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I got a girl pregnant..


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I hooked up with a girl about 4 weeks ago. Just a one off thing, we were both clear on that. I did the usual pull out method but this time it failed me.

I got a call from her today, she has taken two pregnancy tests and both say she's pregnant.

Never had such an awkward phone conversation in my life. She tried to tell me abortion isnt possible - how can that be? She's only 4 weeks pregnant. Surely in a city the size of bangkok, and with so much sex, there must be abortion clinics?

I plan to leave thailand next June and dont have any intention of coming back. I get the feeling she now wants us to become a couple. Thats not going to happen. There's no way i want to stay in thailand, nor have a relationship.

But getting back on point, what are our options? I'm slightly worried right now

If abortion really is illegal in thailand, could i fly her to elsewhere and pay to have it done?

Edited by razorramone
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I think the very first thing you want to do is see a doctor and get yourself checked for STD/AIDS. Another test in three months. I am sure you know yourself that not suiting up was pretty stupid, a kid might be your smallest problem.

I would go to a Doctor with her, maybe she is just trying to reel you in.

I guess the only other options are to convince her to have an abortion or to do a runner.

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I think the very first thing you want to do is see a doctor and get yourself checked for STD/AIDS. Another test in three months. I am sure you know yourself that not suiting up was pretty stupid, a kid might be your smallest problem.

I would go to a Doctor with her, maybe she is just trying to reel you in.

I guess the only other options are to convince her to have an abortion or to do a runner.

Judging by how psycho she was acting on the phone, I'm fairly certain it is genuine.

Is abortion legal here or not? Thats what i cant figure out. She said no.. but didnt really no. Google isnt much help.

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My mates girl just got an abortion in BKK. Just have to know where, which im sure your gf or her friends do. I imagine your not the father but the baby needs one, so your a good target for a new dad...

As much as i'd love to believe you, this is a quiet office worker, and i dont want to get graphic but i know she was a virgin before me.

I'm willing to pay to get this sorted out, but the fact is im a 26 year old EFL teacher, and next year i'll be in deepest africa working for next to nothing, with no plans ever to return to thailand*. There's no way i can support her or a baby long term.

*No offence. It's a nice country, but not for me.

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Abortion is not legal in most cases but is commonly available. It is taboo for the serious buddhist here. She may want a baby, my "X" gave moral support to friend that had one. Afterward they both stayed in a temple for a while to "cleanse" themselves.

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Abortion is not legal in most cases but is commonly available. It is taboo for the serious buddhist here. She may want a baby, my "X" gave moral support to friend that had one. Afterward they both stayed in a temple for a while to "cleanse" themselves.

Yeah when I said on the phone "how can we abort it" she gasped in shock.

I am a little worried she might want to keep it. One phrase i recall her saying is "i thought we were not going to stay together", as if the opposite were now true.

Oh and for anyone hating on my withdrawal method, sorry but condoms kill my dick. It dies in an instant. I didnt realise it was this unrealiable. And I kinda thought years of resting my laptop in my lap would have rendered me sterile by now. Anyway I already know im stupid and an jerk, can we skip to giving me some practical advice? I'm seeing her in two hours.

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Oh and for anyone hating on my withdrawal method, sorry but condoms kill my dick. It dies in an instant.

Bad choice. Wait till you meet a screaming baby..

In all seriousness, abortion is illegal, except in the case of instruction from a doctor on medical and emotional grounds. If the mother is unmarried and the baby is unwanted, my understanding is that doctors often provide the instruction. There are also many unofficial practitioners, though it's probably better to avoid them if possible, there's some useful info here http://www.th4u.com/abortions.htm

At the end of the day though, if the mother wishes to keep the baby, then the baby will be kept and in all likelihood whether you choose to support the baby will (many would say 'unfortunately' here) be down to your own conscience rather than something that is legally enforced.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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1) Abortions on demand are illegal in Thailand.

2) Abortions for medical necessity are not illegal.

3) Is it possible that you got a girl pregnant? Yes.

4) Is it possible she is pregnant and you are not the father? Yes.

5) Is it possible that she is not pregnant? Yes.

6) Would I take ANY action before a paternity test? NO!

edit -- do illegal abortions happen? My assumption would be yes. based upon


Edited by jdinasia
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My mates girl just got an abortion in BKK. Just have to know where, which im sure your gf or her friends do. I imagine your not the father but the baby needs one, so your a good target for a new dad...

As much as i'd love to believe you, this is a quiet office worker, and i dont want to get graphic but i know she was a virgin before me.

I'm willing to pay to get this sorted out, but the fact is im a 26 year old EFL teacher, and next year i'll be in deepest africa working for next to nothing, with no plans ever to return to thailand*. There's no way i can support her or a baby long term.

*No offence. It's a nice country, but not for me.

So you are now telling us that the girl (tells you she) was a Virgin before your once off encounter - and absolutely no need for graphic descriptions by the way - but the possibilities of pregnancy in such a situation are deep in the realms of statistical improbability.

No offence but you are young and - again sorry - dumb, if you believe this story from the girl for a second.


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... Anyway I already know im stupid and an jerk ...

thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif true words... thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

Anyway... good luck meeting her family... don't worry, they will come to find you...

and if you survive... good luck in Africa... families there are even bigger (whole village), will come with machetes and cut you to peaces veeeery slowly... at least you won't have to worry about STD/AIDS

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Second...and keep us posted on the baby shower and we'll all try to make it.

PS: Another point in favor of the ladyboys...in 20 years of "dates," I have never gotten such a call smile.png

Now don't start with the ladyboys again! You know what happened last time, couldn't sit down for a week.

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How irresponsible of you ..was it a pupil I wonder ..

Your a teacher which I thought was a job for a responsible person .. 555

You sure do have a ploblem , I don't know the stats on farrang leaving thai lady with child and

not having to make payment sufficient to give the baby a good life . As is what you should really do

in an ideal world ..

But im guessing you will pay whether its with money , or indeed your life ..

Id be interested if you can survive until June without having to make a decision ..

A responsible decision , if you can ..

you talk about abortion , how about coming to the realisation that you have made a human , you know

one of those things you teach everyday ..

Ive kept my hard emotions out of this post as I don't want to upset anybody again ...


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