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I went to see the Thai doctor that lives on the same block as me. I wanted to ask her if it is possible to buy Zyban (a stop-smoking aid) over the counter here, or if it required a doctor's prescription as it does in Canada.

It was Sunday afternoon. She called a friend at the Bangkok/Pattaya hospital. That person told her I could come in on Tuesday, and it would cost 5,000 baht for the tablets (I'm guessing a 2 month supply).

The doctor then phoned her favourite pharmacy, and got them to quote a price of 1,770 baht (for a 1 month supply) !! I was told that normally the same thing would cost 2,500 if I were to walk in off the street to buy it.

With a couple of phone calls, she saved me almost 1,500 baht !

Then, she directed her son to drive me (from the area of the TukCom IT center) to the pharmacy out on Sukumvit Road near Central Pattaya Road.

Upon returning home, I tried to pay her for her time and effort (remember, this was on a Sunday afternoon). She refused payment. I tried to give her son payment for driving me to/from the pharmacy and was refused again !

So, the next time you hear a bad news story, remember that there are some pretty great Thai people here, that treat farangs the same as anyone else.

It's things like this that make me love living here !


I doubt she came out the deal empty handed. Probably got at least a 10% kickback from her "favourite" pharmacy.

I doubt she came out the deal empty handed. Probably got at least a 10% kickback from her "favourite" pharmacy.

so much for the happy-go lucky thread :o


I doubt she came out the deal empty handed. Probably got at least a 10% kickback from her "favourite" pharmacy.

so much for the happy-go lucky thread :o

Yea, but probably closer to reality though.

Doing something like this should be pretty much run-of-the-mill in most places, but here its viewed as exceptional. That in itself is an indictment.

I have had a few Thai people go a bit out of the way for me, some for their own gain, a few for no reward. Then I've had a Thai guy go to exceptional lengths to help me. A mix, like everywhere else. Mostly though, the money factor still dominates more than elsewhere I've been.

I doubt she came out the deal empty handed. Probably got at least a 10% kickback from her "favourite" pharmacy.

That would be a whopping 170 baht kickback then. Considering she saved me 730 baht on the initial purchase, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Considering she could have (should have ?) charged me a fee for the "consultation", on a Sunday afternoon, and didn't ? I fully expected to pay some kind of fee.

Considering it would have cost me probably 200 baht to hire a baht bus to get me to the pharmacy and back (maybe 100 if I used a moto taxi), and I paid nothing ?

She could have just stuck it to me, being a farang and all. She could have charged me a fee for consultation, could have sent me to the Bangkok/Pattaya hospital (where I would have been charged a much higher premium), or she could have sent me to almost any pharmacy, where again I would have paid a much higher price for the same prescription. But she didn't.

So if she did have an arrangement with that particular pharmacy, why didn't they quote a much higher price for the prescription (the regular price for 60 tabs is 2,500 baht, I got it for 1,770) ?.

Bah, what ever. I think she did good, and am quite happy with the way everything happened.

I doubt she came out the deal empty handed. Probably got at least a 10% kickback from her "favourite" pharmacy.

Here,s me thinking T.Visa was non cynical :o

marshbags :D:D:D

P.S. It,s still a happy good news story Kerryd and there are plenty of them about.


I doubt she came out the deal empty handed. Probably got at least a 10% kickback from her "favourite" pharmacy.

That would be a whopping 170 baht kickback then. Considering she saved me 730 baht on the initial purchase, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Considering she could have (should have ?) charged me a fee for the "consultation", on a Sunday afternoon, and didn't ? I fully expected to pay some kind of fee.

Considering it would have cost me probably 200 baht to hire a baht bus to get me to the pharmacy and back (maybe 100 if I used a moto taxi), and I paid nothing ?

She could have just stuck it to me, being a farang and all. She could have charged me a fee for consultation, could have sent me to the Bangkok/Pattaya hospital (where I would have been charged a much higher premium), or she could have sent me to almost any pharmacy, where again I would have paid a much higher price for the same prescription. But she didn't.

So if she did have an arrangement with that particular pharmacy, why didn't they quote a much higher price for the prescription (the regular price for 60 tabs is 2,500 baht, I got it for 1,770) ?.

Bah, what ever. I think she did good, and am quite happy with the way everything happened.

I'm sure she didn't get a kickback. It's a shame that you can't tell a good news story without someone ruining it.



Nice post kerryd

I was walking in carefour yesteday and my watch band broke the pin had fell out, so I went to the watch shop there and asked if they could fix it. This nice lady went and fixed my watch with a new pin and I asked how much do i owe you, she said no charge. I think that was very good of her :o


I doubt she came out the deal empty handed. Probably got at least a 10% kickback from her "favourite" pharmacy.

so much for the happy-go lucky thread :o

Yea, but probably closer to reality though.

Doing something like this should be pretty much run-of-the-mill in most places, but here its viewed as exceptional. That in itself is an indictment.

I have had a few Thai people go a bit out of the way for me, some for their own gain, a few for no reward. Then I've had a Thai guy go to exceptional lengths to help me. A mix, like everywhere else. Mostly though, the money factor still dominates more than elsewhere I've been.

I started a "good News" thread a couple of weeks back, and had to keep posting my own stories to keep the thread going. Of course I was flogging a dead horse and it soon faded out.

I kinda agree with OlRed Eyes. You would also get freebie assistance from strangers back home if you asked for it, and certainly from people you are acquainted with - if only very slightly. In Thailand, If you add the 'face' factor once you get away from the tourist sector, then I would be surprised if a professional, educated person wouldn't help you when asked, and I doubt they would try to make a few bob out of it.

Doesn't make it a bad story though, Kerry.

I think the real heart warming stuff is when very poor people go out of their way to help you, o without being asked , and often to their own detriment and personal suffering. 'Samaritans' amongst the rural poor are alive and well and many give of themeselves without dreaming of reward or monetry gain. This is a bit different to back home, I dare to sugggest. :D


I think the real heart warming stuff is when very poor people go out of their way to help you, o without being asked , and often to their own detriment and personal suffering. 'Samaritans' amongst the rural poor are alive and well and many give of themeselves without dreaming of reward or monetry gain. This is a bit different to back home, I dare to sugggest. :o



In the N.East this is particulary applicable.

Also incidently in the U.K. where you find the most genuine folk are the less well off, especially up north where i live.

The rich / well off usually do it for show, gain and for their image / status.

The less well off / less fortunate do it from their hearts and will do it for no other reason than to want to do so naturally.

The first group are usually expecting publicity and milk it. ( Not all ) , while the second group

usually stay anonynous and shy away as to them it,s their nature to help and un natural to expect reward or gain.

In Thailand the Puyi expect you to give to them both in monetary and recognition / status and it really is a phoney class thing with the majority of them.

This of course is from my own personal observations.

Unfortunately regarding the good stories, so many people react more favourably to sad stories.

Like you M.D.A, Kerryd and others, i prefer the feel good factor and wish their where more interest generated from happy events and happenings.

I,m sure you agree that we do not need or want any recognition for wanting to help others

and do so in an anonymous way.


The joy of doing good is reward enough in itself and anyone doing it for gain are doing it for the wrong reasons.

By the way, good luck trying to stop smoking Kerryd.

marshbags :D:D:D

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