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Immegration ,Jomtien ,new rule?

i claudius

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I just got back from my 90 day ,no problem ,but then he looked at my yearly stamp due middle of jan and said i have to come in 30 days earlier, i have never done this before ,i usually just come in a few days before its due ,when i asked why ,he just said you have always had to come in a month early , any sugestions?

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Probably due to your extension expiring before the 90 day report expires. Doesn't make sense I know but Chiang Mai immigration has done that to me. If near my extension of stay expiration they will only give my 90 day report good until then.

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but my 90 day is in feb ,so why change my yearly ,middle jan to middle dec ,doesnt make any sense.

Does anything here???? cheesy.gif Mine is Middle Jan and they tell me to come in Begining of Dec ???? Go figure ...... blink.png .. PS Could be worst and they tell us all to come in on Jan 1st !! ... OUCH ! facepalm.gif

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Had it a few times before, my work B visa is always in mid February and it always gets done mid December to mid January.

I'm told it because if you apply before Jan 1st apparently the balance sheets etc for the previous year can be used.

Doesn't bother me really as I still get my original date but it means I have to come up with the cash earlier.

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...he looked at my yearly stamp due middle of jan and said i have to come in 30 days earlier ...

This is not totally clear to me. Your "yearly stamp" I assume means the extension of stay?

"come in 30 days earlier" for what? 30 days earlier than mid-January for the extension of stay or 30 days earlier for the next 90 day report? I would have thought he meant you can come in 30 days before the extension of stay expires to apply for the new one. 30 days early is what Jomtien now allows. They usually remind you if your extension expires before your next report. Mine also expires in January and when I did the last 90 day report the officer reminded me that I would need to come in to renew my extension.

If he meant 30 days early for the next 90 day report, what date was stamped on your receipt? Is it not the expected 90 days from your current report?

Edited by Suradit69
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Didn't take long for this thread to go pear shaped did it!!

OP - he meant that your 90 day extension expiry date is 30 days longer than your annual renewal. "Come back 30 days early" means even though your 90 day expires in Feb, your annual renewal expires 30 days before that. Just do your annual renewal as normal, and then your 90 day reporting as usual at next expiry.

He was basically reminding you not to forget to do your annual renewal, even though the 90 day reporting date expiry is 30 days after that date.

Edit: I've heard of several cases where guys on a retirement permit have assumed that the 90 day reporting date somehow supersedes the annual renewal date and they've lost their retirement permit and had to reapply, plus pay overstay fines etc. He was trying to do you a favour by reminding you.

Edited by Gsxrnz
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I think something simply got lost in translation.

It is always allowed to apply for your new extension 30 days before it expires, the new extension will start from the date the first extension ever was approved anyway..

In case of the OP, if he applies half December, the extension will start from half January.

The officer probably " advised " to do it early because from Christmas till the first 7-10 days of January is a very busy period at immigration. Think queue's of several hours.

90 day reporting and renewing extension of stay are two complete different events anyway.

Edited by PeterSmiles
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but my 90 day is in feb ,so why change my yearly ,middle jan to middle dec ,doesnt make any sense. they havnt changed it in the last 8 years.

I'm not sure where I've read this, but due to the seasonal holidays, high season and maybe other reasons, they ask you to come one month earlier.

I gather that it won't affect the original validity of you permission of stay.

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Didn't take long for this thread to go pear shaped did it!!

OP - he meant that your 90 day extension expiry date is 30 days longer than your annual renewal. "Come back 30 days early" means even though your 90 day expires in Feb, your annual renewal expires 30 days before that. Just do your annual renewal as normal, and then your 90 day reporting as usual at next expiry.

He was basically reminding you not to forget to do your annual renewal, even though the 90 day reporting date expiry is 30 days after that date.

Edit: I've heard of several cases where guys on a retirement permit have assumed that the 90 day reporting date somehow supersedes the annual renewal date and they've lost their retirement permit and had to reapply, plus pay overstay fines etc. He was trying to do you a favour by reminding you.

Well summarised. 90 day reporting and extensions of stay are completely separate. It's good that Immigration make this clear (or at least try to!).

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It does not matter really when i do my yearly extension as i have enough money in the bank to cover it ,i do realize that as my 90 day is in feb and my yearly extensuion is in jan ,they warn you ,but he was adament that i come in in the middle of dec ,i will do it but it just seemed odd . anyway thanks all for the input

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