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Why should I care about Thai politics and why do so many TV members appear to?

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I'm of the opinion that Thai politics don't particularly affect me.

One of the reasons I intend retiring to Thailand is that UK politics DO affect me, often negatively.

But I can't see how Thai politics will.

I look forward to being able to "forget" politics when I retire (maybe observe it's affects on the poor beggars I will have left behind - smugness guaranteed).

Should Thai politics concern me? Am I currently ignorant of the dangers?

Many intelligent (and otherwise) members of the Thai Visa Forums seem to hold very political views.


Yours confusedly (ignorantly?),

Jib T

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you are definitely unaware of the dangers. it was only a couple of years ago some of the nationalists tried to provoke a war with cambodia to facilitate martial law. there is a potential for civil war.

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Well if you have a wife and kids and assets in the country, it would pay to be at least aware of what's going on.

If you think none of it effects you, at least you won't know it's going to hurt until after you got shafted.

I still don't see how.

Will the Thai Nationals rise up and murder the Farangs (as happened in many former British Colonies during the 50's and 60's)?

Will the government sequester the contents of my bank account (as happened after the coup in Cuba)?

I don't believe it. Thailand is above all that and even the craziest of the crazy politicos would not dare.

Thailand s not Cambodia nor North Korea.

I still don't know why I should be interested in Thai politics (except as an unconcerned observer).

Thanks, anyway.smile.png

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you will appreciate it soon, being critical of politics while knowing it is not your own country being run by the feckless.( I mean these or those particular feckless, well your county will still be run by the incompetents but at least you won't need to experience it or even read it),

quite liberating really old chap, a different breed of incompetence and ignorance , with no pretense of being transparent

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There are just too many who come here and become want a be Thais. They put on their yellow skirts and wave the Thai flag and think they are Thai.


The yellow shirted farangs? See them everywhere. Not

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Well if you have a wife and kids and assets in the country, it would pay to be at least aware of what's going on.

If you think none of it effects you, at least you won't know it's going to hurt until after you got shafted.

I still don't see how.

Will the Thai Nationals rise up and murder the Farangs (as happened in many former British Colonies during the 50's and 60's)?

Will the government sequester the contents of my bank account (as happened after the coup in Cuba)?

I don't believe it. Thailand is above all that and even the craziest of the crazy politicos would not dare.

Thailand s not Cambodia nor North Korea.

I still don't know why I should be interested in Thai politics (except as an unconcerned observer).

Thanks, anyway.smile.png

as someone who watched cambodian rockets flying past, seeing a school take a direct hit and have a town full of thai refugees a couple of years ago, i suggest thai foreign policy is important to all of us. and foreign policy is dictated by politics. i assure you, if a cambodian 105 mm shell lands on your house, or a muslim bomb goes off in a bus station you happen to be waiting in,you will be more than an unconcerned observer.

Nothing to do with whatever government is in power.

Cambodian shells or Muslim bombs will or will not happen, regardless.


Because Thai politics can determine whether you remain here or not, whether your visa conditions will change or not, for some, whether they lose their home, family etc because they can no longer remain here and all these aspects are influenced by govt. decisions right down to the money in yiur pocket and what its worth.

As you quite rightly say, I can always leave.

But does anyone on this forum really believe I shall feel obliged to because any one of the three Thai parties are in control (Left, Right or Military)?

Why bother ourselves?


you will appreciate it soon, being critical of politics while knowing it is not your own country being run by the feckless.( I mean these or those particular feckless, well your county will still be run by the incompetents but at least you won't need to experience it or even read it),

quite liberating really old chap, a different breed of incompetence and ignorance , with no pretense of being transparent

And such directly (or indirectly) affects you and I how, exactly?


The least I know about Thai Politics the happier I am, if there is some great national problem I will hear about it from my Thai family and Thai television. I was very involved in the political process back in the states, that left a unpleasant realization that you are powerless to deal with the decisions of the ruling class, there I always used the power of my vote, here in Thailand I do not have that right.

I have lived in Thailand during military coups, red-shirt and yellow shirt battles, military conflict and tidal waves. Was not effected in the least by any of those happenings back in the village.

Why worry over something that is not within your power to change, even if I did want to change anything, which I do not!


nobody said worry, but u better be informed.

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Because Thai politics can determine whether you remain here or not, whether your visa conditions will change or not, for some, whether they lose their home, family etc because they can no longer remain here and all these aspects are influenced by govt. decisions right down to the money in yiur pocket and what its worth.

As you quite rightly say, I can always leave.

But does anyone on this forum really believe I shall feel obliged to because any one of the three Thai parties are in control (Left, Right or Military)?

Why bother ourselves?

depends how close you live to any violent event that might result from a government decision. the khmer rockets came within 20 km of us a couple of years ago.


I find this attitude extremely problematic. One of the reasons why there's so much corruption and shit going on in Thailand is because most people rather play Candy Crush than observing and debating problems. Because nobody gives a shit, politicians can to what they want.

I don't believe people who say they don't care about politics. Because politic is not only about red and yellow, it affects everyone that lives here, if you like it or not.

I'm not a big fan of Thai politics myself, it's tiring and frustrating, but the more I follow the government's decisions, the more I learn about how they might react with different topics.

What kind of people are this that decide to spent the rest of their lives in a country and refuse to learn the language and not showing the least interest in its politics? When immigrants in the US or in Europe do like this, people are screaming to "send them back".

Refusing to at least being aware of the problems and the people of power in this country only to keep up their imaginary Disneyland are not citizens, they're slaves.

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Some great replies.

But, if anything, all I've learned thus far is that the answer to my querie (being) "Why should I care about Thai politics", is that I'm correct in thinking that I shouldn't.

It makes absolutely no difference to me and I suspect it makes little or no difference to the Thai populace, either.

Seems to be rather like the political process back home.

"The new boss, just the same as the old boss and now the parting on the left is just a parting on the right".

Who said that.

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We cannot vote,so the politics are of no interest to me,Thaksin lover,Thaksin hater,who gives a flying fxxx.Makes me laugh when some silly farang comes on here and starts ranting on about the Thaksin era,so funny.

I honestly believe that farangs talk about thai politics,because they think it makes them sound more inteligent,not so.I remember a mate quotiong a guy,who said that when Elvis goes,the son will kick out all farangs, heheheheheheheh,the guy who said it is an alcoholic,and a complete moron,and my mate half believed him.

LOL. True.

Ask any of them to name a politician other than Yingluk, Thaksin or Abhisit.

Ask them who is the Health, Education, Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs minister. Even the Chancellor!

TV keyboard political warriors confuse me.

What is their fear and what is their point?

It makes not the slightest difference to me whether the Thai government is yellow or red, as far as I can make out.

Maybe earlier or later ber-bar closing hours (but as I'm invaraiably back home well before closing time and as I know that I can ALWAYS get a beer, regardless of the time of day or night, in Thailand) why should I care?

What difference do Thai governments (even millitary coups) make to me (or any of the populace, for tha matter) in real terms?

Being "annoyed" is not really enough of a reason to get involved IMHO.

So, why should I care about Thai politics?

(Getting an answer is like searching for the Holy Grail).

You have been given answers and your responses come across imho, as trolling :)

Watch as governments change the goalpost for everything including visas, banking, etc. ... What do you think happens if martial law or civil war happens?

Feel free to adopt a smug attitude about what happens back home when it then affects your wallet over here.

but the biggest most direct answer is, if you are considering uprooting your life and moving ... eventually it will. In fact, now, before you actually come to Thailand is the time to get educated. The again plenty of people simply throw their dice and never bother to learn the odds of the game.

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