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China to ease one-child policy


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It is a move in the wrong direction, IMO. I am not condoning the execution of the OCP over the years, but the policy was a step in the right direction. If anything, we need more and more laws not just to limit the population growth but also who gets to have children and who doesn't.


I don't think it will be wrong to say that majority of the people are not qualified to raise a child (taking all factors into account - financial, psychological, social etc.). One should be required to get a licence to be able to have a child so that the child in question gets the right upbringing, which many don't. Why is it a fundamental right to have a child is beyond me.


Get a license from the government to have a child?!


That's anti-rational, anti democratic, so I guess it would suit the CCP just fine.


And unfortunately, dangerously to individual liberty and intelligence, perhaps some others of a like mind.

May be if it was cloaked in some sort of religious doctrine you'd be fine with it.

Now I just have to find that religion. Failing that, it's time for a new prophet, surely we have room for one more.

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I would say the following has already happened :

Boys and girls are all valued in Chinese families these days. In rural areas yes boys still get a tad of a favor but it's not different from the western societies. If you want to see go getter women with equal opportunities, just visit any of the coastal cities and see the entrepreneun flair they have. they easily match the boys and make us look like wimps.

Animal protection agree ! You have my full support...eating anything other than the norm is really cruel. You get my vote not that it will happen anytime soon

The common sense bit is slowly biting in...you have to forgive them after all they are a communist state and these things take time and is slower than the western states with full democracy.

Fo compassion, forget about the governments of the world...hit the local streets like you usually do in any city...you will find aplenty

<is slower than the western states with full democracy>

Thou jest, surely?

Can you give me an example of a so called democracy that exhibits common sense? You can't, can you?

The world is full of barking people running countries.

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I personally agree with China (maybe the only time i have ever said that)

People shouldn't be allowed to reproduce the way we do. The higher the population density, the higher the poverty rate.

One child is plenty.

Imagine the world in about 8 generations if every two people only made one child. Let's do the math on that......wink.png

Mr Condom had the right idea during his campaign in Thailand. He did a lot of good for the country. We need more like him.

You are right. In my perfect world, all people are given mandatory sterilisations after one child ( per couple ).

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It is a move in the wrong direction, IMO. I am not condoning the execution of the OCP over the years, but the policy was a step in the right direction. If anything, we need more and more laws not just to limit the population growth but also who gets to have children and who doesn't.

I don't think it will be wrong to say that majority of the people are not qualified to raise a child (taking all factors into account - financial, psychological, social etc.). One should be required to get a licence to be able to have a child so that the child in question gets the right upbringing, which many don't. Why is it a fundamental right to have a child is beyond me.

Get a license from the government to have a child?!

That's anti-rational, anti democratic, so I guess it would suit the CCP just fine.

And unfortunately, dangerously to individual liberty and intelligence, perhaps some others of a like mind.

May be if it was cloaked in some sort of religious doctrine you'd be fine with it.

Now I just have to find that religion. Failing that, it's time for a new prophet, surely we have room for one more.

I'd be curious what might cause you to think I'm a Bible thumper. The bible presents yet another banal creation myth.

I'm pro choice but oppose forced abortions by the CCP in the PRC or anywhere.

In the CCP-PRC forced abortion is the direct consequence of government population engineering. A direct by-product is population engineering based on prejudicial gender preference and selection.

I'm a person whose world view in predicated in science, not religion.

And cloning is illegal as it should be.

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It is a move in the wrong direction, IMO. I am not condoning the execution of the OCP over the years, but the policy was a step in the right direction. If anything, we need more and more laws not just to limit the population growth but also who gets to have children and who doesn't.

I don't think it will be wrong to say that majority of the people are not qualified to raise a child (taking all factors into account - financial, psychological, social etc.). One should be required to get a licence to be able to have a child so that the child in question gets the right upbringing, which many don't. Why is it a fundamental right to have a child is beyond me.

Get a license from the government to have a child?!

That's anti-rational, anti democratic, so I guess it would suit the CCP just fine.

And unfortunately, dangerously to individual liberty and intelligence, perhaps some others of a like mind.

May be if it was cloaked in some sort of religious doctrine you'd be fine with it.

Now I just have to find that religion. Failing that, it's time for a new prophet, surely we have room for one more.

I'd be curious what might cause you to think I'm a Bible thumper. The bible presents yet another banal creation myth.

I'm pro choice but oppose forced abortions by the CCP in the PRC or anywhere.

In the CCP-PRC forced abortion is the direct consequence of government population engineering. A direct by-product is population engineering based on prejudicial gender preference and selection.

I'm a person whose world view in predicated in science, not religion.

And cloning is illegal as it should be.

Tragically gender-selection/preference is a widespread problem in Asia; India "loses" some 600,000 girls each year.


Second only to China, the Caucasus region sees high rates of gender imbalance and growing one, as cheap ultrasounds enable selective abortions. Interestingly this issue covers both Christian Georgia and Armenia, and muslim-majority Azerbaijan, so need religious differentiation, just a desire for male babies over female.

As ultrasounds make their appearance in Africa it is quite likely that more potential baby girls will "evaporate" as it is clear that there is a pent-up demand for male babies.


Ultimately this problem will resolve itself as the value of scarce females reverses the preference for male babies, but until that point is reached there is likely to be alarming levels of trafficking, rape and potential social unrest.

Such "gendercide" cannot be blamed solely on One Child Policy, poverty or cultural preferences, but a hideous combination of these plus enabling technology.

"The real cause, argues Nick Eberstadt, a demographer at the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC, is not any country's particular policy but “the fateful collision between overweening son preference, the use of rapidly spreading prenatal sex-determination technology and declining fertility.” These are global trends. And the selective destruction of baby girls is global, too."


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Get a license from the government to have a child?!

That's anti-rational, anti democratic, so I guess it would suit the CCP just fine.

And unfortunately, dangerously to individual liberty and intelligence, perhaps some others of a like mind.

May be if it was cloaked in some sort of religious doctrine you'd be fine with it.

Now I just have to find that religion. Failing that, it's time for a new prophet, surely we have room for one more.

I'd be curious what might cause you to think I'm a Bible thumper. The bible presents yet another banal creation myth.

I'm pro choice but oppose forced abortions by the CCP in the PRC or anywhere.

In the CCP-PRC forced abortion is the direct consequence of government population engineering. A direct by-product is population engineering based on prejudicial gender preference and selection.

I'm a person whose world view in predicated in science, not religion.

And cloning is illegal as it should be.

Tragically gender-selection/preference is a widespread problem in Asia; India "loses" some 600,000 girls each year.


Second only to China, the Caucasus region sees high rates of gender imbalance and growing one, as cheap ultrasounds enable selective abortions. Interestingly this issue covers both Christian Georgia and Armenia, and muslim-majority Azerbaijan, so need religious differentiation, just a desire for male babies over female.

As ultrasounds make their appearance in Africa it is quite likely that more potential baby girls will "evaporate" as it is clear that there is a pent-up demand for male babies.


Ultimately this problem will resolve itself as the value of scarce females reverses the preference for male babies, but until that point is reached there is likely to be alarming levels of trafficking, rape and potential social unrest.

Such "gendercide" cannot be blamed solely on One Child Policy, poverty or cultural preferences, but a hideous combination of these plus enabling technology.

"The real cause, argues Nick Eberstadt, a demographer at the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC, is not any country's particular policy but “the fateful collision between overweening son preference, the use of rapidly spreading prenatal sex-determination technology and declining fertility.” These are global trends. And the selective destruction of baby girls is global, too."


I for one am quite happy to see pro male gender selection carried out by countries that will not limit their fertility rates. Within a few generations of majority male populations, they will of course have a collapse of their populations which is a good thing in an overpopulated world.

One side effect should make pro female people happy, as women will change from being inferior beings to persons of great value. It might even stop the current disgusting Indian practice of female dowry.

Another should make the greenies happy, as less pollution is created due to a falling population.

Also, it might save some species from extinction.

All in all, a win win situation.

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I am a little bit concerned that too many men means larger militaries and that could mean more wars. Men are not the most peace-loving gender.

Ok, but then there's Marge Thatcher and her Falklands excursion.

But I agree, an out-of-balance majority of males can be problematic. All that testosterone, and few options. Meat packing is one way to thrust frustrations.

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