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Interior minister rejects Thai Charter Court's verdict


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1. ) Makes no difference what happens in OTHER parliaments,

it is not legal under the Thailand constitution to allow MP's to proxy vote.

2. ) Yes, these muppets seem to be in contempt of court.

3. ) The change in text is; where a committee filed a text as the one to vote on,

between 'Readings' and THEN the text that was actually voted on was NOT the one submitted.

Bait and switch. It was not the one amended by committee, but another doctored one.

4. ) In any case it did not follow constitutional procedures.

5. ) the point of exempting the senate from being 100% elected,

or allowing the family members of MP's to become senators,

was very simply to take the political machines out of the equation

in at least one law making house of government.

The fact that one clan can take control of the entire parliament, except the senate,

and the government of the day, makes it quite clear the benefit of having

2 bodies of governance that this clan can NOT touch to get their way clear

for total control and the logical megalomaniacal dictatorships that goes with it.

muppets notwithstanding who appointed the appointed senators?

How long is their tenure?

They've been in post since 2006.

I seem to recall that they all resigned en masse just before their appointments were due to expire and then reapplied for same jobs.

If that is the case then it makes a mockery of democracy.

Then we have the group of 40. No question of their allegiances. Didn't they hide out in a room last friday refusing to make up a quorum?


You will find the information you want here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senate_of_Thailand

and here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_Senate_election,_2008

And here: http://thai.senate.go.th/in/english/content_index.php?id_content=19

It was a simple job to google it.

Prior to 1997 the Senate was Royally appointed,

Oh and the 40 senators were merely stating that the subject was booked for discussion on Monday NOT Friday.

SO their tenure began in 2008 and ends shortly.

I don't think so

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1. ) Makes no difference what happens in OTHER parliaments,

it is not legal under the Thailand constitution to allow MP's to proxy vote.

2. ) Yes, these muppets seem to be in contempt of court.

3. ) The change in text is; where a committee filed a text as the one to vote on,

between 'Readings' and THEN the text that was actually voted on was NOT the one submitted.

Bait and switch. It was not the one amended by committee, but another doctored one.

4. ) In any case it did not follow constitutional procedures.

5. ) the point of exempting the senate from being 100% elected,

or allowing the family members of MP's to become senators,

was very simply to take the political machines out of the equation

in at least one law making house of government.

The fact that one clan can take control of the entire parliament, except the senate,

and the government of the day, makes it quite clear the benefit of having

2 bodies of governance that this clan can NOT touch to get their way clear

for total control and the logical megalomaniacal dictatorships that goes with it.

muppets notwithstanding who appointed the appointed senators?

How long is their tenure?

They've been in post since 2006.

I seem to recall that they all resigned en masse just before their appointments were due to expire and then reapplied for same jobs.

If that is the case then it makes a mockery of democracy.

Then we have the group of 40. No question of their allegiances. Didn't they hide out in a room last friday refusing to make up a quorum?


You will find the information you want here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senate_of_Thailand

and here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_Senate_election,_2008

And here: http://thai.senate.go.th/in/english/content_index.php?id_content=19

It was a simple job to google it.

Prior to 1997 the Senate was Royally appointed,

Oh and the 40 senators were merely stating that the subject was booked for discussion on Monday NOT Friday.

SO their tenure began in 2008 and ends shortly.

I don't think so

Well the rest of the world knows so... That's why PTP are rushing with such haste to change the senate rules..I will take Thainy Tims recommendation.

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Err....is this still all about Thaksin?

More or less

It seems that Thaksin now knows that he has blown his return under the amnesty bill.

I don't know what is on their tiny minds, but wanting more control over the senate seems to be the first footsteps towards a new way of getting him back, but without the senate majority on Thaksin's side it is going to be hard.

Hence desperate measures, unconstitutional voting, and fraudulent alterations of the bill between readings seems to be the general rule of play with anything concerning Thaksin. No way can he get back by the legal means, they have to own the law to make it happen.

"without the senate majority on Thaksin's side it is going to be hard."

what about the appointed senator boonsong-kowawisarat, the uzi packing lunch guest?

Have they felt his collar yet? One to go perhaps.


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Some posters here, obviously are not privy with their own parliaments' functioning. It is not uncommon for absentees to let their colleagues "turn the keys" to vote in their name in any parliament around the world. Nothing unusual there.

The other point being that obviously, letting a small committee appoint senators does not appear very democratic (compared to full elections).

Normally, Senators are composed of officials elected by second-degree electors (people themselves elected, for example the mayors in France).

I am sometimes appalled both at the ignorance of the Thais (who are generally against the "reds" without knowing exactly why), but also of some TV posters who obviously are not very familiar with the functioning of democracy.

Not saying the "reds" are particularly more democratic, but I tend to consider both "yellow" and "reds" as democratic dimwits, focused only on obtaining their particular goals. On the bottom of the matter, for me, a parliament must be allowed to reform institutions, and judges have no say in the sovereign power of a Parliament to change institutions. Ultimately, it pertains to the people to have their say in democratic elections.

In Thailand, it seems people are easily swayed or manipulated either way, without even knowing precisely the facts or some basics of constitutional law.

So that sounds as if you believe any party holding a majority in parliament at any time should be allowed to reform institutions that were put in place in order maintain some system of checks and balances.

Isn't that how the current chaos was started almost a decade ago?

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The screening committee (for appointed senators) comprises only seven persons. How can it be more efficient than voters countrywide? he asked.

Easily answered... They know more about the way a government should function than voters countrywide.

Not much point bothering with a representative democracy in the first place then, if the voters in your view are so stupid. Edited by wedders
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RT @tulsathit: Interior Minister Jarupong: A small bunch of judges can't tell the country what is right or wrong.

No but they can tell you what is CONSTITUTIONAL.

Where do they get these people? How spoilt were they as children? Next he's going to tell us he's going to take his football home.


The present government seems to be having a blatant disregard for the Constitution.

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He's in contempt of court

So is the contemptuous Jarupong

Both have no idea about rules in a democracy

"we only cheated a little bit" seems to be the swansong for PTP

The whole PTP seems to be in contempt of court! This is just farcical again. All the proponents of the amendment refuse to understand the courts reasoning.

A brief summary:

The versions changed between readings. That is fraud.

Some voted on behalf others. That is fraud, too. Mai pen rai does not fly in government.

Now, what is not clear about this? Are they being deliberately obtuse?

The court had no problem with changing the law regarding senators. Its the way PTP did it.

They did have a problem with allowing family members of MPs being senators. dam_n right.

That is called Conflict of Interest, which is the central problem with this whole ridiculous group of clowns who call themselves the government of Thailand.

You get it now, Charupong?

Can you specifically tell us what changes were made between readings?

i'm not aware of what these changes were and in their judgement have they specifically referred to these inclusions, changes or whatever? For clarification.

I don't think so

Everyone should be using the same version - common sense innit!!!

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He's in contempt of court

So is the contemptuous Jarupong

Both have no idea about rules in a democracy

"we only cheated a little bit" seems to be the swansong for PTP

Because half of their mothers were still "only a little bit pregnant" when they were born.

Edited by silent
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1. ) Makes no difference what happens in OTHER parliaments,

it is not legal under the Thailand constitution to allow MP's to proxy vote.

2. ) Yes, these muppets seem to be in contempt of court.

3. ) The change in text is; where a committee filed a text as the one to vote on,

between 'Readings' and THEN the text that was actually voted on was NOT the one submitted.

Bait and switch. It was not the one amended by committee, but another doctored one.

4. ) In any case it did not follow constitutional procedures.

5. ) the point of exempting the senate from being 100% elected,

or allowing the family members of MP's to become senators,

was very simply to take the political machines out of the equation

in at least one law making house of government.

The fact that one clan can take control of the entire parliament, except the senate,

and the government of the day, makes it quite clear the benefit of having

2 bodies of governance that this clan can NOT touch to get their way clear

for total control and the logical megalomaniacal dictatorships that goes with it.

muppets notwithstanding who appointed the appointed senators?

How long is their tenure?

They've been in post since 2006.

I seem to recall that they all resigned en masse just before their appointments were due to expire and then reapplied for same jobs.

If that is the case then it makes a mockery of democracy.

Then we have the group of 40. No question of their allegiances. Didn't they hide out in a room last friday refusing to make up a quorum?


A parrot's natural tendency is to mock......

If you think that we haven't seen enough raping and violation of democracy in the past few weeks by the PTP shennanigans then you must be blind

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kirk 0223 post # 25

They have shown beyond a doubt that they actually have the interest of Thailand and its peoples at heart .

Really? The same old argument; we will protect you by not allowing you the democracy you are too stupid to participate in -Thai style democracy

Now pray tell us no show us just how democratic Thaksin is and wants to be. methinks that would be a task equal to the labours of Hercules.

Concerning this current proven vote cheating in parliament corrupt puppet government the lines below apply to them and their supporters

One should be wary of touching ones idols for the gilt comes of on ones fingers

This being due to the cheap and tawdry characters that this puppet government and their puppet master are.

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