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Thai PM pleads for rallies to end after amnesty defeated


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"Please give us time to prove ourselves". rolleyes.gif

It's over two years, since the faux-PM first asked for six months in which to prove herself, so how come people are still waiting, and she's still begging for more ? facepalm.gif

She has proved herself. Proved that she is totally incompetent, and a puppet.

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The problem seems to be that, when PM-Yingluck says something, nobody believes it anymore. sad.png

Based on experience, perhaps ? giggle.gif

Perhaps they think that the real golfer is in Dubai, and it's the clone here in Bangkok, who is actually the caddy ? whistling.gif

Time to hand over to a political heavy-weight, ma'am ! Thank-You three times, and Good-Bye !

The Foreign Minister's job might actually be more fun for her, loads of travel & meaningless drivel, speeches for all sorts of worthy occasions ! clap2.gif

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The problem seems to be that, when PM-Yingluck says something, nobody believes it anymore. sad.png

Based on experience, perhaps ? giggle.gif

Perhaps they think that the real golfer is in Dubai, and it's the clone here in Bangkok, who is actually the caddy ? whistling.gif

Time to hand over to a political heavy-weight, ma'am ! Thank-You three times, and Good-Bye !

The Foreign Minister's job might actually be more fun for her, loads of travel & meaningless drivel, speeches for all sorts of worthy occasions ! clap2.gif

Or a Thai take on business minister, shopping minister.

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This woman is saying so many stupid things I do not even know where to start, so I won't.

It must be clear by now though, to even the most hardcore PTP fan, that this woman was never a so called "successful businesswoman". There is no way you can be that naive and successful at the same time.

She was given a job by her brother in one of her brothers companies where she did not have to do anything, just as is the case now that she is PM.

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Are there still large numbers of protesters near Democracy Monument? Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Yes, still a couple of die hards.rolleyes.gif

Yingluck's hollow pleadings falling on deaf ears.

That's yesterday's photo. Not today. I don't know about today too.

Yesterday's, today's, tomorrow's, so what...the question was "are there still large numbers of protesters"

The answer is yes, tens of thousands. How many do you think?

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"We believe everybody must campaign for all the people to pay taxes according to the law. This is the government's duty."

That is good news. Perhaps Ms. Yingluck can then tell me if her staff have made sure that all the red shirts are paying taxes now that they are receiving hundreds of thousands of baht a year directly from the government through the rice scam?

My bet is that not a single red shirt rice farmer has filed a tax return - and that Ms. Yingluck has no intention of doing anything about it.

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"We believe everybody must campaign for all the people to pay taxes according to the law. This is the government's duty."

That is good news. Perhaps Ms. Yingluck can then tell me if her staff have made sure that all the red shirts are paying taxes now that they are receiving hundreds of thousands of baht a year directly from the government through the rice scam?

My bet is that not a single red shirt rice farmer has filed a tax return - and that Ms. Yingluck has no intention of doing anything about it.

"not a single red shirt rice farmer has filed a tax return-"

The tragedy is that the real poor of Thailand be they from Isaan or the south or wherever, have been systematically used and abused by successive generations of politicians of all stripes. They are usually too poor to pay tax. It's the middlemen, millers and businessmen that have reaped the befits of the rice scam introduced by Thaksin's government.

That;'s the way it was, is and always will be until Thailand makes massive changes in the type of people they elect to "Serve" them.

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'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Well, PM ... noone!, That's the concept.

Well actually, your statement would only be correct if Yingluck had said If all the people strike, who will work.

She didn't, you're wrong but no doubt you and your "likees" feel quite smug about it.

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Plea for your political life. They won't stop until the topple you and your government. whistling.gif

She's already dead in the water - just a matter of time before Thailand's international embarrassment goes the way of her brother - out of the window.

Yeah, and it's like the sharks teeth: next member of the clan is already set up to continue the charade. Unfortunately quite a lot uglier than her sister, although I must say every time I see Y on the telly I get an allergic reaction.

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'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Well, PM ... noone!, That's the concept.

Well actually, your statement would only be correct if Yingluck had said If all the people strike, who will work.

She didn't, you're wrong but no doubt you and your "likees" feel quite smug about it.

'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Those who are not striking?

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Plea for your political life. They won't stop until the topple you and your government. whistling.gif

She's already dead in the water - just a matter of time before Thailand's international embarrassment goes the way of her brother - out of the window.

Yeah, and it's like the sharks teeth: next member of the clan is already set up to continue the charade. Unfortunately quite a lot uglier than her sister, although I must say every time I see Y on the telly I get an allergic reaction.

If you were getting an allergic erection, that would be even more concerning

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Are there still large numbers of protesters near Democracy Monument? Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Yes, still a couple of die hards.rolleyes.gif

Yingluck's hollow pleadings falling on deaf ears.

That's yesterday's photo. Not today. I don't know about today too.

Yesterday's, today's, tomorrow's, so what...the question was "are there still large numbers of protesters"

The answer is yes, tens of thousands. How many do you think?

The photo is from a Thai blog and was posted Nov. 6. To post it in answer to a question about protests today seems to me like rabble rousing and you want to prolong or start further riots. I think it is unconscionable.

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'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Well, PM ... noone!, That's the concept.

Well actually, your statement would only be correct if Yingluck had said If all the people strike, who will work.

She didn't, you're wrong but no doubt you and your "likees" feel quite smug about it.

Nice work GK

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what goes on in that tiny little brain....does she honestly not realise whats coming out of her mouth.....shes pathetic..im almost cringing with embarrasment when shes about to talk...its almost a relief that most are uneducated here..can you imagine if they were ..60.000.000 laughing at the same time you would here it in space..w00t.gif

How many of those people out there blowing whistles are uneducated using your guide? Must be a fairly high percentage as you say that most of the Thais are uneducated here. What do your Thai friends think about your views, do you discuss it with them.You obviously equate being uneducated with being stupid, a common misconception. I'm not sure but if they are of the educated minority (according to you) I would have thought they would not be too happy with that viewpoint.

Just a thought.

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The photo is from a Thai blog and was posted Nov. 6. To post it in answer to a question about protests today seems to me like rabble rousing and you want to prolong or start further riots. I think it is unconscionable.

"..... and you want to prolong or start further riots. I think it is unconscionable."

"Unconscionable"? You have a vivid imagination.

The answer to the original question still stands. There are tens of thousands of protesters at Democracy Monument at this moment. Are you naive enough to think they've all gone home?

As to your comment re prolonging protests, it probably was applicable to the Red Shirt riots 3 years ago as well.

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'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Well, PM ... noone!, That's the concept.

Well actually, your statement would only be correct if Yingluck had said If all the people strike, who will work.

She didn't, you're wrong but no doubt you and your "likees" feel quite smug about it.

'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Those who are not striking?

Is that the same as No one? No it's not

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It's a valid question though. If yesterday there were 60,000 (that was the estimate) and today there are 15,000, then it would indicate a waning in the interest to protest longer. Mind you, I want there to be 120,000 tomorrow, but are numbers going up, down, or staying the same?

Personally, I am a bit sad how the demos are trying to hijack the protest. It was much more interesting when there was not one particular party or interest running the thing.

Are there still large numbers of protesters near Democracy Monument? Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Yes, still a couple of die hards.rolleyes.gif

Yingluck's hollow pleadings falling on deaf ears.

That's yesterday's photo. Not today. I don't know about today too.

Yesterday's, today's, tomorrow's, so what...the question was "are there still large numbers of protesters"

The answer is yes, tens of thousands. How many do you think?

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The photo is from a Thai blog and was posted Nov. 6. To post it in answer to a question about protests today seems to me like rabble rousing and you want to prolong or start further riots. I think it is unconscionable.

"..... and you want to prolong or start further riots. I think it is unconscionable."

"Unconscionable"? You have a vivid imagination.

The answer to the original question still stands. There are tens of thousands of protesters at Democracy Monument at this moment. Are you naive enough to think they've all gone home?

As to your comment re prolonging protests, it probably was applicable to the Red Shirt riots 3 years ago as well.

It is like yelling fire in a crowded theater. You are trying to create panic. You don't even live in Thailand.

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That's yesterday's photo. Not today. I don't know about today too.

Yesterday's, today's, tomorrow's, so what...the question was "are there still large numbers of protesters"

The answer is yes, tens of thousands. How many do you think?

The photo is from a Thai blog and was posted Nov. 6. To post it in answer to a question about protests today seems to me like rabble rousing and you want to prolong or start further riots. I think it is unconscionable.

Can you explain how posting a photo (even if out of date) on an internet forum prolongs or starts "further" riots? Has there been a riot recently? If 300 TVF readers took extreme umbrage and decided to trash their computers in widely separated parts of Thailand and the world, would that constitute a riot?

Anyway, I'm sure our PM doesn't think it is unconscionable because it's about 7 letters too long for her english vocabulary.

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The photo is from a Thai blog and was posted Nov. 6. To post it in answer to a question about protests today seems to me like rabble rousing and you want to prolong or start further riots. I think it is unconscionable.

"..... and you want to prolong or start further riots. I think it is unconscionable."

"Unconscionable"? You have a vivid imagination.

The answer to the original question still stands. There are tens of thousands of protesters at Democracy Monument at this moment. Are you naive enough to think they've all gone home?

As to your comment re prolonging protests, it probably was applicable to the Red Shirt riots 3 years ago as well.

It is like yelling fire in a crowded theater. You are trying to create panic. You don't even live in Thailand.

You don't live in the real world, are you Plod?

I live in Thailand and don't need a strike or strife no matter how much you internet warriors want one.

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The strike is not going to happen, it's just usual bluster. However, there is nothing wrong with the demonstrations continuing if it cleans up this current bunch of crooks in government.

As for you suggesting people want strikes and strife, that isn't true.

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The strike is not going to happen, it's just usual bluster. However, there is nothing wrong with the demonstrations continuing if it cleans up this current bunch of crooks in government.

As for you suggesting people want strikes and strife, that isn't true.

When a poster posts week old photos to exaggerate the state of unrest and riots and protest I think he is trying to start trouble including a strike and further strife and in violation of Thai Visa policy of posting knowingly wrong information (photo from Nov. 4 not Nov 12.)

Edited by thailiketoo
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It is very simple YINGLUCK , If you don't like what you are getting perhaps you should consider that you should stop doing what you are doing. Oh and by the way you still have not given full disclosure as to how your brother managed to get a Thai passport. You wish a chance to run the country, don't be absurd, You have consistently demonstrated your will and ability to RUIN the country.

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what goes on in that tiny little brain....does she honestly not realise whats coming out of her mouth.....shes pathetic..im almost cringing with embarrasment when shes about to talk...its almost a relief that most are uneducated here..can you imagine if they were ..60.000.000 laughing at the same time you would here it in space..w00t.gif

How many of those people out there blowing whistles are uneducated using your guide? Must be a fairly high percentage as you say that most of the Thais are uneducated here. What do your Thai friends think about your views, do you discuss it with them.You obviously equate being uneducated with being stupid, a common misconception. I'm not sure but if they are of the educated minority (according to you) I would have thought they would not be too happy with that viewpoint.

Just a thought.

Since it is not the majority of thais that are blowing whistles, the majority of thais and the whistle blowers can be two entirely separate groups, with not even a single person belonging to both groups, hence your statement is logically flawed. Education in logic would tell you that :-)

When it comes to fairly complicated matters such as politics and economy, a lack of education often equates "stupidity", as those without education are likely not able to understand the issues debated.

An example of this could be, how can a person debate or understand the rice scam or the 2 trillion baht loan if the person does not even know how many zeros are in the numbers we are debating (billions and trillions).

Try and ask your Thai friends, especially the uneducated ones how many zeros are in a billion or trillion, and post the results here :-)

Edited by monkeycountry
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