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Chinese Ripping Off Thai Bras

sriracha john

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In honor of the absent Jai Dee's TNNBPRD news postings... an real, honest-to-goodness news item title, except this one is from the Bangkok Post:


Chinese ripping off Thai bras

The Ministry of Finance is coordinating with the Customs Bureau to lock down production sources of Thai brassieres to prevent Chinese companies from pirating the products.

Director general Rachain Pajunsunthorn said the department of foreign trade will liaise with the Customs Bureau and relevant agencies in publicising the source companies of Thai brassiere exporters.

He said there was good reason to fear that Chinese companies would try to produce cheap imitations and sell counterfeit brassieres in the US market, with fake "Made in Thailand" labels.

Mr Rachain said Thailand exported more than 2 billion baht worth of brassieres and underwear in the first four months of this year.


another newswriter gets one over and gets it past the editor...


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