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Office of the Consumer Protection Board


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This will probably be good for a laugh, but does anyone have experience with the Office of the Consumer Protection Board? Do you know what they do and what kind of situations they can help with? I'm having a small money matter with an international corporation here. Please try to limit this to serious answers... 555.


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I had a problem with Siam Commercial Bank and the day after I contacted them SCB fixed the problem. Coincidence or not, it was worth the trouble to fill out their English complaint form and fax it to them

Pretty professional web site in both Thai and English. What do you have to loose by contacting them ?

Where do you get the complaint form? I called them today. They said there's a form online, but I can't find it.

Edited by eldragon
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I had a problem with Siam Commercial Bank and the day after I contacted them SCB fixed the problem. Coincidence or not, it was worth the trouble to fill out their English complaint form and fax it to them

Pretty professional web site in both Thai and English. What do you have to loose by contacting them ?

Where do you get the complaint form? I called them today. They said there's a form online, but I can't find it.

Here in PDF format:


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Actually we (wife and me) had some good experiences with them here in Chiangmai.

1) We had an issue with a property developer and filed a claim in court. About 12 months later the Consumer Protection Office was established and we approached them about the court matter and they said "sorry but now you've filed a civil claim in court which has and is being heard we cant help".

2) Wifey then discovered a smaller amount that the same developer owed us for and she filed with the Consumer Protection Office instead of going to court. This time a meeting was called and the other party actually showed up. The debt was 40,000bht which I'd written off. Wifey came home same day as 1st meeting with 10,000 cash in her little hand. Basically she put forward a good argument. The mediator suggested 50/50 (20,000 to us) which wifey then said she accept half of as settlement if they paid in cash right now. Done & Dusted!

3) 5 Years on from incident "1)" still no resolution with developer despite 2 courts awarding full compensation to my wife. Still no end in sight. The plaintiff's attitude,- "som nam na",.. wifey's - "mai pen rai",... mine ,- "<deleted>?"

4) Earlier this year we paid a builder to do some work which he stuffed up by hiring 2 teams of idiots ( 1 after the other) who liked to drink a bit. We paid him 2nd installment in advance (good faith based on his claim that he needed to pay for some built-in furniture). End result,... built-ins turned up total garbage and we found someone else to finish the job. Sent the original builder complete costs report of what he did Vs what we paid. There was an amount of around 25,000bht overpaid which he agreed he would refund to us but we never saw it despite numerous polite letters of request. After about 4 months wifey went to Consumer Protection Office again and the nice guy there helped her compile all claim documents and sent a summons to the builder. Hearing/meeting date is next month and we are confident something positive will prevail.

Conclusion: Consumer Protection Office are well worth their salt and are very helpful and capable in their duties so we've found.

A very refreshing surprise to find this kind of dept emerging in LOS!

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I had a problem with Siam Commercial Bank and the day after I contacted them SCB fixed the problem. Coincidence or not, it was worth the trouble to fill out their English complaint form and fax it to them

Pretty professional web site in both Thai and English. What do you have to loose by contacting them ?

Where do you get the complaint form? I called them today. They said there's a form online, but I can't find it.

Here in PDF format:


Many thanks Langsuan Man,

I don't plan on making a habit of complaining but it is comforting to know there IS somewhere to go and that they take notice!

My wife, although highly educated seems to have a typically Thai attitude towards complaining about anything. Surprisingly, she wasn't like that when we lived abroad, so maybe it is "something in the air here."

Anyway, THANKS again!

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I had a problem with a landowner that did not refund my 2 month security deposit because I had signed a lease, but within one hour, I decided NOT to rent. I offered him 1 month rent in cash for his "troubles", but he arrogantly declared that I lose all, and get NOTHING in return. Then, my wife saw an advert for Consumer Protection in the newspaper. She called, made the complaint by going down there, and in 2 months time we had an appointment with the landowner and a representative from the CPB (Consumer Protection Board). Of course, because of face, the Thai landowner did not show up, he sent his lawyer. They heard our case, quite simple really, and they ordered him to pay back the full security deposit. He bank transfered me the full 2 month security deposit the same day. I was VERY impressed with the CPB. Actually, quite surprised, too!! I guess because many Thais have the "mai pen rai" mentality, they don't often pursue these type of wrong-doings. Good luck with your case!!

Edited by templedog
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My wife, although highly educated seems to have a typically Thai attitude towards complaining about anything. Surprisingly, she wasn't like that when we lived abroad, so maybe it is "something in the air here."

Yeah, some people are way too accepting of crooked behavior here. In my dispute, I've told the guy many times, "Thais might be understanding in this situation, but I'm not Thai."

Great feedback here. Thanks everyone.

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