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The "newbies" and their wisdom


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Have you noticed? Newcomers on this Forum know everything (usually less than 100 posts). Knowing everything ranging from Thai-Legislation up to the Seasonal-weather-patterns in Thailand.Disregarding the fact that only between Nov and the end or March the weather is nice. Otherwise its a Finnish sauna with no escape.

I rest easy. Confident, that some well-educated-newcomers will show us old expats the way in Thailand.


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New to this forum does not neccesarily mean new to Thailand or indeed other forums. Maybe have only just discovered or decided to participate in this forum.

OP, with just over a thousand posts in 7 years hardly makes you an active contributor, I notice.

Perhaps you too enjoy sitting on the sidelines rather than participate ?

Edited by MichaelJackson
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It's not about intelligence, smartness or willingness to learn, it's about experience on the ground and trying to pass that along, not one upmanship, simply knowledge transfer, too often it's rejected/ignored in favour of popular myth and rumour.

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Every year I know less and less

Heres some trippy stuff youtube david hudson ormes conference he and a organisation have been testing and perfecting what they call food of the gods(manna)for the last 12yrs and you can eat a gram and a half of this stuff and live for a thousand yrs be a superconductor(light body)move in and out of the vacuum(dimensions)know all that was,is,and always will be at will but hmmm whos there in the vacuum that may not want you there and a whole heap of evidence there to back it up

Exodus 31:1.1 It was the goldsmiths not the bakers that made the show bread(manna-tears of horus)the illuminatti big secret.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Every year I know less and less

Heres some trippy stuff youtube david hudson ormes conference he and a organisation have been testing and perfecting what they call food of the gods(manna)for the last 12yrs and you can eat a gram and a half of this stuff and live for a thousand yrs be a superconductor(light body)move in and out of the vacuum(dimensions)know all that was,is,and always will be at will but hmmm whos there in the vacuum that may not want you there and a whole heap of evidence there to back it up

Exodus 31:1.1 It was the goldsmiths not the bakers that made the show bread(manna-tears of horus)the illuminatti big secret.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Nothing in the entire chapter 31 about show bread or manna. In the Bible when manna is mentioned, it fell from heaven every morning. No one was making it.

Not that that should make any difference when you are a superconducter, moving in and out of the vaccuum dimension. But they should have realized it from the fact that they they know everything that was, and always will be. And how do they know they will live a 1000 years, that is a tough one to test out?

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The easiest thing for anyone experienced /of long standing in this forum SHOULD be to know when to pass or ignore a thread, but instead, for more than a few, one of the most common contributions is: " Ah, that's been done to death already" . It intimidates some people who may not understand that the boring old fart writing it is not really any scarier , or wise, than the boring old new fart reading it.

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The easiest thing for anyone experienced /of long standing in this forum SHOULD be to know when to pass or ignore a thread, but instead, for more than a few, one of the most common contributions is: " Ah, that's been done to death already" . It intimidates some people who may not understand that the boring old fart writing it is not really any scarier , or wise, than the boring old new fart reading it.

Pegged yourself good there! Congrats!

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Op you may have 1,048 post, but for all I know 99% of them could be utter nonsense. Its about quality not quantity.

Or was it in your case when you hit the thousand post mark you turned wise and all knowing?

I perfer utter non-sense myself. Very few posters actually have a fair and balanced view of things. Next I wonder how many new posters are simply long time members trying to keep their thread running longer.

Keep up the good work all you Trolls - You're the backbone of common sense.

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Hah! I knew you would appear ( this is where I would put one of those smiley things, but haven't worked out how to do it yet)....

The easiest thing for anyone experienced /of long standing in this forum SHOULD be to know when to pass or ignore a thread, but instead, for more than a few, one of the most common contributions is: " Ah, that's been done to death already" . It intimidates some people who may not understand that the boring old fart writing it is not really any scarier , or wise, than the boring old new fart reading it.

Pegged yourself good there! Congrats!
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I like Thai Visa just the way it is !

Maybe because it is so varied and complex.,

The proportion of prolific posters who say nowt or are vindictive, malicious, jealous or simply unhelpful in their posts are obviously a minority but never the less I must admit to being a bit impatient with a poster who adds nowt to a thread except an increase in his postings count.

Seems that the more posts this type of poster posts may well be a sign of loneliness, boredom and intellectual starvation, the more posts, the more bored the poster is!

I notice after trying to make some meaningful friendships in Pattaya with those in my peer group or age group if you like ( just acquaintances really) that I am better off shut in my room with my PC and the forums,

Attempting to make sense of this cesspit called Pattaya has me always looking and always disappointed for some kind of stimulation that doesn't include, a bar, a bar lady, a massage parlour or a free lancer less than half my age giving me the eye as I shop in the numerous 7/11s or the bigger supermarkets.

Reading through the minority of posts that are meaningless, nasty, flaming or just plain un- understandable is a small price to pay for the common sense, good advice, fantastic information that this forum gives out so freely

The forums are the way I sort of save my sanity!

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I see that the OP has actually just 'busted his duck' of 1000 posts and obviously is under the assumption that he has earned his stripes and is now allowed to freely criticize all newcomers, and his god given right to judge them on their intelligence level or knowledge of Thailand.

When I moved here 4 years ago, I studied Thailand online for an entire year before coming and felt as though I had been here years already. I followed the politics and geography, climate (in various parts) and the culture, and had a starting smattering of the language.

I didn't profess to be an expert on Thailand, but I had a good idea, and enough to have an opinion. I don't feel like I have to be part of a Thai forum to validate my personal knowledge of my location.

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