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Anti-govt protests: Thai Academics condemn demand to air speech

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Oh Pleeze, can all these so called academics shut up and just concentrate on providing a proper education. At the moment all thai degrees are no better than toilet paper. Most of these academics are just failures in their own life and just want publicity in times of crisis.

As far as the media is concerned, most of them are just as corrupt as the politicians they serve. Many of these journalists can be bought to write articles. (as any pr company in thailand). As most of these journalists do not even check on the pr releases given to them to publish!

As far as regards to your comment on the education system, i totally agree with you. Outdated, oldfashioned and when i compare with schools in Europe hopelessly behind. Various goverments have over the years heard and read this but to no avail, they just dont want to listen. Headmasters are sitting like small kings still taking tea money for admitting students even if they are 15 years and not can read properly.. The uniforms, the disipline and the money are more important than schoolbooks and education, and the later years we see the result of this on the streets around the country.

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All government's are corrupt, but-

The Elite right wing can not accept democracy as it erodes the power they have held for century's over the uneducated poor.

Its a shame whilst studying in the west they didn't learn from history that you can't hold a people down forever! :beatdeadhorse:


Is it just me who thinks Suthep is dangerous? He's got despot written all over him.


He's about as dangerous as mini me

Then what's with the rhetoric? Demanding Yingluck resign. Demanding the tv stations play his speeches. Saying that he "has to break the law". He takes himself very seriously that's for sure.


He is publicly calling for the overthrow and associated actions against (taking over government buildings) a legally elected government. This used to be called anarchy.

Legally elected government? Since when has vote buying been legal?? Only because the election commission was bought as well, nothing happened about it!!!

Since when has massive corruption been legal? Since when has abuse of power been legal??

So what you want to say as i understand is that Abhisit and Suthep are not corrupt, what a joke. Still you can not escape the fact that present government is legally elected in to office and your insuinations that they are only there because of corruption is a bit far fetched. But whats happening on the streets these days, are illegal, criminal and a total disregard of the millions of people sitting in their homes unable to and not wanting to participate in the madness of occupying government buildings, occupying tv and radio stations demanding that the stations air their way at looking at things, twisted ways i would say. Peoples committes my bum, yea we heard that one before and we know how that went, dont we. Who wants to be dragged out of their cell and be shot at first daylight and buried in mass graves. Oh yea, history has a terrible thing about repeating itself.


It is really strange to read all the support Suthep Secretary General of the people bla bla bla gets from foreigners in this forum. Occupying government buildings, telling his followers to go for broke, demanding air time and so on, and the most tragic one, wanting a state with peoples comittes to run the country. Things come to my mind, Pol Pot, Soviet Union, North Korea these failed states were and one of them still are, great with democratic word play. Things that also comes to my mind is murder platoons that drag you out of your cell early in the morning and shoot you because you have a different way of thinking than their leaders. I can in my heart not understand nor find, any logic reason why so many people in here support the methodes of Dear Leader Secretary General Suthep, in his fight to change the political system in this country. After what i can read and what i can see, his reasons for starting the madness going on these days, is personal and not for the greater good for Thailand. And i ask, would any of you like to see this kind of thing happen in your country.

I don't quite see how this generalized rant has much to do with the specifics of this thread. But just a point for you to consider. There is only one side of this unrest that has ties to anyone connected with Pol Pot. The affinity of a certain family and many Redshirt leaders with Hun Sen is undeniable. And Hun Sen was a member of the Khmer Rouge. Case closed.

Speaking of generalized rants without much to do with the specifics...Hun Sen fled Cambodia for Vietnam in order to escape from Pol Pot. The Khmer Rouge were quite factionalized, with the Pol Pot clique at the center in control. They descended into a spiraling purge of the "unpure" elements within the KR that included particularly the "Vietnamese minds in Khmer bodies" of the Eastern Zone. That was Hun Sen's group (he was a minor cadre at the time). But never mind the facts, so long as we can demonize one side or the other!


Media associations condemn freedom threat


BANGKOK: -- Four broadcast and printed media organizations today called on the People’s Committee for Democratic Reform (PCDR) to stop threatening their freedom after it led anti-Thaksin demonstrators to besiege free TV stations yesterday and force them to report only its protest movement.
The call was made in a joint statement signed by four media associations comprising the National Press Council of Thailand, Thai Journalists Association, the News Broadcasting Council of Thailand, and the Thai Broadcast Journalists Association.

The statement said that the marching of demonstrators to Channel 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and ThaiPBS yesterday to force them to broadcast the protests of the anti-government demonstrators and of the announcement of the PCDR and to ban the broadcast of government news was tantamount to threatening media freedom, and contradicting to the principles of the democratic rule as always cited by the PCDR which wanting t see the creation of true democracy in the country..

It called on the PCDR to stop such intimidation instantly, reasoning that the media has the freedom and right to present news and information of every side as defined in the Constitution.

It also clarified that less coverage of the PCDR movement by free TV channels might be from commercial reason which free TV channels regarded more than the right for accessing to information by the people.

The statement called on all media representatives to present news and information with caution and with respect, and that all sides must not interfere with the working of the media representatives.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/media-associations-condemn-freedom-threat/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-02


It is really strange to read all the support Suthep Secretary General of the people bla bla bla gets from foreigners in this forum. Occupying government buildings, telling his followers to go for broke, demanding air time and so on, and the most tragic one, wanting a state with peoples comittes to run the country. Things come to my mind, Pol Pot, Soviet Union, North Korea these failed states were and one of them still are, great with democratic word play. Things that also comes to my mind is murder platoons that drag you out of your cell early in the morning and shoot you because you have a different way of thinking than their leaders. I can in my heart not understand nor find, any logic reason why so many people in here support the methodes of Dear Leader Secretary General Suthep, in his fight to change the political system in this country. After what i can read and what i can see, his reasons for starting the madness going on these days, is personal and not for the greater good for Thailand. And i ask, would any of you like to see this kind of thing happen in your country.

I don't quite see how this generalized rant has much to do with the specifics of this thread. But just a point for you to consider. There is only one side of this unrest that has ties to anyone connected with Pol Pot. The affinity of a certain family and many Redshirt leaders with Hun Sen is undeniable. And Hun Sen was a member of the Khmer Rouge. Case closed.

Speaking of generalized rants without much to do with the specifics...Hun Sen fled Cambodia for Vietnam in order to escape from Pol Pot. The Khmer Rouge were quite factionalized, with the Pol Pot clique at the center in control. They descended into a spiraling purge of the "unpure" elements within the KR that included particularly the "Vietnamese minds in Khmer bodies" of the Eastern Zone. That was Hun Sen's group (he was a minor cadre at the time). But never mind the facts, so long as we can demonize one side or the other!

So, you're a supporter of Hun Sen and his "faction" of the Khmer Rouge that started to fragment after gaining control of the country, with each trying to get total control. Just a "minor" member of the Khmer Rouge, too. His total contribution to the Killing Fields not all that much. Got it.


Why are so many Dems,yellow shirts,hi-sos and falangs afraid of the Thaksins.

Maybe because he ran the country like a successful business, and not like a dictator


The TV stations could have democratized the hijacking of its airwaves by giving the Red Shirts equal time

to respond. While I am no Red Shirt supporter I would have televised the response in prime time.


Is it just me who thinks Suthep is dangerous? He's got despot written all over him.


He's about as dangerous as mini me

He may be more dangerous than Mr X, with all this power going to his head.

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Why are so many Dems,yellow shirts,hi-sos and falangs afraid of the Thaksins.

Maybe because he ran the country like a successful business, and not like a dictator

Based on recent events, I think you might have your information wrong. This is exactly why they are protesting.


The TV stations could have democratized the hijacking of its airwaves by giving the Red Shirts equal time

to respond. While I am no Red Shirt supporter I would have televised the response in prime time.

The major TV stations are run by either the government or the army. The government and PTP (i.e. red shirts) are one and the same.

Press freedom:


Thailand ranks #135. Below Libya and Zimbabwe. But above Cambodia.

  • Like 2

It is really strange to read all the support Suthep Secretary General of the people bla bla bla gets from foreigners in this forum. Occupying government buildings, telling his followers to go for broke, demanding air time and so on, and the most tragic one, wanting a state with peoples comittes to run the country. Things come to my mind, Pol Pot, Soviet Union, North Korea these failed states were and one of them still are, great with democratic word play. Things that also comes to my mind is murder platoons that drag you out of your cell early in the morning and shoot you because you have a different way of thinking than their leaders. I can in my heart not understand nor find, any logic reason why so many people in here support the methodes of Dear Leader Secretary General Suthep, in his fight to change the political system in this country. After what i can read and what i can see, his reasons for starting the madness going on these days, is personal and not for the greater good for Thailand. And i ask, would any of you like to see this kind of thing happen in your country.

I don't quite see how this generalized rant has much to do with the specifics of this thread. But just a point for you to consider. There is only one side of this unrest that has ties to anyone connected with Pol Pot. The affinity of a certain family and many Redshirt leaders with Hun Sen is undeniable. And Hun Sen was a member of the Khmer Rouge. Case closed.

Speaking of generalized rants without much to do with the specifics...Hun Sen fled Cambodia for Vietnam in order to escape from Pol Pot. The Khmer Rouge were quite factionalized, with the Pol Pot clique at the center in control. They descended into a spiraling purge of the "unpure" elements within the KR that included particularly the "Vietnamese minds in Khmer bodies" of the Eastern Zone. That was Hun Sen's group (he was a minor cadre at the time). But never mind the facts, so long as we can demonize one side or the other!

So, you're a supporter of Hun Sen and his "faction" of the Khmer Rouge that started to fragment after gaining control of the country, with each trying to get total control. Just a "minor" member of the Khmer Rouge, too. His total contribution to the Killing Fields not all that much. Got it.

Uh, not sure where I said I was a supporter of Hun Sen and his faction, just pointing out the inaccuracy of your hyperbolic post. But as the other guy said, let's keep it on topic.

Speaking of which...I often wonder about the vitriol directed Thaksin's way, after all, it's not like he was the first completely corrupt or megalomaniacal Thai PM. In fact, those who aren't are by far the exception rather than the rule. And it's not like the Thai, even those protesting, are all that disturbed by corruption, it's a way of life that extends through the entire society and it would be quite rare to find someone who hasn't participated in some way or another.

One thing that I think may underlie the anger is that Thaksin's policies went quite beyond the usual practice of vote-buying in the rural areas (a traditional, established and long-accepted practice of all Thai political parties) followed by doing whatever you wanted once you got in power. In those days, governing basically involved carving up the pie among the elite who were elected and their cronies (both urban and rural). Nothing was really ever passed along to the rural locals, whose 500 baht election bonus was considered as the full benefit they gained until the next election.

However, Thaksin opened up Pandora's box by actually enacting policies that materially affected and benefited the local people (OTOP, Tambon Councils and the cheap Health Care). This likely contributed to a shift in thinking that got the so-called buffaloes from the provinces to realize that you could actually get a lot more than just your election bonus, you could actually gain something from government when your guys got into power and did something for you rather than the usual "big" projects for the elite to gobble up. Once that cat was out of the bag, you now have the majority of the population from the rural areas moving from passivity and acceptance of business as usual into political activism and challenging the urban elite and "a-maart" for their share of the pie. Hence our current merry-go-round.

Don't you think this is part of the source of the anger against Thaksin, since it has fundamentally changed the way politics is run here?


the red shirts have their own media outlets, that way they don't have to answer probing questions, there is no media freedom in Thailand - the government decides what gets presented to the public

Can you imagine TS or a PTP government spokesperson or indeed any redshirt leaders being interviewed on the BBC's Hard Talk, now that would be something to behold

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Why are so many Dems,yellow shirts,hi-sos and falangs afraid of the Thaksins.

Perhaps it is simply because they have both the intelligence and intellect to recognize the symptoms of cancer and their opinions an not be bought for 500 Baht.

And can recognise a nest of pit vipers when they see one.


"To seize television stations to control the broadcast signal is a threat to force people to listen to only one side of a story. So where is the freedom?" he wrote.

Forcing people to listen to the correct info is OK.

The problem only starts when forcing people to listen to the wrong info (like what Thaksin always does).


Why are so many Dems,yellow shirts,hi-sos and falangs afraid of the Thaksins.

Perhaps it is simply because they have both the intelligence and intellect to recognize the symptoms of cancer and their opinions an not be bought for 500 Baht.

You don't live in the real world if you think Dem voters don't accept 500 baht at elections also. I have seen with my own eyes, 2 local general elections, a couple more bi elections, and my BIL accepting 500 baht from both sides, ie getting a grand to vote, then voting for whoever he thinks is best. That's the way it works, and why they love elections. Payday. But they still vote for who they want. Not saying it's right, just the way it is.

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Exactly right thaiguzzi. The tired old line about vote-buying has been largely discredited. I forget who is was now, the PPP split-off party that spent 3x as much in the region - then won hardly any seats at the elections. These days people are happy to take any money politicians want to throw at them. Then vote for their preferred party anyway.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Exactly right thaiguzzi. The tired old line about vote-buying has been largely discredited. I forget who is was now, the PPP split-off party that spent 3x as much in the region - then won hardly any seats at the elections. These days people are happy to take any money politicians want to throw at them. Then vote for their preferred party anyway. Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Half right.

They do take money from all of them, then vote the way the Poo Yai instructs them, and are watched closely.

And this discussion has got absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Apart from people being told what they can watch.


Exactly right thaiguzzi. The tired old line about vote-buying has been largely discredited. I forget who is was now, the PPP split-off party that spent 3x as much in the region - then won hardly any seats at the elections. These days people are happy to take any money politicians want to throw at them. Then vote for their preferred party anyway. Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



Half right.



They do take money from all of them, then vote the way the Poo Yai instructs them, and are watched closely.

Which by amazing coincidence... is exactly the way they would have voted anyway.

Despite your point, times are changing.

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