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Expats Ladies Lunch this Thurs. at West Restaurant

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Expats Ladies Lunch

Date: Thursday, December 5

Place: West Restaurant in Fahtani Square, 25 Sirimankalajarn Rd. The plaza is tucked behind a car wash on Huey Kaew Rd, across from Hillside Condo 4. Map is at http://www.west-restaurant.com/contact/

Time: 12:00 noon

Cost: 250 baht. Cost includes water and VAT. Price does not include bread, wine, coffee or tea -- all of which are available. This price is an incredible value for the menu! Please leave something extra for the staff.
Menu: Select one starter (pumpkin soup, caeasar salad or creamy blue cheese/bacon salad) , one entree (fish kabobs & sweet peppers with lime sauce, chicken cacciatore or vegetable macaroni gratin with white sauce) and a variety of dessert options
Email reservations and menu selections to [email protected] by noon, Wednesday, December 4

About the Expats Ladies Luncheon group: We're one of the many Outside Group Activities of the Chiang Mai Expats Club. You don't have to be a member of that club to come to the Ladies Luncheon. Many of us live in Chiang Mai for several months of the year; some are full-time residents. Others are visiting for a just short time or considering re-location here. We welcome new members. We do not have an agenda or programs, aside from our luncheon, twice monthly. Our goal is for women to get acquainted, make new friends and have questions answered.

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