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Thailand's Armed Forces call for national unity before it is too late


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I actually disagree that the Army should be stymied for real change to occur as that is completely arse about face and agrees to the flawed logical that is constantly displayed on this site with the Army is there to serve in a democracy, when Thailand, and especially right now under the Thaksin dictatorial power grab has never been a democracy or a model even close to a western democracy. It is a Constitutional Monarchy in transition to a democracy and as such the Army is and will continue to be the final adjudicator until such time as these corrupt scum that bear the name of Thai politicians can actually start serving the people as the Army and their masters want them to. I also think people are reading to much into the whole old guard and Army clap trap. If one cared to look objectively at the last 10 years the Army and especially their senior leadership have been very obvious of what their intention for Thailand is, and that is for it to be moving towards the path of a functional democracy.

If Thailand was able to ride out the current Shinawatra dictatorial power grab and find its own path closer to democracy through people power and the courts then the Army will through that process gradually come under the control of a democratic government. And everything I am seeing from the Army including their current staying out of it even as Thailand is being economically taken to the cleaners by the Shinawatra thieves has been showing that.

I actually agree with the path that HulloDolly was on in that if the people's protection being their voice of protest and the courts are bypassed by Thaksin then the Army should step in again and this time have a proper clean up with that clean up area to include Dubai and stay in charge longer.

As to the OP subject. It does not matter who it is from and for who's gain it could be considered for. Point is it should be taken on board by all including Thaksin and the village idiot Suthep as the best democratic solution for Thailand even with economic disaster attached would be if the Shinawatra mafia and all other pretentious scum like them can be removed by the ballot and not the gun.

Roadman - a constitutional democracy IS a democracy - many countries have this model, including the UK. The originators of democracy and the nation that spread it across the globe (Greece and Rome) also had similar models (even if they called themselves republics at times).

Do you not see the inherent danger of allowing the military to cease power and stay there for an excessive amount of time? Let alone performing a "clean up". I can think of few times in history where such things have ever ended as well intentioned as they began. I think the Army has been that release valve, the final arbiter, but reluctantly - I hope it stays that way! I honestly do not know how much sway the "old guard" (for want of a better descriptor) has with the military here - much suggestion has been made - but doubt anyone does really (including the old-guard - otherwise they would have made earlier use of it me thinks). IF the OG does have the military pull, then of course the military would need to be stymied to oppose them. However, that wasn't really what I meant.

I really was trying to suggest was that (and double so as no one knows just how close the OG are with the military) the way for change is one that does not directly challenge the powerbase (OG) - this is feasible because there is a lot to be gained by opening up - which is starting to happen in fits and starts. The PTP is killing itself. The Reds are probably going to fatally split into "TRT - Try Return Thaksin" and "PPP - Peasant Pleasing Policies" (see what I did there smile.png) with the former fizzing away and the latter hanging on to power for a decade or so. This will likely cause many changes anyway - especially as the TRT fade more camps will feel able to come over - probably left wing and student based groups - a new leader may emerge without the baggage and with an IQ above a chimp/ounce or two of integrity and charisma. If new leadership can show the OG that it is not a threat and not too greedy (unlike Thaksin) then things may well move to becoming a real democracy (a constitutional democracy still of course). Too think the Old Guard does not exist, or does not matter, is a mistake - at least for the foreseeable future.

Good comments except for one point. The UK does not have a Constitution.

Well it does not have a single document that it refers to as the "constitution" instead it has many documents - fairly good explanation here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_the_United_Kingdom. I mean of course a Constitutional Monarchy above however, as was in response to the quoted post - just missed the word in error :P.

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well if the RTA do decide enough is enough. They have to arrest all the trouble makers straight away and that includes the man who has vowed that his intention is to bring down the government. Twenty years in jail will sort him out .

There has been a lot of "bring down the government: talk on all sides (yellow, red and blue) over the past decade - none of them are in jail - or are ever likely to be.

Arresting the trouble makers may ignite the crowds that are continuing to gather - this is a time for deals not for heavy handed risky moves - one does not take a hammer to a UXB, they address it with patience, understanding and respect.

If the RTA does make a move - and I highly doubt they will at this juncture - then it will hurt all sides. I think no camp wants that right now.

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Suthep calling a return to absolute ******** on stage.

And people are supporting this dangerous lunatic.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not sure if they are - after all he is a self appointed (after the fact) "leader" of the rally. Wonder how many of the crowds were actually happy to see him (or hear him) on stage. If anything, he devalues the whole thing!

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Well let us see you talk about addressing the topic.

The topic is not pedagogy That is a piece of crap you have brought in to divert the attention of your piece of nonsense.

You claimed using the name of a teacher

"No, he got it wrong. ANUPONG formed a government in 2008 featuring the Dems & their coalition members with army guns stuck up their backsides."

Perhaps you could give us an idea who ANUPONG is it would make the discussion easier. I checked a dictionary no such word in it.

Priceless from our well informed Daddy!

Since when as "Daddy" become a derogatory word? As a proud daddy (of 5 or so) I think perhaps you need a better insult (?)

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Well let us see you talk about addressing the topic.

The topic is not pedagogy That is a piece of crap you have brought in to divert the attention of your piece of nonsense.

You claimed using the name of a teacher

"No, he got it wrong. ANUPONG formed a government in 2008 featuring the Dems & their coalition members with army guns stuck up their backsides."

Perhaps you could give us an idea who ANUPONG is it would make the discussion easier. I checked a dictionary no such word in it.

Priceless from our well informed Daddy!

Since when as "Daddy" become a derogatory word? As a proud daddy (of 5 or so) I think perhaps you need a better insult (?)

Regarding Daddy... You're a stud Wolf... I've only got one, that I know about. whistling.gif

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Well let us see you talk about addressing the topic.

The topic is not pedagogy That is a piece of crap you have brought in to divert the attention of your piece of nonsense.

You claimed using the name of a teacher

"No, he got it wrong. ANUPONG formed a government in 2008 featuring the Dems & their coalition members with army guns stuck up their backsides."

Perhaps you could give us an idea who ANUPONG is it would make the discussion easier. I checked a dictionary no such word in it.

Priceless from our well informed Daddy!

Since when as "Daddy" become a derogatory word? As a proud daddy (of 5 or so) I think perhaps you need a better insult (?)

Regarding Daddy... You're a stud Wolf... I've only got one, that I know about. whistling.gif

If you live up to your TV name, probably a few that you don't :) - always nice to leave a leaving gift behind :P

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