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Smtp Server Settings


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My friend bought a lap top and has CAT internet adsl at home but cant figure out what her SMTP Settings are.

I called Cat and of course got no where. they wanted to know the phone number which seemed irrelovent.

Also here at work she cant send out. (She is sort of my boss). We have tot here.

Is there just general settings?

Sometimes its pop.mail.

sometimes its smpt.mail...........

Can somone help?

Also when i use outlook :o i cant get it to work at all. but regarding my work email, using thunderbird solved the problem :D


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I would watch with interest e-mails sent out via CAT, TOT, TT&T etc.

I have found that many ISP's elsewhere refuse to accept mail from unauthenticated Thai connections. AOL in particular just dump the mail, neither you nor the addressee get any notifications. Amonst other ISP's in the UK NTL and Virgin bounce all of my mailings.

To get around this I have a gmail (google mail) account and SMTP all mail through them, whilst POP'ing my mail from my normal server.

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briley, Thank you so very much! I was having my own problems at work sending out and i dont know what the problem was, and wont go into the boring details but i changed my out going smtp to gmail using the authentication from my gmail account and its all working.

Ill also mention it to my friend that maybe this is why some people are not receive her emails.

I didnt realize I could send out going through and smtp that had nothing to do with the ISP i was using for my email . oh its all sort of comfusing for me.........

But thanks. Im sure this treasure of info will come in usefull again and again!

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I found out when my sister said I hadn't sent an e-mail for over 6 months. So I sent her copies of all my mailings.

I finally tracked it down by running my own SMTP program that enabled me to see the 'chatter' with AOL.

Why people stick with AOL defeats me

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