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Chiang Mai - Mae Jo Mt. Bike Race and Family Ride


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Being held on Sunday December 8th. Did the track today and it was a great 12 km loop of 95% off-road (pic.). Details in Thai language links below or ask here and I'll do my best or try to find out from the organizers.



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Rode it today for a first check, it's a perfect competition track through beautiful landscape. Fun factor 100%. Focused on the trail I twice missed a branch-off but noticed it soon.

Looking forward to mounting the Racing Ralphs tomorrow, removing the pannier rack, taking an air pump along, going again and having an even greater time ...

Thanks a lot, JC.

Mae Jo University Farm MTB Race Trail.kml

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Going with a few guys again this morning, will be there at 8:45 a.m. Tuesday Dec 3 if your interested

Of course interested but for today this message came too late, JC. But on Thursday I want to go again together with a friend, meeting there at 0730. We could need some technical advise at the section crossing the irrigation creek (didn't ride it up yet), and the little 1.5 m steep down - steep up some kms later. Will go two or three loops since we'll come by car. Would be nice to meet an expert ...
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Obviously you didn't see my pm, I'm far from pro, quite the opposite, just ride as a hobby (one loop was enough for us yesterday!) but if there is an event in my hood I like to help spread the news as I find many of us English-only speakers miss out on the info and the fun. Sorry yesterday's invite was so late, just saw your reply a few hrs. before I went and thought it wouldn't hurt to ask just in case you could join us. So I assume your planning on entering the event, if so hope we can meet (pls. see my pm to you). Though I am mainly a casual rider who loves being outside and getting my blood flowing I might be able to help a bit with your challenge. Cycling is a sport of momentum so don't use your brakes coming off the turn, or just a bit to make the turn, and keep as much speed as you can and then get your weight back on the downhill by getting your butt a few inches off and behind your seat. This will add a bit of control that will also give you confidence and take away some of the being afraid, if you are at all, which is counterproductive of course within your own safety comfort zone. Then pedal as soon as you can and keep pedaling on the way up the embankment as long as you can and this should get you up and over the top. Maybe I'll come again tomorrow and ride a loop with you (just to prove how much NOT a pro I am smile.png )

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We could need some technical advise at the section crossing the irrigation creek (didn't ride it up yet), and the little 1.5 m steep down - steep up some kms later.

I rode the canal crossing several times and found it to have enough grip to pedal right through it, though I kept the pedals horizontal to avoid getting wet feet. ;) If you get in with enough speed, the momentum carries you up the opposing wall. I get up and slightly behind the saddle on the way down, unweigh the front wheel when I hit the other wall and swing forward while going up, which helps to get over the edge.

What concerns the drop-off, which is more like a bump, one could jump over it with sufficient speed, but the landing isn't good, so it's probably better to just roll over it. I get out of the saddle and when I am at the top of the bump I push the handlebar down while moving backward, allowing the bike to move under me, then weight the backwheel use the momentum down to the bottom. It's a bit tricky, because there is a slope behind it and you have to start pedalling right away, so you must already be in the right gear before you hit the bump. I didn't get that right the first time.

Cheers, CM-Expat

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I found it a bit amusing that during the race they had a guy at the top of the canal stoping ppl so the two on the other side would be free and ready to each grab on side of the riders handle bars and pull them up over the top. As this was a race and really not that difficult of a obstacle, which one could walk if they wanted, it was a little much.

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I found it a bit amusing that during the race they had a guy at the top of the canal stoping ppl so the two on the other side would be free and ready to each grab on side of the riders handle bars and pull them up over the top. As this was a race and really not that difficult of a obstacle, which one could walk if they wanted, it was a little much.


So nicely and politely worded, JC ...clap2.gif !

Recovered from my broken rib I'll definitely go for more training on this beautiful trial. Unfortunately it's 30+ kms from my home.

Chiangmaiexpat, thanks for your detailled advise. Will try it - hopefully - soon ...

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