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Where Can I Get Hold Of A 2cv?

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Excuse me, but have you heard of Kampuchea or Cambodia ?

It is a little strip of land that so annoyingly separates Thailand from Vietnam.

But there's no 2CV's to be had there either.

Can't recall seeing any in Vietnam, among all the motorbikes and cyclos. The people who had cars had new cars.


is the citreon 2cv one of those really old car(classic), look like a VW bug

the last 2CV in SE Asia was destroyed when it plunged off a bridge in the battle scene in Coppola's 'Apocalypse Now'...imported to Philipines from Vietnam for that purpose...

Hehehehe a wealth of useless information is our Tutsi :o


dr PP...hey, swear to god, some locals fished it out of the water and the panels now are part of the roof of a bar on the beach in some famous place somewhere...authentication certificate signed by Francis Ford Coppola...probably on display at the local filipino Planet Hollywood...


this is wonderful...I propose an unlawful association dedicated to snatching and preserving wonderful basic means of conveyance like the 2CV and the pre-1973 air cooled Volkwagen thereby enhancing market value to a point that the Ray Ban BMW and Mercedes jockeys that presently terrorize other motorists would have to sell their over designed contraptions to be turned into scrap in order to have a chance of acquiring a sensible motorcar...

think of a world with only bicycles, buses, 2CVs and old VW bugs...'what a wonderful world it would be'...Sam Cooke


Do they still make 2CV in France? Why would anyone want on? They have fold down windows and I seem to remember the gearstick was on the dashboard...right?

The closest place I remember seeing one was Chittagong, Bangladesh, but I am not sure if you can drive it back here through Burma, although I believe there are plans for a new Burma highway.


Why would any one want a 2CV

I was an AA Patrol in the U.K. for 32 years and trust me they are a night mare.

the engine is twin horizontaly opposed air cooled unit (like a BMW motorcycle) but without the quolity.

The bodey work is a joke if you lean on the wings they bend if you touch the top of the head lights(as in small candle) they fall out and hang on a piece of wire.

Bonnet, doors, and boot you dont need a key to get in you just bend them out of the way.

The road holding is an adventure for gods sake dont try to corner in one or the 2cv will be full of the brown smelly stuff, and it will be yours.

This vehicle was built (well thrown togeather) for 1950`s for the french farmers, maybe thats why we all feel sorry for any one that`s French.

Its only one step ahead of the Trebant and that was made from compressed paper).

Edd :D:o

Why would anyone want on? They have fold down windows and I seem to remember the gearstick was on the dashboard...right?

absolutely right!

why do you want one in Thailand?

I owned one a few years ago in France. It could go 80km/h if the wind was right, going down hill. The heater was simple, you opened a little pannel below the dashboard and you got some heat from the motor, simple ac as well, just flip the window open.


"Come to the edge, He said. They said, "We are afraid." "Come to the edge," He said. They came. He pushed them... and they flew."

Guillaume Apollinaire


I see a 2cv driving around on samui since years, still got the European number plates (forget which country's) and still seems to be in good condition :o


dr PP...I now suspect that you own suspicious vehicles and roar around BKK with scantily clad females in an open top arrangement...quite unbecoming for a supervisor of an award winning SE Asia forum.



My business partner has one in Vietnam, installed a nice aircon and re-did the seating. It's a very comfortable car.

They can be found in Vietnam but the steering wheel is on the wrong side. Also importing a car to Thailand is a nightmare, and I don't know for sure about Thailand but some SEA countries have laws against importing used cars to avoid becoming the west's junkyard.

And you'd better know a good mechanic with access to legacy citroen spare parts....

dr PP...I now suspect that you own suspicious vehicles and roar around BKK with scantily clad females in an open top arrangement...quite unbecoming for a supervisor of an award winning SE Asia forum.


Watch out Tutsi...you will get your shitter car permit revoked if you don't mind your manners :D Bad, bad Tutsi :o


orion76...you need all the horsepower from a 2CV engine to power any sort of A/C arrangement...your friend must either have real horseflesh towing the car or local coolies providing the propulsion from behind.

dr PP...you are unfair...poor old tutsi is poor and unemployed and would love the option to cruise in comfort with the biggest, heaviest monstrocity that RR/Bently could provide. But he can't...and now he is being beat up on again for his unfortunate circumstances...

'The Passion of Tutsiwarrior' coming soon to sensitive consciences everywhere (Mel Gibson look out...mine will be in LA patois rather than Aramic)

orion76...you need all the horsepower from a 2CV engine to power any sort of A/C arrangement...your friend must either have real horseflesh towing the car or local coolies providing the propulsion from behind.

dr PP...you are unfair...poor old tutsi is poor and unemployed and would love the option to cruise in comfort with the biggest, heaviest monstrocity that RR/Bently could provide. But he can't...and now he is being beat up on again for his unfortunate circumstances...

'The Passion of Tutsiwarrior' coming soon to sensitive consciences everywhere (Mel Gibson look out...mine will be in LA patois rather than Aramic)

The shitter permit remains in place for poor ole Tutsi :o


I shall rewrite it...I SHALL REWRITE IT...dr PP as Herod and perpetrator of tutsi's misfortune...smirking with large havana cigars in a white Cadillac with unclothed strumpets shrieking with delight at tutsi's agony...

listen dr...lets get together on this...we could both get rich...god knows I could use the money...


There's only ONE 2cv in Thaïland and it's in Samui. It still has a French plate (75, for Paris).

But the (French) owner will never sell it.

There are some in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.


If the car has been run on french plates for the past few decades then I think it would be more accurate to say the froggy cannot sell it.

The back taxes would be more than the car is worth

If the car has been run on french plates for the past few decades then I think it would be more accurate to say the froggy cannot sell it.

The back taxes would be more than the car is worth

Froggy aforesaid is still waiting for a Citroen mechanic to turn up and start the bloody thing :o


You won't find a 2CV over here, and even if you did it's extreemly unlikely it's owner would want to sell it. To get one imported would be a very expensive and difficult thing to do, very stressful too.

Forget it. You've got more chance of finding a DeLorean at Carrefour.

A push start would be the best solution.

Preferably near a cliff.

With an ocean below it ? :o

No. With you below it. :D

Awwwww and I thought you liked me too ...... :D

I liked you very much.

But then you made fun of the 2CV, France's national pride.

You hurt me. :D

Will I ever forgive you ? You'll have to make amends first.

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