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Noni Juice


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Don't know if anyone's heard of it, but seems to be a natural remedy for many human ailments from heart disease to cancer (yes, well ...). I'm usually sceptical against claims of 'wonder drugs/juices', but a neighbour's been giving it to her ailing dog and I have to say, the dog seems to have been brought back from death's door. I asked my vet about this today, as I happened to be in her surgery anyway, and she brought it up on her computer and told me it's samoon prai (herb) called Yor in Thai and showed me the accompanying picture. I appear to have a tree in my garden and given the cost of the bottled stuff, thought I'd have a go at extracting the juice myself.

Anyone have experience of this miracle 'cure all' here in Thailand?

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A lot of people like it because it promotes some intestinal healing..

Cheap to buy and test on yourself.

Can even grow it in the Thailand climate.

Has to be sweetened because the natural taste and smell is really bad. It's bitter food and like other bitter foods good for liver, gallbladder etc.

In hawaii we used to have snowball like fights with it as kids and if you got nailed by a ripe one then you will smell like rotting garbage for a while.

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I've just quick searched Noni fruit Thailand and this appears to be the more honest of all the bumph surrounding this juice http://noni-fruit-benefits.blogspot.com/. Most important is it warns those with kidney disease not to ingest it as it has a very high potassium content. Good I got to that before trying to give to my chronically renal failed dog w00t.gif

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