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Clashes intensifying at Bangkok Metropolitan Police HQ


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The police just got alarming reports that Suthep's yellow thugs now use new tactics to confront the government. w00t.gif

As everybody witnessed, Suthep and the Dems upgraded their "peaceful" rallies, aimed at completely eradicating democracy from this country, to a full blown insurrection.

They called on their manipulated Dems' followers, as well as the hired thugs from the south, to seize buildings and do their best to violently provoke the police, while doing everything they can to put the blame on the reds (even though these left the city long ago) and PM Yingluck (even though she repeatedly called for restraint and talks).

Since the confrontation at the stadium, where three redshirts were shot by Suthep's yellow thugs (disguised, according some reports, in what some call "students"), it has been increasingly difficult for these criminal protesters to put the blame on the reds. It is common knowledge that the criminal yellow thugs consider the reds as dirty, stinky, uneducated farmers and a violent underclass who insists on keeping irrational privileges, such as electing a government of their choice through free elections and not having that elected government overthrown by the Dem's and yellow minorities.

Realizing that the whole world now see the true colors of these yellows protesters, supported in their criminal actions by the Dems, they turned to the most imaginative way of disguising themselves in order to confuse the police and the press (the neutral one) on who really are the real bad bad bad people.

As it can be clearly seen on the picture, and as unbelievable (and disgusting) as it may appear, the yellow thugs are now fighting without colored shirts... and without clothes. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

Who could ever think of such a machiavellian plan, if not the Dems who have always been very creative in finding all sorts of dirty tricks to attack their opponents crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

On this little note of humor (take it seriously if you prefer biggrin.png) I wish you all a very good night, hoping that the insane Suthep has vanished from the universe by tomorrow morning when I wake up. Sweet dreams thumbsup.gif

PS: It has been reported that the yellow thug of the picture has been caught by the police, the brand of his underwear having been identified by a CCTV camera. I wonder what else we can expect tomorrow... giggle.gif


But what was he doing? Setting off a fire extinguisher and then jogging in his underwear? Looks rather harmless.

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Does the graffiti read 'Fialed State' or is it Fialed Spelling'?

Please be gentle and understanding.

This "graffiti" has been written by an nice, peaceful, gentle and educated member of the Bangkok middle class, expressing his balanced opinion about the present political situation.

He did the best he could to pass his message to the world whistling.gif

Educated you said?

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Does the graffiti read 'Fialed State' or is it Fialed Spelling'?


Please be gentle and understanding.

This "graffiti" has been written by an nice, peaceful, gentle and educated member of the Bangkok middle class, expressing his balanced opinion about the present political situation.

He did the best he could to pass his message to the world Posted Image

Educated you said?

I think the mob rioting right now look more like motosai taxi thugs. Middle class does not dirty its hands, it pays low-so people to riot. :lol:

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Does the graffiti read 'Fialed State' or is it Fialed Spelling'?

Please be gentle and understanding.

This "graffiti" has been written by an nice, peaceful, gentle and educated member of the Bangkok middle class, expressing his balanced opinion about the present political situation.

He did the best he could to pass his message to the world whistling.gif

Educated you said?

His underwear looks pretty offensive

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The police just got alarming reports that Suthep's yellow thugs now use new tactics to confront the government. w00t.gif

As everybody witnessed, Suthep and the Dems upgraded their "peaceful" rallies, aimed at completely eradicating democracy from this country, to a full blown insurrection.

They called on their manipulated Dems' followers, as well as the hired thugs from the south, to seize buildings and do their best to violently provoke the police, while doing everything they can to put the blame on the reds (even though these left the city long ago) and PM Yingluck (even though she repeatedly called for restraint and talks).

Since the confrontation at the stadium, where three redshirts were shot by Suthep's yellow thugs (disguised, according some reports, in what some call "students"), it has been increasingly difficult for these criminal protesters to put the blame on the reds. It is common knowledge that the criminal yellow thugs consider the reds as dirty, stinky, uneducated farmers and a violent underclass who insists on keeping irrational privileges, such as electing a government of their choice through free elections and not having that elected government overthrown by the Dem's and yellow minorities.

Realizing that the whole world now see the true colors of these yellows protesters, supported in their criminal actions by the Dems, they turned to the most imaginative way of disguising themselves in order to confuse the police and the press (the neutral one) on who really are the real bad bad bad people.

As it can be clearly seen on the picture, and as unbelievable (and disgusting) as it may appear, the yellow thugs are now fighting without colored shirts... and without clothes. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

Who could ever think of such a machiavellian plan, if not the Dems who have always been very creative in finding all sorts of dirty tricks to attack their opponents crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

On this little note of humor (take it seriously if you prefer biggrin.png) I wish you all a very good night, hoping that the insane Suthep has vanished from the universe by tomorrow morning when I wake up. Sweet dreams thumbsup.gif

PS: It has been reported that the yellow thug of the picture has been caught by the police, the brand of his underwear having been identified by a CCTV camera. I wonder what else we can expect tomorrow... giggle.gif


But what was he doing? Setting off a fire extinguisher and then jogging in his underwear? Looks rather harmless.

Harmless? That sight is something that simply cannot be undone. Scared for life now.

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Does the graffiti read 'Fialed State' or is it Fialed Spelling'?

Please be gentle and understanding.

This "graffiti" has been written by an nice, peaceful, gentle and educated member of the Bangkok middle class, expressing his balanced opinion about the present political situation.

He did the best he could to pass his message to the world whistling.gif

Educated you said?

Maybe you can write it correctly in Thai?

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No no update: English sound-track for a change, so what happened today-take a look at this http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/video/thai-pm-rejects-protest/906868.html

Tomorrow early morning full scale anti-Thaksin invasion heading for Chaengwattana Road, fully prepared with for an anti teargas assaults there. Except 300-500 vehicles and other stuff moving there. How many protesters ask a Thai spooky dead Thai ghost…for further info…. Watch the action live here: http://www.adintrend.com/hd/ or there. That’s Blue Sky Channel. Bye bye..

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Does the graffiti read 'Fialed State' or is it Fialed Spelling'?

Please be gentle and understanding.

This "graffiti" has been written by an nice, peaceful, gentle and educated member of the Bangkok middle class, expressing his balanced opinion about the present political situation.

He did the best he could to pass his message to the world whistling.gif

Educated you said?

Maybe you can write it correctly in Thai?

Sorry I can't, it's not allowed by the forum rules, except in the Thai language section wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

And I am a rules' abiding member of this forum biggrin.png

Edited by gerry1011
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Like the poster, i salute the PM and the Thai authorites for their very humane response to extreme provocations, and I pray that there will not be further loss of life. If there is, however, the responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of the demagogue Mr. Suthep, and his backers. They have much to answer for.


Armed red mobsters came uninvited to to Bangkok once again, killed some innocent students and you would like to blame the others for it? Great. You must me married to a woman from Isaan. Killing soldiers is OK when it suits your purposes, burning cities down is OK when it suits your purposes, widespread looting and intimidation of innocent people is OK when it suits your purposes, hijacking ASEAN summit is OK when it suits your purposes, throwing bombs around Bangkok and terrorizing innocent civilians is OK when it suits your purposes etc...etc....Utter hypocrisy.

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"Those with exoerience covering upheavals in other countries would be hard pressed to think of an equallly moderate and even-handed response to such direct provocations and assaults"

More like the response of a dimwitted clueless puppet that thinks she is clever by repeating the same well worn phrases, "we fowow da wu of wa"- " we hope for mate gut fo pepo".....

or perhaps she just doesn't care.

People with her level of wealth can simply leave the country after it fails.


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Those with exoerience covering upheavals in other countries would be hard pressed to think of an equallly moderate and even-handed response to such direct provocations and assaults from a mob which has the exoressed intent of overrhrowing a democratically elected government. Indeed, the police forces in most other countries would have dispatched this treasonous mob with extreme prejudice.

The would-be putschists and their leaders have drained whatever international goodwill might have been there when:

1. Their keader Suthep moved the goalposts when he said their goal was not the elimination of ammesty for Thaksin, but the elimination of the entire democratic system of government in Thailand , and replacing it with a model for a fascist state run by him and a few cronies.

2. Suthep and Abshit led a march on the American embassy to protest their support of the current democratically elected government - seemingly ignorant of the fact that the job of any embassy in the world is diplomacy, which means having as good relations with the host government as possible. Good relations does not mean unqualified support for the policies of that government - it just means good relations. In addition, American law prohibits America from providing military assistance to countries which had had a coup d'efat, which is why the Americans had such problems with the current situation in Egyot. The sheer arrogance of Abshit and Suthep to lecture the bemused American embassy representives on "being Thai" boggles rhe mind.

3. Pride goeth before the fall, as they say, and the sheer,hubris of Suthep 's refusal ro negotiate with the democratically elected PM in a meeting graciously arranged by top military commanders was breath taking. It was also an insult to rhe military commanders who had arranged the meeting to try to find a peaceful resolution to this conflict. Frankly, Mr. Suthep suffers from serious delusions of grandeur, and displays symptoms of some bizarre Thai version of a Napoleonic complex, and even some of his suoporters seem to realize rhis and have been distancing themselves from his ravings.

Bottom line: rathef than deal with the very real issue of government corruption through the parliament, the undemocratic opposition has severely damaged the image of Thailand, and cost the country millions and millons of dollars in foreign business investment. In a few regards, this movement has a lot in commn with the American Tea Party, whose hatred of President Obama is so strong they are ready to destroy the US to make their point. The Tea Party has enjoyed generous financing from the right-wing Koch brothers, and it will be very interesting to learn who had been financing the Suthepists, since someone has obviously been providing a lot of financial support.

Like the poster, i salute the PM and the Thai authorites for their very humane response to extreme provocations, and I pray that there will not be further loss of life. If there is, however, the responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of the demagogue Mr. Suthep, and his backers. They have much to answer for.

The moment one of those protesters die at the hands of the police Yingluck is dead meat as PM. As will be the murder charges against Suthep and Abhisit. Silly little girl should have stayed at home playing with her Barbie Dolls instead of puppertering for her convicted criminal brother.

On the contrary, she is doing a remarkable good job under very difficult circumstances. She has gone up in my estimation even though I don't care for many of her policies. If one of these thugs gets killed, then sorry...but it could have been avoided very easily .

I believe it has been three students who have been killed so far, probably by supporters of your friends, but do carry on spinning. Tricky work.

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"Pride goeth before the fall, as they say, and the sheer,hubris of Suthep 's refusal ro negotiate"

is it pride? or maybe just a last ditch effort to step back from the abyss

No -one will be able to afford any pride after the fat cats take their fill of that mega loan- and it then comes time to pay that thing back


Edited by bobthomas
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Those with exoerience covering upheavals in other countries would be hard pressed to think of an equallly moderate and even-handed response to such direct provocations and assaults from a mob which has the exoressed intent of overrhrowing a democratically elected government. Indeed, the police forces in most other countries would have dispatched this treasonous mob with extreme prejudice.

The would-be putschists and their leaders have drained whatever international goodwill might have been there when:

1. Their keader Suthep moved the goalposts when he said their goal was not the elimination of ammesty for Thaksin, but the elimination of the entire democratic system of government in Thailand , and replacing it with a model for a fascist state run by him and a few cronies.

2. Suthep and Abshit led a march on the American embassy to protest their support of the current democratically elected government - seemingly ignorant of the fact that the job of any embassy in the world is diplomacy, which means having as good relations with the host government as possible. Good relations does not mean unqualified support for the policies of that government - it just means good relations. In addition, American law prohibits America from providing military assistance to countries which had had a coup d'efat, which is why the Americans had such problems with the current situation in Egyot. The sheer arrogance of Abshit and Suthep to lecture the bemused American embassy representives on "being Thai" boggles rhe mind.

3. Pride goeth before the fall, as they say, and the sheer,hubris of Suthep 's refusal ro negotiate with the democratically elected PM in a meeting graciously arranged by top military commanders was breath taking. It was also an insult to rhe military commanders who had arranged the meeting to try to find a peaceful resolution to this conflict. Frankly, Mr. Suthep suffers from serious delusions of grandeur, and displays symptoms of some bizarre Thai version of a Napoleonic complex, and even some of his suoporters seem to realize rhis and have been distancing themselves from his ravings.

Bottom line: rathef than deal with the very real issue of government corruption through the parliament, the undemocratic opposition has severely damaged the image of Thailand, and cost the country millions and millons of dollars in foreign business investment. In a few regards, this movement has a lot in commn with the American Tea Party, whose hatred of President Obama is so strong they are ready to destroy the US to make their point. The Tea Party has enjoyed generous financing from the right-wing Koch brothers, and it will be very interesting to learn who had been financing the Suthepists, since someone has obviously been providing a lot of financial support.

Like the poster, i salute the PM and the Thai authorites for their very humane response to extreme provocations, and I pray that there will not be further loss of life. If there is, however, the responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of the demagogue Mr. Suthep, and his backers. They have much to answer for.



The moment one of those protesters die at the hands of the police Yingluck is dead meat as PM. As will be the murder charges against Suthep and Abhisit. Silly little girl should have stayed at home playing with her Barbie Dolls instead of puppertering for her convicted criminal brother.


On the contrary, she is doing a remarkable good job under very difficult circumstances. She has gone up in my estimation even though I don't care for many of her policies. If one of these thugs gets killed, then sorry...but it could have been avoided very easily . 

I believe it has been three students who have been killed so far, probably by supporters of your friends, but do carry on spinning. Tricky work.

Your beliefs bring you on the wrong path.

Three reds have been shot inside the stadium, everybody guess that there were shot by innocent "students" passing by, and one "student" shot, according to the witnesses, by one of his own classmates.

But ok, 3/1, the side that you support still wins :)

Sent from my iPhone...

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You deserve to be shot if you are trying to take over a police headquarters acting like a bunch of primates. This is called self-defense and the police have every right to exercise self-defense and defend their ground.

How can any rationale and intelligent human being condone such actions. Who cares what happened in 2010. That does not make it right now. Bunch of pathetic cheerleaders that apparent enjoy watching the suffering of others from the safety of their own homes. Lowest of low.

There is something called "proportional response". As long as firearms are not being used, the police is right to respond with crowd control agents and water canons to violent rioters.

Using rubber bullets is already going one step further. Using live ammo, is not warranted unless the demonstrators are armed themselves.

Force as a means of self defense is generally deemed acceptable if one is in fear of imminent bodily injury or harm. Hundreds or angry protestors throwing bottles, sticks, ping pong bombs and etc. while trying to over run a police head quarters may cause those inside to be concerned for their safety. You also just do not over run police stations in a civilized society. I agree that water cannons and tear gas are appropriate, but lethal force is warranted if it gets more out of hand and they break through the barricades or those inside start fearing for their lives or safety.

I only said this because several shills on here were saying that Yingluck should be prosecuted if the police are compelled to use lethal force to protect themselves. One even suggested that he wanted to see the police harmed and in same breathe said Yingluck should be prosecuted if police fight back.

I apologize if I am coming across badly, but this mentality is wrong and completely blows me away how people can think like this.

I actually agree with you that the police should be able to defend themselves from mob rule with weapons if weapons are used against them without the PM of the country having to face prosecution if rules have been followed. And that in itself is one of the reasons of democratic governance that these people are actually forcing the issue with the police and this Thaksin lackey government.

In 2010 the Thai Army were attacked with troops killed by Thaksin's MIB and when the response was applied by the Army then years later we have Thaksins new DSI lackey Tarit filing trumped up murder charges against the then PM. And even worse another Thaksin lackey in the AG white washing Thaksin of any charges. Lets not even go into all the other issues of a convicted fugitive being given a passport etc. The hypocrisy and total contempt for the law for political gain by Thaksin and his Pheu Thai lackeys makes an absolute joke of his puppet sister spouting off democratic principles. While I do not agree with Suthep going beyond forcing the withdrawal of the Thaksin amnesty bill to what is occurring now one can understand why he has with the bullcrap that this PM is spouting and the amnesty bill only parked. Thailand needs purged of Thaksin somehow which in itself is not going to solve its longer terms issues but will reset as in 2006, or where the reset should be applied right back to the Thaksin mob forced court ruling of not guilty in 2001 on "madam only wanted to borrow our names" from the maid and butler to hide his illegal billions. That can be done by all these clowns right now or later again by the Army after Thailand has again paid a price in blood. And unless this puppet PM can find some balls and over ride her scum bag brother then that is going to be later by the Army. The concern may be that this protest will run out of steam but one just knows that the peoples court convicted fugitive criminal in Dubai is going to want his 'only dormant" Amnesty bill passed and this is going to fire up again and on a larger scale. Might as well be resolved now. The ball is in the puppet's court.

Okay. I hear all that, but the fat, tattooed guy running around in speedo underwear needs to be shot. This would be truly an act of public service.

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The way forward to make real progress would have been so simple for Suthep. All he had to do in terms of negotiation was demand that the Amnesty Bill be torn up - literally. Demand fresh elections and finally demand that as an emergency item a law be passed to ensure that everyone is subject to the same law! Get rid of the immunity of MP's from prosecution and if someone speaks/writes fact or truth it cannot be defamation or libel.

One Nation, One People, One Law, and Thailand would progress quite nicely.

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Okay. I hear all that, but the fat, tattooed guy running around in speedo underwear needs to be shot. This would be truly an act of public service.

Fully agree smile.png

Sent from my iPhone...

I dunno, given the alternatives on offer it might be better to just make him PM. Those grundies are criminal, frankly, but he could be the best of a bad bunch politically speaking.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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No no update: English sound-track for a change, so what happened today-take a look at this http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/video/thai-pm-rejects-protest/906868.html

Tomorrow early morning full scale anti-Thaksin invasion heading for Chaengwattana Road, fully prepared with for an anti teargas assaults there. Except 300-500 vehicles and other stuff moving there. How many protesters ask a Thai spooky dead Thai ghost…for further info…. Watch the action live here: http://www.adintrend.com/hd/ or there. That’s Blue Sky Channel. Bye bye..

Interesting quote from Yinluck saying the Thai Military are neutral, not on the protesters side nor are they on her side! Given she holds the position of Prime Minster with all the authority that commands, the military being ambiguous is remarkable. She has no control of events, she cannot use the police as that will force the hand of the military. She just needs to get on a plane and get out of the country.

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Poor Yingluck, she will say, it was my brothers fault, then someone will remind her of all her assertions that there is only one PM, she is it, and her brother has nothing to do with the government. How do you think she will fare in jail?

The government has responded to International Standards.

The US, EU countries all use, as needed, tear gas, batton charges, dogs, horse charges, rubber bullets to deal wtih riots.

She will only get into trouble if she issues an order for the military to go out with live ammunition to shoot people, like the Army did in 2010 under the orders of Suthep and Abhisit.

I lauged out loud when Suthep said tonight that "The Army will never attack the people" - what utter lies - remember 2010 matey ?

You don't have much basic insight into the alliances here do you.

The army are anti thaksin so the odds are yingluck could make the order and no one listens.

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Poor Yingluck, she will say, it was my brothers fault, then someone will remind her of all her assertions that there is only one PM, she is it, and her brother has nothing to do with the government. How do you think she will fare in jail?

The government has responded to International Standards.

The US, EU countries all use, as needed, tear gas, batton charges, dogs, horse charges, rubber bullets to deal wtih riots.

She will only get into trouble if she issues an order for the military to go out with live ammunition to shoot people, like the Army did in 2010 under the orders of Suthep and Abhisit.

I lauged out loud when Suthep said tonight that "The Army will never attack the people" - what utter lies - remember 2010 matey ?

You don't have much basic insight into the alliances here do you.

The army are anti thaksin so the odds are yingluck could make the order and no one listens.

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Okay. I hear all that, but the fat, tattooed guy running around in speedo underwear needs to be shot. This would be truly an act of public service.

Fully agree smile.png

Sent from my iPhone...

But then you would tell us he was an innocent red shirt shot by drug-crazed students.

Edited by JRSoul
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Well if there is one positive thing amongst all this nonsense, it is taking the focus off of us poor quality falang tourists who come and live here and give Thailand a bad name and image. That surcharge on arrival for medical insurance will be a definite one now as to raise cash for clean-up costs, repairs to government buildings and big advertising campaigns for visit the land of smiles after this mess settles down. No doubt falangs will get the blame because of our evil Western ways have influcenced and tarnished the thinking of the so called elite protesters

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Not sure if this is a legal question to ask but is it possible that the King could just step in and stop the whole thing? It seems as if a mediating force is needed here.

This is the question I've been asking for years.

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Using tear gas (especially the cheap chinese one) is obviously an abuse of deadly power. Anyone who give that order (to use gas) must be trial in court, because the protesters come in peace.

No. Its use for riot control is an internationally accepted norm recognized by every international treaty for human rights. G7, G20, your home country all accept this as reasonable non lethal force.

In the US for one they would get gassed and tasered for a lot less than that, and if any of them was seen holding a molotov or anything that remotely looks like a weapon they would end up full of bullets.

The Thai police have been ordered to use the least violent means possible and are obviously starting to chafe at the restrain.

There are some quality photo's on the stickman site of the last few days events...one of three young cops in riot gear looking like they'd rather be somewhere else!Another photo shows an old street vender selling ear plugs..classic!!!
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