, cunning, corruption and unethical behavior - which they deem an accepted part of politics. The chances of them acting with ethics, morals, or honesty sadly seem very remote.

Remember, democracy to them means their democracy.

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Yingluck will probably spend the day shopping today anyhow, as that's far more important and more in her skill set. Chewing gum and walking would probably be a brain overload for this current Caddied PM

Abhisit style sexism? Disgusting.

Where is the sexism in mrtoad's post ? His comments are not gender biased.

You have introduced sexism in.

Very correct, and then Blackbird tried to justify it in a further post by giving a definition of sexism. Probably a Kentucky State Uni grad. coffee1.gif

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Yes it may not have been sexist and I overreacted here. Seen too many post insulting Yingluck based on her gender and as a father of two daughters it pisses me off. Thai society is sexist and maybe we can do better than to follow a weak and pathetic politician's example. I'm Swiss so English is a second language and a checked a dictonnary what's wrong with that?

Yingluck will probably spend the day shopping today anyhow, as that's far more important and more in her skill set. Chewing gum and walking would probably be a brain overload for this current Caddied PM

Abhisit style sexism? Disgusting.

Where is the sexism in mrtoad's post ? His comments are not gender biased.

You have introduced sexism in.

Very correct, and then Blackbird tried to justify it in a further post by giving a definition of sexism. Probably a Kentucky State Uni grad. coffee1.gif

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Yes it may not have been sexist and I overreacted here. Seen too many post insulting Yingluck based on her gender and as a father of two daughters it pisses me off. Thai society is sexist and maybe we can do better than to follow a weak and pathetic politician's example. I'm Swiss so English is a second language and a checked a dictonnary what's wrong with that?


"Thai society is sexist and maybe we can do better than to follow a weak and pathetic politician's example."

I am afraid that the above statement probably refers more accurately to the youngest sister of the subject and instigator of all the troubles that are affecting Thailand.

Somebody that is in a position merely because of family connections, appearance, has a penchant for

shopping and world travel is more appropriately referred to as "weak and pathetic".

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Yes it may not have been sexist and I overreacted here. Seen too many post insulting Yingluck based on her gender and as a father of two daughters it pisses me off. Thai society is sexist and maybe we can do better than to follow a weak and pathetic politician's example. I'm Swiss so English is a second language and a checked a dictonnary what's wrong with that?

You have your own agenda, which I'm guessing is based on either a) not living here very long or B) not living here at all C) Living with a red shirt. What the hell has your two daughters got to do with Yinglucks incompetence? And yes she is a stupid woman, just as Samak was a stupid man. There is no sexism involved. My daughter laughed at Yinglucks English interview last week, wanting to know why she couldn't speak properly. She is 8 - English is not her first language either.

As for the weak and pathetic, I think we've seen the leader in that department this week, the one who can't answer a question in either English or Thai, the one that hardly ever attends parliament, the one that says "nothing to do with me", the one that likes to go on shopping jaunts,and the one that even her own brother says he "caddies". As Yingluck would say "Thank you three times. Ka". jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

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Where's the sexism in pointing out Yinglucks faults and known habits? Puppet? Check. Lover of shopping? Check. Surely it's sexist to even try and bring about a complaint of sexism over that? Women have just as much right to be retards as men have.

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Where's the sexism in pointing out Yinglucks faults and known habits? Puppet? Check. Lover of shopping? Check. Surely it's sexist to even try and bring about a complaint of sexism over that? Women have just as much right to be retards as men have.

Like clap2.gif

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Pointing out faults isn't sexist. My mate likes to drink lots of beer and watch football, doesn't mean all men do. Yingluck has often been quoted as spending more time worried about Manicures and shopping than getting down to the hard work. Human fault, not a sexist trait.

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Sorry mrtoad for replying late but I was busy. Well I've been living here for the past 9 years. In Isaan and Chiang Mai so yes, in mostly red-shirts territories. I am not living with a red shirt though (or any shirt color for that matter) but even if I was what difference would it make? Do your opinions come from your yellow shirt spouse? Having daughters make me react strongly to perceived sexism but I admit I reacted too fast to the previous comment.

Nevertheless it is true that Abhisit proved me that he was a jerk by resorting to sexist insults. His chair throwing buddies were rather pathetic also. Do I believe the other side is any better? No, not at all and it saddens me because if I did believe it, I would at least have hope that things may get better. But the PTP has been democratically elected, something that the Democrats have not been able to do for the last 20 years and I do not believe that another push is the solution to Thailand's current class war. It can only lead to more resentments and blood shed.

My agenda? Can anything we say here have any influence on the politics of this country? Does the elite read Thai Visa for inspiration? Like you I'm just debating my ideas with other farangs to maybe get a clearer picture of the current situation.

Yes it may not have been sexist and I overreacted here. Seen too many post insulting Yingluck based on her gender and as a father of two daughters it pisses me off. Thai society is sexist and maybe we can do better than to follow a weak and pathetic politician's example. I'm Swiss so English is a second language and a checked a dictonnary what's wrong with that?

You have your own agenda, which I'm guessing is based on either a) not living here very long or cool.png not living here at all C) Living with a red shirt. What the hell has your two daughters got to do with Yinglucks incompetence? And yes she is a stupid woman, just as Samak was a stupid man. There is no sexism involved. My daughter laughed at Yinglucks English interview last week, wanting to know why she couldn't speak properly. She is 8 - English is not her first language either.

As for the weak and pathetic, I think we've seen the leader in that department this week, the one who can't answer a question in either English or Thai, the one that hardly ever attends parliament, the one that says "nothing to do with me", the one that likes to go on shopping jaunts,and the one that even her own brother says he "caddies". As Yingluck would say "Thank you three times. Ka". jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

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