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Seeking open-minded, courteous comments on a Thai superstition


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I'm new in Thailand, and married to a wonderful Thai woman. We live in her family home in Northern Thailand, on the edge of a pleasant village. Next door is a small chicken farm, and the man who owns it is very friendly to me, as are the people who work with him. (I'm not hung up on the "farang" thing, BTW, knowing full well I'll never be one of them, and while I've heard that word uttered quite a few times, I've never sensed any rancor behind it).

Recently, the man next door went to the hospital, where he remains, unable to walk, due to some problems with his hip bones. Neither my wife nor her family seem to know what's happening with him, and if they do, they're not talking. Frankly, it's none of my business anyway. I wish him well and hope to see him back soon.

I can see right down into his place through the window next to my desk, and today noticed a larger than usual number of scooters down there. I asked my wife what was going on, and she said they're going to kill a pig. Needless to say, I wondered why, it being 9am, Wednesday morning, all that. At first, my wife was reticent about explaining, which naturally made me more curious. Finally, she said the people think that demons living in the area caused the owner to get sick, so they're going to kill the pig as an offering to the demons, I suppose in hopes that they'll back off the man will recover.

OK, natch, I was a little bit shocked, but then started to think about it. First, the pig was going to get slaughtered sooner or later, and the people planned to cook him and eat him. Then I thought, Hmmm, is that any crazier than, say, chemotherapy which, along with radiation, killed my mother? From a shamanistic point of view, the pig thing might even work, if enough people think it will. Right?

I'm curious what people on here think.

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If what they believe is helpful to them all well and good, I try not to interfere in my wife's beliefs if it helps her, that is all I want. It is true that the mind is very helpful in the healing process.

2 years ago I went to Na Bua Deang, to see my brother that was told he could pass away at anytime, the hospital was overflowing with patients, no air conditioning, no TV and while we were there two people passed away. I told my brother, Mike go home die in the comfort of your own home, that hospital ward was very depressing, where people were waiting to die.

Mike did go home, to pass his final days at home with his loved ones, now two years later he called me to see how I was doing, I do not know if the power of his mind overcame his physical condition, but two years later he is still with us.

God Bless:

Edited by kikoman
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