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Asian Airlines to Give Flight Plans to China After Airspace Zone Created


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A group of disputed islands, Uotsuri island (top), Minamikojima (bottom) and Kitakojima, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China is seen in the East China Sea, in this photo taken by Kyodo September 2012. (Photo: Reuters)

BEIJING/TOKYO” Asian aviation officials said airlines would have to inform China of their flight plans before entering airspace over waters disputed with Japan, forcing carriers to acknowledge China's authority over a newly declared "Air Defense Identification Zone."

China published coordinates for the zone on the weekend. The area, about two-thirds the size of the United Kingdom, covers most of the East China Sea and the skies over a group of uninhabited islands at the center of a bitter row between Beijing and Tokyo.

While China said the new rules would not affect normal operations for international flights, it added that it would take defensive emergency measures against aircraft that failed to identify themselves properly.

Japan and ally the United States have sharply criticized the move, warning of an escalation into the unexpected if Beijing enforces the rules. China's Defense Ministry said on Monday it had lodged protests with both countries embassies in Beijing, saying such remarks were unfounded and irresponsible.

A transport ministry official in Seoul said South Korean planes flying in the new zone would notify China's

civil aviation authorities of their flight plans.

Yi Shin-Juang, deputy director of the air-traffic service division of the Taiwan Civil Aeronautics Administration, said Taiwanese carriers would issue similar notifications, but would not be required to adjust flight paths.

An official at the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau said Japanese airlines flying through the region to non-mainland Chinese destinations would likely need to inform China of their plans.

'Airlines have been advised to take greater care in the area," said another bureau official.

Korean Air said China's proclamation meant flight plans would have to be delivered to Chinese authorities but the routes its pilots took would not be affected.

Japan Airlines and ANA Holdings said the zone had not affected their flights through the area.

The zone was a problem for Japan, the United States and other countries that may be wary of any acknowledgement of China's claims over the area, Asian and Western diplomats said.

"No one wants to be in a position where by following Chinese instructions you are giving tacit acknowledgement of their sovereignty over a disputed area," one Asian diplomat said.

And there is a fear that is precisely the game that is being played ”it seems no accident that the disputed Senkaku islands are now in the heart of overlapping zones," the diplomat added, referring to the disputed islands which are known as Diaoyu in China.

War of Words

China's official Xinhua news agency said the rules came into force on Saturday and that the Chinese air force conducted its first patrol over the zone. The patrol included early warning aircraft and fighters, it said.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said China was forcing other countries to conform to its rules.

"It's a unilateral step, changing the status quo in the East China Sea," Abe said in Parliament on Monday, keeping up the chorus of criticism from Tokyo.

"It escalates the situation and could lead to an unexpected occurrence of accidents in the airspace. It is an extremely dangerous measure and our government has strongly expressed its concerns about it."

US Secretary of State John Kerry over the weekend urged China to exercise restraint, saying freedom of overflight was essential to stability and security in the Pacific.

China's Defense Ministry said it was within the country's right to set up the zone.

"Japan's remarks are unjustified” China will never accept them,spokesman Yang Yujun said in a statement.

"We reiterate that the purpose of China's approach is to defend national sovereignty and territorial airspace security, maintain the order of airspace flight, and is an effective exercise of our right of self defense," Yang said.

Yang said China's move complied with the UN charter and international law.

The United States should stop taking sides in the dispute, and stop making "irresponsible remarks" on the new zone, Yang added.

"The United States, on the issue of the Diaoyu islands, must earnestly not take sides, not make inappropriate remarks and not give the wrong signal to Japan and encourage [its] risky behaviour," Yang said.

While Washington does not take a position on the sovereignty of the islands, it recognizes that Japan has administrative control over them and is therefore bound by treaty to defend Japan in the event of an armed conflict.

Tensions flared last year between Beijing and Tokyo when the Japanese government bought three of the islands from a private landowner to fend off a potentially more inflammatory purchase by the Tokyo metropolitan government, at the time headed by nationalist governor Shintaro Ishihara.

The post Asian Airlines to Give Flight Plans to China After Airspace Zone Created appeared first on The Irrawaddy Magazine.

Source: Irrawaddy.org

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The CCP dictatorship in Beijing is aggressive, bellicose, belligerent, the Neighbor From Hell to East Asian governments and peoples.

This unnecessary and undesirable attempt to provoke its neighbor to the east, Japan, is similar to Beijing's provocations against Asean by claiming absolute sovereignty over almost all of the South China Sea, 130,000 km of which are on the shores of Asean countries while only 1300 km are on the south coast of the CCP-PRC. And it's similar to the CCP's unfounded border assertions against India.

Military expert Prof Li Fung in Hong Kong says this new provocation is so serious a matter to Japan that it means the CCP-PRC is preparing for a military conflict over the Senkaku Islands, for which the CCP has its own name. Prof Hugh White of the Australian National Defense University last year projected that the possibilities of war between the CCP-PRC and Japan in 2013 were 20% so I'd venture to say that possibility just doubled or perhaps trebled.

There is speculation Japan will rush military forces to the Senkaku Islands to preclude the CCP-PRC taking physical possession of the Islands.

This new dangerous CCP claim is a serious disruption to the status quo in the Indo-Pacific strategic region, so Japan's protective ally the United States has taken note of the fact and said the action by the CCP does not change anything the US does or will do in its operations in the area, and that it is dangerous of the CCP to require even commercial passenger aircraft of the region to respect this new zone of airspace over Japanese territory or risk a military response by the CCP.

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has not officially responded yet because he is in consultation with allies the United States, S Korea, the Philippines, Australia, India among others. So it appears we can expect a coordinated regional response anytime now stated by Japan and the US.

Just as in the South China Sea, where the CCP is trying to establish new facts that the Philippines is on the behalf of itself and Asean actively challenging based on the UN International Law of the Sea, the CCP is now trying to establish new facts in the skies over Japanese sovereign territory.

So the CCP dictatorship in Beijing is now trying to make territorial grabs step by step, this one being what everyone agrees is a most serious and dangerous step. It's guaranteed Japan is not going to do a Munich here - it will be quite the opposite. And good on them.

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This is the map of the new and radical Air Defense Identification Zone as published late last week by the CCP in Beijing.

The dip in the lines at the lower right is made to include the Senkaku Islands which have been a part of Japan since the 1895 Treaty of Shimoneseki. Japan lost its sovereignty over the islands from 1945 to 1972 after which the United States returned the islands to Japanese administration.

The CCP's new ADIZ directly conflicts with Japan's established ADIZ over the islands. I would be shocked if Japan accepted this in any way, shape or form.


Japan labels air zone ‘dangerous’

China and Japan raised the temperature in a territorial dispute yesterday with each summoning the other’s ambassador over Beijing’s declaration of an air defence zone, a move which Tokyo called “profoundly dangerous.”

The diplomatic scuffle came after Washington said it would stand by Japan in any military clash over the Diaoyutai Islands (釣魚台) — known as the Senkaku Islands by Japan.

Seoul and Taipei voiced their disquiet at China’s weekend announcement.



Japanese F-15 fighters purchased from the United States fly during a military review at the Ground Self-Defense Force's Asaka training ground on Oct. 27.

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Little wonder China are trying it on when they see how easily the U.S folded over dealings with Iran. I would expect compliance with China's latest demands will only lead to more as they push the envelope to see just how much they can get away with.

More nonsense. The complaining about the Iran agreement is the same-o same-o, automatic right wing reaction that occurred during the Cold War when the US and the Soviet Union signed a treaty or agreement. The right hollered automatically, every time, that we got taken to the cleaners when it was the Soviet Union that disappeared into its own self made abyss with only some timely nudges from us.

Japan is fierce about this. Japan's going to do the heavy lifting here, not the US. The only encouragement and support Japan wants from the US is to hand 'em one bullet 'cause that's all the encouragement or support Japan will need. Yes, that will do just fine for Japan.

Still, Japan has allies while Beijing doesn't. I think Washington wants to show Beijing what some of its new AirSea Battle initiatives are, just to set the record straight and stop Beijing's aggressions throughout the Indo-Pacific strategic region and to show governments and the elites of the region the US means as much business concerning Beijing's belligerence as does Tokyo.

A military conflict is said to be in no one's interests but the Boyz in Beijing don't actually realize that. Japan is the rational actor, examining trade impacts and the bottom line while the dictators in Beijing are hell bent on vengeance, revenge and becoming the dominant regional power economically, politically, militarily. Which is why Japan's conclusion all along has been to bloody Beijing's nose - and to bust up a couple of vertebrae while also kicking some posterior.

It will have some substantial costs to Japan but the region and the world need for the Boyz in Beijing to get their nose bloodied. History has engraved this principle in stone, i.e., the only language dictators ever are able to understand is a 2x4 between the eyes.

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Looks like the USAF are not playing ball on this.

The South China Sea is already rife with Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean Vietnamese etc EEZs and ADIZs , none of which really carry much weight, especially as the US has never signed the UNCLOS.


The US has long had mutual defense treaties with allies in SE Asia. LINK

Is it possible to imagine that the US would stand by if China shot down a Japanese airliner?

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Looks like the USAF are not playing ball on this.

The South China Sea is already rife with Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean Vietnamese etc EEZs and ADIZs , none of which really carry much weight, especially as the US has never signed the UNCLOS.


The US has long had mutual defense treaties with allies in SE Asia. LINK

Is it possible to imagine that the US would stand by if China shot down a Japanese airliner?

What happened when the Soviets shot down KAL007 in 1983?

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Looks like the USAF are not playing ball on this.

The South China Sea is already rife with Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean Vietnamese etc EEZs and ADIZs , none of which really carry much weight, especially as the US has never signed the UNCLOS.


The US has long had mutual defense treaties with allies in SE Asia. LINK

Is it possible to imagine that the US would stand by if China shot down a Japanese airliner?

Stop it! You are making me nervous seeing as we are going to Japan in April. I would observe that explicit mutual defense pacts are one thing, knowing who your allies are is another thing entirely, especially those with a 'total reset' foreign policy. In the case of the Falklands War the first reaction from the US was to be 'even handed', I remember that was the exact phrase used. As it turned out Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were of similar mindsets and the U.S moved off the fence when it mattered. I don't think it takes a genius to work out how a similar event would pan out in 2013, let's hope the Japanese can cope with things on their own if needs be.

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Looks like the USAF are not playing ball on this.

The South China Sea is already rife with Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean Vietnamese etc EEZs and ADIZs , none of which really carry much weight, especially as the US has never signed the UNCLOS.


The US has long had mutual defense treaties with allies in SE Asia. LINK

Is it possible to imagine that the US would stand by if China shot down a Japanese airliner?

What happened when the Soviets shot down KAL007 in 1983?

I don't know. It's claimed that it flew off course into Soviet airspace. That was during the cold war and Reagan was president. He wasn't into taking crap off the Soviets, so I guess he made the call on that.

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Looks like the USAF are not playing ball on this.

The South China Sea is already rife with Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean Vietnamese etc EEZs and ADIZs , none of which really carry much weight, especially as the US has never signed the UNCLOS.


The US has long had mutual defense treaties with allies in SE Asia. LINK

Is it possible to imagine that the US would stand by if China shot down a Japanese airliner?

What happened when the Soviets shot down KAL007 in 1983?

I don't know. It's claimed that it flew off course into Soviet airspace. That was during the cold war and Reagan was president. He wasn't into taking crap off the Soviets, so I guess he made the call on that.

I recall clearly the Soviets got badly beaten up by world opinion - while there were no military or direct economic consequences to the Soviets, they got hammered hard in world opinion - ruthless, heartless, unrestrained etc.

Japan right now wouldn't stand for it. Japan would take some kind of action if something like it or similar to it were to happen because of Beijing's new ADIZ which anyway directly conflicts with Japan's long established ADIZ over the same area, the Senkaku Islands.

Japan is a US formal treaty ally as is the Philippines but is taking a completely different, militant approach to Beijing's aggression and belligerence. The US got the Phils to take their territorial case to the UN Tribunal on the International Convention on the Law of the Sea, to which Beijing is a signatory.

The case is presently being heard and legal observers have said that, as the case is developing, they'd much rather be in the Phils' chair than in Beijing's chair, which anyway was predictable from the outset. The Phils' government hired a high powered Washington law firm that has ICLOS specialists that already have argued and won cases before the tribunal for several other governments.

This was clever diplomacy and international politics initiated by the United States and agreed to by the Phils. Beijing already has said it won't honor the UN Tribunal's findings, which also indicates how badly the case is going for Beijing. With the UNICLOS behind the Phils, the CCP-PRC is going to have to deal with world opinion in its determination to take control of East Asian seas and the legal EEZs and island/islet territories of other governments.

The onus is clearly on the CCP dictators in Beijing which soon officially and formally will be acting in direct contravention to the ICLOS. The US executive branch of the government negotiated its agreement with the treaty so the inaction of the Congress to ratify it - an impossible two-thirds majority approval being constitutionally required - is insignificant, meaningless.

The United States de facto fully supports the ICLOS. Congress isn't going to stand in the way of anything the executive branch does in this matter. Congress in fact will endorse any actions by the executive branch in response to the CCP's aggressions and belligerence. This is the reality of it.

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Flatfooted and backfooted in Beijing.

The klutz dictators of the CCP in Beijing can't see the forest from the trees. The morons in Beijing never foresaw or anticipated this clever move.

There still aren't any news reports of this to the sheeple of the CCP-PRC. The very embarrassed and humiliated CCP in Beijing has every reason to remain silent on this to its own population.

Caught cold footed, indecisive, intimidated.

Caught being stupid while PRChinese.

Defying China, U.S. bombers fly into East China Sea zone

Two unarmed U.S. B-52 bombers on a training mission flew over disputed islands in the East China Sea without informing Beijing, defying China's declaration of a new airspace defense zone and raising the stakes in a territorial standoff.

The flight did not prompt a response from China, the Pentagon said, and the White House urged Beijing on Tuesday to resolve its dispute with Japan over the islands diplomatically, without resorting to "threats or inflammatory language."

The Pentagon said the training exercise "involved two aircraft flying from Guam and returning to Guam." Warren said the U.S. military aircraft were neither observed nor contacted by Chinese aircraft.


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Japan right now wouldn't stand for it.

And in other news

"ANA and Japan Airlines on Wednesday stopped sending Chinese authorities their flight plans for routes to Taiwan and other destinations that pass through the zone."


Yes, very good thanks as I overlooked including that fact in the post, although it goes better in another post such as yours. I wanted to focus my post on the stupidity and on the flatfooted intellect of the klutz CCP and PRChinese.

There's also this about the flight that just shook Beijing:

Defying China, U.S. bombers fly into East China Sea zone

Beijing may have been caught off-guard and could change its approach down the road, said Dean Cheng, an analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank.

"The Chinese may not have expected such a strong American reaction so soon," Cheng said. "The fact that Washington responded and responded so strongly sends a very clear challenge back to Beijing saying: 'Look, in case you were wondering, we are serious when we say we are an ally of Japan. And do not mess with that.'"


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Japanese travelers flying through China air defense zone defiant

"I think what China has done is outrageous," said Hiroshi Hisatomi, 67, as he readied for the ANA Taiwan flight at the start of a vacation with his wife. "I don't think anything will happen and have no intention of changing my travel plans."


China internet users call for action against Japan in airspace spat

Retired Major General Luo Yuan, one of China's most outspoken military figures, wrote on his Weibo account that China had to enforce the zone with force if necessary.

"It must be enforced to the full, and no country must think that they can harbor the idea of leaving things to chance," he wrote.

"If they refuse to comply, and act willfully despite advice to the contrary ... China's armed forces will take emergency defensive measures."

USFJ and JSDF should just build a radar station(or something) on the island and then we'll see if China can do anything about it.

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Getting Senkaku History Right

This is a good summary of the issue of ownership of the islands.

Yes, the content of the writing is both good and accurate.

Deng Xaoping also said that if the problems of resources in the China Seas cannot be peacefully resolved, all governments involved should work out a sharing agreement. The present CCP completely ignores Deng's recommendation.

And it infuriates the CCP in Beijing that Japan does not agree - never will agree - that a legal dispute between them exits. Beijing is definitely creating a dispute and getting more into military approaches, but as long as Japan rightfully says no dispute exists in legal respects, it means Japan will never negotiate over its legal possession or authority over the islands.

The consequence is that Beijing will continue to jump up and down shouting and flapping their arms. Beijing is completely off in its own world about this as with so much else, as the linked article points out. The new emperors in business suits, the CCP dynasty, continue to think, believe and act in ways that predate modern international law.

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I see the CCP-PRC has confirmed that it got the point.

China says it monitored defiant US bomber flights

China acknowledged Wednesday it let two American B-52 bombers fly unhindered through its newly declared air defense zone in the East China Sea despite its earlier threat to take defensive measures against unidentified foreign aircraft.

A Chinese Defense Ministry statement said the U.S. planes were detected and monitored as they flew through the area for two hours and 22 minutes. It said all aircraft flying through the zone would be monitored and that "China has the capability to exercise effective control over the relevant airspace."

FILE - In this May 16, 2007 file photo, a B-52 passes overhead at the National Security Forum air de …

Asked repeatedly about the incident at a regularly scheduled briefing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said it had been handled according to procedures laid out in the Saturday statement but offered no specifics.


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The carefully thought through and coordinated response among allies is beginning to look like a pile-on.

As well it should.

The CCP in Beijing is severely on its back foot while extracting the other foot from its mouth.

Japan, South Korean military planes defy China's new defense zone

Japanese and South Korean military aircraft flew through disputed air space over the East China Sea without informing China, officials said on Thursday, challenging a new Chinese air defense zone that has increased regional tensions and sparked concerns of an unintended clash.

Also on Thursday, China rejected South Korea's demand for the repeal of the zone, but appeared to soften its demand that commercial aircraft tell its military authorities of any plans to transit the area. Japan's two biggest airlines have already begun defying that order.

"The East China Sea Air Defense Identification zone is not aimed at normal international flights. We hope that relevant countries' airlines can proactively cooperate, so there is more order and safety for flights," China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told reporters.


So now all of a sudden the new ADIZ of the CCP does not apply to "normal international flights."

And what about the military aircraft of the past two days, sent initially by the US and now also by Japan and South Korea?

Is there an ADIZ or isn't there?

Clearly not an enforceable one, which is the whole point.

Maybe Beijing is beginning to find out now that this isn't the 15th century.

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Defying China, U.S. bombers fly into East China Sea zone

Japan, South Korean military planes defy China's new defense zone

Which is in fact a willfully imposed aggression zone by the CCP against the long established, existing Japanese ADIZ over Japan's Senkaku area..

I think now the CCP-PRC will shelve its yet unannounced but real plan to assert an ADIZ over all of the South China Sea which the CCP absurdly and belligerently says belongs to it alone.

Beijing's current Senkaku fiasco should provide enough information to the klutzes in Beijing to abandon their not-so-secret design to implement its ADIZ scheme over all of the SCS next. But, then again, klutzes aren't too swift.

It's a certainty that all Asean governments and militaries are watching each and every development concerning the new Beijing ADIZ aggression zone against Japan, South Korea, the United States and the savvy response the three allies are making to force the CCP back into its hole. I'm sure the governments and militaries of the entire region are greatly encouraged by the considered and coordinated response of the three allies to check the CCP's aggression, belligerence, bellicosity against all of its maritime "neighbors.".

The CCP in Beijing, the Neighbor From Hell.

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From what I understand, every country has a ADIZ. However, the difference is that China is forcing it for flights that are not flying over their land directly, but flying near their land. Other countries only enforce the rules if an aircraft is flying over top of their actual country.

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Japan right now wouldn't stand for it.

And in other news

"ANA and Japan Airlines on Wednesday stopped sending Chinese authorities their flight plans for routes to Taiwan and other destinations that pass through the zone."


Yes, very good thanks as I overlooked including that fact in the post, although it goes better in another post such as yours. I wanted to focus my post on the stupidity and on the flatfooted intellect of the klutz CCP and PRChinese.

There's also this about the flight that just shook Beijing:

Defying China, U.S. bombers fly into East China Sea zone

Beijing may have been caught off-guard and could change its approach down the road, said Dean Cheng, an analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank.

"The Chinese may not have expected such a strong American reaction so soon," Cheng said. "The fact that Washington responded and responded so strongly sends a very clear challenge back to Beijing saying: 'Look, in case you were wondering, we are serious when we say we are an ally of Japan. And do not mess with that.'"


Good post.

Let's not forget the economic angle. China is broke. If the US set an embargo for China's exports, or even more simply denied any imports into the US for a time, China would collapse overnight. So China has to worry not only militarily, but economically.

"China Is 175.6% Dependent on the U.S."

"The Chinese economy increased its dependence on the United States last year according to recently released trade figures from Beijing and Washington.

China’s overall trade surplus in 2011 was $155.1 billion, according to the Ministry of Commerce.

And how much of that surplus is related to America? Commerce Department figures show that, through the first 11 months of last year, China’s trade surplus against the United States was $272.3 billion. That’s up from $252.4 billion for the same period in 2010, a 7.9% increase."

So just how far does China want to push its luck? It looks to me like its chickening out already, with Japan and S. Korea defying them and also flying civilian airliners without permission.

Can anyone imagine the world backlash on China if they actually shot down a civilian airliner?

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Just so sad to see all this arrogance/belligerence in this day and age, it's 2013 <deleted>... followed by the obligatory bring it on dross from the 'hawks'. I think everyone should just step back and wind their heads in.

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One can hope there are not any teeth in Beijing's persistent pattern of aggressions, belligerence, bellicosity against is "neighbors" in the Indo-Pacific strategic region.

Regional peace and order, i.e., the status quo, is possible only by peaceful actions and intentions.

China’s Game of Chicken in the East China Sea

Considering Beijing’s past moves of non-naval maritime assets patrolling the area around the Senkakus to the more recent air patrols, the trend lines here are becoming increasingly dangerous and provocative.

Indeed, the new ADIZ came on the heels of China catching flack for providing little aid to the Philippines in its hour of need until global headlines compelled it to change direction — albeit only slightly.

For those who care deeply about these issues, it appears Beijing does not care about the impressions it makes throughout the region. For whatever reason it feels compelled to act boldly, and act it has.


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China media urges countermeasures against Japan planes

China's state media called Friday for "timely countermeasures without hesitation" if Japan violates the country's newly declared air zone, after Beijing sent fighter jets to patrol the area following defiant military overflights by Tokyo.

The Global Times newspaper, which often takes a nationalistic tone, said in an editorial Friday: "We should carry out timely countermeasures without hesitation against Japan when it challenges China's newly declared ADIZ.

"If Tokyo flies its aircraft over the zone, we will be bound to send our plane to its ADIZ."


Actually The Global Times' pronuncement is a couple of days late, as the US, Japan and South Korea already have sent planes into Beijing's aggressively asserted ADIZ.

The CCP statement comes from the most militant segment of the CCP, which always takes the hard line approach. This group were caught flatfooted and were backfooted when the US sent unarmed B-52 bombers into the zone, followed the next day by unarmed fighter aircraft from Japan and South Korea, both US allies being harangued by the aggressions of the CCP in Beijing.

The zone already is a Japanese ADIZ and has been since the 1970s. So the obvious central question is, what business does the CCP in Beijing have in declaring it as its own ADIZ. It's another statement by the CCP in Beijing of its territorial aggressions.

Consistent with its aggressions throughout the Indo-Pacific strategic area, the CCP claims virtually all of the South China Sea as its sovereign territory. The reality is that 310,00 km of the sea have coastal areas on South East Asian countries while only 3100 borders the CCP-PRC. A new ADIZ over the South China Sea is the next step in Beijing's calculated plan of aggression throughout the Indo-Pacific strategic region.

The CCP is determinedly blazing its way into creating new and more serious confrontations on a regular basis now. Our new Neighbor From Hell.

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New ADIZ over South China Sea planned: foreign ministry

China is about to establish a second air defense identification zone over the South China Sea, Qin Gang, spokesperson for China's foreign ministry, said on Nov. 25, according to the Moscow-based Voice of Russia.


The present battle might be 21st century battle over Munich or its equivalent, as things are going.

The aggressive dictators of the CCP in Beijing are calculatedly and stupidly trying to expand their control over the region's territorial seas, the EEZs and the island/islet territories that legally belong to neighboring countries.

The CCP in Beijing is trying to assert its sovereignty over the South China Sea, which is akin to Hitler aggressively and wrongfully asserting Nazi German sovereignty over Czechoslovakia in 1938. The CCP thus has already created an escalating situation in which we have bomber planes and fighter jets over the skies instead of fishermen jockeying in the seas below. Where now will the CCP take this?

If the CCP believes all of the Indo-Pacific strategic region belongs to it, and if the CCP is confident of it, then the CCP should go to the United Nations to file its assertions under the provisions of the UN Convention on the International Law of the Sea, to which Beijing is a signatory. Why instead are there all these pronouncements, declarations, threats from the CCP-PRC Ministry of Defense?

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US Questions China’s Intentions on ‘Air Defense Zone’

During Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to the Asia-Pacific next week, he plans to meet with Chinese leaders. On the agenda, the United States wants to know why China formed its “Air Defense Identification Zone,” and why now.

The official said during Biden’s upcoming trip, the recent incident will allow him “to make the broader point that there is an emerging pattern of behavior by China that is unsettling to China’s own neighbors, and raising questions about how China operates in international space and how China deals with areas of disagreement with its neighbors.”


The two B-52 bombers entering the airspace of Beijing's new ADIZ constituted a statement from Washington to all the governments and elites of the region that the United States does not recognize the CCP's claims of sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands, and that Washington is rock solid in supporting its treaty allies, in this instance Japan and South Korea, which the next day sent their own military or coast guard aircraft into the zone.

There can be no doubt the flights by the US, Japan and South Korea were coordinated and synchronized. This is true in a region in which both Japan and South Korea have many allies and democratic friends while Beijing has none.

It's good that it is Vice President Joe Biden who happens to be going to Beijing next week (as part of a swing through the region). That's because after Beijing finishes bs-ing a bogus rationale for its broad front aggressions throughout the region, from Japan to the Philippines to India, Joe Biden will be more frank, direct, blunt, than Prez Obama or SECSTATE John Kerry could be.

Xi Jingping is going to get a direct flavor of straightforward Americana from VP Joe Biden. It's not going to cause the CCP to change its sinister Grand Plan for the Indo-Pacific strategic region, but the CCP leaders are going to be spoken to as never before. Which means they'll remember it.

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